Will Ming

Chapter 281

Chapter 280 Who Is That the Spiritual Seat in the Buddhist Hall?

The weather in July was already so hot that it was a headache, and even the refugees who were not covered by official shirts dragged forward one by one with their heads drooping.They travel without purpose, and they will go wherever the rich and rich can get a bite of food.Some people go north and some go south. Some people say that Jiangnan is good. Jiangnan is not only beautiful, but also peaceful and free from wars. It is a paradise in the minds of refugees.Some people say that Hexi is good, and Li Yuan, who is jokingly called an old woman, came to Taiyuan to rectify the people's livelihood and government. The life of the people is much better than in other places.Some people also say that Dou Jiande in Hebei is also very good. Although he is a rebel, he is hundreds of times stronger than the government for the people. Everyone has a field and the taxes collected are low.What's more, said Saibei is good, herding sheep and horses, at least he doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

Of course, there is naturally a voice among them, saying that Dongping County is good.

There are righteous thieves in Dongping, and the water is beautiful and the fields are fertile.No rent collection, no tax payment, no picking up lost items on the road, no door closing at night...

I don’t know when this folk song began to spread. It spread all over the north and south of the Yellow River in just a few months. Even the people in Qi County who had difficulties in life began to think about whether to go to Dongping County to try their luck. They all said Yan Yun The people in the village not only gave grain and seeds, but the soldiers also helped build houses and arrange life.

The things in the legends are generally two extremes, either horrible and ugly to the extreme, or beautiful and happy to the extreme, but no matter whether it is beautiful or ugly, it gives people the same daydream.

Everyone says Jiangnan is good, everyone says Hexi is good, and everyone says Dongping is good, so no matter how hard and tired the refugees get out of their blood bubbles, they still have to go to the beauty they long for.In fact, not so long ago in people's memory, the Sui Dynasty could be said to be peaceful if not everywhere beautiful.

A convoy of more than a dozen large carts slowly marched southward from the official road. In front of the convoy were seventy or eighty warriors riding horses and crossing swords. Each of them was vicious and evil. Although the dozen or so carriages did not look very good It was eye-catching, but the flag on the car made passers-by look sideways frequently, and they were a little surprised because they guessed the origin of the convoy from the words on the flag.The speed of the cart was not fast, and the driver was neither aggressive nor yelling, but the refugees who supported each other and dragged their families in twos and threes on the road still gave way one after another.

Tang Guogong Li

With these four words alone, ordinary people will stay far away.

Behind the convoy, there was a group of about 200 powerful soldiers who followed neatly with spears in hand and hard bows on their backs.

It seemed that the formation was very large. The guards in fresh clothes and angry horses, the heavily armored infantry, and the dozen or so carts formed a stark contrast with the common people walking along the official road.Tang Gong and Li's family have been keeping a low profile these years, especially Tang Gong and Li Yuan have not been reused these years and are suspected by Emperor Daye, and the Li family is even more cautious in handling things.In March, Li Yuan was reused, and the Emperor Daye appointed him as Taiyuan's left-behind, and the Li family finally looked a little proud.

But even so, Li Yuan still did not allow the Li family to publicize.

Now these dozens of large cars and hundreds of guards on the official road can no longer be said to be low-key, the reason is very simple, no matter how careful Li Yuan is, he can't ignore the safety of his most beloved daughter.Counting how many rebels and bandits there were on the way back from Taiyuan in Hexi to Jiangdu, Li Yuan sent hundreds of soldiers to protect his daughter, Uncle Li Huining, Chai Shao, which is not a high profile.From Taiyuan all the way south to Jiangdu, half of the area along the way is no longer under the jurisdiction of the government. Even in the half of the area under the jurisdiction of the government, I am afraid that the government army is far less numerous than the bandits.

Li Yuan and his wife loved their daughter Li Huining very much. In addition, Li Huining didn't want to marry Chai Shao but had to wrong himself for the sake of the family. Li Yuan felt that he owed his daughter, so his love for her was not reduced because he was married, but even more. caring.A few days ago, Li Yuan's wife, Dou Shi, missed her daughter very much because of her physical discomfort, so Li Yuan sent someone to Jiangdu to visit Jiangdu Chai Shao and his wife with Daye Emperor Yang Guang to invite them to Huaiyuan Town.But before the couple arrived in Huaiyuan, Li Yuan had already been transferred to Taiyuan by order.

Chai Shao and his wife went to Taiyuan again and stayed at Li Yuan's house for more than a month before leaving.

Chai Shao was in the leading car among the dozens of large cars, but Li Huining was not in the car with him.Ever since he met that woman on the way home, his wife Li Huining was very happy. Not only did she insist on becoming a sister of the opposite sex with that woman, but she also took her all the way south in the same car.

Thinking of this, Chai Shao felt a little depressed. His wife didn't accompany him to accompany others. Even though he was also a woman, he felt very uncomfortable. After all, Li Huining hadn't traveled with him for more than ten days since he met the woman whose origin was unknown. One car away.Compared with the woman he met by chance, Chai Shao found to his annoyance that he looked like an outsider.

Chai Shao lifted the curtain of the car and looked out, seeing the refugees in twos and threes on the official road, and for some reason, his heart was suddenly filled with anger.It was only because of Mr. Tang's reputation that he resisted kicking.But the more he suppressed the anger in his heart, the stronger the anger became. When he saw an old woman fall in front of him, he thought for a while and poked his head out and told the coachman loudly: "Don't hurt the pedestrians, just go!" It doesn't hurt to be slow."

He said this sentence very loudly, so the refugees on the side of the official road who were closer could hear them clearly.In particular, there was an old woman in front who was probably too hungry and couldn't walk and fell to the ground. Chai Shao also loudly ordered the guards next to him to bring money to the old woman so that she could buy some food.This action immediately won the respect of the people on the side of the road, and everyone bowed down to salute, praising the Li family as great benevolent people.

Chai Shao smiled and nodded to the refugees. Just as he was a little proud, the carriage stopped suddenly. After the door opened, Li Huining got into the carriage with an unhappy expression.



The curtains on the third carriage opened a gap, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked through the gap to see the people outside bowing to the carriage in front. These were a pair of clean and beautiful eyes, but they saw the guards of the Li family giving When the old woman got a big handful of good meat, she frowned slightly for some reason, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Miss, you don't seem to like that Chai Shao?"

A pretty maid in red asked softly.

Sitting by the car window and looking out was a woman who covered her mouth and nose with a white gauze, only revealing a pair of extremely moving eyes.At this time, the loathing in the eyes became stronger with the old lady's gratitude, she slowly lowered the curtains and then sighed.

"January, do you think he is a respectable person?"

Although the white gauze covered her face, it could be seen from her smooth forehead and her beautiful eyes that there was no trace of wrinkle, this woman was not very old.

She called the maid in red as January, and this month was the leader of the female guards in December, January.

The person who asked the question was, of course, the princess of the Turkic royal family, and also the saint of the entire grassland, Ashina Duoduo.It's just that she doesn't know why, but she is actually in the Li family's carriage at this time.Hearing Ashina Duoduo's question in January, she tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "We were overtaken by the guards of the Golden Tent sent by Khan a few days ago, and it was Chai Shao who led the people to take the guards of the Golden Tent We were defeated, and his wife invited us to go with us, it seems that neither of these two couples is like a bad person."

Ashina Duoduo shook her head slowly: "Sister Huining is naturally not a bad person, and she is more open-minded than a man. It's just that Chai Shao, who didn't look so good at first, looks disgusting when looking at him today."


January asked puzzled.

Ashina Duoduo sighed, slowly leaned on the carriage and closed her eyes: "January, why did the old woman fall down?"

"Because I'm hungry, I don't have the strength to go any further."

After January finished speaking, looking at Ashina Duoduo, she seemed a little puzzled why the lady would ask this question, and what did it have to do with the lady's dissatisfaction with Chai Shao?

"Since I'm hungry..."

Ashina Duoduo opened her eyes, and said in a disdainful tone: "Since Chai Shaoming knew that the old woman was hungry, why did she give her some money if she didn't give her some food? You let the old woman eat in a place where there are no people inhabited for dozens of miles. Where can I buy food? Besides, there must be fierce and cruel people among those refugees. He gave the old woman so much meat. Could it be that Chai Shao never imagined that in the end, those rich old women would not be able to get a single copper coin, and they would all be exiled by the refugees. The ruthless generation in the middle will snatch it away. Unexpectedly, the old woman will be beaten. The refugees may fight because of the money, and perhaps, they will die."

She glanced at Yiyue and sighed: "It seems that he is kind-hearted, but in fact, why doesn't he have some dirty thoughts in his heart? It's nothing more than buying people's hearts. Why do you want to make things difficult for an old man who is almost starving and fainting?"

Yi Yue was stunned, then searched for some food from the car, got up silently, gave the food to the old woman and then watched from the side, until the old woman finished eating, she walked back slowly, after thinking about it, January Going back again, he took out the meat that the old woman was still holding and threw it away. Immediately, those refugees rushed up to loot like mad. Among them, a few strong men were furious, kicking and beating the Those refugees blasted away.

Taking advantage of the chaos, January took out a piece of silver and stuffed it into the old woman's hand, then caught up with the carriage and jumped on it.

Sitting down next to Ashina Duoduo, January's face was still a little ugly.

"If he sees it, I'm afraid he will ridicule you for being hypocritical."

Ashina Duoduo leaned on the carriage and said softly.

January seemed to know who Ashina Duoduo was talking about, so he asked directly: "Why? Why would he regard doing good deeds as hypocrisy?"

Ashina Duoduo sighed softly: "If you ask him, he will naturally tell you, if you really want to do good, why don't you take that old woman with you?"

January was stunned, speechless for a long time.



& nbs

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