Will Ming

Chapter 333 Ominous Premonition

Chapter 330 Three Ominous Premonition

Hearing the wind of feather arrow piercing the air, Wen Jie frowned slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He took a step back and said in his heart that it really came. Pinch the armor-piercing cone!It's just that after pinching the feathered arrow, Wen Jie's face changed again, and then he murmured: "No?"

He nodded slightly and took a closer look at the armor-piercing cone in his hand, then turned his head to look in the direction of the feather arrow.

I saw a lot of elite navy soldiers from the Sui Dynasty standing on the deck of a Huanglong fast boat on the river, all holding hard bows and aiming at this side. It seems that there are at least fifty or sixty people. It seems that the feather arrow It was shot by one of them.In fact, the feather arrow was shot from the river, and I was a little surprised when I heard the wind of breaking the sky.In his heart, he really didn't trust the two people in front of him. Although he showed his approval, he had a vague feeling that these two people were sent by Li Xian from Yanyun Village.This is a kind of intuition, but at the moment when he pinched the feather arrow, Wen Jie couldn't help laughing at himself as a war.

The armor-piercing cone is not the armor-piercing cone shot by Li Xian, regardless of the strength and angle, it is more than one level worse.Wen Jie pinched the feather arrow easily, and before that moment, he knew that his guess was actually wrong.The naval attack is mainly based on feather arrows, so it is not uncommon for the soldiers to be more accurate in shooting, and the Huanglong Clipper has been moored there, only about 30 meters away from the shore. It is easy for an archer to target a person.

He murmured no, of course it wasn't Li Xian.

This made him a little at ease, but a little disappointed.

It's not a good feeling that what should come hasn't come yet.

"You are clever."

Wen Jie threw the armor-piercing cone into the river, and it disappeared with the current in a short while.He glanced at Chen Que'er indifferently, as if he was quite surprised that this person expected to have murderous intentions.After these surprises, Wen Jie couldn't help but reflect on why his killing intent became more and more intense these days?

"I'm not smart."

Chen Que'er shook his head slowly and said seriously: "The Captain slaughtered more than 3000 people in Lu County, and even the magistrate Wang Lingzhi didn't let them go. You thought there was no one left alive in Lu County, but in fact, some people escaped And the person who escaped happened to be the soldier I sent to Lu County to borrow food..."

He looked at Wen Jie and said seriously: "The captain is so murderous, I will have to guard against it in the end. I just don't want to die, especially if I don't want to die in a daze, and then you will be accused of treason by you, the captain. I just can't bear it."

Not only was Wen Jie not angry, but he smiled appreciatively and said: "With your mentality, you will come out ahead in the future sooner or later. The general who comes to protect children from the navy is the most talented person. I will recommend him to you when I meet in the future."

Chen Que'er was stunned for a moment when he heard Wen Jie's words, then shook his head with a wry smile and said: "The captain's words changed too quickly, and the general is dull, please forgive me. I have a duty, I can't last long Leaving the fleet, if the captain wants to cross the river, he will send someone to inform him at any time, as for coming to General Hu'er..."

Chen Que'er shook her head and said earnestly: "Don't bother the captain. What will happen to me in the future depends on myself after all. Thank you for your kindness."

Wen Jie was stunned, and then smiled and said: "You are overthinking, if I really want to kill you, that soft armor-piercing cone can stop me? Don't say that one of them opened the bow, it was the bow and arrow on the boat Can you stop me with all the arrows in your hand? I haven't crossed the river yet...so you won't die."

Chen Que'er smiled and said, "At least I'm still alive, what's the harm in being too careless?"

"Ha ha!"

Wen Jie couldn't help laughing and said: "Imperial generals, there are very few wonderful people like you."

"I'm not well."

Chen Que'er said solemnly, "I'm just afraid of death."

Hearing this sentence, Wen Jie's expression suddenly froze.

"fear death?"

He suddenly remembered that on Yanshan Mountain, that young man also said this sentence.Whether he hid, counterattacked, or fled in embarrassment at the end, he himself admitted that it was all because he was afraid of death.Everyone in this world is afraid of death, but there are very few people who are so paranoid about death.How many people who are afraid of death will counterattack and fight back amidst the siege of thousands of enemies?How many people who are afraid of death can get Wenjie with a knife in their hands on the banks of the Yishui River?

"Bie Jiang Chen"

Wen Jie collected his mood, restored Gu Jing's expression and said indifferently: "I want to cross the river immediately, you prepare the boat."

Chen Que'er asked in surprise, "Now?"



"Taiyuan Li Yuan?"

Daxi Changru frowned slightly, looked at the handsome young man in front of him and asked: "My general and Duke Tang of Taiyuan have never met before, why would Duke Tang suddenly think of sending someone to visit my general?"

Changsun Wuji looked at Daxi Changru, and asked politely, "May I ask who you are?"

Daxi Changru smiled and said: "I'm just an idler in Juyeze, but because I'm older and have been in the village for a long time, the general asked me to help guard the village. You know Well, people will naturally become cautious when they get older, which is just suitable for housekeeping, and it's not useless."

Changsun Wuji heard Daxi Changru said that he would naturally become cautious when he was older, and immediately thought of his uncle, Changsun Shunde.Over the past few years, Changsun Shunde has indeed become more timid and fearful.Especially when it comes to dealing with Mr. Tang's family affairs, he is even more cautious and hides when he can.Even this time, Duke Tang sent him to fetch the man back, but his uncle didn't agree, but Duke Tang's order had already been issued and could not be changed.

He looked at Daxi Changru, sorted out his words and said with a smile: "How can there be no intersection?"

"Mr. Shao and Miss, they came to visit General Li."


Daxi Changru pretended to be enlightened and said: "I forgot, Mr. Shao and his wife did spend a day in Panheng, Yuncheng, and the general hosted a banquet in person."

"Duke Tang heard that..."

Just as Changsun Wuji was about to continue, Daxi Changru waved his hand and said, "The general is not here."

"It's okay..."

Changsun Wuji said: "I just want to pay a visit to General Li this time and express my greetings on behalf of Duke Tang. If there is a chance, Duke Tang would like to invite General Li to visit Taiyuan."

"The general is not here."

Daxi Changru repeated it.

Changsun Wuji was annoyed in his heart, but he still said kindly: "Then can you tell me where General Li has gone? If it's not convenient for you to tell me, then I won't ask."

"Okay, don't ask."

Daxi Changru said with a smile.

Changsun Wuji was stunned, and couldn't help being annoyed: "I don't know if Yanyun Village has guests, will the general drive them out when the general is not at home?"

"Of course not!"

Daxi Changru said earnestly: "My general is the most hospitable, don't say that he and his wife have been in contact before, even Tang Gong sent people here to admire their reputation. No matter what they want to do, our village also welcomes them. In any case, It is absolutely impossible to do such a shameful thing as driving away the guests."


Changsun Wuji raised his chin and said very seriously: "In that case, please arrange two rooms for us. Isn't the general not here? Then we will wait here for General Li to come back. I think Yanyun Village is so grand. Houde, of course he won't throw us out, and he won't be so stingy that he feels sorry for three meals a day, I appreciate and praise the loyalty and hospitality of Yanyunzhai heroes."

"This one……"

Daxi Changru hesitated and asked, "Are you sure you want to wait?"

Changsun Wuji smiled and said, "Lei Ze City, the cavalry I brought doesn't have much food and grass, why don't you send someone to inform Lei Ze's General Fu Hu Nu? Let him supply some food and grass to my cavalry?"

Daxi Changru was slightly stunned, sighed in his heart and met another shameless person.

Changsun Wuji laughed secretly in his heart, regardless of your age, you may not necessarily have a thicker skin than me, since you are not as good as me, then why should I be afraid of you?The eldest grandson Wugou, who was dressed in military uniform, held back his own smile, and suddenly felt a strange gaze.She raised her head and saw a beautiful woman from another race in a long white dress staring at her without blinking.It's just that the part she was staring at was really annoying, Changsun Wugou's face immediately turned reddish.

Ou Siqingqing smiled, leaned slightly and whispered in Daxi Changru's ear, "The soldier behind that man is a woman."

Daxi Changru nodded with a smile and said: "It's really a coincidence...the cottage has recently recruited a lot of recruits, and the rooms have become insufficient. There is only one guest room left..."

"No need."

Changsun Wuji smiled and said, "We brought the tent, and three meals a day and bath water will be delivered."

Daxi Changru smiled embarrassingly, and said to himself that he was not good at such things as shameless, and it would be better for An Zhi to do it himself.



Wen Jie said that he wanted to cross the river immediately. From Chen Que'er's point of view, he should have dispatched a boat to let him board. But he said before that the captain can cross the river at any time if he wants to, but at this time he behaved instead. some procrastination.Thinking of Li Xian's order before, Chen Que'er smiled in his heart.Wen Jie is indeed a cautious person, until now he doesn't trust himself, and he must be worried about the danger when the boat is halfway across, because halfway across is indeed the best time.

"The captain's men are inspecting the ship."

He smiled and said: "It will take at least two hours to check all the ships. If the captain is a little tired, it's better to go back to the carriage and rest for a while."

"Not urgent"

Wen Jie smiled and said: "I don't think it's better than this, you arrange

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