Will Ming

Chapter 307 Digging a hole to set up a game, but only worrying about one variable

(Thanks to Zhou Yangong for his endless rewards, keep asking for collection)

Chapter Three Hundred and Seven

If it had been placed three months ago, Xu Shiji would never have said the words "the older you get, the thicker your skin is", and when he heard Li Xian's sarcasm, he would not have responded sharply.If it was placed half a month ago, even if Zhang Liang asked, he would not have said it so directly and frankly. After all, Li Xian was satirizing Zhai Rang, the head of Wagang Village.

But today, he found that he didn't feel any burden when he said these five words.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Liang was stunned, and Xu Shiji himself was also stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Zhang Liang walked beside Xu Shiji, smiled and remained silent for a while and said, "If our Wagang village really loses this battle, are you and I considered sinners?"

Xu Shiji nodded but did not speak. The two walked forward for a long time. When they were about to return to the army, Xu Shiji suddenly asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Liang smiled and said in a low voice, "I'll bring some food and wine to your military tent tonight."

Xu Shiji nodded, got on his horse, and followed the Wagang Village team back to the camp.After returning to the camp, he did not follow Zhai Rang Shan Xiongxin and others into Zhai Rang's big tent, but went back to his own tent alone. First, someone brought hot water to take a shower, changed into dry clothes, and then lay down. Rest on the couch.He seemed calm, but in fact he was silently calculating the time in his heart.After guessing that half an hour had passed and still no one came to ask him to go to Zhai Rang's big tent to discuss matters, Xu Shiji opened his eyes and sighed, and murmured: "Li Xian, you have won."

He stared at the top of the military tent in a daze, thinking for a long time and still couldn't figure out one thing.

Obviously it was Li Xian's design that created a estrangement between himself and Zhai Rang and others, and it was obviously him who pushed himself to an embarrassing situation, but why couldn't he feel resentment?Li Xian's methods are disgraceful, not pretty, and seem a bit villainous, darker, and shameless, but even so, Xu Shiji found that he still couldn't resent Li Xian.

"I am not as good as you when it comes to military strategy and strategy. You are not as good as me when it comes to power tactics and conspiracy."

Thinking of Li Xian's words, Xu Shiji suddenly smiled.

The smile was a little bitter, a little relieved, and a little unwilling.

He suddenly looked down on himself.

Just as he was thinking about his unwillingness and savoring his own bitterness, suddenly the curtain of the military tent was lifted, and Zhang Liang came in with a jug in his hand. The soldiers behind him were holding a food box. After the appetizers inside were placed on the table, the soldier bowed and retreated.Zhang Liang sat down opposite Xu Shiji, filled two glasses of wine and smiled and said, "Can a military master drink while lying down?"

Xu Shiji got up, and said with some regret, "You really can't wait."

Zhang Liang laughed at himself and said: "It's rare to see a military adviser thinking about talking to me today. If I don't take this opportunity to do what my boss told me, I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future. Moreover, at this time, those people are all in the leadership Discussing matters in the tent, but it's rare for you and me to be idle and bored, and while drinking, you can still do what I should do, so why not do it."

He glanced at Xu Shiji and said, "The military division doesn't like me."

Xu Shiji picked up his wine glass and took a sip, neither admitting nor denying it.

"Because I belong to Migong."

Zhang Liang smiled and said: "But this may not be a legitimate reason. Mi Gongxiong's general talent is far from comparable to that of Zhai Rang. Now that Zhai Rang no longer trusts military advisors, it can be seen that Zhai Rang is not worthy of military advisors." Follow. Although the military adviser has never met Mi Gong, he should have heard of Mi Gong’s reputation for seeking talents. Mi Gong knows people and is good at responsibility. If the military adviser is willing to assist Mi Gong to achieve his great things, wouldn’t it be better than assisting Mi Gong in Wagang Village? That ineffective Zhai Rang is a hundred times stronger?"

He filled Xu Shiji with wine again, looked at Xu Shiji's face and continued, "Hasn't the military division noticed that now... for Wagang Village, the military division is already an outcast."

Xu Shiji gulped it down again, looked up at Zhang Liang and sighed, "You... how do you know that you are not an abandoned child?"

Zhang Liang was stunned, thought for a while and said: "Mr. Mi will not give up on me, and I will not be an abandoned son."

Xu Shiji sneered and said, "Li Mi discarded fewer chess pieces?"

"That's because they have no skills. It's not a pity that those who have no skills are abandoned. It's not pitiful. But the military division is a person of great talent and wisdom. Mi Gong has the military division's help like a tiger with wings. The future? The world is in chaos, and everyone wants to take a share of this troubled world. But Zhai Rang is not the master of the Ming Dynasty. Even if he is not destroyed by Yanyun Village this time, he will be destroyed by others sooner or later. Possibly long."

Zhang Liang said in a sincere tone: "Military advisors should have self-confidence. If you trade your talent for a bright future, even if you leave Zhai Rang, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"You came today just to say this?"

Xu Shiji suddenly sighed and asked, "Did you feel flustered when you said that?"

Zhang Liang didn't care about Xu Shiji's sarcasm, but nodded and said very seriously: "I'm really flustered and guilty."



After Li Xian had lunch, he went to see Niu Jinda again. He was still in a coma, but the lifelessness on his face had disappeared a lot. The old man Xu Zhizang said that this man was so lucky that the two cuts were almost transparent, but he didn't. The knife wounded the vitals, and I don't know if Liu Heikai didn't see where he was because he was afraid of guilt when he struck, or if he thought of the years of love between the two of them and deliberately showed mercy.

Li Xian is a person who sees things in a gloomy way. He never looks at things in a bright direction.Therefore, no matter what, he would never believe that Liu Heita's two stabs were missed because of his conscience.

"When will he wake up?"

Li Xian looked at Niu Jinda and asked.

"Not necessarily."

Xu Zhizang thought for a while and replied seriously: "Maybe he will wake up in a while, maybe he won't wake up in a year."

"What's the worst possible outcome?"

Li Xian asked.

Xu Zhizang and Dugu Ruizhi glanced at each other, perhaps because Xu Zhizang was too old to say cruel things, so this time it was Dugu Ruizhi who answered: "The worst result... is that he won't wake up until he dies." come over."

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside.Hearing the voices of the soldiers saluting outside the door, Li Xian knew that it was Daxi Changru and Xiongkuo Hai Pei Xingyan who had come.He stood with his hands behind his back, standing beside Niu Jinda's bed, looking at the distorted face that frowned slightly as if he was enduring the pain, and felt a faint pain in his heart.

The door curtain was lifted, and the generals headed by Daxi Changru entered in a file.Li Xian turned around to look at them, then walked to the main seat and sat down.Daxi Changru sat next to Li Xian, and all the generals in the tent lined up in two rows, clasped their fists and saluted.Because Pei Renji can be regarded as one of the famous generals of the Sui Dynasty, he made a lot of achievements on the battlefield, so Li Xian directly allocated a 3000-man recruit battalion to him, made him the captain, and allocated another [-] recruits to Pei Xingyan, who was also appointed as the capital. The post of lieutenant.Both father and son are the leaders of Yanyun Village, which can be regarded as a good story.


Daxi Changru smiled and said: "All the battalions have assembled, and they can retreat at any time. They have also ordered that when the troops retreat, the battalions should maintain their formation and not mess up their positions."

Li Xian shook his head slowly and said, "I can't retreat."

"What did you think of again?"

Daxi Changru asked in surprise.

Li Xian said softly: "It's not enough."

He glanced at everyone and said: "The temptation to Wagang Village is not enough!"

"Xiong Kuohai, Pei Xingyan, Pei Renji, Luo Fu!"

Li Xian suddenly raised his voice and said: "You four, take your own troops and horses and go out of the camp immediately. The army must be in good order. The bigger the formation, the better. Go to Wagang Village and call for battle outside the camp! If there are soldiers and horses from Wagang Village In a battle, you can only win but not lose. If Wagang Village refuses to fight, then scold the battle, the stronger the better."

"Iron Wolf!"

"You lead the Ruijin Battalion to support the rear. If the Wagang Village goes out to fight and the attack is fierce, you will lead the cavalry to drive back the people and horses in the Wagang Village, but don't go out to fight lightly. You only need to worry about when the soldiers and horses of the Fourth Battalion are in danger." Send troops again. Keep cursing until dark. If the people in Wagangzhai do not come out, you should not be too eager to retreat. The slower the better, you will speed up when you are close to the camp. You are not allowed to enter the camp and go directly to the east. Fast forward."


Li Xian clasped his fists at Daxi Changru and said: "Please take charge of the military affairs in the camp. Everyone waits for Xiong Kuohai and them to go out of the camp to provoke them, and immediately set off, leave the camp, and lie in ambush in the valley fifteen miles to the east."

"What about you?"

Daxi Changru asked doubtfully.

"I want to go into Lei Ze City and personally lead the Raging Fire Camp to break the retreat of Wagang Village!"

Several military orders went down, and they were carried out vigorously and decisively, without sloppiness at all, clean and decisive.Pei Renji looked at the expression of admiration on his son's face, and sighed slightly in his heart: The leader of Yanyun Village is much better than Zhai Rang!

The meaning of the series of orders he issued has been understood by everyone.Xiong Kuohai and other four battalions pretended to attack and provoke, while the others pretended to retreat non-stop, but set up an ambush in the valley.And after Xiong Kuohai and the other four battalions retreated, the people from Wagangzhai must have sent scouts to follow them. Seeing that Xiongkuohai and the others did not enter the barracks but directly led the army to withdraw, Zhai Rang must have thought that the army of Yanyunzhai had escaped. , how could he let go of such a good opportunity?

After finishing speaking, Li Xian frowned slightly and said, "The only variable is Xu Shiji. As long as he can't guess my intention, Wagang Village will definitely be defeated."

The generals were ordered to disperse, but Li Xian was in no hurry to leave for Lei Ze City.

He walked to Niu Jinda's side again, and stretched out his hand to cover him with the quilt.

"Little poisonous brother.

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