Will Ming

Chapter 331

Chapter 330

Li Shimin was talking to the servants at the gate, when he suddenly saw a group of cavalry turning around at the street corner, although they didn't carry the flag, but at this time it was naturally not someone else who brought the troops.It's just that the old housekeeper, Lao Sun, was surprised, and murmured uncertainly: "Why didn't you use the banner?"

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Your Majesty was trapped in Yanmen Pass, and people from all walks of life rushed to rescue him. Brother Hongji is a meticulous and cautious person, how could he come out to walk under the banner of our Li family?"

Lao Sun suddenly realized, and immediately understood.Officials and soldiers from all walks of life rushed to Yanmen Pass to rescue him. If people know that Tang Gong sent a cavalry to pick up the second son, even if this is a trivial matter, if it is used by those dirty people in the court Well, let His Majesty know about something bad, there is no guarantee that something unpleasant will not happen.Tang Gong has endured for so many years, and now he has just started to improve, so he is naturally unwilling to provoke any gossip.

This is also the reason why the brigade of cavalry led by Changsun Wuji did not fight under the banner of the Li family. There are some villains in the court who are good at telling stories.Especially in these days, Mr. Tang was reused, and I don't know how many people are jealous.

The Li family and Yuwen's family have always had conflicts, and Yuwenshu was extremely favored by His Majesty, a figure in the army that no one can match.If he said something in front of His Majesty, His Majesty would naturally care.In particular, this time Yu Wenshu and his two sons, Yu Wenhuaji and Yuwen Zhiji are also trapped in Yanmen Pass. The father and son are in trouble together with the king. what an honor.

Although Li Shimin didn't see clearly whether the person who came was Liu Hongji, he knew that the person must have been sent by his father Li Yuan.So he walked up quickly with a smile on his face, and sure enough, when he saw him coming, the general in charge immediately got off his horse, handed the reins of the horse to the soldiers, and walked forward quickly to meet Li Shimin.

"I've met Brother Hongji!"

Li Shimin was a beat faster than Liu Hongji, and walked a salute first.

Liu Hongji was not willing to accept his worship, so he hurriedly stepped aside, and then saluted: "I have seen the second son."

"Brother Hongji, how did you become so polite!"

Li Shimin stepped forward and took Liu Hongji's hand and said: "The year before last, it was Hongji brother who came to assess my martial arts advancement. I thought it was Hongji brother who came last year during Chinese New Year. Unexpectedly, it was Changsun Wuji who came, haha... He has too many etiquettes and is very boring, I still think Brother Hongji is free and easy!"

"The second son has won the prize!"

When Liu Hongji came to the Li family's old house for the first time, he was not used to Li Shimin's natural acquaintance and politeness. Later, he gradually realized that the second son Li Shimin was approachable and approachable, and he was a subordinate of the Hefu. People are also pleasant.The young man is straightforward, and he is a good young man. He is liked by others, and Liu Hongji respects and appreciates him a little more after knowing him as a human being.

"I heard early in the morning that it was Brother Hongji who came to pick me up, but it made me happy for a long time!"

Li Shimin took Liu Hongji's hand and said as he walked: "Drinking in the mansion, no one is my opponent now, and now I still remember the refreshing thing about drinking and drinking with Brother Hongji the year before last, come, come... Let people prepare the food and drink, and today you and I will fight together to see if I can improve?"

Looking at Li Shimin's smiling face, Liu Hongji suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart.Although this young man is very happy, how deep is the loneliness and loneliness hidden under this happiness?He knew that Li Shimin was a good drinker, but it was precisely because of this that Liu Hongji felt something.A young man who lives alone in an old house, does not know how old he learned to drink, is it to relieve his worries?Or to get drunk and get by?Thinking of the coldness and desolation in this mansion, Liu Hongji felt uncomfortable.

"Second son..."

Liu Hongji looked at Li Shimin and said sincerely: "There is no rush to drink. There are opportunities when I return to Taiyuan City. Naturally, I also want to clean up the second young master, but I can't delay at this time. If the second young master packs it up, let's eat anyway." I want to set off immediately, I think... the second son is also in a hurry to see Tang Gong and his wife?"

"Don't rush this moment."

Li Shimin dragged Liu Hongji into the old house and said as he walked, "It's hard to catch you once, and I won't let you go unless I have a hearty drink first."

Liu Hongji smiled and said, "Why did you let me go? Obviously we are going together."

Li Shimin was stunned, and seemed to suddenly realize: "I'm used to it... I still thought about leaving the old house, but I forgot what I said."

Liu Hongji felt even more disappointed when he heard this sentence.

"Second son..."

"what happened?"

Li Shimin asked with a smile as he walked.


Liu Hongji smiled, but sighed in his heart, thinking that we should talk about that matter later, after returning to Taiyuan City, Mr. Tang...will talk to the Second Young Master after all.



On the same day that Liu Hongji arrived in Didaocheng, Longxi County, Changsun Wuji's team also crossed the Yellow River from Dongjun, then turned to the official road, all the way to Zhengdong, and came to Dongping County.Dongjun was originally the territory of Wagang Village, but the leaders of Wagang Village were planning a major event recently, so when the spies reported the entry of officers and soldiers, Zhai Rang was just under surveillance and had no plans Take action against this army.

A while ago, Li Mi sent someone to contact Zhai Rang, and invited the heroes of Wagang Village to send troops to attack Luoyang, the eastern capital.He offered extremely generous conditions, as long as he could break through the Eastern Capital, he would try his best to recommend Zhai Rang as king.

Zhai Rang is naturally not stupid enough to really believe that Li Mi will be so generous, but he considers that Wagang Village suffered a loss in Dongping County, and now it is time to fight a battle to restore some prestige, and moreover, If Li Mi really conquered Dongdu, if he became king, he would also get a lot of benefits from it.Besides, now that Li Mi has gathered 20 green forest rebels, he seems to be the leader of the green forest road.If he sends someone to invite him to send troops, if he doesn't go, if Li Mi holds a grudge, it will be bad if he takes down Dongdu and sends troops to Dongjun.

It's just that the opinions in the village are not unified. Shan Xiongxin is in favor of sending troops to encircle the Eastern Capital.But Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng disagreed, and the two sides argued for several days, and neither could do anything to the other.

Therefore, when Changsun Wuji's cavalry entered Dongjun, how could the people of Wagangzhai have the heart to swallow this hard bone at this time?Thousands of fine cavalry in Wagang village were slaughtered by Yanyun village in the valley. Now there is no decent cavalry team in the village, how can they easily swallow those thousand light cavalry?People can fight if they want to fight, but if they don't want to fight and retreat, Wagang Village is hard to catch up now.

Zhai Rang has been very annoyed for the past few days, annoyed that no one in Wagang Village can really help him with some good ideas.As soon as he thought of this, he thought of Xu Shiji, so his annoyance became even more annoyed, and his anger became even angrier.

But anger becomes anger, and annoyance becomes annoyance.

Now that Wagangzhai is facing such a dilemma, he must come up with some decisive decisions.

It just so happened that when Zhai Rang was worried, someone helped him solve this headache.Li Mi sent someone to send a letter in his own hand, inviting Zhai Rang to hunt Dongdu.A few days later, someone sent a letter saying that Dongdu stayed at Qutongtu and dispatched troops from Qijun Zhangxutuo to relieve the siege of Dongdu. The troops stopped him and prevented him from reaching Dongdu easily.

Zhai Rang was worried, and he let out a sigh of relief when he received the letter.

Compared with traveling long distances to join Li Mi to attack the Eastern Capital, it is obviously much easier to stop Zhang Xutuo's advance.As long as Zhang Xutuo's men were held back, it would be regarded as doing Li Mi a great favor.If Li Mi really achieves great things in the future, this credit is not too small.

Changsun Wuji's team entered Dongping County from Dongjun, and stopped thirty miles away from Lei Ze City. He knew that the entire Dongping County is now the site of Yanyun Village, but he didn't dare to be too ostentatious, especially when he heard that Yanyun Village The leader Li Xian is a belligerent person, so he should not be taken lightly.

He sent someone to meet the people from Yanyun Village in Lei Ze City, and asked them to let them go, and he went to Juye Lake to find the head of Yanyun Village, and to discuss important matters.

Half a day later, the leader of Yanyun Village in Lei Ze City sent someone to reply, telling Changsun Wuji to wait here, Yanyun Village would send someone back to Juye Lake to inform first, the general had the final say on whether he would see him or not.The leader of Yanyunzhai in Lei Ze City is Fu Hunu. He doesn't know why Li Yuan from Taiyuan sent someone to see the general, but he knows that if there is no general's order to let a cavalry of more than a thousand people go, I'm afraid I will be severely beaten with a military stick.

Changsun Wuji was not in a hurry, he said he just waited, he hadn't figured out how to start the conversation with Li Xian, General of Yanyunzhai, so he just took advantage of these few days to think about it.After waiting for five full days, people from Yanyunzhai sent news that the general had gone out, and if he was not in a hurry, he could wait in Lei Ze for a few more days.Changsun Wuji asked when your general will come back?The man simply answered three words.

do not know.



Changsun Wuji had no choice but to go to Lei Ze City to meet Fu Hu Nu in person, and explained his purpose of coming. He came to pay a visit to General Li of Yanyun Village under the order of Tang Gong Li Yuan.Fu Hunu thought for a while and said to Changsun Wuji: "If you are impatient, why not take some soldiers to Juyeze and ask the general where he went, as for your cavalry, they must not let them go .”

Fu Hunu saw Changsun Wuji's embarrassment, so he promised: "As long as your cavalry don't make trouble, I will naturally not do anything discordant, although I am very greedy when I look at the equipment of your thousand cavalry. , but the general’s military order has not come down, and I can’t disarm your cavalry on my own.”

What he said almost turned Changsun Wuji's nose in anger, thinking how the people from Yanyun Village could speak so confidently.a guard

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