Will Ming

Chapter 289 Seeing the Conspiracy and Breaking the Trick

(Thanks to King Qin Zhao for the reward)

Chapter 280 IX Seeing Conspiracies and Breaking Tricks ([-])

"But what does this have to do with whether Dodo can't go back? Dodo hates the life on the grassland. Even if she returns to the grassland, she will still be safe. Ashina Duojishi will never hurt him, but she doesn't want to go back."

Ye Huaixiu looked at Li Xian and said seriously.

Li Xian frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "If she really doesn't want to go back, she can stay here. Maybe one day, she will go back to the grassland by herself."

Ye Huaishu nodded and said, "Anzhi...would you mind if Duoduo stayed?"

Li Xian was stunned, smiled and said, "Why do you ask that?"

Ye Huaixiu opened his mouth, but after all he just sighed.

"I feel that Chai Shao intends to win you over."

She changed the subject.

Li Xian nodded and asked with a smile, "Do you feel that I want to be wooed by him?"

Ye Huaixiu hummed and said: "I can feel that you are deliberately leading in that direction, and even Chai Shao's wife expressed that she wanted to win you over. An Zhi, I don't understand why. We don't seem to need it." What does it have to do with Li Yuan, who is thousands of miles away, and the Li family is not considered a powerful family. There are many families that may rise in the Sui Dynasty, but the Li family is definitely not the most likely one."

"I know"

Li Xian smiled and said: "It's because he is far away, and it's because his strength is not very strong."

"That's why he pays attention to it."

Ye Huaixiu shook his head slowly and said: "I still feel that there is no need to have anything to do with the people from those aristocratic families. Which one of those aristocratic families is easy to get along with? All of them are vicious like wolves on the grassland When dealing with them, you must always be on guard against being swallowed whole by them. I think you are playing with fire. With the current strength of our Yanyun Village, we may not be able to create a world by ourselves."

Li Xian shook his head slowly: "Fight the world?"

"It's easier said than done."

"Children from poor families may not be famous forever!"

Ye Huaixiu said solemnly: "Didn't Gaozu Liu Bang start from nothing?"

Li Xian looked at Ye Huaixiu in surprise, then laughed at himself and said, "Don't you really think that I am an emperor?"

He sighed in his heart, none of the major events of this era have changed, and the trajectory of history has not shifted significantly. After the Great Sui Dynasty came the Great Tang, and the founding emperor of the Great Tang was Li Yuan. These things are already preordained. It can't be changed, and it's not a bad thing to prepare yourself in advance.Zhang Xutuo has a good saying, with Dongping County's foundation, no matter who will be the emperor in the future, he will not have a bad result.

"No one has the emperor's life."

Ye Huaishu looked at Li Xian's ugly face and said, "The Yang family replaced the Yuwen family to become the emperor. All the sacrifices are worth it.”

When Li Xian heard Ye Huaixiu's words, he suddenly thought of that cute and hateful old nun.When Yang Jian was still young, it was the old nun who took him away, taught Yang Jian the art of war, and finally helped Yang Jian become an emperor.And when I was still very young, I didn't know how I fell into the hands of the old nun.What made Li Xian a little depressed and aggrieved was that he was unconscious before falling into the hands of the old nun.

Even Li Xian himself didn't know what family he was reincarnated into, and why he was abandoned outside the dilapidated nunnery in Daxing City.Is it God's will, or is someone doing it on purpose?His consciousness was suddenly awakened after being carried into the nunnery by the old nun, and he had no memory of the previous events.Li Xian even sometimes wondered if the baby had frozen to death in the alley covered with heavy snow, and he happened to be possessed by his soul at that moment.

Whenever he thought of this, he felt horrified.

However, Li Xian heard the old nun's mutterings clearly, and the bowl of gruel was really good to drink, but Li Xian himself never believed the old nun's prophecy, because he knew After the fall of the Sui Dynasty, who ascended to the pinnacle of power in the world.

So Li Xian never thought that he would be the emperor.

He feels that what he needs to do most now is to find a good future for himself and all those who follow him.



Chai Shao was very disappointed, and Li Huining was also very disappointed. The two of them really did not expect that when they went to say goodbye to Li Xian in the early morning of the second day, they were told that Li Xian had already left the city before dawn to rectify the army. At this time, the army has already set off to Lei Ze.

According to Chai Shao's temperament, he even wanted to catch up with Li Xian's army to speak out, but was stopped by Li Huining, and Chai Shao lost his temper by saying that haste makes waste.Thinking about it, he lowered his status as a magistrate to talk to a rebel, which has already damaged the face of the Chai family and the Li family.It's just that Li Huining didn't think about this. What she thought was that even if she wins over Li Xian at this time, she won't get any answer.First, it is impossible for the Li family to give Li Xian any support now.Second, it is impossible for the Li family to give Li Xian any guarantee now.

Since you can't promise other people's benefits, what else can you talk about?

The Li family's convoy left Yuncheng and continued southward, with some regrets when they left.

Ashina Duoduo did not leave, nor did she go to Lei Ze with Li Xian's army. She and Ye Huaixiu sat on the same bed in the middle of the night and talked in the middle of the night. She planned to go to the mountain of Juye Ze first. Look at Wuluan's tomb, and then go back to live in seclusion in the Ye family thatched cottage in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because she was in a hurry when she went south and was chased by Ashina's people, Ashina Duoduo couldn't go to Yanshan Mountain to see Wuluan. Now that there is an empty grave in Juyeze, she can let her go It's a pity.

Ye Huaixiu originally wanted to go out with Li Xian's army, but Li Xian did not agree.

"Since Duo Duo plans to live in Juye Ze for a while, you should stay with her more. If she wants to go to the thatched cottage, you should send more secret agents to accompany her, and then don't come back. Stay in the thatched cottage to protect Duo Duo."

"Military affairs are the most important thing."

Ye Huaixiu insisted on following the army, Li Xian shook his head and said: "I don't know if Duo Duo will go back to the grassland one day, it will not be so easy for you two to meet again. It is good to get along for a few more days, we can't stay What a pity."

"Anzhi, why are you so sure that Dodo will return to the grassland?"

"Because she has grassland in her heart."

Li Xian said something very unreasonable, and then set off with an army of [-].Seeing Li Xian's back gradually drifting away, Ye Huaishu felt for the first time that he no longer had any advantage in front of Li Xian.Suddenly, she was surprised to find that this young man's progress was so huge, so huge that now the distance between her and him has begun to reverse a little, and maybe it won't be long before she will start chasing his steps.

"General, if the Turks go south, shall we take the opportunity to expand our territory?"

Ye Huaixiu and Tie Liaolang were the only ones who knew that the Turks were wooing Li Xian, and Tie Liaolang was quite concerned about this matter.What he cares about is not why the Turks suddenly found Dongping County, but how Li Xian thinks about this matter.Of course, he never doubted that Li Xian would collude with the Turks, he just wanted to know which direction Li Xian planned to go before such a great opportunity.

"What you said makes sense, and it's the most important thing to do."

Li Xian smiled and shook his head: "But I have no such plan."

Tie Liaolang was stunned and asked: "This is a good opportunity. Taking advantage of the entire imperial army going north to resist the Turks, we can completely swallow Qilu and Shandong in one go."

Li Xian said earnestly: "I snatched the territory of the Great Sui Dynasty. This is an internal struggle within the family. Yang Guang and I are fighting to the death, which is also an internal struggle within the family. It is true that I am against Yang Guang's rule, but I I can't do such a thing. Before the Sui Dynasty defeated the Turkic army, I will not take the opportunity to swallow up any place. No matter how great the conflict between family members is, I can't let outsiders bully my family members."

He looked at Iron Wolf and smiled, "You can call me stubborn, or even say I'm hypocritical."

Iron Wolf shook his head slowly and solemnly: "The general's choice is really respectable."



Just when Li Xian's army marched to Lei Ze County, more than a dozen horses had already set off and galloped all the way to the northeast before the army left Yuncheng.They are all secret agents of the Flying Tiger in Yanyun Village, and they want to send a letter from Li Xian to Luo Shixin.Because he had to help Zhang Xutuo transport the seized luggage back to Qi County, Li Xian reckoned that Luo Shixin might not have left for Youzhou yet.It would be best for Luo Shixin to deliver this letter to Luo Yi himself.

In doing so, Li Xian is telling Luo Yi two pieces of information.

One, your son and I are good friends.Second, I know all about your dealings with the Turks.

But with Li Xian's practice of writing letters, he still cherishes his words like gold.

"Kill the Turks, protect the Central Plains, the Sui Dynasty will not be destroyed by the barbarians, and I will return you a favor in the future."

When Luo Yi saw this sentence, he burst out laughing, looked at the letter and said to himself: "Give me a favor? How can you repay me with your power that you can't show? Da Sui can't be destroyed by barbarians ... Do you still need to teach me this kind of thing?"

He stood up and stretched, and looked at another letter on the table.

It was Ashina Quhu's personal letter.

"Kill Yang Guang, help me to be promoted to Khan, and the world will be divided equally between you and me."

Luo Yi picked up both letters, and then took out a fire pocket from his bosom to burn the letters.But after hesitating for a while, he put down both letters, and after thinking for a while, he shouted to the outside: "Come here.

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