Will Ming

Chapter 332

(Thanks to the bandit for the domineering reward, please)

Chapter 320: Coming Through the Air

What made Wen Jie a little regretful was that instead of expanding the size of the team when entering Lu County, the people in Lu County were rioted because of the schemes of the person sent by Li Xian from Yanyun Village.Although the well-trained government soldiers quickly quelled the riots and slaughtered more than 3000 rebels, the government soldiers and the imperial army also lost hundreds of people in the fight.

It's definitely a big win, but it's definitely not a good thing.

Because of a shoulder injury, Wen Jie did not ride a horse when he left Lu County. The carriage was driven by Qing Yuan herself. There was a brocade quilt in the carriage, and many of them were collected from the study of Wang Lingzhi, the magistrate of Lu County. Wen Jie will not be bored along the way.He is a very quiet person, even if he is asked to sit quietly for a day without saying a word, it is not difficult.If he is alone, the most annoying thing is that someone disturbs his purity.

Speaking of which, he and Daye Emperor Yang Guang grew up together.It's just that the two people's temperaments are quite different. Yang Guang is a person who likes to be lively, pays attention to ostentation, and loves to show off, while he is a person who wants to sit quietly and read books by himself whenever he is free. These two people There is such a big gap in personality, and I don't know why Yang Guang trusts and likes him so much.

Wen Jie was sitting in the car, flipping through the collected books at will, and seeing that there was something like the Tao Te Ching, he couldn't help laughing.Seeing that the scroll is so brand new, it can be inferred that Wang Lingzhi has never read this book.Wen Jie didn't read it either, because no matter what principles I was going to talk about, Wen Jie got a little annoyed when he saw the word morality.Morality, no one talks about morality.

The team left Lu County and arrived at the Yellow River Ferry within a day.

After the carriage stopped, Qingluan lifted the curtain of the carriage and said softly: "My lord, the ferry is just ahead."

Wen Jie nodded and said: "This car is very comfortable. You send someone to find the ferry first, and I will get out of the car after all the arrangements are made. After all, it is because I am old, and I am so attached to the comfortable place that I don't want to move. Search for the ferry Let Chen Su do the work. Although he is a bit jerky, he still has some ability. In addition... the people in Yanyunzhai will definitely not give up easily. This ferry may be the last place where they can attack. The river is the domain of the tycoon Dou Jiande, so it will be difficult for them to do anything, let all of your subordinates investigate, especially the boatman and boatman..."

Qing Yuan nodded and said: "I obey, my lord...are you drinking again?"

Wen Jie was startled, then smiled and said, "I only had one drink."

Qingyuan opened her mouth and wanted to say something, Wen Jie waved her hands and said softly: "Go, I understand that this hurts me, it's far worse than the stick of the brave man under Li Xian a few months ago, drink A little wine is fine."

Qing Yuan had no choice but to get out of the car and split up with Huang Luan to set things up.

But before leaving for a while, Qing Yuan and Huang Luan came back with happy faces.

"My lord... I don't think there is any need to worry about the ferry."

Wen Jie stared at the scroll in his hand, without raising his head, he asked indifferently: "What's wrong?"

Huang Luan couldn't hide her excitement: "This ferry has actually parked a large number of official ships, and there are dozens of Huanglong fast boats from the Sui Navy, with no fewer than 2000 sailors. Hundreds of large ships can take our The people and horses are all crossing the river. Chen Su has personally gone to find the navy general, and it is estimated that we will be able to cross in the morning."

Wen Jie put down the scroll in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Have you ever checked, why did the official ship stop here?"

Huang Luan replied: "Just now I sent someone to ask, it was the last batch of grain ships from Liyang Cang to Liaodong, when the ship was supposed to be dispatched, His Majesty had already ordered the army to dispatch, but no one knew about it with Li Yang's food supervisor There will be a sound, so these hundreds of grain ships set off from Liyang again, and they didn't know that the army had returned until Huaiyuan Town in western Liaoning. They unloaded the grain and grass in Huaiyuan, and then returned, but Dongdu was surrounded by Li Mi. The river in front was blocked by Li Mi's rebels, and the officials who escorted the food and grass rushed to Donglai, asking the imperial navy to escort them back to Liyang."

Wen Jie hummed, thought for a while and said, "Find me the current head of the fleet, as well as the general of the navy."

After a pause, he ordered again: "Every ship must be boarded for inspection."



Half an hour later, an official wearing the costumes of a rank-[-] civil servant and a general wearing the costume of a rank-[-] general arrived at the same time. The two stood outside the carriage and glanced at each other. The civil servant gave the general a wink. The general ignored it.The civil servant had no choice but to bite the bullet and said first: "My next official, Liyang Cang Master Bo Wangnianqi, asks to see the captain."

After he said this, the general looked at him incredulously, and then cast a contemptuous look.

"The last navy general, don't ask Chen Dayiao to see the captain."

After he said this, the civil servant looked at him with even more contempt, and said to himself, are you as lazy as me?I don't even bother to think about a fake name.And the military commander took it for granted, completely ignoring his contemptuous eyes.

Wang Nianqi is naturally Wang Qinian.

Chen Big Niao is naturally Chen Que'er.

These two people are so lazy that they don't even bother to think of a more serious fake name.The two glared at each other, and then neither looked at the other as if they were angry.Chen Que'er's look at Wang Qiannian meant that everyone said you were cunning, but you were also a lazy bastard.Wang Qinian's look at him means that you are nothing more than that.

Wen Jie heard the conversation outside, put down the scroll in his hand, opened the curtain of the carriage and walked down.

"Wang Nianqi?"

He glanced at Wang Qinian and asked.

"It's the subordinate."

Wang Qinian quickly saluted.

"Chen Big Bird?"

Wen Jie looked at Chen Que'er again.

Chen Que'er quickly performed a standard military salute and said, "It's the last general."

Wen Jie looked at the two of them carefully, especially at Chen Que'er. When he saw the rusty color on Chen Que'er's face that can only be seen after living by the water for a long time, Wen Jie's heart immediately relaxed. It's a little easier.Looking at Wang Qinian's scheming and unlovable expression on his face, he put away some doubts again.Naturally, it is not easy for someone to pretend to be a general of the navy, and Wen Jie knows this best.And looking at the wretched appearance of the civil official, he really looks like a corrupt official... Speaking of which, Li Yang Cangzhu Bo, although this official position is not big, it is indeed a fat and good position.

Wen Jie asked a few questions about the fleet. Wang Qinian and Chen Que'er had already memorized the pre-arranged words by heart, but they didn't reveal any flaws. The two people answered almost at the same time in no particular order, which made Wen Jie relax a little more vigilance.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Li Xian of Yanyun Village is, it is impossible for him to casually conjure up a navy and a huge fleet of food transport ships.This is a kind of inertial thinking. Even if Wen Jie has developed a habit of being cautious, the spies he sent can't enter Juye Ze. I really don't know that there is a large-scale navy in Juye Ze.Wen Jie observed these two people carefully, speaking naturally, without avoiding his eyes, he really didn't see any flaws.How did he know that these two people are people who lie and don't panic.

But even so, Wen Jie still didn't really trust these two people.

"How long have you been here?"

Wen Jie asked softly.

"It's been twenty days... or nineteen."

Wang Qinian replied after thinking about it very seriously.

"Obviously 21 days!"

Chen Que'er corrected after glaring at Wang Qinian.

This time the two people's answers were inconsistent, but Wen Jie couldn't see any loopholes.

"The ones who escort the food and grass are you two in charge?"

"Back to Captain, no."

Wang Qinian said: "The person in charge is Master Liu Yun, but he is not here."

Chen Que'er also said: "The last general is the head of the navy escorting the grain and grass this time. May I ask what orders do you have, Lord Captain?"


Wen Jie smiled lightly and said, "Take me to the riverside to have a look."



When he reached the bank of the Yellow River, Wen Jie stood there watching the Yellow River rushing eastward, and his heart became more relaxed. He took a deep breath, feeling the slightly humid air by the river, and the water on the river. The wind was very strong, and it blew over with a fishy smell, but Wen Jie really liked this majestic momentum.This section of the Yellow River is still relatively gentle, but even so, the hearts of the people watching are still surging, and it seems that the heartbeat has become a rhythm with the surging river.

"Bie Jiang Chen"

Wen Jie turned his head to look at Chen Que'er, and asked calmly: "Your Majesty is trapped in Yanmen Pass, you should know."

Chen Que'er was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "The general will know."

Wen Jie hummed and continued to ask: "Your Majesty's will, people from all walks of life rushed to Yanmen Pass to rescue him and resist the Turkic barbarians going south. Why didn't your team go north for so long?"

Chen Que'er's expression changed suddenly, and he took a step back and clasped his fists and said: "The last general has only two thousand sailors under his command, but he has to protect hundreds of ships. If the last general leads his army northward, what will happen to the official ships of the court? How to deal with the twenty yellow dragon clippers?"

Wen Jie frowned, and asked in a dissatisfied tone: "You mean, compared with these, His Majesty's safety and will can be ignored?"

"Of course not!"

Chen Que'er raised his jaw and said, "Although the general is in the navy, he is also a soldier of our Sui Dynasty. Your Majesty was trapped in Yanmen Pass, and the general wanted to fly over to save you, and kill those prairie barbarians. Not one piece of armor will be left behind. It's just that the last general really dare not leave his post without authorization

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