Will Ming

Chapter 334 Three Pity

(Thanks to Gray Crow and Nine Tails for their rewards, please)

Chapter 330 Four Three Pity

Wen Jie boarded the boat, but he did not take Qing Yuan and Huang Luan on the same boat, he carried the wooden box by himself, and the long and narrow straight knife hidden in the big iron gun was also in his hand, so it seemed that his The appearance was a little weird, and even the soldiers of Longtingwei were a little uncomfortable, because they had never seen the captain holding something in both hands when he was not fighting.Wooden box in left hand, straight knife in right hand.

In this big ship, besides Wen Jie, there are also a hundred elite Longting Guard soldiers.

However, the ship did not appear to be crowded because of this. It was originally a large ship for transporting food, and it would not be difficult to transport six or seven hundred soldiers. However, for the sake of safety, each ship only carried a hundred soldiers and transported them at a time. Thousands of people, nearly 5000 people crossed the river in five times.

As Wen Jie boarded the boat, the boatman shouted a chant, and then the big boat started slowly, and the sailors were busy back and forth on the deck in an orderly manner.

Someone invited Wen Jie to rest in the cabin, Wen Jie shook his head and said, "Bring me a chair, I'll sit outside."

Not long after, someone moved a chair and placed it in the middle of the big boat. A Jinyi Longting guard hurried forward and wiped the chair up and down with his sleeve.Wen Jie walked slowly to the chair and sat down. The wooden box was placed on the side, within reach. He still held the straight knife that could compete with Li Xian's black knife without losing the wind, with the blade pointing outward. , it seems that a lore can be struck at any time.

The boatman personally served hot tea, and then returned without saying a word.

Wen Jie took a closer look at the boatman's pace, then frowned slightly.

"You stand still"

He stopped the boatman and asked, "How many years have you been a boatman?"

He looked at the boatman and asked.

The boatman thought about it carefully and smiled apologetically, "I don't remember."

Wen Jie nodded, pointed to something covered by canvas on the bow and asked, "What is that?"

The thing covered by the canvas is about one meter high and three meters square, and it is so tightly covered that it is impossible to see what it is, but for some reason, Wen Jie always feels that there is something strange under the canvas.


The boatman shook his head and said: "I don't know what it is. A few days ago, Chen Bie sent someone to bring up a large wooden box and put it on the bow. He strictly ordered no one to come close to watch it, otherwise it will be dealt with by military law. You see, that It’s not that there are more than a dozen soldiers from the navy guarding, no one is allowed to go near.”

"Rip off the canvas, and I'll see what it is."

Wen Jie pointed to the huge thing on the bow and said.

A dozen Longting Guard soldiers stepped forward to tear the canvas away, and the navy soldiers guarding there immediately stopped in front.The leading team shouted loudly: "General order, no one is allowed to come near here!"

"Who dares to block the captain's order?!"

Long Tingwei's team was shouting loudly.

He looked back at Wen Jie, and Wen Jie nodded slightly.

With a sound of swiping, the Longtingwei team drew out the horizontal knife at the waist and shouted loudly: "Stand back! Otherwise, you will be killed!"

Instead of retreating, the captain of the navy army took a step forward and drew out the horizontal knife and said loudly: "The military order is like a mountain, dare to approach and kill without mercy!"

The people of Longtingwei are extremely arrogant, how can they see a small navy army in their eyes.Seeing that the man was ignorant, Longtingwei's team swung their knives and slashed at him without any hesitation. The water army was gritting their teeth and holding up their knives, but they were shocked by the force from the knife and took a step back.Even so, he quickly stepped forward to meet him and counterattacked with a knife.Seeing that these sailors resisted, more than a hundred Longting guards drew their knives and surrounded them.


Just at this time, a navy captain came out of the cabin and yelled loudly. He carried a long thing wrapped in gray cloth in his hand, which looked like a weapon. Ignoring Wen Jie, he quickly walked to the bow and asked, "What's going on?"

The team was talking about it again, and the young captain frowned and said: "The captain is the person His Majesty trusts the most. This thing was originally brought back from Huaiyuan to be transported to the Eastern Capital. What is the captain afraid of after taking a look? The things will be placed in the palace sooner or later, the general is afraid of any accidents, so he ordered that no one is allowed to approach, you all stand back!"

A dozen sailors looked at me and I looked at you, then quickly left, squeezed out the crowd and went to the ship building.The young lieutenant walked to the bow of the boat, turned around and said to Wen Jie: "This is a strange stone that Gao Yuan, the king of Goguryeo, paid tribute to His Majesty. There is a Sui character in the pattern on it, which just proves the eternal glory of the Sui Dynasty. Your Majesty's will, directly Send it back to Dongdu Palace for display."

When he said this, his chest was very high, obviously he was quite proud of this strange stone.

Wen Jie hummed, but unconsciously stared at the package that the captain was carrying.

"Look, Lieutenant!"

The school lieutenant grabbed the canvas with one hand, and then violently pulled it aside.Following his movements, a puff of green smoke suddenly rose from the canvas.

Wen Jie's eyes froze, he stood up abruptly and jumped backwards.

As the canvas was lifted, a puff of blue smoke came out at the same time, and then the Longting guards who surrounded the surrounding area saw a finger-thick rope blazing, and then suddenly a ball of fire burst into flames, and immediately With a muffled sound and a bang, a large cloud of black smoke exploded!

Countless blue steel needles shot out at the same time as the black smoke exploded. In an instant, dozens of people in the Longting Guard surrounding the bow were stabbed by the blue needles. , Black smoke billowed out, and the bow of the ship couldn't see clearly what happened!At the same time as the black smoke came out, Wen Jie had already jumped out with a knife in one hand and a wooden box in the other, hiding behind the mast.

When the black smoke dissipated slowly, Wen Jie looked towards the bow of the ship, and then his eyes froze suddenly.

More than a hundred Longting guards, most of them fell to the ground, the blue needle was obviously poisoned, and after a while, the soldiers stopped convulsing and slowly stretched their bodies, looking dead.The rest of the Longting Guard soldiers also retreated, and the scene at the bow of the ship became clear.

A big black umbrella appeared at the bow of the boat. Under the black umbrella, the young captain grinned at Wen Jie, and then sighed softly: "This thing... is so damn easy to use. It's a pity, it's a pity, I begged the general for a long time Don't send me either."



At this moment, when Wen Jie was distracted by staring at the big black umbrella, a figure flew down from the mast, holding a big iron gun in his hand, and stabbing fiercely at the top of Wen Jie's head!

Wen Jie retreated sharply, knocked the iron spear away with a slamming sound of the straight knife, and looked intently, but saw a very burly man standing firmly on the side, who was hiding behind a tree by the Yi River last year The person who attacked him with a stick.After the big man landed, the boat was stepped on and shook a few times.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately..."

The young man holding the black umbrella said it was a pity, and the strong man also said it was a pity.

He looked at Wen Jie and said seriously: "It's a pity, I couldn't give you another one this time."


The soldiers of the Longting Guard who reacted immediately swung their knives and rushed forward, divided into two teams and went straight to the two men holding the black umbrella and holding the iron gun.Wen Jie took a step back, leaned against the ship's side, and stared coldly at the soldiers under his command besieging the two men.But very quickly, those two people came out from the crowd. Although Longtingwei's soldiers were well-trained and skilled in martial arts, they were clearly far behind those two.

Dozens of people besieged two people, and within a few minutes, they were all brought down like chopping melons and vegetables.One of these two men killed people with an iron gun and the other with a black umbrella. Although it seemed that they were not very smooth, they were still not something that the soldiers could stop.

However, Wen Jie never made a move, and watched dozens of his subordinates being slaughtered.

"Who is that?"

The captain holding the black umbrella tore off the fake beard on his mouth, and his original appearance was much younger. He pointed at Wen Jie with the black umbrella and said frivolously: "You guys are really useless. Do you have the nerve to call me Longtingwei?"

He smiled, then pointed to his nose and said, "My surname is Pei, and my name is Pei Xingyan."

Then he pointed to the strong man with the big iron gun and said, "His surname is Xiong, and his name is Xiong Kuohai. The two of us are here to kill you under the general's order. Are you ready to die?"

"Since you have made up your mind to kill me, but you dare not do it yourself, it's really dirty to send two men down to die."

Wen Jie shook his head and sighed: "Your General Li is really afraid of death."

"Whether we are sending you to die or you are sending to death, just try it and you will know!"

Pei Xingyan sneered, using the black umbrella as an iron rod, jumped up and slammed it on Wen Jie's head!Wen Jie rushed forward suddenly, and stabbed forward with the straight knife straight to Pei Xingyan's throat.He didn't expect that Pei Xingyan didn't care about his knife at all, as if he didn't know what death was, the big black umbrella still fell down with force.

Wen Jie frowned, raised the straight knife upwards and knocked open the black umbrella, and before he could turn sideways, Xiong Kuohai's iron spear quickly pierced towards him!

Wen Jie's body floated out sideways at an unbelievable angle, and his waist unexpectedly bent sideways to an astonishing angle.Suddenly, it looked like his body was broken from the middle.In the midst of this flash, Wen Jie's straight knife slashed down along the black umbrella, and slashed at Pei Xingyan's wrist.

Pei Xingyan waved the black umbrella and swung Wen Jie's straight knife away, strode forward, swung the black umbrella and smashed it down fiercely.

Wen Jie dodged the black umbrella, jumped sideways, stepped on the big iron gun that Xiong Kuohai swung over horizontally, and floated backward.After landing, Wen Jie put the straight knife in front of his chest, glanced at Pei Xingyan and Xiong Kuohai and asked, "Where is Li Xian?"

Pei Xingyan

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