Will Ming

Chapter 283 Stay safe?

Chapter 280 Three Are You Alright?

"Is this Xu Shiji's handwriting?"

Li Xian lay lazily on the bed, looked at Ye Huaixiu who was huddled in his arms and asked.

Ye Huaixiu hummed and said, "I compared the handwriting left by Xu Shiji when he was in Yuncheng, it should be written by the same person, why...you suspect that Xu Shiji was coerced to write this letter after returning? "

Li Xian shook his head with a smile and said, "That's not the case, I just feel that Xu Shiji's life may not be easy after he returns."

Ye Huaixiu frowned slightly and asked, "How do you know?"

Li Xian sat up and said while putting on his clothes: "I don't know, I'm just guessing randomly, but Xu Shiji probably didn't want me to go to Wagangzhai. It has nothing to do with what hit it off. I'm just thinking about him for Wagangzhai." They don't want me to go. If I die in Wagangzhai, Yanyunzhai's men and horses attack with all their strength, no matter how big the loss is, it is not impossible for him to destroy Wagangzhai. Xu Shiji is not a fool, what did he do this time? something stupid?"

Ye Huaixiu pondered for a while and said, "Perhaps it is true that Xu Shiji was coerced as you said?"

After putting on his clothes, Li Xian stretched his waist, and instead of answering Ye Huaixiu's words, he suddenly said with emotion: "The aftertaste is endless."

Ye Huaixiu didn't understand, and asked in surprise, "What is endless aftertaste?"

Li Xian looked into Ye Huaixiu's eyes and said very seriously and shamelessly: "You are on the top, it really has endless aftertaste..."

Ye Huaixiu leaned against the head of the bed, squinted his eyes and smiled charmingly: "Really? Do you want to do it again?"

Li Xian shook his head: "Murderous."

Ye Huaixiu glared at him and asked, "Then what are your plans? To go or not?"

Li Xian raised his jaw and said, "The people in Wagangzhai asked me to apologize, so I will apologize?"

Ye Huaixiu's face became more relaxed, and he asked with a smile: "Then how do you plan to resolve the conflict with Wagang Village? We can't really fight a war, as you said, now that we have just gained a foothold in Dongping County, You can't fight against an elite army like Wagangzhai, the loss is too great."

Li Xian smiled and said proudly: "I said not to fight because I was afraid that it would affect our foundation in Dongping County. If we could not fight, we would not fight. But this does not mean that I am afraid. Zhai asked Shan Xiong to trust them. If we fight this battle, let’s just fight it. Is it possible that Wagangzhai’s losses will be smaller than ours? Provocation... I have never been afraid of this. Didn’t he threaten me that if I don’t apologize, he won’t retreat? He can Surrounding Lao Tzu's Lei Ze County, why can't I beat him to the ground?"

"Little man."

Ye Huaixiu looked at Li Xian and smiled with squinted eyes: "A domineering little man."

Li Xian looked at Ye Huaixiu with disdainful eyes and said, "Believe it or not, I'll beat the shit out of you too?"

Ye Huaixiu blushed, and realized that when it comes to being shameless, Li Xian deserved to be the best master in the world, so she felt a little bit of self-pity, why did she have such a bad life and meet people so badly?This little man is indeed domineering and shameless, Ye Huaishu summed it up, when a man is domineering enough and shameless enough, then he will be invincible in the world.

Li Xian picked up all Ye Huaixiu's clothes and put them on for her: "I won't go to see Zhai Rang, but I must go to Lei Ze County. Didn't Zhai Rang pretend to be high-profile with me, then I will let him see it." Look, what's really high profile."

Ye Huaixiu was puzzled and said, "What is high-profile?"

Li Xian smiled, and used four words to briefly and one-sidedly explain what high-profile is. After hearing these four words, Ye Huaixiu habitually narrowed his eyes, then nodded and repeated: "Flying and domineering!" "



More than a dozen carriages lined up on the official road. Whether it was the nearly 200 cavalry in front of the convoy or the more than [-] elite infantry behind the convoy, they still maintained a neat formation after walking such a long distance.These people are all Li Yuan's family generals and soldiers. With such military quality, it can be seen that the old lady Li is definitely not as unbearable as the legend in the court.Some people say that he is timid and fearful, but there is no doubt about it. Coupled with the deliberate suppression of him by Emperor Yang Guang of Daye, many people have forgotten what Emperor Wen Gaozu Yang Jian said to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan is a sick tiger, he looks deceptive, and he knows how to show weakness, but if he really catches the opportunity, his enemy will be swallowed whole, and there will be no skin or bone left.

Sick tiger, these two words are very practical and appropriate.

A sick tiger is still a tiger, which is also beyond doubt.

Li Yuan was actually very skillful in running the army. In Huaiyuan Town, the thousands of food guards under him were just a group of rich children who went to Liaodong to make military achievements. These people gathered together could be said to have no fighting power at all.A corporal leader is pulled out casually, maybe he is the son of the county magistrate.But such a group of people, after being trained by Li Yuan for more than half a year, forcibly blocked Goguryeo's attack on the granary by crossing the Liaoshui several times, and there was even a time when a team of five thousand people from Goguryeo stepped on the ice while the Liaoshui was freezing. When they came to attack at night, the food guards who were suddenly attacked not only kept the food and grass, but even killed more than 2000 Goguryeo soldiers. This shows that Li's ability to lead troops is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

And the hundreds of soldiers protecting Chai Shao and Li Huining are veterans of many battles that Li Yuan has stayed by his side over the years. Take advantage of it.

With these hundreds of veterans around, Chai Shao's worries were slightly relieved.It's just that he still has 120 unwillingness in his heart. In his opinion, escorting the dozen or so women to Dongping County is completely meaningless.But Li Huining has such a masculine temperament, she likes to make friends the most, and she is extremely righteous. This is not as good as ordinary men.

When the convoy was crossing the Yellow River, it was attacked by a group of more than 1000 green forest bandits. This was a group of Wang Bo's men who fled after the Battle of Sucheng. Luo Laizi, who was almost completely annihilated by Yanyunzhai troops, was ambushed halfway.

He thought he had caught a fat sheep, but Luo Manzi drooled greedily when he looked at the group of carriages and the equipment on the hundreds of soldiers. He thought it was the children of that aristocratic family going out, and those servants were just putting on a show. .When the Li family's convoy was blocked at the ferry of the Yellow River, he was surprised to find that it was not a fat sheep, but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The more than 1000 grassroots bandits under Luo Laizi were killed by the hundreds of veterans of the Li family, and more than a thousand people were killed.Even Luo Manzi, a green forest tycoon who once dominated the north of the Yellow River, died aggrieved at the hands of a beautiful woman, and was shot through the throat by Li Huining with an arrow.

After crossing the Yellow River, the convoy entered Dongping County, and the sights along the way were really jaw-dropping.

The ground in Hebei is full of hunger and death, and weeds are overgrown.

Just across a river, both sides of the official road in Dongping County are neatly opened up wasteland. The coarse grains planted by the farmers in the fields, which have a shorter harvest time than wheat, have been put into storage, and the fields are busy. The people who sow autumn grain in time, compared with the north of the Yellow River, this place is simply paradise.

Even Chai Shao, who looked down on the Green Forest Rebels, couldn't help but secretly give his thumbs up.

However, as soon as the team entered the territory of Dongping County, they were targeted by the people of Yanyun Village. This time, no matter how good the Li family veterans were at fighting, they couldn't kill another hearty one, and they faced Yanyun Village who blocked them on the official road. Each of the veterans and veterans of the Li family felt a little powerless in their hearts.

It was Xiong Kuo Hai's thick soil and heavy armor that stopped them after receiving the news.



"Is this the rebel team?"

Chai Shao, who was sitting in the carriage, was extremely annoyed. He pointed to the group of elite soldiers from Yanyun Village marching outside the car window and sighed, "It's the official army of the Sui Dynasty. I haven't seen one since the eighth year of Daye. Such a majestic team! Now I want to see what kind of person is the head of the Yanyun Village in Juyeze! If this person can be recruited and used by the Li family, in the future..."

He looked out of the window and said in a low voice, "A while back in Taiyuan, I persuaded my father..."

Li Huining frowned slightly and said softly: "Don't mention this matter for the time being. Father has just been appointed by His Majesty to stay in Taiyuan. If the matter of your persuasion to father is known to His Majesty, our Li family will be doomed!"

"how come!"

Chai Shao said in a low voice: "What is the chaos in the Sui Dynasty now? If my father is willing to recruit troops, he will be able to occupy Hexi in less than a year. With the danger of the Taihang Mountains as evidence, there is nothing the imperial court can do. When the soldiers are fine and the food is sufficient, it is not difficult to conquer the world."

Li Huining sighed: "It seems that someone around my father tried to persuade me, and my father scolded me."

Chai Shao sighed and said: "Who can't see the chaos in this world now? The father... I don't want to talk about it. Ning'er, you said that the people from Yanyunzhai hijacked us, where are we going to take us?" ?”

Li Huining thought for a while and said, "Maybe I want to see that Li Xian."

Chai Shao hummed and said: "The surname is also Li, so that's easy to say, but I don't know if he is from the Li family in Longyou, or..."

Speaking of this, Chai Shao suddenly stopped, laughed at himself and said with a self-deprecating smile: "How is it possible, ninety-nine percent may also come from a poor family."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard a very majestic voice outside saying: "Work hard on you, and you will be able to reach Yuncheng in half a day. When the time comes, you will see my general. Whether you go or stay is up to my general."

It was Xiong Kuohai who was speaking. When he stopped the Li family's convoy in Sucheng, he just received a military order from Li Xian to let all the troops of the Houtu Camp return to Yuncheng. Xiong Kuohai simply sent Chai Shao and others People take them and set off together.Detaining Tang Guogong Li Yuan's family members is not a small matter, and there are ten of them

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