Will Ming

Chapter 263 Talking and laughing on the city wall

(Thank you for the reward of leaning on the railing to look at Beidou. The reason I said you should be more windy is because you said I was windy, so it’s not rude to come and go...Thank you Luoxue, the lonely eagles fly together, and all the prosperity For a reward, please collect it.)

Chapter 260 Three Talking and Laughing on the City Wall

It took less than two days for Li Xian to lead the cavalry from the Ruijin Battalion to Xuchang from Yuncheng, joining Chao Qiuge's Hongshui Battalion.Then they only stayed in Xuchang for less than an hour, and the men and horses who did not bring the flood camp only replenished dry food and water and set off immediately.Another day and a half, I rushed from Xuchang to Sucheng.At this time, according to the news sent back by Flying Tiger secret agents, Wang Bo's 15 troops are now less than half a day's journey away from Sucheng. Outside Sucheng.

Tie Liaolang suggested that the cavalry of the Ruijin Battalion be stationed outside Sucheng, and that they would be horns with the troops of the Houtu Battalion and Xiongkuohai inside the city.In this way, there would be no danger of all the troops being trapped in the city by Wang Bo, but Li Xian did not accept it, and directly led the cavalry from the Ruijin Camp into Sucheng.

Sucheng is just a small county with a population of more than 1, and the city wall is less than two feet long. Xiong Kuohai led Hou Tuying to take down Sucheng and sent people to repair the city wall. A layer of bags filled with soil was added to the city wall. Even so, the height of such a city wall is still too low in terms of defense.

Moreover, the city wall of Su City has been in disrepair for a long time, and a section of the wall near the east gate even cracked a big hole. Before Wang Bo's troops arrived, there were still peasants on the wall hurriedly repairing the hole, constantly poured mud into the opening, and then stuffed sandbags into it.Outside the city wall, there are folkmen who are busy setting up horse-repelling and antlers. Xiong Kuohai ordered Houtuying to dig countless pits outside the east gate and north gate of Sucheng. The reason for Wang Bo's cavalry is very simple. Although Wang Bo has 15 horses, he can't even gather [-] cavalry.These horse traps were all dug on the official road facing the city gate, in order to prevent Wang Bo from ordering to hit the city gate with a city hammer.The city gate of Sucheng has not been repaired for some years, and there are many cracks on the gate, which cannot withstand the three or five blows of the city hammer.

The lack of cavalry in Wang Bo's army was fundamentally due to the defeat at the foot of Dai Mountain in Lu County. His [-] carts and luggage were captured by Zhang Xutuo of Qi County. When he reached Feicheng, he was chased by Zhang Xutuo's army from behind and had a good meal. Zhang Xutuo snatched all the looted things again.

In these two defeats, almost all the horses used by Wang Bo's army to transport luggage were lost.

That's why Li Xian arrived in Sucheng half a day earlier than Wang Bo.When Li Xian got the news in Yuncheng, Wang Bo's army was less than three hundred miles away from Sucheng.Li Xian led the cavalry of the Ruijin Battalion to Xuchang first and then to Sucheng, and they were still faster than Wang Bo. This shows that Wang Bo's marching speed is really not flattering.

When Li Xian arrived at the gate of Sucheng, Xiong Kuohai was already waiting there with the generals of the Houtu Camp.After stopping the big black horse, Li Xian pushed up his visor, and glanced at the generals waiting for him outside the city gate.Xiong Kuohai led the crowd to step forward and performed a standard military salute neatly.

"See General!"

Li Xian nodded, looked at the man who was busy on the city wall and frowned slightly, "Is the city wall broken?"

Xiongkuo Haidao: "There was a heavy rain in Risu City the day before, and the city wall was in disrepair for a long time and couldn't withstand the storm, and a big hole was opened. The subordinates have sent people to repair it for two days, but because of urgency, they just blocked it with sandbags first. die."

Li Xian nodded and said, "Advanced City."

Then he turned around and told Tie Liaolang: "Send rangers to search within twenty miles, and send additional scouts to check in the direction of Jibei County."

Iron Wolf immediately turned around and arranged for scouts.

Li Xian turned to Xu Shiji with a smile and said, "Brother Lao Demao was involved together. After defeating Wang Bo's men, Li will personally go to Wagang Village to plead guilty."

Xu Shiji waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, if I were you, I'm afraid I will throw you into an iron prison."

Li Xian asked with a smile: "Is there a wine and beauty in the iron prison?"

Xu Shiji was dumbfounded, then smiled and said: "If there is a wine and beauty, I will go to the iron prison by myself and it will be your turn?"

Li Xian made a gesture and said, "Stingy!"

Xu Shiji sighed: "General Li is very generous. I don't know if there will be any military pay for our brothers this time. At any rate, he went out with the troops from Yanyun Village."

Li Xianhao said angrily: "After the war, everyone will distribute a beautiful girl. After Wang Bo is defeated, you can take the brothers from Wagangzhai to choose from Wang Bo's army."

Xu Shiji smiled and followed Li Xian into the city.

While walking, Xu Shiji carefully observed Xiongkuohai, the more he looked at it, the more amazed he became.

"What a majestic man, dare to ask the name of this strong man."

Xiong Kuohai cupped his fists and said: "I am Xiong Kuohai, the captain of the Houtu Camp under the general's command!"

Cheng Zhijie looked at Xiong Kuo Hai's extremely majestic figure and praised sincerely: "Even Brother Shan is not as strong as this strong man!"

Li Xian smiled and introduced: "Kuo Hai, this is Xu Shiji, the military advisor under Zhai Rang's eldest brother in the Wagang Village in Dongjun County, and the other is Cheng Zhijie, the leader of the Wagang Village's horse army. Just in time for Wang Bo to lead an army to attack our city, Xu Junshi and General Cheng are helping each other, you have come to meet these two heroes."

Xiong Kuohai had already learned about Xu Shiji from the secret spy who came earlier, and then he smiled and clasped his fists again to Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie and said, "I have seen two good men."

Cheng Zhijie looked at Xiong Kuohai, and couldn't help asking: "General Xiong is good at fighting on foot?"

Xiong Kuohai nodded and said, "Exactly."

Cheng Zhijie looked at the heavy Mo knife in Xiong Kuohai's hand, and subconsciously took a breath.He has been in battle for a long time, so he can naturally see the power of the Mo Dao in Xiong Kuo Hai's hands. If such a big man, such a sharp and huge Mo Dao is really chopped down with a single knife, it will really have the power to split a man and a horse.After seeing Xiong Kuo Hai and the soldiers and horses of Houtu Camp, Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie paid more attention to Li Xian's Yanyun Village.

This was to hide their strength. The heavy armor of the thick soil battalion did not come out after receiving the order. Otherwise, if Xu Shiji saw the two thousand heavy armor, he would be speechless with fear and envy.He painstakingly trained soldiers in Wagang Village for several years before he trained 1 gray-clothed troops. These [-] horses are the most elite soldiers in Wagang Village.But even so, the overall strength of Wagang Village is not as good as Yanyun Village. After all, Yanyun Village has a very good foundation, and its starting point is much higher than that of ordinary green forest teams.



After entering the city, Li Xian went directly to the city wall, and frowned slightly after inspecting the city defenses.The city wall of Sucheng is too low, and the lowest point does not need to use a ladder, just five or six people can climb up by stacking the ladder.

"Bring all the vegetable oil in the warehouse."

Li Xian thought for a while and asked again: "Is there any lime in the city?"

Xiong Kuohai nodded and said: "Yes, the city wall and the county government are being repaired, and there is a lot of lime powder."

Li Xian ordered: "All transported to the city wall."

Xu Shiji couldn't help but interjected: "If the general intends to defend to the death, he can use sandbags to separate the lowest part of the city wall. In this way, even if Wang Bo's men attack the city wall, they will not be able to expand the captured area. Shoot and kill, there should be no problem for the three to five days of this low city wall."

Li Xian nodded and said, "That's very good."

Xiong Kuohai quickly ordered his soldiers and civilian husbands to carry the vegetable oil lime powder and sandbags to the city wall according to Li Xian and Xu Shiji's instructions. Only after the barriers on the low city wall were piled up, the scouts sent out came back to report the news one after another.

"Report, Wang Bojun is less than twenty miles away from Sucheng."

"Report, Wang Bojun is less than ten miles away from Sucheng!"

Not long after, a cloud of dust and smoke could be seen from the city wall in the distance outside the east gate, covering the sky and the sun.

In the dust and smoke, countless flags fluttered, and the black Wang Bojun came surging like a torrent.Looking from the city wall, Wang Bo's army is as invisible as countless ants.Dust and smoke flew, and the eastern half of the sky turned yellow.The team continued endlessly, and the entire land outside the east gate was soon covered in black.As the saying goes, there is no limit to the life of a person, and there is no limit to a person who lives in a hundred thousand.

Wang Bo came out in full force this time, what kind of momentum does the 15 army look like?

Although Wang Bo's men and horses were seen rushing towards the city wall like a tide, and it seemed that they could reach the front soon, but it took a full hour for Wang Bo's men and horses to stop slowly outside Sucheng.And the dust that covered the sky and the sun slammed into the city wall like a hurricane, and immediately, a layer of dust fell on the defenders of Yanyun Village on the city wall.

When the dust and smoke cleared, I went to look again, only to see that the ground outside the city had already changed color.

The black mass of people covered all the land within sight.

Li Xian waved his hands to disperse the floating dust, pointed at Wang Bo's men and horses below and asked with a smile, "Brother Mao Gong, have you ever seen such a huge number of men and horses?"

Xu Shiji shook his head slowly and said, "No way. The 15 army really looks like a black tide, how about you, General?"

Li Xian nodded slightly and said, "Daye has been in Liaodong for eight years."

Suddenly, Xu Shiji laughed at himself and said, "I forgot the name Yan Yun."

Li Xian smiled, pointed at Wang Bo's troops and asked, "Brother Mao Gong, what do you think of Wang Bo's 15 troops?"

Xu Shiji looked down and smiled and said: "No matter how many chickens and ducks there are, they are still food on the plate, and no matter how many cattle and sheep are, they are just meat on the chopping board. In my opinion, this 15 army is nothing more than grass-marked troops." It's just a dead man who sells his head."

Li Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "Brother Maogong, I'm not going to be fooled by you. Even if it's 15 immobile straw figures, it won't take me a while to finish chopping them down. Even if it's 15 Wild dogs, even if they jump up, they can knock down the low city wall of Sucheng. Even if you are a foreigner

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