Will Ming

Chapter 269

(Continue to collect, only less than [-] will break the [-] mark, please help!)

Chapter 260 Nine Foods

Xu Shiji pointed to the outside of the city and said with a smile: "The magnificent scenery of the sea of ​​fire goes with the wine, and the taste is really wonderful."

I saw the torches in Wang Bo's barracks in the distance outside the city began to gather in the east, as if the sky over there was ignited.Only half of the night sky was illuminated, and suddenly the sea of ​​fire surged towards the other side like a torrent, and moved to the other side of the camp like a torrent, where it stayed for half an hour, and then the sea of ​​fire changed again, and half of it was left behind. It didn't move at the same place, and half of them flocked to the original place.

"One more time and it will be dawn."

Cheng Zhijie looked at the ocean of torches outside the city and said with a smile, "I disturbed Wang Bo's dream tonight, let's see if he comes to attack the city viciously at dawn!"

Li Xian smiled and said: "I killed one of his generals yesterday and lost at least [-] of his soldiers. Even if I don't bother him tonight, he will still come to attack the city for revenge. Instead of doing this, it's better to let him sleep. It feels good, the siege at dawn will reduce a little bit of strength. If you can't raise your spirits to attack the city, my troops in Yanyun Village can relax a little bit."

Xu Shiji smiled and said, "Just because of these promises, the commotion tonight is too big."

Li Xian nodded and said earnestly: "You don't know, I'm a villain who only cares about profit, even if I can take advantage of something, I won't refuse to do it."

Xu Shiji was stunned, smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone is flaunting benevolence and morality. Why do you always say that you are a villain? You must know that a good reputation for benevolence and righteousness can attract countless supporters. The more supporters a person has, the more he seeks. Anything that turns out to be easier."

Li Xian shook his head with a smile and asked, "Is it the same with Master Zhai?"

Xu Shiji didn't feel annoyed, he shook his head slowly and said, "Brother Zhai is truly benevolent."

Li Xian hummed and said: "If you are truly benevolent and righteous, you will be able to gain countless supporters. If you are hypocritical and hypocritical like the muddleheaded emperor of the Sui Dynasty, even if there are many people who praise him and support him at first It’s rare, but in the end, didn’t you also oppose him, and I also opposed him, and the whole Sui Dynasty opposed him everywhere?"

He smiled and said: "So, I think hypocrisy is not as good as a villain. At least there are not so many constraints in doing things. You have to think of excuses to deceive the world and yourself."

Xu Shiji sighed: "General Li is really different."

Li Xian laughed and said: "Go your own way, let others speak!"

Xu Shiji was startled, then nodded and said, "That sentence makes sense."

Li Xian smiled and said: "I can say a lot of things that are very reasonable. If you want to listen, I can tell you anytime. Of course, you need to pay. I will tell you something for ten taels of official silver." .”

Xu Shiji smiled and said: "That's okay, I'm not a gentleman, just pretend I didn't hear what you said just now, how much good wine can I buy with ten taels of silver left? How many times can I enter a brothel?"

Li Xian sighed deeply, "I envy you."

Xu Shiji asked, "Why do you envy me?"

Li Xian said solemnly: "I have never been to a brothel, so I envy you!"

Xu Shiji asked in surprise, "Is this true?"

Li Xian thought for a while and replied seriously: "I did enter once a few years ago, but I was only 11 years old at that time, and I entered the brothel purely for sightseeing, so I envy you very much."

Xu Shiji said with a serious expression, "I should be envious of you."


"When I was 11 years old, I really wanted to go to brothels, but unfortunately I was not so bold. You can go sightseeing at that age. How can you not be enviable?"

Xu Shiji said seriously.

Li Xian said in astonishment: "Do you think sightseeing in brothels is a very pleasant and comfortable thing?"

Li Xian gestured to the curve of the woman's body and said annoyedly: "Then a bunch of juicy and tender honey-peaches are placed in front of you, but unfortunately you can't eat any of them. The smell makes you feel greedy, and you want to open your mouth. When I took a bite, I realized that I don’t have any teeth in my mouth. Can I satisfy my craving by looking at it with my eyes? This is a pure heart with more than enough power.”

Xu Shiji thought about it seriously for a while and nodded, "It's really not a comfortable thing, just thinking about it gives me some headaches."

Cheng Zhijie didn't have so many emotions, but asked with great interest: "Since you can't eat, why do you want to go in and eat?"

Li Xian was slightly taken aback, glanced at Cheng Zhijie but did not answer, he got up and stretched his waist in a very comfortable way, then walked slowly towards the city: "Go to sleep, I have a golden house in my dream, and Yan Ruyu in my dream..."

Cheng Zhijie looked down the city, and saw that it was the people who went out to harass the Jibei Army's camp Yanyunzhai and came back.More than a hundred carts and fifteen hundred soldiers entered the city gate happily humming a little song he had never heard before. Although the joyful and happy expressions on the faces of those people could not be seen clearly in the hazy morning light, the sound of singing Zhongzao has revealed how happy they are at this time.

"Sister, go forward boldly... don't look back!"



A person who stumbles twice on the same rock is not necessarily a lunatic, a fool, or a blind child.Because he is still young, because he has not yet reached the age of remembering that he fell very painful because of that stone.The next day after the sun rose, Wang Bo, who hadn't slept all night, found himself being teased like a child, and this was not the thing that irritated him the most. In broad daylight, they came to harass the camp of the Jibei Army again.

Because he couldn't sleep all night, Wang Bo ordered Pei Lin, who was going to attack Sucheng, to rest for half a day, and let the soldiers refresh themselves after lunch before attacking the city.But the people who had worked all night had just fallen asleep hungry, when the warning horn sounded again.

The leaders of each battalion got up cursing, put on their armor and led their troops to gather again to prepare for the battle.But the thousands of Yanyunzhai cavalry that looked menacing rushed to a sudden gorgeous turn about [-] meters away from the Jibei Army camp, turned around and went back.The soldiers of the Jibei Army fired a few arrows from a distance, but they didn't even touch the horse's ass.

The Yanyunzhai Jingqi who turned back did not return to the city, but stopped one mile away from the Jibei Army camp.Under the resentful gazes of the soldiers of the Jibei Army, those soldiers got off their horses and lay down on the ground to rest carelessly.There are also people who have nothing to do and wrestle for fun, and the laughter can reach the ears of the soldiers of the Jibei Army from time to time.Although Wang Bo's troops lacked cavalry, they didn't have none. At any rate, they still had [-] cavalry.

However, the cavalry of the Jibei Army, neither the horses nor the quality of the soldiers, could compare with the elite cavalry of Yanyunzhai. Wang Bocai was so angry that he ordered the cavalry to attack, and the cavalry of Yanyunzhai mounted their horses and walked all the way to Sucheng recede.The cavalry of the Jibei Army did not dare to chase to Sucheng and had to return to the camp angrily, but the cavalry who had just returned from Yanyunzhai followed them and came back.

Repeatedly, the cavalry of the Jibei Army pursued, and the cavalry of Yanyunzhai withdrew.

After repeating this three times, Wang Bo was so angry that he ordered the cavalry to stop outside the camp, as soon as the cavalry from Yanyunzhai approached, they would immediately attack.For the fourth time, the cavalry of Yanyunzhai repeated the same trick, rushed to the camp not far away, shot a burst of feathered arrows, then turned around and left.The cavalry under Wang Bo's command began to chase after them with all their strength. This time, the general commanding the cavalry became ruthless, trying to force the cavalry from Yanyunzhai back to Sucheng.However, because of his anger, he forgot that facing Sanqian Jingqi from Yanyun Village who was far inferior to him, the Jingqi from Yanyun Village did not flee because of fear of them, but only to tease the soldiers of the Jibei Army.

Therefore, the cavalry of the Jibei Army who were almost chasing under Sucheng was doomed to tragedy.

More than 2000 Yanyunzhai Jingqi who were running in front suddenly turned around and ran forward along the city wall instead of entering the city in a big circle.The cavalry of the Jinbei Army chased after them, and it was too late to stop after turning a corner of the city wall.With the help of the cover of the city wall, another team of Yanyunzhai Jingqi ambushed there.As soon as the cavalry of the Jibei Army appeared, the cavalry of Yanyunzhai who were in ambush immediately killed them, and the cavalry who had lured the enemy in front also turned back, pinching the cavalry of the Jibei Army like pincers. , can't escape.

The well-trained Yanyunzhai elite cavalry twisted back and forth, and the heads and tails of the Jibei Army cavalry were severely cut off.

Then he used the Liannu and the cavalry bow made by Sui Jinggong to shoot randomly around the cavalry of the Jibei Army.

The cavalry of the Jibei Army came out after losing at least a thousand men and horses, and then it was their turn to escape the cavalry from Yanyun Village, sticking to their buttocks and chasing after them.When they fled back to the camp panting, they counted the troops. The cavalry, which was very precious to the Jibei Army, lost more than half.

Being tricked again, Wang Bo really raised his beard this time.

But this is not over yet. Yanyunzhai Jingqi, who trapped and killed half of the Jibei Army cavalry, still refused to leave. He ran back and forth along the camp about 200 meters away from the Jinbei Army camp, and many people rang their bells while running. The gong that is specially carried with me makes the sound of Dangdang annoying.

In a hurry, Wang Bo ordered the army to attack Sucheng!



"This Li Xian's use of troops is too..."

Cheng Zhijie thought carefully before finding a suitable word, but he hesitated for a while but didn't say it.Xu Shiji rubbed his swollen eyes, smiled and said two words: "shameless", then got up and stretched his waist, and said, "I can't stand it anymore, go back to sleep. There will be no more big battles today, Wang Bo Even if he is forced to be anxious and angry, he should understand that if he storms Sucheng at this time, the casualties of his soldiers will be even greater."

He smiled as he walked down the city wall: "If you follow this

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