Will Ming

Chapter 264 The First Offensive of the Jibei Army

(Thanks to Luojinhua, Jieyuan, my Sunshine Rain, and Jianao’s reward, I sincerely thank you all! I have something to do today, and the update is late, sorry. Thank you Kuangdaoju for the chapter push!)

Chapter 260 The First Offensive of the Jibei Army ([-])

Xu Shiji was stunned when he heard Xiong Kuohai's thunderous greeting, and couldn't help laughing out loud.His previous impression of Li Xian was that he was a calm and thoughtful person. Although he was young, he exuded such a confidence that he knew everything in his chest.But after hearing Xiong Kuohai's shout, he realized that Li Xian is a wonderful person.Xu Shiji really couldn't tell what kind of character Li Xian was for such a wonderful person, who even took advantage of such petty advantages.

He can calmly face the pressure of 15 troops, and he can stand up to the eight-character comment of not being surprised in times of crisis.Xu Shiji even thought that if Wagang Village was in danger of being oppressed by Wang Bo's 15 troops, he might not be as calm as Li Xian, and the whole Wagang Village would become tense.

When he was in Yuncheng, he speculated that since Li Xian detained himself, he couldn't think of the pressure from Wagang Village. He had estimated the strength of Yanyun Village before, so when he talked with Cheng Zhijie, he firmly believed that Li Xian could mobilize and deal with it. Wang Bo's troops will not exceed 2, because Xu Shiji guessed that Li Xian must deploy most of his troops on the west line of Dongping County to defend against the attack of Wagang Village.

Xu Shiji didn't talk, didn't ask, and ignored it, because he had made arrangements.

Before he sent a few people back to Wagangzhai, he asked them to tell Zhai Rang that he might be taken hostage by Li Xian.It wasn't that Xu Shiji guessed that Wang Bohui would lead an army to attack Yanyun Village in Dongping County, but because he happened to see Pei Xingyan.Since Pei Xingyan took refuge in Li Xian, then Li Xian must have agreed to Pei Xingyan's rescue of his father from Wagang Village, and he just happened to come, which was simply a great help to Li Xian in winning people's hearts.

Unexpectedly, Wang Bo led the army to attack, and Xu Shiji felt that his luck was really bad.

Originally, in order to get Pei Renji back, Li Xian only had to detain himself and Cheng Zhijie. It was impossible for Wagangzhai to ignore himself because of Pei Renji.From this point of view, Li Xian's good luck is undoubtedly good, which makes people jealous, but when Wang Bo came, Li Xian's good luck turned into bad luck.He changed from actively detaining himself to having to detain himself. Although the result was this result, the taste in it had completely changed.

From Li Xian having a bargaining chip to threaten Wagangzhai to release people, Li Xian has no choice but to face the enemy.

So whenever Xu Shiji thinks of this, he will feel ridiculous, God's will tricks people, but he didn't expect to get it on his own head.

That's right, it's him alone, not him and Li Xian.

Because the people he sent back brought back a letter written by him. The letter not only mentioned the instigation of refugees in Dongping County, but also mentioned that he might be taken hostage by Li Xian, and he made The final decision was to tell Zhai Rang not to send troops to Dongping County, nor to hand over Pei Xingyan's father in exchange for him.

Li Xian once said that people in Yanyunzhai don't need to bow their heads to anyone.Yanyun Village has the pride of Yanyun Village, and because of this pride, Li Xian never considered sending someone to Wagang Village as a hostage.Xu Shiji was equally proud, even a little less proud than Li Xian.He told Zhai Rang in the letter that Pei Xingyan's father was absolutely not allowed to be released.Because he made up his mind, Li Xian didn't dare to kill himself.Since he didn't dare to kill himself, what could he do if he detained himself?In the end, Li Xian still had to let him go back, and he would feel as disgusted as eating a dead fly.He couldn't get Pei Xingyan's father, so he lost his trust in his subordinates.This loss, Li Xian is determined.

However, in his opinion, Li Xian's luck is still very good.

Because of his letter, perhaps Li Xian was relieved of the crisis from behind.But he didn't intend to tell Li Xian about this, because he knew that even if he told Li Xian that the troops from Wagangzhai would not attack Dongping County, Li Xian would still arrange for troops to defend.Furthermore, he wanted to see how Li Xian would deal with Wang Bo's offensive with limited troops.He calculated that Li Xian could mobilize 2 horsemen, but he really didn't expect that Li Xian would dare to fight Wang Bo with only more than 6000 cavalry from the Ruijin Camp.Even including the defenders of Yanyun Village in Sucheng, it is estimated that there will be no more than 5000 troops at most.

In fact, the total number of people in Sucheng is less than 3000.

When Xu Shiji was in a daze analyzing Li Xian, he suddenly heard Li Xian asking himself with a smile: "I heard that brother Mao Gong is very good at shooting, should you use that man outside the city as a living target?"

Xu Shiji smiled and said: "That person is at least a hundred meters away from here. I am a literati, how can I have such shooting skills? If my Wang Bodang from Wagang Village arrives, it will not be a problem."


Li Xian frowned and said with a smile: "Then I will make a fool of myself today. Brother Mao Gong, let's see if Li's arrow technique is too different from that of Wang Bodang in Wagang Village?"

Before Xu Shiji could answer, Li Xian stretched out his hand.The soldiers behind him immediately handed the iron tire bow specially made for him by Ye Huaixiu to Li Xian, and Li Xian took out a special armor-piercing cone from the quiver and put it on the bowstring with a smile: "If you can Shooting dead that noisy person outside the city with one arrow will wipe out all the grievances between us?"

Xu Shiji narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking to himself that this is what you were planning.

"Okay, if the general can shoot that person to death with one arrow, I don't care about being detained by the general, as if it never happened."

Li Xian laughed and said: "Brother Maogong is so stingy, you only say that you don't care anymore, but you don't want to say that Wagangzhai doesn't care anymore, anyway, brother Maogong will forgive me for my rudeness. worth it."

While speaking, the arrow shot out.

Like a shooting star, it flew straight down from the top of the city like a flash of lightning in an instant. Everyone felt dazed for a moment. When they looked again, a feathered arrow suddenly appeared on the neck of Wang Bo's general named Sun Qian. Throat injections come out of the nape of the neck, with front and rear penetration.

Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie's eyes widened instantly, and their faces turned pale at the same time.



Wang Bo watched his powerful general Sun Qian being shot to death by a feathered arrow flying from the city wall, and his eyes widened immediately.He froze for a moment and then roared: "Siege the city for me, take down Sucheng, and slaughter everyone!"

His general Peng Zhen gave a loud shout, and rushed forward with his troops first.His more than 15 men were separated from the [-] army, just like a big river gushing out of the ocean.

This time Wang Bo's army arrived at Sucheng later than Li Xian's. One reason was that there were no cavalry, and another reason was that he ordered the soldiers to build siege equipment.Along the way, several towering trees were cut down to make city hammers, and hundreds of ladders were also built.The branches and leaves on some ladders have not been shoveled, and there are still green leaves that have withered.

Hundreds of people pushed a huge hammer to start slowly, and gradually accelerated straight towards the east gate of Sucheng.With the slogans chanted by the commanding general, the speed of the heavy battering hammer became faster and faster.

But when the speed was raised, the person pushing the cart suddenly felt that the hammer swung to one side and did not move anymore.Only then did everyone realize that one of the wheels of the city hammer had sunk into a pit and could not be pulled out.

The hammer was trapped but it did not affect Wang Bojun's offensive. The first wave of more than [-] soldiers who attacked the city rushed towards Sucheng like crazy carrying dozens of ladders.

There used to be a few bed crossbows on the city wall of Sucheng, but they have long since fallen into disrepair and are unusable.Lacking long-range weapons, the guards of Yanyunzhai could only wait for Wang Bo's men to come within range of their bows and arrows.As Peng Zhen's soldiers ran over screaming, Xiong Kuohai yelled after entering a distance of two hundred steps: "Throwing! Let it go!"

The archers on the city wall loosened their bowstrings almost at the same time, and more than a thousand feathered arrows flew into the air and then fell from the sky like a torrential rain.The projected feather arrows cover a huge area, and the lethality of the dense crowd is also extremely terrifying.After hearing the sound of bowstrings on the city wall, Peng Zhen immediately shouted: "Raise the shield! Continue to charge forward!"

Following Peng Zhen's order, various shields were raised.There are infantry shields captured by Jibei County soldiers, cavalry shields that are round and can't cover half of the body, and more are simple shields made of wooden boards.The shield made of this kind of wooden board was so simple that it was not even covered with leather, and the feather arrows crackled on it. The terrifying sound made the shield-holder so frightened that his running steps became staggering.

The thrown feather arrows were like hailstones smashing into the crop field, and hundreds of soldiers were dropped in an instant.After all, the crude shields could not cover the whole body. Many people fell to the ground after being shot in the legs, and before they could stand up, they were trampled under by the fellow robes rushing from behind.When facing Yujian, the only way to reduce the probability of being hit by the arrow is to rush forward, so the soldiers holding the simple shield and running forward desperately don't care whether they are stepping on a person or a stone in front of them.

A boy who was only thirteen or fourteen years old had his knee pierced by a feather arrow, and was hit by a shield just as he was struggling to stand up.The huge impact directly made him spit out a mouthful of blood. While the blood was still splattering in the air, a feathered arrow shot into the back of his heart with a puff. The boy's eyes went dark. the veteran.However, today, the veteran who would divide the only piece of bun into two pieces and one half for one person, stepped on the young man's back without hesitation and continued to charge forward.Followed by countless pairs of soles, soon, this thin body was stepped on and changed its shape.

The clothes on the young man's back were trampled away, and the flesh and blood were crushed and scattered around, revealing the white and bloody spine.Then the spine was trampled off, and a bloody and sticky viscera squeezed out from the gap in the spine. The sound of stepping on mud is exactly the same.



After paying 800 casualties, Peng Zhen's soldiers finally approached the city wall.They howled and moved away the antlers under the city wall, and braved the rain of arrows to erect the ladder.

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