Will Ming

Chapter 306 People Are Like Trees

Chapter [-] People Are Like Trees

"What does he mean?"

Zhai Rang said in a low voice with displeasure.

Shan Xiongxin's face was even more ugly. He was the most irritable in the entire Wagang village, followed by Cheng Zhijie, but since Sucheng and his party returned to Wagang village, because they were suspected together with Xu Shiji, Cheng Zhijie became a little reticent. language.In this negotiation, Zhai Rang originally asked him to accompany him, but Cheng Zhijie insisted on leading the army to guard the periphery.Zhai Rang thought that it would be appropriate for Cheng Zhijie to command Ma Jun, so he didn't force it.

At this time, seeing Li Xian's appearance was really annoying, Shan Xiongxin jumped up and said: "Which one is the head of Yanyun Village, Li Xian, didn't you hear me? People say that the head of Yanyun Village, Li Xian, is humble." You're welcome, are the rumors true?"

Ye Huaixiu glanced at him and said calmly: "My general is indeed humble and polite, but it depends on whether the people in front of the general are worthy of his respect."

"Which one are you?!"

Shan Xiongxin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ye Huaixiu didn't even stand up, straightened his hair on his forehead and said slowly: "I am an insignificant person in Yanyun Village. The general sent me to talk to the heroes of Wagang Village, so I came here. Which are you?"


Shan Xiongxin sneered and said, "Could it be that there is no one available in Yanyun village? It's not too shameful to find a woman to talk to. It's possible that Yanyun village doesn't even have anyone who can stand on the stage?"

Ye Huaixiu smiled and said: "The general asked me to come, so I came. I also asked the general, if I can't do this important task? The general told me that we should be equal in talking and acting. Since we are with the people of Wagang Village Talk, then it is enough for me to come. As for whether there are any people in my Yanyun village who can stand on the stage, do you people in Wagang village not know after this battle?"

Shan Xiongxin was stunned, and said with a sneer, "You are a sharp-tongued woman, you are not qualified to talk to me, ask the head of Yanyun Village behind you to come up and talk!"

Ye Huaixiu shook his head slowly and said: "The general must hear a single word, and he can't hear a single word that shouldn't be heard. It's pointless for you to make such a fuss, and it's a loss of dignity and etiquette. The general asked me to speak, and I will speak, if you feel that you have nothing to say to me, then you don’t have to speak.”

Xu Shiji glanced at Shan Xiongxin and said in a low voice: "Second brother Shan, she is the famous family of the grass leaves in the south of the Yangtze River, and she is also a very famous person. Second brother Shan must not underestimate her."

"Is she the master of thatched cottage leaves?"

Shan Xiongxin's face changed color and he said in a low voice, "How did you get to Yanyun Village?"

Xu Shiji thought for a while and said truthfully, "I think she is Li Xian's woman."


As soon as these words were uttered, all ten people in Wagang Village were stunned.But soon, Shan Xiongxin burst out laughing: "I hide behind and act like a coward, but I push women out to take charge. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of guilt, or because I think I'm a beautiful woman and deliberately show it off?!"

Xu Shiji frowned slightly, endured it and did not speak.Even Xie Yingdeng and Zhang Liang felt that what Shan Xiongxin said was too harsh, and he had already lost his status.On the other hand, Master Ye is a woman of the generation, who speaks neither humble nor overbearing, and appears to be very graceful.Xie Yingdeng glanced at Zhai Rang, but saw that the head of the family had been staring at the woman opposite without blinking, and sighed in his heart, a very uncomfortable feeling rose in his heart.

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up when he saw Ye Huaixiu for the first time, but after hearing that the woman was the woman of Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village, he lowered his head, looked at the wine glass in his hand, and didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he glanced at the handsome young man leaning on a chair quietly reading a book at the back of the Yanyun village, and there was a fleeting hesitation in his eyes.

Ye Huaixiu smiled, she didn't seem to be annoyed by Shan Xiongxin's harsh words, she smiled calmly, her face was as delicate as a flower, and her words were soft, but she returned all the bitterness.

"No wonder my general said that I felt a little wronged when I came to talk to the people in Wagangzhai. The general said that how high a person stands depends on his attitude. If there is heaven and earth in his heart, he is a real man. He is open-minded. Tolerance, even a woman can be called a hero. If it is narrow-minded, dirty and ugly, even a man is nothing more than a common man. In the eyes of the general, if I have the ability to take on this matter, then let me do it. There is no such thing in my heart. What is the difference between men and women, this is the general's magnanimity. And some people, when facing a woman, don't know whether they want to show that they are a man or feel that they are a humble and pitiful person."

"Too much!"

Zhai Rang interrupted Ye Huaixiu in a cold voice, looked at Ye Huaixiu coldly and said, "I don't have time to argue with you, and I'm not interested in watching you play tricks like a woman. If Li Xian wants to talk, he can talk about it by himself." , if he doesn't come to talk in person, then I don't have time to wait here."

Shan Xiongxin was taken aback, feeling displeased for some reason.After thinking about it carefully, he realized that Zhai Rang's reprimand was actually incidental to himself.

After Zhai Rang finished speaking, he looked at Ye Huaixiu coldly, and was surprised to find that Li Xian, who was sitting behind Ye Huaixiu and the others, suddenly closed the scroll in his hand with a snap, then stood up, turned away with his hands behind his back.

Ye Huaixiu stood up with a smile, and said calmly: "My general means that he has no time."



Zhai Rang looked at Shan Xiongxin and then at Xu Shiji, feeling a little overwhelmed for a moment. He wanted to turn around and leave, but he was stopped by Shan Xiongxin: "Brother, I haven't found out what Li Xian is. Not poisoned."

Zhai Rang said angrily: "Look at him, he doesn't look like a person who was stabbed and poisoned!"

Xu Shiji's face changed when he heard this, he looked up at Zhai Rang, then stood up and clasped his fists and said loudly: "General Li, please stay. I don't know if General Li's injury is better. If we can hold on, I think we should be calm." talk about it."

Hearing Xu Shiji's words, Li Xian stopped and looked back.

"Brother Maogong also came. Since Brother Maogong spoke, how could Li refute your face? You and I are like brothers, so it's a pleasure to sit down and talk."

After speaking, he actually walked back.

Ye Huaixiu got up to give up his seat, Li Xian sat down with his robe in his hands and smiled, "Brother Maogong lived comfortably and happily after returning to Wagang Village? I said when you left, even though you stabbed me But I don't hold grudges against you, if you want to come to my Yanyun village, I will open the door for you at any time."

"shut up!"

Shan Xiongxin said angrily: "Mao Gong is the military advisor of my Wagang Village, and our brother. Don't you think it's too ridiculous and a little bit of a villain for you to say these things in front of us?"

Li Xian ignored him, still looked at Xu Shiji and said, "Brother Maogong, no matter who you are, you will face countless choices in your life, and often one of them will affect the whole life, go left, Going to the right, the difference in one thought may make a world of difference."

Xu Shiji said: "General Li, are you here to negotiate with my brother Zhai today, or are you talking about these meaningless nonsense? If it's the latter, then we really have nothing to talk about."

Li Xian nodded and said seriously: "There is nothing to talk about. If you were not in Wagangzhai, how could I waste this time and come here? In my opinion, negotiation is the most boring thing in the world." Negotiation is a request made only by the weak. Why should the strong sit down and talk? Even if they sit down, the person in front of him is not qualified to sit down and talk. So, I'm here just to see if you change your mind. "

He smiled slightly and said: "Since your heart is as firm as iron, I won't say anything. When I meet you on the battlefield in the future, I will kill you with a knife, and I will show you your loyalty."

"What an arrogant tone!"

Zhai Rang said with a cold face: "Don't you think that your Yanyun Village has the upper hand now? I think you are just bluffing. If there is a fight, it is still unclear who will win. I am willing to sit down and talk to you because you are just a quack. Junior, I don’t want people to say that I’m bullying you, baby. If it wasn’t for the face of your adoptive father Zhang Zhongjian, don’t you think my heroes can’t kill you!?”

Li Xian glanced at Zhai Rang indifferently, sighed and said softly: "People are really like trees."

After finishing speaking, Yaoyao hugged Xu Shiji and got up to leave.Except for Ye Huaixiu and Li Xian, the people in Yanyun Village didn't say a word, but Pei Xingyan was overjoyed to see the people in Wagang Village slumped.But his father Pei Renji frowned, as if thinking of something.Getting up and following Li Xian, he couldn't help but whispered: "General, will it be counterproductive to force Zhai Rang like this? If he feels that he can't hold back, he won't retreat..."

Li Xian smiled and said: "General Pei, you just arrived at the barracks and didn't know about it. Yuan Qing was discussing matters in the barracks yesterday, so let him tell you."

Pei Xingyan chuckled and said, "The general didn't intend to let Wagang Village go so easily!"



"If I don't kill this little thief, I swear I won't give up!"

Zhai Rang got up abruptly, turned around and walked back.Xu Shiji and the others followed behind him, and everyone looked at Zhai Rang's slightly trembling shoulders and dared not speak.Shan Xiongxin also knew that Zhai Rang was really angry this time, and after walking a few steps behind him, he suddenly remembered something.

"Big brother!"

Shan Xiongxin said: "It's not right!"

"What's wrong!"

Zhai Rang said angrily.

Shan Xiong said: "I think it's Li Xian who deliberately wants to provoke us!"

"As the eldest brother said, he is bluffing!"

Xie Yingdeng nodded and said: "Just now I felt that something was wrong. This person's acting so strong was clearly intentional.

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