Will Ming

Chapter 268

260 Chapter Eight

"General Li, I still feel that it is inappropriate to attack the Jibei Army tonight."

Xu Shiji followed Li Xian to the city. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but persuade him: "Although Wang Bo's troops came from afar, he has 15 people. It's not difficult for each battalion to watch the night. One hit an ambush and the Jibei Army took the opportunity to capture the city gate, the loss outweighed the gain.”

Li Xian smiled and said, "Thank you brother Mao Gong for reminding me."

But the meaning in his tone didn't seem to give up his plan to attack the Jibei army camp at night.

Xu Shiji sighed and said, "If I hadn't been in this city, who would have reminded you of this?"

Li Xian couldn't help laughing, and said as he walked, "If brother Maogong doesn't feel sleepy tonight, how about you and I having a drink at the top of the city? At night, Wang Bojun's battalion is brightly lit, and I guess it's a spectacular sight." .”

Xu Shiji sighed: "I really don't know what your plan is, since you want to drink, then I will accompany you."

Cheng Zhijie smiled from behind: "Watching people go to battle already makes my heart itch, and I can't leave me behind drinking."

Back at Sucheng county government office under the city, Li Xian summoned his generals to discuss matters.When he announced that he would send people to attack the Jibei Army camp tonight, everyone below was a little surprised.Everyone felt that the general's decision this time was a bit hasty. Wang Bo has 15 troops, but there are only more than 1 people in the city. It is not a problem to stick to it, but if you go out of the city to fight the opponent's camp In case of being trapped by the Jibei Army, it will be difficult to get out.

Tie Liaolang and others hurriedly persuaded him, but even Zhang Zhongjian objected.Li Xian shook his head stubbornly, as if he didn't listen to anyone's persuasion.Seeing that he had made up his mind, everyone expressed their willingness to go out of the city and attack the Jibei Army camp at night.Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie were also sitting in the room. Seeing that the crowd first spoke out to remind them, but after the reminders were fruitless, they all asked for a fight. Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie were a little surprised by this scene.

Xu Shiji secretly praised in his heart, the generals in Yanyun Village are really honest and loyal!The reason why Li Xian was persuaded was because they, as subordinates, must remind the general that the decision made may be wrong, and they called for battle one after another, also because as subordinates, they must firmly implement the general's orders.

Everyone looked at Li Xian, waiting for the general to roll his name.

"Wang Qinian!"

Li Xian looked at the subordinates standing solemnly under the tent and suddenly called out. He was standing below and was looking at a flying insect, feeling a little lost in his boredom. Wang Qinian was startled, looked at Li Xian in a daze, and then looked at everyone The astonished expression suddenly realized something, and he jumped back a step in fright and said in a trembling voice: "Is the general planning to send me out of the city tonight to attack the Jibei army camp?"

Li Xian glanced at Wang Qinian appreciatively and said, "That's the plan. Why, what do you want to say?"

Wang Qinian wanted to cry but said without tears: "General, this room is full of tiger men who can go to battle, you...why did you choose me?"

"I said before, you are the omnipotent Wang Qinian."

Li Xian smiled and said, "I can trust you."

Hearing Li Xian's firm tone, Wang Qinian's expression changed for a moment, he suddenly stood up straight and said solemnly: "General, although I respect and resolutely carry out every order you give, but this time I have to say, you are wrong, General, I It’s not omnipotent. Although I have made some contributions to Yanyun Village, the general took care of me and chose easy and simple things for me to do. I know myself. If you really send me to rob the camp tonight, general If so... I don't guarantee that I will come back alive to serve you, General."

His solemn face changed again, turning into a desolate and pitiful look, almost pleading: "General, it is my honor for me to fight to the death for you. I shouldn't have refused, but General... if you I can't see Wang Qinian anymore, isn't it a lot of fun..."

Li Xian laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I promise you won't die!"


Wang Qinian took a step forward and asked tentatively, "Is the general planning to send me the Ruijin Camp?"

Li Xian shook his head with a smile and said, "The [-] soldiers you brought with you this time are a little less. I'll ask Xiong Kuohai to supply you with another [-] infantry soldiers."


Wang Qinian felt his legs go limp and almost fell to the ground.

Li Xian laughed, and then said his plan.Immediately, Wang Qinian straightened up his chest, and patted his chest with his hands.

"Such a trivial matter, why should the general bother the tiger people in this room?"

He held his head high and said, "I will live up to the general's trust!"



That night, Li Xian asked Xiong Kuohai and other generals who were fighting on the city wall during the day to go to sleep, leaving Tie Liaolang and other generals of the Ruijin Battalion Cavalry behind. Let Iron Wolf's Ruijin Camp prepare to go out of the city to meet Wang Qinian.

After the arrangements were made, Li Xian lay on the bed with his clothes on and rested for a while, got up when it was fast, washed his face and walked towards the city wall.These years of desperate life made Li Xian's biological clock surprisingly accurate, and it happened to be midnight when he climbed the city wall.And after Wang Qinian in the city prepared in the middle of the night, the 500 "robbing camp" troops assigned to him were already ready to go.Wang Qinian climbed up the city wall and asked Li Xian if he could set off, Li Xian nodded and said, "Don't be careless, if the Jinbei Army leaves camp, you should return immediately."

Wang Qinian said: "General, don't worry, I can't fight, but few people can catch up to me."

Li Xian smiled and said, "You are honest!"

Wang Qinian said: "In front of the general, if a subordinate tells a lie, his conscience will be tortured. Moreover, the subordinate will not say a lie in front of the general. Because the general has sharp eyes, any lie will be seen through by the general at a glance!"

"Fuck off!"

Li Xian laughed and cursed, Wang Qinian chuckled and then turned around and went down the city wall.The city gate of Su City opened slowly, and Wang Qinian led his team of 500 people out of the city one after another.At this time, Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie were invited.The two walked up to the top of the city hand in hand, only to find that Li Xian had ordered someone to set up a banquet waiting for them.

"What a big battle!"

Xu Shiji smiled and pointed to Wang Qinian's "robbery camp" army. Those hundred and ten carriages looked really imposing.

Cheng Zhijie laughed and said, "If you rob the camp like this, I'm afraid Wang Bo will cock his beard in anger."

"Come, come, drink."

Li Xian smiled and pointed to the seat in front of him.

Xu Shiji sat down with a smile, looked at the battalion of Wang Bo's army in the distance outside the city and sighed: "It really is a magnificent scenery!"

The 15-strong company battalion was a dozen miles away, and it was lit up.Although it wasn't true that the lights were so bright that the dozens of miles would be as bright as day, it looked as if the sky was full of stars falling on the world.Little stars, vast as the sea.

The three of them drank and chatted in the two stars in the sky and the ground, and they were quite contented.

After Wang Qinian led his troops out of the city, he walked forward cautiously. He turned his head and told his subordinates: "Give me a moment to be smart. If Wang Bo's troops come out to fight, they will turn around and run away. If they run too slowly, they will fall into the hands of the Jibei Army." , don’t say that I am not righteous and will not save you.”

His food guards immediately nodded to express their understanding, but the thousand soldiers sent by the Houtu camp looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that the captain of the supply camp really lived up to his reputation, and he was really a rare coward in the world.The soldiers who left the city were all biting their horses and chewing on them. As they advanced, there was only the sound of hundreds of carts rolling over the road.

In this way, he slowly approached the camp of the Jibei Army, about three miles away, Wang Qinian waved his hands and ordered the soldiers to stop and said: "Hurry up, we have to change places after we finish our work!"

As soon as he gave an order, the soldiers immediately started to work swiftly, and unloaded a lot of things from the cart, which turned out to be hundreds of war drums and gongs.After the soldiers moved the things down, they set up the drums and gongs, and then lined up to wait for Wang Qinian's order.


Wang Qinian waved his hand.

All of a sudden, hundreds of battle drums beat at the same time, and the rumbling sound of the drums was deafening.

"Kill Wang Bo!"

Wang Qinian yelled, followed by [-] soldiers who followed Wang Qinian and burst into earth-shattering shouts: "Kill Wang Bo! Kill Wang Bo!"

At the same time, the soldiers urged hundreds of carts to gallop back and forth, and the sound was just like the sound of countless cavalry running fast and stepping on the ground.Immediately, three miles away, Wang Bo's camp immediately became boiling, and the flames suddenly lit up.Countless torches were lit, and the camp was immediately bustling with activity.

Chuji and Luo Manzi planned to stay up all night and drink in Chuji's tent.The two of them fell asleep after drinking two bags of bad wine. They chatted one after another, Chu Ji couldn't help but fell asleep on the table first, and Luo Manzi stayed up all night because of his age. Shang knew that although he was sleepy, he could still persevere.

Just as he was thinking about whether that guy Pei Lin would break through Sucheng tomorrow, he suddenly heard the sound of drums outside, and then heard a sea-like sound.

"Kill Wang Bo!"

Luo Manzi was startled, then stood up abruptly: "Sure enough, it's here, wake up, wake up!"

He pushed Chucky twice and ran out of the tent quickly.

In the darkness, I don't know how many people and horses came to attack. The sound of rumbling drums and horses stamping on the ground came from a distance, and Luo Manzi's expression changed drastically: "It's the cavalry from Yanyun Village!"

He and Chu Ji's troops didn't dare to sleep to death. When they heard the horn warning, they immediately grabbed their weapons and got up and rushed out of the tent.The entire camp became chaotic, and the soldiers frantically flocked to the fence of the camp to line up.Not long after Chu Ji and Luo Manzi gathered their troops, Wang Bo

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