Will Ming

Chapter 330

(Please, the red ticket has been reduced by more than 500 in one day, can you come back?)

Chapter 330 Don't Come Back

Hearing the girl's question, the young man in the carriage frowned slightly, pondered for a while and sighed: "When we came out, my uncle specifically told me not to talk about the details with that man. I just said that the proprietor appreciates him." , I want to invite him to join Duke Tang's camp, after all, who knows if this is a good thing for the first and second sons?"


The girl raised her head and glanced at the young man, her delicate mouth pouted slightly: "Who is the second young master you are talking about?"

"Why do you ask knowingly?"

The young man was none other than Changsun Wuji, and the girl who called him brother was his only younger sister, Changsun Wugou.

"Uncle originally planned to betroth you to the second son, but you refused to agree, and because uncle knew something, he became hesitant. After all, the proprietor was being suspected at that time, and uncle knew If that matter is publicized, even if the proprietor is His Majesty's cousin, who knows if he will end up in the same fate as Li Hun. Uncle was worried that you would be implicated after marrying into the Li family, so this matter was shelved... …Now that the proprietor has been reused again, holding the land in the west of Hexi, and commanding tens of thousands of elite soldiers, I am afraid that uncle will want to bring up the old things again."

He glanced at Changsun Wugou and asked, "Did you guess this, that's why you insisted on coming out with me this time?"

The eldest grandson Wugou smiled with a hint of cunning.

But she refused to admit it, and lowered her head again to write on the rice paper.

"Last year, I went to Longxi under the order of Mr. Tang. I met him. It seems that the second son is actually not bad. Although he is a little more frivolous than the first son, after all, he has not fought with anyone for more than ten years. It is unavoidable to be jerky in dealing with people, but according to my opinion, I think it is more flexible than the eldest son. Nowadays, the daily affairs of the owner of Tang Gong's mansion are all handled by the eldest son, but It is really puzzling to send Liu Hongji to the Second Young Master's side."


Changsun Wugou raised his head, looked at Changsun Wuji and asked seriously: "Why, Mr. Tang drove the Second Young Master back to live in his hometown in Longxi County since he was a child? For so many years, it seems that the time when the Second Young Master was with Tang Gong did not add up. For three to five months, even Madam doesn't seem to be close to Second Young Master, why is that?"

When Changsun Wuji heard his sister ask this, his expression immediately became solemn and tense.

"You must not mention this matter to others. This is a heart disease of Madam, and it is also Tang Gong's heart disease."

"It's hard to leave Duke Tang's mansion. At this time, it's just you and me. Brother, if you know, please tell me. I've always been curious about this matter."

Changsun Wugou put down the brush in his hand, frowned slightly and begged.


"Isn't it because of that person?"

Changsun Wuji sighed for a long time and said: "I have told you about what happened back then. In order to keep the Li family, Mr. Tang did something that neither he nor his wife could let go of. One year, the wife gave birth to the second son Shimin, it is said..."

Changsun Wuji lifted the curtain of the carriage window and saw that no one was sticking too close to the carriage, so he lowered his voice and said: "It is said that when the second son was born, he looked exactly like that person, especially after he was one year old, he unexpectedly It looks the same as that person, every time the wife sees the second son, she thinks of that person, and she feels so sad, but later, it is because of such a serious illness, Tang Gong has no choice but to send the second son back to the hometown of Didao in Longxi County to live. So Over the years, even during Chinese New Year holidays, I have never been called back to my side."

"It's not that Madam doesn't like the Second Young Master, it's just that... she has demons in her heart."

"Madam is the poorest person in the world."

Changsun Wugou sighed softly.

"Because of this, Madam doesn't want to see the Second Young Master. Mr. Tang is better. It's just to take care of Madam's emotions. Mr. Tang can only do this. However, every year Mr. Tang will send people back to study the second young master's knowledge and martial arts. It has been off for a year, so it can be seen that Tang Gong and his wife still can't let go of the second son."

Changsun Wuji shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Madam and Mr. Tang are guilty of guilt, while the second son is innocent. Thinking about it, he grew up alone in the past ten years, and he is even more pitiful than Madam."

The eldest grandson Wugou nodded, then shook his head: "The most pitiful, it's not the second son, nor the madam..."

She shook her head gently and slowly and said: "I think brother, ninety-nine percent of you will not be able to invite that person back this time, even if you just explain directly, that person may not go back. I just heard You told your uncle, that man is a cold and decisive person, and he must have hatred in his heart, how could he listen to your advice so easily?"

"You overheard my conversation with my uncle again!"

Changsun Wuji said helplessly: "I was reprimanded by my uncle last time, don't you have a long memory?"

"What is eavesdropping?"

Changsun Wugou said seriously: "It's because you guys were speaking too loudly, I just happened to hear it."

Brother and sister Changsun Wuji lost their parents and depended on each other since they were young. They grew up under the care of their uncle, Sun Shunde. The relationship between the two is very good. Naturally, he would not be really angry because of such a trivial matter, but he was helpless because of his sister's cleverness and mischievousness. , in the eyes of outsiders, my sister is a quiet and intelligent woman, only he knows that this girl is very curious, quiet is quiet, but if she is naughty, she can be regarded as a little witch.

"In short, uncle pretended not to know about this matter, and let us pretend not to know, do you understand?"

Changsun Wuji exhorted.

"I'm just curious."

Changsun Wugou blinked his eyes, and his eyes drifted out of the window: "What kind of person is he...?"



Among the generals under Duke Tang's command, Liu Hongji is relatively young, at 25 or six years old, but he has won the trust and reuse of Duke Tang and Li Yuan.Half of Tang Gong's soldiers and horses were recruited by him and Changsun Shunde. The 3 horses were divided into three battalions, and he was able to lead one battalion alone, which shows how much Li Yuan valued him.

But at this time, Liu Hongji did not lead the army to rescue him at Yanmen Pass with Tang Gong, but took two or three hundred capable soldiers and rushed to Didao City, Longxi County day and night.After starting from Taiyuan County, Liu Hongji didn't spare his horsepower. Although he started a day later than Changsun Wuji and was farther than Changsun Wuji in terms of distance, he arrived at the bank of the Yellow River just after Changsun Wuji At the time, he had already arrived in Longxi County with two or three hundred soldiers.

In Didao City, Longxi County, at the gate of Li's old house.

A few servants had been waiting at the door more than an hour ago, looking around, no one came over from the street.A messenger had already arrived at the old house before, so almost everyone in the Li family's old house knew the good news. Although the news might not mean much to them, it was indeed true for the second son who grew up in the old house. It is a good news that can't be better.

Tang Gong, send someone to pick up the second son to Taiyuan County.

The second son Li Shimin grew up alone in Longxi County since he was a child. Apart from the servants and maids in these old houses and his nanny Sun, there are others who accompany him every one or two years. The gentlemen I personally selected to send here include literati and martial arts teachers. Every year, I will send someone over to see how the second young master is doing. It can be said that the second young master has lived a boring and boring life these years, and he is constantly studying hard every day. spent in practice.The servants all understood that it was precisely because he lived here alone that he could not be by his parents' side that the Second Young Master worked extra hard. Everyone noticed this hard work.

None of them knew why Mr. Tang sent the Second Young Master back to live in the old house alone when he was still young.Some people speculate that the second son and Tang Gong are destined to be mutually exclusive, and they cannot grow up beside their parents, otherwise they will kill their parents and relatives.Others said that it was because the wife didn't like the second son's appearance and would be upset when she saw him, so she let him go back to the old house alone at such a young age. For so many years, it is said that the wife has never seen the second son once.

It's just that the second son was handsome since he was a child, and the more he grows up, the more beautiful he becomes, even more beautiful than a woman.Moreover, the second young master is gentle, well-educated and sensible. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, so he has a bold and unrestrained temperament. He is polite to others.

It's unreasonable that Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang don't like such a rich and handsome son.

As time passed year by year, the servants never stopped speculating about why the Second Young Master was not liked.It is not unheard of these rumors and rumors that the second son Li Shimin has never heard of them, even when some servants secretly discuss them in private, the second son has never bumped into them.But the second young master has never been angry because of this, and he always looks calm and smiling.

Therefore, the second son is admired, liked and maintained by everyone in the old house.

Later, if anyone who gossips about the Second Young Master is overheard by the people in the Li family's old house, no matter who the gossip is, whether it's a man or a woman or a child, they will be beaten up.

Gradually, the topic of why the second son Li Shimin lived alone in the old house was a taboo in Didao City, and no one dared to bring it up lightly.It's just that the people in Didao City all know that the Second Young Master is a polite and virtuous person, so no one mentions this matter except for some vicious guesses made by some youngsters when they are bored.

The messenger arrived early this morning, saying that Mr. Tang sent his capable subordinate, fourth grade Ying Yanglang, to bring Liu Hongji with him to welcome the Second Young Master back to the mansion. For the people in the Li family's old house, this is really a big deal thing.Tang Gong wants to recall the second son back to his side, what does this mean?

It shows that Tang Gong and his wife finally changed their minds and finally decided to call the second son back to their side.

However, the astute among the servants vaguely guessed that perhaps this was not related to the madam's body.

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