Will Ming

Chapter 288 Seeing the Conspiracy and Breaking the Trick

Chapter 260: Seeing Conspiracies and Breaking Tricks ([-])

In fact, it doesn't matter what dish Li Xian cooks, because the few people who have dinner tonight have their own concerns, and no one pays attention to whether the dishes are delicious.What Ye Huaixiu was thinking in his heart was whether Ashina Duoduo really fell in love with Li Xian, and if the father was still alive, would he be furious if the two sisters served a husband together?She didn't know, if she didn't really like Li Xian, how could she be so concerned about gains and losses?So she kept thinking, if Dodo really likes Li Xian, what should she do?It seems that there is no other way but to leave.

Chai Shao was thinking about why this guy named Li Xian was becoming more and more mysterious, and he was so rich in sex and fortune that he was indignant.During the dinner, he took a sneak peek at Ashina Blossom, and then at the alluring Ye Huaishu. The jealousy in his heart was so burning that he didn't even know what the food he ate was like.Ashina Duoduo and Ye Huaixiu are beauties with completely two temperaments. One is charming and mature and wants to swallow her in one gulp, while the other has a clean and dignified holy aura that also makes people have the urge to push her away.

Thinking of the incomparably tall girl who accompanied Li Xian by the Weishan Lake that day, and thinking of the girl's slender and straight legs made him even more angry.In fact, his wife Li Huining is also a long-legged beauty, and those legs are so flawless that people can't put it down.But as a son of a family who used to be known as a romantic in Chang'an, Chai Shao has a great appetite for women's needs.In addition, Li Huining is a person with a cold personality, even if he is still a little bit afraid, naturally the more he looks at his wife, the more tasteless he will become.

Ashina Duoduo was thinking about what Li Xian said before, whether it was intentional or unintentional.Did he really want to keep him, or did he just want to mediate the conflict between himself and his sister Ye Huaishu?If it's the latter, then I really don't have the slightest need to stay here.If the former... I have already told my sister that I don't like Li Xian, and my sister is already Li Xian's woman, what am I?If I stay here, will my sister be unhappy?

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Li Xian, only to find that he seemed to be meditating with his head down.

Seeing Li Xian's handsome face, Ashina Duoduo suddenly felt pain in his heart.

But what Li Huining was thinking at this moment was, could someone like Li Xian really be recruited to help the Li family?Although Chai Shao kept stopping him when he talked about that incident, why didn't she feel that the world of Da Sui and Yang's family could no longer sit still?And does the Li family have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and turn the family into a country?This is a crazy idea, even her elder brother Li Jiancheng dare not think about it lightly.But Li Huining dared to think, and even she once thought about whether she should persuade her father to prepare early.Several counselors around his father had already had this idea, and Li Huining also understood that his father might not be as determined as he appeared in his heart.

And what was Li Xian thinking with his head down?

He was thinking about the expression on Ashina Duoduo's face just now when he asked him if he really wanted to keep her, and if he could give her a decent reason.

However, this thought was only fleeting, and what he was thinking more about was how to fight the battle against Wagang Village after tomorrow's dispatch of troops, how to win without too much loss?Thinking about this, the shadows of Ye Huaixiu and Ashina Duoduo came out of his mind again to interrupt his train of thought, which made him a little annoyed.

"General Li said that he is going to hunt wolves tomorrow?"

Seeing that the scene was deserted, Li Huining smiled and raised his wine glass and asked, "Why are there jackals hurting people in Juye Ze?"

Li Xian raised his head and smiled and said, "There used to be a large group of wolves that ate people and didn't spit out bones in Juye Lake, but I have already killed them all. The ones who will fight tomorrow are not the wolves of Dongping County, but the wolves of Dongping County. The wolf who covets me in Dongping County."

"No wonder!"

Chai Shao's face changed and he said: "Before entering the city, I saw a large army gathered outside the city. I said it didn't look like a hunting posture. It was just hunting wolves. Why use tens of thousands of troops?"

"I don't know...who is General Li going to fight with?"

Chai Shao hesitated and asked.

Li Xian thought for a while and said truthfully: "Wagang Village in Dongjun took advantage of my battle with Wang Bo a few days ago and sent troops to besiege me to rule Lei Ze County. After I defeated Wang Bo, I was going to lead the army to Lei Ze County. Ze, it just so happens that Duke Shao has arrived."

Chai Shao was stunned and said: "I heard that Jibei Zhishilang has an army of 10,000+...General Li's military skills are really extraordinary, I admire it!"

He wanted to say that Wang Bo had an army of 10,000+, how did you defeat him?But he knew that Li Xian would not lie about this matter, so he changed it into a flattering sentence afterwards.Li Xian didn't seem to appreciate it, and just said lightly: "No matter how many sheep there are, they are still sheep. Even if there are 15 sheep gathered together, they are still no match for wolves. There is nothing to brag about defeating Wang Bo. Qinghe County Yang Shanhui, the governor of the county, killed the tens of thousands of green forest soldiers in Qinghe County with a thousand soldiers from the county, throwing away their helmets and armor?"

Hearing his words, Li Huining's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Treating an army of 10,000+ is nothing, the general is very brave."

Li Xian smiled, and suddenly said something that terrified Li Huining and Chai Shao: "Duke Tang is more courageous, if he sends troops out of Hexi, who can stop him?"



That night, Chai Shao paced back and forth in the guest room, muttering as he walked: "What did Li Xian mean when he was eating? Why did even a grassroots bandit like him think that his father was rebellious when he was in Hexi? I What I am worried about now is whether someone in the court has slandered His Majesty again."

Li Huining smiled lightly and said: "There is no need to worry about this. Our Li family has made many friends in the court. If there is something unreasonable in the court, we don't know it. Instead, a hero on the green forest road will know first. You are too Suspicious, I think his words are nothing more than a temptation."


Chai Shao's face changed and he asked: "What's the use of him probing this...unless...unless he really has a heart for our Li family!"

Thinking of this, Chai Shao's face suddenly became happy: "If we can have such a general to help, our Li family will be like a tiger with wings added in the future." After saying this, Chai Shao thought again, if that Li Xian really intends to seek refuge with Duke Tang, so wouldn't he have a chance to avenge his shame in the future?My father-in-law can't let this person overtake me. At that time, why don't I just do what I want?

"you think too much."

Li Huining shook his head slightly and said: "I see, he didn't mean that, he's just a person who doesn't want to suffer. You started to ridicule him, didn't he notice it?"

Chai Shao said annoyedly: "Little people will be so boring that they engage in unnecessary verbal disputes."

Li Huining thought of Li Xian's black hand on Li Xian by the Weishan Lake. Except for Chai Shao, the other dozen or so guards were all kicked by Li Xian. How can this kind of play be called a gentleman?Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that Li Xian had shown mercy to Chai Shao, otherwise her husband would have been in pain for three to five days.Just thinking of this, she immediately blushed.

"Perhaps it is this disposition of not wanting to suffer, which is the reason why he has made many achievements on the battlefield."

Li Huining lowered his head and said.

Chai Shao retorted angrily: "Throughout the ages, how can one of the famous generals on the battlefield be so petty? Which one is not open-minded and all-encompassing? Which one is not open and upright?"

Li Huining smiled and said, "Aren't you sulking?"

Chai Shao was stifled, and then said with a wry smile: "I feel uncomfortable just listening to you praise him. By the way, it seems that you are very concerned about Li Xian's use of soldiers during the meal?"

Li Huining nodded and said: "Even if we don't need him now, it's good to have one more good relationship."

"Ha ha!"

Chai Shao laughed and said, "You have finally opened your eyes!"

Chai Shao said in high spirits: "Dongping County is not very far from Luoyang, the eastern capital. If father raises troops in Hexi in the future and wins over this person, it will be of great benefit to our Li family! When father leads the army south, if there is such a person to support him It will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Ning'er, I think I'd better talk to him tonight!"

Li Huining slightly frowned and said, "Why rush it for a while, we just need to mention a little bit before we leave, and Li Xian is also a person with a delicate and clear mind, so there is no need to say it out loud."

Chai Shao thought for a while and nodded, "Then let's set off early tomorrow morning, and I'll talk to him about it."

Li Huining shook his head slowly and said: "If you tell me, maybe he won't agree even if he wants to join a family."

Chai Shao was puzzled and said, "Why!"

Suddenly startled, he smiled wryly and said: "Well... you can just talk about it, it's really troublesome to deal with villains. I got beaten up by him, maybe he still has a grudge?"



In Ye Huaixiu's room, Ashina Duoduo and their sisters were supposed to be talking to each other, but there was a man and a woman in the room at this time. Li Xian who got in when Duo Duo went to the guest room to rest.But the room was completely quiet, the two sat face to face but neither of them spoke.

"Duoduo should go back to the grassland."

After being silent for a long time, Li Xian suddenly said such a sentence, which made Ye Huaixiu suddenly raise his head.


Ye Huaixiu said puzzledly: "Ashi Najishi forced her to marry Luo Yi's son, she doesn't want to live on the grassland anymore, if you don't want him to stay, I will arrange for someone to send her back Go to the thatched cottage in the south of the Yangtze River."

Li Xian sighed and said, "Do you really think that Luo Yi is so easy to deceive? Do you really think Ashina Dujishi is an idiot?"

Ye Huaixiuyi

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