Will Ming

Chapter 313 Ten Thousand Soldiers

Chapter 310 Three Hundred Thousand Soldiers

Zhai Rang really didn't expect that failure would be so speechless, so easy that people think it's a play, and it's a play that makes people laugh and cry.This failure was also very strange. The chaos spread from the left wing, and soon spread to the central army, and then the right wing. Except for the remaining [-] gray-clothed troops who kept their lineup intact, the other soldiers were all defeated because of a rumor The people caught off guard.

Zhai Rang once thought that he might be defeated, and when he was very bored, he even thought about what kind of tragedy would end the war.

What he didn't expect was that the ending of this war would be so disappointing.

He would never have thought that the one who defeated him was not the elite soldiers of Yanyun Village, nor the astonishingly powerful return artillery, but a lie, an outright lie!

"The boss killed the military division!"

"The military division wanted to seize power, but was killed by the master!"

"The military division wanted to retreat, but the master insisted on attacking. The two had a dispute, and the master cut off the head of the general division."

"The military division was chopped into meat by random knives!"

The rumors spread more and more outrageous, and the most unacceptable thing is that as more and more people spread the rumors, in the end, they turned out to be the head of the family and the military adviser.Someone else ran and vividly narrated: "The big master bit off the military division's ear, the military division punched the big master's nose crookedly, and then the big master stabbed the military division's heart with a knife, and the military division bit off the big man before he died. Take charge of the neck."

Zhai Rang ordered the gray-clothed army to enforce the law and kill the fleeing soldiers. He killed 600 people in a row to barely stop the chaos, but it was too late at this time. It was head arched by a pig.The defeat of the main force of Wagang Village is unstoppable. Fortunately, because of Xu Shiji's military training these years, the quality of soldiers in Wagang Village is still good, especially the most elite gray-clothed army, who retreated while resisting. After that, Xie Yingdeng withdrew all the way to the southwest. This battle was not so tragic, because the war was so fast from the beginning to the end that there was no time for too many people to die.

Zhai Rang, under the protection of Wang Bodang, Xie Yingdeng, Zhang Liang and others, took less than 1 horses to kill the bleeding all the way to the southwest. Baili, although he didn't kill too many people, it made it impossible for the team in Wagang Village to stop and rectify.

Zhai Rang had no choice but to temporarily give up his plan to rescue Shan Xiongxin and others, and returned to Wagang Village in Dongjun with the remnants of the soldiers.

The two-month battle between Yanyun Village and Wagang Village finally came to an end. Wagang Village lost more than 2 horses, and fewer than [-] soldiers followed Zhai Rang back to Wagang Village, which was seriously injured.They also lost the generals Shan Xiongxin, Xu Shiji, and Cheng Zhijie. The life and death of the three are unknown.The more than [-] men and horses who entered the valley were wiped out, and there were only more than [-] people who surrendered, most of whom were killed, especially the [-] shield soldiers and [-] spearmen who were burned by a fire. No piece of armor left.

Later, Daxi Changru said to Li Xian: "At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the Three Kingdoms were at the same time, when Wuhou pacified southern Xinjiang, he burned to death three thousand Tengjia troops. Later, he almost burned to death in Calabash Valley. Sima Yi, Marquis Wu once said that attacking with fire is against the peace of heaven and will shorten one's lifespan, but I'm not afraid of this, so I will kill people on your behalf, if you kill less, it won't have the effect of shocking people's hearts. With this kind of fire, I guess Yan Yun The fierce reputation of the village has spread."

When Li Xian heard these words, he just shook his head and remained silent. He didn't know whether he felt that there were too many people burned to death, or he felt sorry for the two thousand giant shields.

Seeing that he looked a little strange, Daxi Changru couldn't help asking him if he had any thoughts.

Li Xian smiled and said: "I was just thinking, if we wait a little longer and let Shan Xiongxin and Cheng Zhijie's cavalry go, and wait for the Wagangzhai brigade to enter the valley and then set fire to them, will more people be burned to death? "

Daxi Changru was startled, and was speechless for a while.



"Why did you do this?"

Xu Shiji's forehead was bandaged, not because his head was broken and bleeding from the blow he received, but because the soldiers who were carrying him ran too fast when they rushed out. , Accidentally let his forehead hit the saddle and scratched the skin, but the person who treated him made a fuss too much, bandaged him tightly, and his head looked bigger than a circle.

His face was cold, his voice was cold, and his eyes were cold.

Therefore, the person who was questioned sitting in front of him seemed very embarrassed, did not dare to look at Xu Shiji, and lowered his head. Mingming is older than Xu Shiji, and his seniority is also older than Xu Shiji, but under Xu Shiji's gaze, he seems like Like a child who has done something wrong, he dare not show his breath.

Occasionally, he raised his head to look at Xu Shiji, but immediately lowered his head quickly with a twinkle in his eyes.

"How many benefits did Li Xian give you, what did you promise, you didn't even hesitate when you hit me with a sap, am I still your nephew!"

Xu Shiji asked with a gloomy face, "Give me a reason, is it just because Li Xian once saved your life, do you pay him such a favor?"

Sitting in front of Xu Shiji was none other than his uncle Xu Xiazi.

"He... didn't give me any benefits, and didn't promise to give me any conditions. Maogong, I swear to God, if I take a copper from General Li, I will be struck by lightning. You know, who am I cheating? I won't lie to you either."


Xu Shiji was surprised for a moment, but became even more angry: "You help others without confiscating a single copper coin, why are you so stupid now! Is it a loss, I ask you if it is a loss!?"

"No loss..."

Blind Xu said cautiously, "At least I caught you here."

"What are you doing with me!"

Xu Shiji moved forward, looked directly at Xu Blind's small eyes and asked angrily, "If Li Xian didn't give you any favors, why would you help him?"

"I'm helping you, and I'm helping myself..."

Blind Xu swallowed: "I really forfeit the benefits, I will not betray you, even if someone puts a knife on my neck, even if someone gouges out my eyeballs, I will not betray you!"

"It's really hard to pluck out your eyeballs!"

Xu Shiji said angrily.

Seeing that his nephew was in the mood, Xu Xiazi made a joke, knowing that he was angry and angry, but he didn't mean to be endless with him.After all, this nephew of mine has had the best relationship with him since he was a child, and since he hit him with a sap, anger is inevitable, not to be angry... that would be stupid.

"Don't make things difficult for him."

Li Xian walked into the room with a smile, and waved his hand to ask the soldiers to put the food on the table: "I'll tell you what to do."

Seeing Li Xian, Xu Shiji sighed.

Blind Xu felt relieved when he saw Li Xian.

"General, you are here, then I will go out first."

He got up and hugged Li Xian, Li Xian said with a smile: "Don't, drink together, if you don't explain clearly for you, your nephew will hate you for the rest of your life?"

Blind Xu looked at Xu Shiji with some fear, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I'd better go back first, and you explain it, it's better than what I can say. I'm a stupid person, I'm afraid I can't explain clearly."

Li Xian nodded and said, "Alright, let me tell you, don't worry."

He patted Blind Xu on the shoulder with a peaceful smile.

After Blind Xu left, Li Xian pulled the desk table to the side of Xu Shiji's bed, poured him a glass of wine himself, and said with a smile, "There will be someone coming later, so don't be in a hurry to drink. I'm not in a hurry I'll explain it to you, and I'll talk about it when someone comes. But you really misunderstood your uncle, he really didn't take the benefit of a copper coin from me. Don't look at me like that, I didn't lie to him... your uncle did too You're an old man, do you think I can fool you with a few words?"

Xu Shiji didn't speak, he picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

While talking, the door curtain was lifted again, and two people walked in while talking.

"If I hadn't lost my strength, would I have been easily hit by you?"

"Stop bragging! Even with all your strength, you are no match for me!"

Xu Shiji looked up, but he saw that it was Cheng Zhijie and Pei Xingyan who walked in one after the other. The two were still arguing, but there was no sense of gunpowder.Pei Xingyan was carrying a roast goose in his hand, and Cheng Zhijie was carrying a jar of old wine.

"Mao Gong, are you feeling better?"

Cheng Zhijie looked at the bandages on Xu Shiji's head and frowned, as if he was surprised that there were more bandages on Xu Shiji's head today than yesterday. It looked like Xu Shiji was wearing a strange hat.Seeing Cheng Zhijie's gaze fixed on his head, Xu Shiji became even more annoyed.



"Mao Gong's injury is nothing serious, but Brother Cheng, you lost your strength that day. If you don't take good care of it, you may leave some hidden dangers."


Cheng Zhijie didn't care about his injuries, but rubbed his nose and sighed: "Obviously you and I should have a grudge, why didn't I get angry at all when I saw you and that Pei Zongzi?"

He took a sip of his wine and sighed, "Obviously it should belong to the enemy."

"What's the point of being an enemy? How can you be as happy as sitting down and drinking together when you fight and kill? I don't hate you if you capture my father. I don't hate you if you kill my Pei family army without leaving a single one behind. There is no need to worry about life and death on the battlefield, victory or defeat, if this is the case, then wouldn't people like us have countless enemies in their lives? Wouldn't that worry about death? Tired to death?"

Pei Xingyan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said something quite reasonable.

"It seems interesting."

Cheng Zhijie

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