Will Ming

Chapter 250 The Madman

(for collection)

Depressed, Li Xian looked back at the heavy smoke and dust from the iron hooves of the light cavalry of the Six Thousand Ruijin Battalion, and thought that there would be nothing left in the future.Although he is still a thousand miles away from the emperor, Li Xian has already understood why when the emperors watched TV dramas in the previous life, when they visited privately in micro-services, they were all beautiful. An annoyance.

In Zhang Zhongjian's words, with your current status, do you have the nerve to go out without bringing 8000 people with you?

Li Xian wanted to argue, but looked at Zhang Zhongjian's fist and swallowed and said to bear with you first, and when you are 50 or [-], I won't help you to go to the toilet, if you are choked, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for [-] to [-] years.

The scene of Zhang Zhongjian, who was already old and out of shape, trembling all over, appeared in his mind, and Li Xian sneered a few times.Looking at Li Xian's expression, Zhang Zhongjian knew that he was not thinking of anything good, and a chestnut hit him on the head.Li Xian asked depressedly why did you hit me?Zhang Zhongjian said that just by looking at you like that, you know you are taking a bad breath again.Li Xian said that I didn't implement it, and you just hit people casually, which is unreasonable. Zhang Zhongjian said that it doesn't matter if you implement it or not.Do I need to be reasonable when I beat my son?

Li Xian asked back, don't you need to make sense?

do you need?

Don't you need it?

This cycle goes on endlessly.

Anyway, in the end Li Xian was beaten and had to take the cavalry from the Ruijin Camp to Qi County. Originally, Li Xian planned to go into the village quietly to shoot. , On the grounds that the soldiers of the county would be attacked by thieves in Qi County as an excuse to prevent Zhang Xutuo from leading his army westward, and then try to encourage the wealthy families of the gentry and family in Qi County to come forward and persuade Zhang Xutuo.Li Xian had known Zhang Xutuo's name for a long time, and knew that he was a true hero who took protecting the people of Qi County as his own responsibility, so it was not impossible to prevent Zhang Xutuo from leaving Qi County from this aspect.

It's just that if it succeeds, it would be a good deed for Wagang Village, and Li Xian always felt that he had suffered a disadvantage.

But for the consideration of Dongping County, the loss will be eaten first, and then we will find a way to get it back.The man from Wagangzhai who was rescued by the way when he picked up Ye Huaixiu last time had vaguely mentioned to Li Xian the intention of forming a good relationship between the two cottages, but Li Xian didn't care at the time. There really is no strong alliance in the team, not only in Greenwood Road, but also in this era. Second, that Xu Xiazi is not a big man in Wagangzhai, so he can't do what he says. number.

Besides, Li Xian had heard the name of Xu Maogong, the military commander of Wagang Village, in his previous life.

In Li Xian's concept, creatures like military advisers are full of bad guys, and they only take advantage of it and don't suffer from it.Dealing with this kind of person requires 120 cautions, especially considering that Xu Shiji is a guy who has been almost deified, and he must have several times more bad water in his stomach than ordinary military advisers.

Since the entire Ruijin camp was brought to negotiate, the strategy had to be changed.

Li Xian even prepared a few sets of speeches, and after sorting them out, he found to his annoyance that these expounding the great principles were completely useless, Zhang Xutuo only needed to say that he did things according to the order, and nothing could be changed.Or kidnap his wife and children?Or threaten him to burn and kill him in Qi County?But for people like Zhang Xutuo, threats may be meaningless and can only arouse greater hatred.

After much deliberation, he still had to find a breakthrough from Luo Shixin.

The cavalry of the Ruijin Camp galloped along the official road like lightning, looking menacing like a torrent rushing by. Along the way, the little thieves who could not get on the stage and robbed houses had already fled in groups, and hundreds of small gangs were even more so. They didn't dare to get close, and hid behind Gao Po from a distance to peep quietly.

After entering the territory of Qi County, Li Xian ordered the cavalry to stop and rest. He jumped off the big black horse and patted the black horse's butt casually.The big black horse sauntered out to eat the grass, and Li Xian found a gentle slope to lie down and rest.Before he came, he had sent someone to find Luo Shixin. In order not to arouse Zhang Xutuo's hostility as much as possible, it was impossible for Li Xian to take six thousand fine riders and run outside the gate of Licheng in one go.

He had to wait for news from Luo Shixin.

This time following Li Xian, besides Captain Tie Liaolang of the Ruijin Camp, Li Xian's personal soldier, Lieutenant Fu Hunu, and Liu Heita, who had recovered from his injuries, were of course indispensable.In order to protect Li Xian's safety, Ye Huaixiu also asked Ye Fanyun to protect him personally. In addition, after two fierce battles between Zhang Zhongjian and Daxi Changru, Daxi Changru finally won and followed Li Xian.In the first round, Zhang Zhongjian played cloth, Daxi Changru played fist, and Zhang Zhongjian won.In the second game, Daxi Changru broke Zhang Zhongjian's cloth with scissors, and in the third game, Zhang Zhongjian still made the cloth, but Daxi Changru cunningly made a finger, which he called an awl, which can break everything... …



Lying on the grass to rest, Li Xian suddenly heard a commotion in the team, he frowned slightly, and ordered his soldiers to go and see what was going on.A few soldiers rushed over to check, and after a short while, they ran back out of breath and said that a lunatic had come to the team and said he wanted to see the general, but he didn't say anything when he asked him what was the matter, only that he had to meet the general.He didn't know who the general was, and he couldn't drive him away.

When the soldiers got angry, they pushed the lunatic to let him go, but the lunatic pushed him three or four meters away, almost breaking his buttocks into four pieces.The man shouted loudly that he had something important to do and he had to see the leading general.In the end, dozens of soldiers went up, but they couldn't stop him alone.It's just that this person shot with a sense of proportion and never hurt anyone's life, so the soldiers of Ruijin Battalion didn't shoot their bows or arrows.But in this way, no one can stop that person, and he has already broken into the team.

After hearing what the soldiers said, Fu Hunu said angrily: "I'll go see where the wild boy came from."

Li Xian smiled and said: "He has some real skills, I'll go and see for myself."

After speaking, he stood up and walked slowly towards the chaotic place. Ye Fanyun followed closely behind him, and Fu Hunu walked behind with his own soldiers.At this time, Daxi Changru was already watching the lunatic who broke into the team with great interest.When Li Xian arrived, Daxi Changru was commanding excitedly: "A few more people go up, I want to see how capable this kid is."

Li Xian walked up to Daxi Changru and asked, "Master, what's going on?"

Daxi Changru chuckled and said, "I guess I might be able to pick up a treasure today!"

He pointed to the man surrounded by dozens of soldiers and said: "Although this man is young, he is very skilled in martial arts, and even dozens of people can't stop him. It seems that he saw our cavalry and thought it was the imperial court. He intends to join the army. You see, this man is very skilled in fist and kick, and he has a sense of control in his strikes. The weapon was left aside by him and has not been used."

Li Xian followed the directions of Daxi Changru, and saw dozens of soldiers from the Ruijin Battalion fighting around a man with disheveled hair.That person should look very young, but I don't know why he is so down and out. His clothes are so dirty that he can't see his original color, and his hair is full of dust. Visually, he hasn't washed it for at least a month or two.His face was also terribly dirty, but his sword-browed eyes were quite energetic.

The man was a little taller than Li Xian, but he looked much stronger.Huggy, with torn clothes revealing a dirty chest.

"Why are you people so unreasonable! I said I have something important to meet with your general, what do you stop me from doing, don't blame me for being merciless if you stop me!"

He casually pulled a soldier from the Ruijin Battalion aside, then pushed two soldiers away with his palm, and walked forward while beating, dozens of people couldn't trap him.Fu Hunu looked angry, threw his Mo Dao aside and shouted: "Where did this wild boy come from?"

After shouting, he strode into the crowd and punched the lunatic in the face.The lunatic snorted and pushed Fu Hunu's fist away curiously: "Here comes someone with some skills, but you can't stop me." Yi's master was actually forced back again and again by that lunatic.After only six or seven moves, Fu Hunu took four or five steps back before being kicked on the chest by the lunatic.It's just that the lunatic obviously saved his strength with this kick, and it didn't hurt him.

The lunatic went on a rampage all the way, knocking down the soldiers in front and shouting loudly as he walked, "Are you soldiers and horses from Qi County? I want to see old General Zhang Xutuo! I walked thousands of miles from Dongjun County. , is to join the army.”

Li Xian was slightly startled, and thought that this person had walked thousands of miles on one pair of legs, no wonder he was so down and out.Judging from his appearance, he must have been begging all the way to Qi County. From his flat stomach, he knew that he hadn't eaten for a few days.

Li Xian walked a few steps forward and told the soldiers to move aside, looked at the man and asked, "Why did you rush into the barracks? If you can't give a reason, I will order random arrows to shoot you."

The man stopped in his tracks, obviously startled when he heard Li Xian's words.He looked up at Li Xian with his dirty face, hesitated for a while and asked, "Are you the general here? Can you make the decision?"

Li Xian nodded and said, "What's the matter with you, just say it."

The man stood there in a daze for a full 2 ​​minutes before sighing: "I didn't expect the general to be so young. I really saw many young heroes this trip. I thought I was invincible. Who would have thought that a random person would come out of the thief's cottage and fight with me?" It’s not the same, and seeing such a young general now, it seems that I really didn’t know the importance of the situation before.”

Li Xian was really interested in this person, and he looked at the person carefully and asked, "Don't express emotion, what is the important thing you said? It's very important?"

The lunatic opened his mouth, blushing a bit and said timidly: "Can you give me a full meal first?"

He looked at Li Xian and said very seriously: "If there is wine and meat, I can help you kill people. If you can help me rescue my father, I will give this life to you."

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