Will Ming

Chapter 335 Small print 1 knife

Chapter 330

The knife wound was deep, but it didn't touch the heart.

Wen Jie stood the wooden box aside, poked a straight knife on the deck, slowly tore open his clothes and strangled his wound, his movements were very slow, his eyes kept looking at Li Xian: "I just want to Know, how did you guess I would be on this ship?"

Li Xian seemed to be still regretting his previous knife, and wiped away a drop of blood from the black knife with his fingers.


He looked up at Wen Yu and said indifferently: "Because you are cautious."


Wen Jie strangled the wound with his clothes and asked in puzzlement.

"You divide the 5000 troops into five batches to cross the river. You are afraid that I will destroy your entire army even if I abandon the big boat. You are also afraid that I will set up ambushes on both banks and attack you while your troops are halfway across. That's why you think If you go in batches, I won't be able to get rid of all your troops. This is your prudence."

Li Xian looked at Wen Jie and said seriously: "Two batches have passed in front, and there are two more batches behind. The number of people is equal, so you must cross the river at this time. Because you only need to bring another 1000 people to cross the river. I kept most of the troops in my hands. As for why I guessed that you would be on the first ship..."

Li Xian smiled and said: "Because you are impatient..."

After listening to Li Xian's words, Wen Jie sighed slowly and said, "I can only say that you are very lucky."

"I didn't even think about what you speculated, but you got me on this ship. It can only be called luck."

Li Xian was startled, and then angrily said: "You mean, I've been thinking about it for half an hour, but it turned out to be random thinking, and I didn't guess right at all?"

"Then you deserve to die even more!"

He rubbed the sore corners of his eyebrows and said seriously: "Because God is helping me."

"Did you get hit?"

At this time, Wen Jie was still in the mood and smiled: "You always like to calculate, so when I chose to board the ship this time, I didn't calculate at all, do you want to know why I boarded this ship? "

He tied up his clothes, and then pulled the straight knife out of the deck, thinking of Li Xian's annoyance before, he seemed to become happier, and said with a smile: "I'm very happy to see you look so deflated. "

"It's immoral to base your happiness on other people's annoyance."

Li Xian said seriously.

Wen Jie asked back: "Not only did you beat one out of three, but you also made a sneak attack, and even poisoned so many of my subordinates with despicable means. Are you moral?"

Li Xian waved his hands and said graciously, "Since you and I are not moral, what are you wasting your words for?"

"You really don't want to know why I got on this boat?"

Wen Jie also picked up the wooden box beside him, and asked with a smile.

"I just don't want to know!"

With a little step on Li Xian's foot, the black knife drew a stream of light and struck Wen Jie's shoulder.Wen Jie swung his knife to knock Pei Xingyan back, and then dodged Xiong Kuohai's spear to sweep across, and he was able to counterattack Li Xian with a single knife.Li Xian used the black knife to deflect Wen Jie's straight knife, and with a flick of his hand, he pulled the trigger. There was a sudden sound of the wrist crossbow, and a short crossbow directly hit Wen Jie's front door. Wen Jie put the wooden box upright in front of him, With a thud, the short crossbow hit the wooden box and was blocked.

"Surely shameless"

Wen Jie pursed his lips and said something, dodged to avoid Xiong Kuo Hai's attack, and then slashed at Li Xian's throat.Li Xian retreated quickly, Pei Xingyan saw the opportunity and threw an umbrella at Wen Jie's back.Seeing that Wen Jie was throwing the knife at Li Xian, but in the blink of an eye, he turned his wrist and twisted it suddenly, stabbing Pei Xingyan's heart with the straight knife.

Pei Xingyan was startled, and subconsciously blocked the knife with a sweeping black umbrella.Just a little slower, the straight knife cut a bloody gash on his chest.This didn't make Pei Xingyan retreat, but it aroused the hostility in his bones. He didn't even look at his physical injuries, and used the black umbrella as a spear to stab Wen Jie's lower abdomen.

Wen Jie jumped upwards, stepped on the black umbrella and floated up, took advantage of the opportunity to slash Pei Xingyan's shoulder, and cut a hole in Pei Xingyan's body again.

Taking advantage of Pei Xingyan's body froze, his second knife slashed at almost no interval, and went straight to Pei Xingyan's forehead.At this moment, Xiong Kuo Hai fiercely threw the big iron gun in his hand.

"Give back your spear!"

The gun went very fast, if Wen Jie killed Pei Xingyan, he would be nailed to death by this gun, and when Wen Jie saw the black gun flying towards him, he almost subconsciously picked up the straight knife on the gun barrel, ironed The gun spun around in mid-air, Wen Jie took advantage of the situation and stabbed the straight knife forward, with a swipe, the straight knife sank into the barrel of the iron gun, he took advantage of the opportunity to hold the iron gun, stepped back a few steps and stopped.

Return the straight knife to its place and put it in the gun.

The spear returned to its place and returned to Wen Jie's hands.

I just don't know why, Li Xian didn't rush to attack at this opportunity, but stood in front of Pei Xingyan to protect him, then looked at Wen Jie and smiled and said: "Now you can tell me why you boarded this ship The boat is gone."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiong Kuohai walked quickly to the mast and punched it. The mast shook, and the heavy knife he used fell from above.With Xiong Kuohai in his hand, his momentum suddenly changed.



Wen Jie took a cherished look at the spear in his hand, with a little complacency in his eyes.

"You asked me at this time, but you just want to delay some time for your men to retrieve the weapons."

"But if you ask, I'll tell you."

He looked at Li Xian and said seriously: "Draw lots"

After saying these two words, he smiled and said: "Even I don't know which boat I will choose, how could you figure it out? It's just... I didn't expect you to be so lucky."

Li Xian hummed and said, "I'm lucky, but your luck is naturally not good."

He smiled: "I want to see, how can you leave today?!"

Wen Jie waved his hand, took a slow breath and asked, "In Yanshan, I let you go once, and in Liaodong, I let you go again, but you tried to kill me many times, don't you think you are too small? "

Li Xian shook his head and said earnestly: "Don't say twice, even if you deliberately let me go three times, five times, ten times, I still have to kill you. Although you showed mercy to me twice, but on Yanshan Mountain, You killed more than 100 of my most respected elder brothers. In Liaodong, you let me go once, it was because of your master Yang Guang's hypocritical love for talents, why should I miss you? What's more, in Jiangnan, in In Daxing City, the elder brothers of Tiefutu were killed by Longtingwei under your command, I still remember every one of them."

"never mind"

After listening to Li Xian's words, Wen Jie slowly shook his head and said, "In my opinion, those people you mentioned are nothing but ants, and even you are just stronger among the ants."

He tied the wooden box behind his back, and pointed at Li Xian with guns in both hands: "I don't know how many people have missed me over the years, but I killed them one by one in the end. Originally, I wanted to save your life to see what happened in the future." It's a good show, but it has to be seen after all, so I can only kill you."

Li Xian curled his lips and said, "If you blow too much, it will explode."

Naturally, Wen Jie didn't understand the boring meaning in Li Xian's words, so he simply swung his spear and stabbed Li Xian's heart.But Li Xian didn't even hide, as if ignoring the power of that shot.

With a bang, Pei Xingyan opened the big black umbrella to block Li Xian.

Seeing that the spear was about to hit the black umbrella critically, Wen Jie abruptly swept the spear aside with a slight frown.Wiping the big black umbrella and swipe over, wiped out a streak of sparks on the umbrella surface!

Li Xian, who was hiding behind the umbrella, raised his mouth slightly, and rushed out to grab the barrel of the big iron gun!

The reason why he didn't hide was because Pei Xingyan was ready to open the black umbrella, and the reason why he rushed out was because Li Xian had calculated that Wen Jie was subconsciously reluctant to smash the black umbrella with an iron gun.Because the iron gun is his iron gun, and the black umbrella is also his black umbrella, people's subconscious consciousness cannot be ignored, and it will have unexpected effects at critical moments.

He grasped the barrel of the gun, and Pei Xingyan slammed the black umbrella on Wen Jie's chest.And Xiong Kuohai's Mo Dao had already slashed towards Wen Jie's shoulder with a sound of wind and thunder. There is no doubt that if this knife hits, even Wen Jie's body as solid as a rock will be split in two.

At this critical moment, Wen Jie twisted his wrist and twitched the straight knife in the iron gun.

Can't move!

His straight knife can be locked in the barrel of the gun and can't be pulled out at all!


Xiong Kuohai shouted loudly!



Li Xian's eyes have narrowed slightly, this is his habitual action when he is nervous!

Pei Xingyan's umbrella, Xiong Kuohai's knife, Li Xian's hand, plus the one-year calculation and one-year preparation to kill Wen Jie, formed a deadly situation!Li Xian held the big iron gun in his hand, and the big iron gun modified by Ye Huaixiu locked Wen Jie's straight knife. At the same time, Pei Xingyan twisted the handle of the umbrella, and a poisonous arrow shot from the big black umbrella Shooting out from the front end, and slightly slower than the poisonous arrow, is the mighty and thunderous Mo Dao.

In the previous battle, Wen Jie had one against three, but he didn't lose much.

Speaking of which, although Pei Xingyan and Xiong Kuohai are excellent in martial arts, they are all practicing the ability to charge and kill among thousands of troops, and they are not good at this kind of fighting in the rivers and lakes.Among the three, only Li Xian was familiar with this kind of battle.

Dead end, there seems to be no way out.

But there are texts.

There was a pop, a pop, a pop, a pop.

The four voices are connected together, regardless of the front and back.

with a snap,

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