Will Ming

Chapter 305 Big Brother Be Strong!

Chapter [-] Be Strong

On the first day of September, the strong wind began to rage on both sides of the Yellow River since last night. The wind on the river is stronger than that on the land. The roll was shot to death on the water in the middle of the air, not to mention how many fishermen's boats capsized in the water, and their family property was gone in an instant, and they had nothing.

Perhaps it was because of God's pity for the world that the wind gradually stopped when the sun came out in the morning.

Many houses in Lei Ze City had their roofs knocked off. Since last night, the soldiers of Lie Huo Camp and Min Yong in Lei Ze City have been rescuing the people without stopping. Fortunately, there was wind but no rain. If it rains heavily, many people may die.The people whose houses collapsed by the wind were rescued by the soldiers of Yanyunzhai and took refuge in the county government. The county government couldn't let go of so many people, so they sent people to lead the people to be placed in the school field barracks. Instead, the soldiers were gone. The place to rest, when the wind stopped, I slept all over the street on the school grounds.

Seeing this touching scene early in the morning, the common people spontaneously organized and delivered hot meals to the soldiers sleeping on the street and in the school grounds. Many people held the hands of the soldiers in Yanyunzhai and shed tears .They never saw an army that braved the wind to rescue the people, never saw an army that would rather sleep in the streets than harass the people.

The scene in Lei Ze City was touching, and Chao Qiuge, who was urgently sent by Li Xian to appease the people in the city, was deeply moved when he saw this scene.

And in the most northeastern part of the Great Sui territory, Emperor Yang Guang of the Great Sui Dynasty left his camp in Liaodong, and took the Sixth Army of the Emperor to visit Haidun again. rest assured.In fact, there were not many battles at all in this expedition to Liaodong. Gao Yuan, the king of Goguryeo, expressed his willingness to submit from the very beginning, and sent envoys to meet His Majesty the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty. Yang Guang allowed Goguryeo to surrender, but Gao Yuan had to come to bow down in person.

How dare Gao Yuan come?

So starting from June, the civil officials of both sides began to argue back and forth, discussing the matter of becoming a minister, and the army of millions seemed to be doing nothing.

Yang Guang and others were impatient, so they ordered Yu Wenshu to put pressure on Gao Yuan, but he himself was tired of staying in Liaodong, and remembered the charming scenery of Haydn, so he took Queen Xiao to the seaside for vacation again.In July, part of the Liao army actually returned to the Central Plains one after another. In addition to the rampant plague in Liaodong this year, countless soldiers died of illness, and the morale of the army was unstable. Yu Wenshu knew that this battle was actually unnecessary. Beat down.

From June to August, more than 10,000 soldiers were withdrawn from Liaodong to the pass, while no fewer than 15 soldiers fled.Especially after Yang Guang ordered the attack to put pressure on Gao Yuan, none of the soldiers were willing to go deep into the plague-ridden land of Liaodong, so large-scale defections began to appear, not to mention the soldiers, even many generals of the sixth and fifth ranks also joined the fleeing The team will never stay in Liaodong for another day.After August, less than half of the million-strong army remained.

Yu Wenshu had no choice but to ask the emperor to withdraw his troops.

Yang Guang, who had already arrived at Wanghaidun, was not in the mood to fight this battle again, so he allowed Gao Yuan to pay homage to the north in the Koguryo Palace in Pyongyang under the supervision of the envoys of the Sui Dynasty, and no longer forced Gao Yuan to Wanghaidun to beg for surrender in person.Gao Yuan was straightforward this time, didn’t he just kneel down three times and kowtow nine times, as long as he could keep Goguryeo, he didn’t care about kneeling once and prostrating once.

So the third army to conquer Liao ended this time with almost no battles. Yu Wenshu ordered all the troops to return to their original places, and then he rushed to Wanghaidun and Yang Guang with all the civil and military officials.After playing in Wanghaidun for a month, Yang Guang felt tired again, so he ordered to tour the northern border and inspect the border defense.

What happened in Liaodong is embarrassing, and the Emperor of Sui once again showed his benevolence, righteousness, virtue and tolerance.

It's just that no one in Goguryeo seems to be grateful to him.

What happened in the distant Liaodong Li Xian is not in the mood to care about it now, he must solve the immediate matter as soon as possible.Wagangzhai is a confidant, and only Li Xian is aware of its huge role in history at this time, and he, in order to maintain the stability and tranquility of his Dongping County, still cares about Wagang What important role did Zhai play in the collapse of the Sui Dynasty in the future?In order to stabilize the piece of territory he had won with great difficulty, Li Xian did not have the consciousness to respect history.

Not long after the strong wind subsided, someone from Wagang Village sent Zhai Rang's personal letter, saying that he was willing to sit down with Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village, to sit down and talk peacefully. , Only the leaders of the two sides met in person to resolve this conflict in a peaceful manner.

Of course, neither Zhai Rang, who wrote the letter, nor Li Xian, who read it, paid any serious attention to the contents of the letter. Both of them actually had the intention of swallowing each other.

Li Xian replied with a pen, expressing his willingness to negotiate peace with Wagangzhai. It was agreed that the two sides could only bring three hundred soldiers at most at the shore of Xiaojing Lake, twenty miles outside Lei Ze City. Can bring five guards each.The safety of Xiaojing Lake is jointly maintained by both parties, with Wagang Village taking care of half and Yanyun Village taking care of the other half.



The date was agreed to be on the fifth day of September three days later. Dugu Ruizhi approached Li Xian and strongly demanded that he remove the residual poison in his body first. The matter was handed over to Ye Huaishu, and he, Dugu Ruizhi, and Xu Zhizang got into a newly built big tent. It took two days to enter, and Li Xian never stepped out of the big tent during the two days.

On the second day, Ye Huaixiu walked into Li Xian's detoxification tent with a gloomy expression.

"did not find?"

Seeing that Ye Huaixiu's face was a bit ugly, Li Xian, who was sitting in a large wooden barrel and suffering from steaming to detoxify, immediately guessed the reason.

"The wind was too strong the day before yesterday."

Ye Huaixiu sat down beside Li Xian, straightened the hair hanging down on his forehead and said softly: "The secret spies and cavalry who were chasing were blocked by the strong wind and couldn't move forward. After the wind calmed down a bit, they continued to search immediately, but the strong wind Afterwards, no trace of Liu Heitai was found anymore, and it is not known whether he fled against the strong wind or found a hidden place to hide. However, the ferry boat on the Yellow River was damaged by a strong wind the day before yesterday. Eighty-nine times, it is not easy for Liu Heita to escape the Yellow River and join Dou Jiande, I have already sent additional people to continue the search."

Li Xian nodded, feeling rather helpless in his heart.

He always feels that some things cannot be resisted by human beings, and what should happen will still happen.For example, if there hadn't been the strong wind the day before yesterday, the joint efforts of the Flying Tiger Secret Agent and the Ruijinying Iron Cavalry would have captured that man, and there would be no Liu Heitai who dominated Hebei after Dou Jiande in the future.However, God was against Li Xian, and the wind swept away the traces of Liu Heikai's escape, so how difficult is it to find him?

This made Li Xian feel a little powerless. He felt that many things were already doomed, and even if he wanted to change, he still failed due to some factors.

However, Li Xian is not the kind of person who is troubled by regret and can't eat or sleep. Li Xian has never regretted anything he has done, no matter what the consequences are. It's not that he doesn't know how to reflect, but he knows that regret is the kind The most useless things in the world only increase troubles.He originally wanted to send someone to find Dou Jiande and warn Dou Jiande that if he dared to take Liu Heitai and refused to hand it over, he would fight with him, but later he thought that this was just an extremely naive move.Whether Dou Jiande would accept it or not, he said it all in one mouth, and since he dared to instigate Liu Heitai to poison him, how could he be afraid of the threat of Yanyunzhai?

"Continue to investigate, this matter cannot be let go."

Li Xian looked at Ye Huaixiu's slightly haggard face and said, "Go back and have a good rest, and accompany me to see Zhai Rang the day after tomorrow."

Ye Huaixiu nodded, got up and left.

After being steamed intermittently in this wooden barrel for two days, the remaining poison in Li Xian's body was gone, and the golden wolf flower antidote prepared by Dugu Ruizhi had also been distributed. Trouble, far from being as cumbersome as Li Xianzhong's two poisons.

On the fourth day of September, Li Xian wore a black shirt, tied his smooth straight hair behind his head, and without any armor, rode a big black horse and led three hundred elite soldiers slowly towards Xiaojing Lake. Go, at this time, Xiaojing Lake is surrounded by troops from both sides, but according to the agreement, the army stays two miles away from the place where the two sides are negotiating, and the three hundred armored soldiers brought by the leaders of both sides are not allowed to approach. No more than ten people.

People from Wagangzhai arrived a little earlier than Li Xian. Zhai Rang brought Shan Xiongxin, Xu Shiji, Xie Yingdeng, Zhang Liang, and five guards to sit and rest on the open space outside the stone pavilion on the south bank of Xiaojing Lake.This open space has already been set up, and the tables on both sides are ten meters apart, and the tables are already equipped with fine wine and dishes.



"I guess that if Li Xian was really poisoned, he would definitely not come in person."

Shan Xiongxin whispered to Zhai Rang: "Even if he has a miraculous doctor who can rejuvenate in his army, how can he recover from the knife wound and poison wound in just a few days?"

Xu Shiji shook his head and said: "He will definitely come. If he is not injured or poisoned, maybe he won't come, but today, he will definitely come."

Shan Xiongxin was startled, and after thinking about it, it really made sense.

"Brother, when we talk about it later, you must not soften your heart. You must be strong. If you want to suppress Li Xian, you will not be able to lift your head."

Shan Xiongxin said to Zhai Rang: "We must not let him take the lead."

Zhai Rang nodded slightly and said, "Of course I know, you don't have to worry."

Xie Yingdeng glanced at Xu Shiji, hesitant to speak.Xu Shiji nodded to him, but did not speak.Zhang Liang, who has the lowest status, doesn't talk nonsense, but sits obediently in the last seat, raising his head from time to time.

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