Will Ming

Chapter 282 You Can Do It

Chapter 280 You Can Do It

Chai Shao was a little annoyed and said: "If you don't mention it, don't mention it. Why do you seem to see me as excited as an enemy when you ask this? Well, don't be angry, I will never ask again in the future."

Hearing what he said, Li Huining felt a little apologetic in his heart, and his tone softened and said: "The spiritual seat in the Buddhist hall is a very important person to our Li family. It's just a pity that he sacrificed himself to protect our Li family and died. It has been more than ten years. But my father and mother have always missed him, so no matter where they go, they will organize a Buddhist hall to pray for him."

"Since it has been mentioned, why don't you just tell me the name of that person?"

Li Huining shook her head and said softly: "This name must never be mentioned, especially in front of my father and mother, no one can mention it!"

Chai Shao sighed and said, "Do you need some kind of secret between you and me?"

Li Huining looked up at Chai Shao and said: "There are some things, my father may tell you in person later, but if I tell you now, it will be a big taboo of the Li family."

Chai Shao smiled bitterly and said, "After all, your Li family still treats me as an outsider!"

"You are talking out of anger."

Li Huining smoothed the hair hanging down from her forehead to her ears: "Father attaches great importance to you, otherwise why would he explain it specially? The family members of our Li family who stayed in Daxing City, including my younger brothers and sisters who were born in concubine Do things according to your words? Now that you are the head of our Li family in Daxing City, why do you still say that your father treats you as an outsider?"

Chai Shao smiled and said, "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

He suddenly thought of something and asked: "By the way, we still have to take the girls from Saibei all the way to Jiangdu? When we arrive in Jiangdu, how do you plan to arrange them? I don't think those girls are from the grasslands. , you may not have any special identity background, you should think about this matter carefully. Now our Li family has just been reused, if we take those women to Jiangdu, some treacherous people will use them to say that our Li family colluded with the Turks and barbarians. Father will be at a disadvantage."

"I know."

Li Huining said indifferently: "If they don't go to Jiangdu, they will leave when they arrive in Dongping County."

"Dongping County?"

Chai Shao's face changed and he said: "I heard that Dongping County has now been taken over by the rebels in the giant wild lake. It's very dangerous there. Do we have to take a detour just to send a few strangers we just met?" Go to the territory of the rebels? It is said that the rebels in Juye Ze are arrogant and brave, so there is no need for us to take risks."

Li Huining closed his eyes and said slowly: "Rebels? Are there no good people among the rebels? I don't have any dislike for those heroes on the Green Forest Road. Food seeds, taxation is extremely low, how do these seem like actions that wicked people can do?"

She said indifferently: "I have already promised Sister Duoduo to send her to Dongping County, how can I break my promise?"

Chai Shao sighed, but couldn't say anything more.

Thousands of miles away from here, in Taiyuan City, Taiyuan County, Li Yuan, who was dressed in plain clothes, was sitting at the desk and looking at the official documents sent by the county below. Zhongzao had run out of water, he looked at the teacup and smiled, then turned his gaze back to those official documents.

These official documents are the local conditions reported by the counties and counties. When Li Yuan first arrived in Taiyuan, he made a rule that the counties and counties in Hexi would write down the local conditions and send them to Taiyuan every other month. A few months, but since Li Yuan beheaded two county magistrates and one county magistrate who deliberately delayed reporting, no one dared to deliberately shirk.Those big figures in the imperial court jokingly referred to Li Yuan as the old woman Li, referring to Li Yuan's gentle temperament and timidity, but that was just what Li Yuan showed deliberately. Mildew.

"It's time to rest!"

Mrs. Dou walked into the study with a few maidservants, and brought a bowl of lotus seed soup and some snacks.

"Why don't you take a good rest in the room and come out for a walk?"

Li Yuan looked at his wife and said with concern.

Dou's complexion was a little ugly after recovering from a serious illness, but she seemed to be in good spirits today. She put the bowl of lotus seed soup in front of Li Yuan herself, and said with a smile: "I have improved a lot since Ning'er and the others came back. Didn't the doctor also say , let me come out and walk around, will it be better for my body?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "It's up to you, you can come here as you like."

He took a sip of the lotus seed soup, and couldn't help but praise: "It seems that you cook the food yourself again, they can't make this taste!"

Although Dou is no longer young, he still looks charming.She and Li Yuan had a very good relationship, and they gave birth to four sons and one daughter for Li Yuan, but even so, she was still shy like a girl when she heard Li Yuan praise herself in front of his servants.However, she suddenly remembered what she wanted to say when she came to see Li Yuan, and her heart immediately became miserable.

"Tomorrow will be the day."

Mrs. Dou sat down on the chair again: "Our whole family is doing well now, Your Majesty has reused you again, Bishamen has been able to take care of himself, Ning'er has also married a good husband, although Xuanba is still so weak, but he hasn't been there for a while. I'm sick again. Shimin is the only one there, I don't know if it's miserable, even if it's not miserable...he'll be lonely."

Saying that, Dou couldn't help crying.

Li Yuan let out a long sigh, but sat on the chair, holding the bowl of lotus seed soup but didn't have the mood to drink it anymore.



After Li Xian led the cavalry of the Ruijin Battalion back to Yuncheng, he first asked Pei Shisheng to inquire about the situation of farming. After learning that the people's livelihood in Yuncheng was stable, most of Li Xian's worries were relieved, and he returned to Liuhua Lane. After entering the quiet house, he ordered people to fetch water, intending to take a bath and rest for a while, and to go to the two counties of Lei Ze and Ju Ye in the morning.Now the people of Wagangzhai are still surrounding Lei Ze County, Li Xian must go there in person.

Although he knew that Xu Shiji would definitely dissuade Zhai Rang from raising troops after he returned, but if he didn't give Zhai Rang a step down, maybe this matter would not be so easy to solve.Li Xian is not a god, and he can't really predict the future, let alone know it from birth, so he can't guess what kind of wind and waves Li Mi will make in Wagang Village, and he can't guess what attitude Zhai Rang will have. I can't guess how Xu Shiji will explain it after he goes back.

Lei Ze County is a must, and Li Xian doesn't want to get into trouble with Wagang Village for the time being.It is true that he is not interested in cooperating with anyone, so when Xu Xiazi implicitly mentioned that he was willing to matchmaking to promote the alliance between Yanyunzhai and Wagangzhai, Li idled away.Because he couldn't think of any benefits from the alliance with Wagangzhai, except for troubles such as intrigue and finally turning against each other, he couldn't think of what the situation would be.

Li Xian has always been a person who is afraid of trouble, and a realist who firmly believes in non-cooperation for no benefit.

If there are benefits to be gained, it is not unacceptable even if others use him a little bit. Of course, the prerequisite is that Li Xian uses others far more than others use him.Of course, even if Li Xian can't get all of the benefits, he still wants to get 90.00% [-]%.

Ever since Li Xian's strength gradually became stronger, he would never consider such a thing as being at a disadvantage.

After stripping himself naked, Li Xian did a few warm-up moves, and then jumped into the special big wooden barrel with a plop.In an instant, the water was surging and the room was wet.The size of this wooden barrel has already exceeded the definition of a barrel, and it can be called a pool.

A person who likes to splash in the water will naturally not dislike the large bathing place.If conditions permit, I will naturally not be stingy with building a bath myself.

After tossing in the water for a while, Li Xian lay flat on the water, closed his eyes and calmed down.Whenever at this time, his heart is extraordinarily peaceful, and the feeling of closing his eyes and floating on the water always makes people feel very special.And just when he started to think about how to solve the Wagang Village issue perfectly, the door of his room was pushed open with a creak, and someone walked in slowly.

Li Xian knew who came in without even thinking about it. Besides himself, there was a woman living in this yard, and in Yuncheng, it seemed that only this woman would be so casual and natural when she entered his room.

"I'm at a loss."

Li Xian said while lying on the water with his eyes closed.

Ye Huaixiu, who was wearing a long green dress, sat down beside Li Xian, rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hands to rub his chest gently and soothingly.She sat there naturally, and stretched out her hands to help Li Xian wash his body naturally. If this scene was seen by outsiders, their jaws would drop in shock.Probably no one would have thought that Master Ye, who always looks cold and untouchable, would have such a well-behaved little daughter-in-law side.

"What did you suffer?"

Ye Huaixiu's fingers brushed lightly on Li Xian's chest, how did it look like he was taking a bath?

"You saw me taking a shower, isn't it a loss?"

Li Xian said seriously: "So I have to watch it again sooner or later, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."


Ye Huaixiu actually stood up, and slowly took off the clothes on her body one by one, finally revealing a body that was perfect to the extreme, and then, she showed her figure confidently, doing a few provocative poses An action that can draw out a person's nosebleed.Under Li Xian's surprised gaze, she raised her slender, straight legs full of elasticity, and slowly entered the water.

Li Xian shrank back subconsciously, and asked in a worried tone: "You...what are you doing?"

Ye Huaixiu sits next to Li Xian

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