Will Ming

Chapter 314 Military Academy

Chapter 310 Four Military Academy

Li Xian looked at Xu Shiji, who was seven times drunk, and smiled. He played with the valuable jade cup in his hand and said softly: "I don't have a hundred thousand soldiers, but if you can stay and help me with a hundred thousand soldiers, I will help you." Find one hundred thousand soldiers, if one hundred thousand is not enough, then 15, if 15 is not enough, then 20."

Xu Shiji shook his bandaged mushroom-like head that made him feel a little annoyed, squinted his eyes and looked at Li Xian with some puzzlement and asked: "You always say that you are not good at commanding battle formations, and don't know the art of war You always say that you are just a person who understands some small tricks and tricks, and you can't get on the stage. But these words are just your hypocritical humility. A conspiracy is a conspiracy, and a conspiracy is a conspiracy. As long as you can control the enemy and win, it is a good strategy. Ever since I met you, I have been deflated everywhere, and I am no match for you everywhere, why do you keep me so many times?"

He shook the wine glass, watching his own reflection in the glass being shaken to pieces.

"Liu Xuande paid three visits to the thatched hut. It was because Kong Ming had the talent to know the heavens and the latitudes of the earth. Before leaving the hut, he knew the three parts of the world. No matter how he used troops to govern the country, he was the best person in the world. Even so, I think if Kong Ming is still not invited for the third time, Maybe Liu Xuande will also feel bored. But you...why don't you let me go? I'm not Kong Ming, I don't have such amazing talent and resourcefulness, and you are not a big-eared Liu who only knows how to cry and win sympathy. ?”

"You are Xu Shiji, you are not Kong Ming."

Li Xian smiled and said: "Kong Mingqiong failed to help the Kingdom of Shu to rule the world, and was suppressed by Wei and Wu everywhere. Liu Xuande devoted himself to helping the Han Dynasty. In fact, he himself wanted to be the emperor? I am not that ambitious. At least I haven't thought about anything as boring and ethereal as dominating the world, so following me won't be as hard as Kong Ming following Big Ear Liu."

"How tiring Kong Ming is, so is his lord..."

Li Xian looked at Xu Shiji and said seriously: "But I won't make you so tired. You just need to help me train my soldiers and stabilize the land in Dongping County. I won't let you be the county magistrate to manage it." Don't you want [-] soldiers for those tedious civil affairs, and I'll recruit them for you one after another."

"The reason why I have to keep you is because I am lazy."

Li Xian said in a speechless and irresponsible tone: "With you, brother Cheng, Pei Xingyan, and so many heroes in my Yanyun village to help me maintain my facade, wouldn't I be able to live happily? You, Xu Shiji, are in charge of the army, and Brother Cheng and others are in charge of the war, so what else do you need to worry about?"

Li Xian drank the wine in his glass, and said with some pride: "I can idle around all day long. If I want to go fishing by the lake, I will just sit by the lake for a day, hold a big black umbrella, drink and enjoy the lake and mountains. Then I squint on the recliner, sleep until it’s time to eat, wake up naturally, eat and drink, all day long. If I want to hunt in the mountains and forests, I will ride my bow on the back of a big black horse, even if it is from the early sun to the sunset with a rabbit I haven't hunted it yet, and I'm free and easy."

"No ambition"

Drunken-eyed Xu Shiji concluded: "You are such a guy who is easy to get rich, why should I assist you?"

Li Xian laughed loudly and said: "There is no definite number in the end of the world. I think about happiness and ease. Who knows what kind of path I will take in the future? Even if I have no ambitions or big ambitions, so many people follow me, even if I don't think for myself. , I also want to find a good way out for them, a good future."

Xu Shiji narrowed his eyes and glanced at Li Xian: "You really only want to occupy Dongping County?"

Li Xian nodded slightly and said, "At least for the past two years, I have no other ideas."

Xu Shiji asked again: "I just train you soldiers? You are not afraid that I will suddenly betray you in the future and take the soldiers and horses I have trained back to Wagang Village?"

Li Xian thought for a while and said seriously: "I'm afraid."

Xu Shiji asked: "Is there a way to check and balance me?"

Li Xian frowned slightly, and sighed after thinking for a long time: "How about I find you a woman? Have a baby?"

Xu Shiji was startled: "What is this?"

Li Xian chuckled and said: "Beauty tricks"

Xu Shiji said slightly angrily: "What kind of beauty trick is this! Tell me, what kind of beauty trick is this?! Where is the beauty, and where is the trick?"

Li Xian said in astonishment: "Why are you so angry?"

Pei Xingyan, who was lying on the table too drunk to get up, suddenly raised his wine glass and shouted: "I won't lose to you even in drinking, come again!"

Looking at Cheng Zhijie again, he had fallen asleep leaning on the chair with his arms around his shoulders, but for some reason, there was an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.



It had been four full months since Lei Ze returned to Juye Ze, Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie had stayed in the cottage.The two of them had no bond, since Xu Shiji's rebellion in Wagang Village, his father had moved back to his hometown with his clansmen, fearing that if Xu Shiji failed, the whole family would be implicated.This is not that his father is ruthless, but a necessary means to keep the Xu family.

A son rebelled, and if he succeeds, the Xu family will surely become a prominent family in the future.

If it fails unfortunately and loses a son, it cannot lose another family.

This kind of choice was made by countless noble families in the Sui Dynasty. Every family will not go in one direction, because there is no road in this world that is smooth from the beginning to the end.Every aristocratic family will send out outstanding children from the younger generation of the family to experience training among the various rebels, and the best talents in the family will naturally still have to serve the court.This way of betting on both sides can ensure that even if the court changes and the empire collapses, the family will not be affected accordingly.

And Cheng Zhijie's family is also a wealthy family, and it is not much weaker than Xu Shiji's family.

The parents and relatives of the two of them are not around, so there is no need to worry about the safety of their families.

In the past four months in Yanyunzhai, Cheng Zhijie and Pei Xingyan were appointed by Li Xian as the leaders of the horse army. Tired of fighting on the battlefield, Tie Liaolang took the initiative to resign and lived in Juyeze Mountain. Most of the brothers also chose to go into seclusion. The reason is not that Li Xian stripped them of their official positions because he didn't think about the old love, but because Daxi Changru decided to really go into seclusion, let go completely, and let Li Xian fight hard by himself.

In fact, Li Xian knew that Daxi Changru did this on purpose.

Nowadays, there are more and more talents in Li Xian's army. Although the people in Blood Cavalry and Tiefutu are loyal to Li Xian, they may indeed be weaker in strength. More than a thousand men and horses are acceptable, but it is really difficult to actually command a large-scale war.In order not to embarrass Li Xian, the two of them, Daxi Changru and Zhang Zhongjian, made a plan and called together their old troops for a discussion.

The two of them shared their thoughts, and no one from the original old man of Blood Cavalry or Iron Buddha raised any objections.

They have been on the run all these years, and the days of fighting are indeed a little tired. Daxi Changru proposed that he should go into seclusion, just to hope that they would also express their opinion.

Looking at his subordinates who have followed him for many years, Daxi Changru said apologetically: "Juyeze has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and it is a comfortable thing to live in seclusion here. On weekdays, boating on the lake, fishing, hunting, drinking, and playing chess , I discussed with Zhongjian, and I plan to stay in Juyeze in the future and help Anzhi look after the house. I am old and have no ambitions. In the future, when the general goes out, Juyeze must be guarded by someone. Zhongjian and I took on this matter, you are both Zhongjian and I's old subordinates, you have a brotherhood, so I want to ask you what you mean, should you stay in the army or stay in the cottage."

Tie Liaolang, Zhao Qiuge, Dongfang Liehuo, Luo Fu, the four of them looked at each other, how could they not understand what Daxi Changru said?

"I don't want to go to the battlefield to fight anymore. I have experienced too much in these years, and I am a little tired. If you still need a horse and umbrella by your side, general, why don't you take me with you?"

Iron Wolf was the first to express his opinion.

"I plan to marry a wife!"

Chao Qiuge blushed and said in a low voice, "It's time to pass on the family lineage to my Chao family."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Zhongjian smiled and said: "What I mean is this. We are all relatives of An Zhi, so naturally we can't hold back An Zhi. Now that Yanyun Village has a strong army, who wouldn't want to take this opportunity to gain a good future? If you still want to be in the army Lichen and I will not stop you from doing things, no matter what happens in the future, it will all depend on your own struggle."

"When fighting on the battlefield, the sword has no eyes."

Dongfang Lihuo smiled and said: "Who knows when someone will cut off his head? I don't want to go to the battlefield anymore. To be honest, from the day the general led us to find Anzhi, I have been looking forward to the day when I can go back to hermit. Now that Anzhi has finally grown up without our help, I think it's time for us to rest."

He glanced at Chao Qiuge and said: "However, I don't plan to be idle, teaching recruits to practice boxing kung fu suits my temper."

"I don't agree!"

While everyone was talking, Li Xian walked in with a serious face.



Li Xian looked at these relatives in the tent, feeling overwhelmed.

"It is true that there are more and more talents in our cottage, but this is not an excuse for you to give up your position!"

Li Xian looked at Daxi Changru and said very seriously: "Master, when Tie Liaolang asked to resign, I thought that it must be your order because you were afraid of my embarrassment. This is a meaningless thing at all. Why do you do this? There are indeed more and more talents in the army, but the scale of our Yanyun village is also getting bigger and bigger!"

"Iron Wolf resigns, I agree, because I know how uncomfortable the old injury on his shoulder is when it hurts, and when it hurts, he can't even lift his long spear. In case there is any mistake in the future against the enemy on the battlefield, i will regret

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