Will Ming

Chapter 336

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Chapter 330 Six Shu Chang

Wen Yidao, at this time, is not holding a knife in his hand, and Wen Yidao without a knife in his hand looks even more terrifying, because the magic weapon that cuts iron like mud, because at this time his raised jaw protrudes. Confidence and arrogance, because he has the qualifications.

Li Xian looked at the sword, looked it over carefully and then sighed.

This sigh was very meaningful, and he didn't know if he was upset because of this ancient sword.

"what do you think?"

Wen Jie smiled and asked Li Xian, the wounds on his body were still bleeding, whether it was the arrow wound on his shoulder or the knife wound on his heart, because of the excessive bleeding, his face looked extraordinarily pale.But he smiled happily and proudly.This kind of expression looked weird on his face, which reminded Li Xian that there is a kind of hateful face called a villain.Ke Wenjie is the type who looks indifferent, and this kind of expression on his face will make people feel uncomfortable after all.

Li Xian shook his head, then said very seriously: "It's ugly."

Wen Jie was surprised, and then lowered his head to take a closer look at the ancient sword in his hand. His fingers slid across the cold blade, as if lovingly stroking a girl's skin that was about to be broken.It was gentle and soothing, as if it was frightened by the sword.From touching the hilt to the tip of the sword, there was a paranoid obsession in his eyes.


Wen Jie exclaimed: "How can you bear to call such a sharp weapon ugly? In my opinion, there are hundreds of thousands of weapons in this world, but none of them can match this sword."

Li Xian smiled, and said in the most sincere tone: "I said Xiao Dao Dao, you are wrong, I am not saying that this sword is ugly, but that you are really ugly now."

He pointed to Wen Kai and said seriously: "Look down at yourself, where is there a place like Wen Kai? No matter how you feel when you see you at this time in the eyes of others, it is in your own heart. Don't you feel a little embarrassed?"

Wen Jie was startled, then lowered his head and looked at himself.

Because of Li Xian's sneak attack, Wen Jie tore his own clothes to strangle the wound.At this time, he was bare-chested, with bloodstains all over his fair skin, and the arrow wound on his shoulder was cracked, and the blood washed away the medicine powder, leaving ugly marks like earthworms. It seems that gentle and elegant people used to kill people Wen Jie, who was always handsome and personable, now looks like a clown in embarrassment.

He frowned, and then the happy expression on his face gradually solidified.

But soon, he let out a long breath and sighed: "I don't even remember how long it has been since I was forced into such a mess... It seems that when I think about it carefully, only the one in the Nanchen Palace... The situation in World War I was similar to today's situation, but that time... I was even more miserable than now."

After finishing speaking, Wen Jie slowly turned around.

As he exposed his back, the eyes of Li Xian and the three of them widened instantly.Especially Pei Xingyan gasped in shock.

On the back, there are more than a dozen criss-crossing wounds, like a chessboard for a game of chess, and like a group of snakes winding around, it looks hideous and terrifying, and each wound is very long.

Wen Jie turned around, smiled and said: "I was cut thirteen times that day, and I don't know how many times more dangerous than today's scene. It's just... Li Xian, do you know why the wounds are all on me? on the back?"

Without waiting for Li Xian's answer, he smiled confidently and said, "Because I did it on purpose, the thirteen cuts were all made by that man on my back on purpose, because I am not his opponent, so I I showed weakness, I got thirteen knives, the man became more and more arrogant, in his view I was vulnerable, he became more and more conceited as he fought, finally found a chance for me, and took his life with one knife."

Wen Jie smiled confidently: "So, you don't need to use words to stimulate me, because it is useless to me. It was so hard that day, and the winner is still me. What is the situation today? That's right, I'm a person who loves cleanliness and looks good, but you shouldn't be so naive as to think that saying those two words can upset me."

"Although today is also very difficult, but the winner will still be me."

He raised his jaw again, his eyes squinting.

Wen Jie's expression is extremely arrogant, because he has this strength so he is conceited.He looked at Li Xian provocatively, implying that your little tricks are meaningless.

However, Li Xian didn't seem discouraged, he looked at Wen Jie with a little more pity suddenly for some reason, it was a kind of sympathy that really hurt people.

"Why do you need to emphasize that you are fearless?"

Li Xian looked into Wen Jie's eyes, and said word by word: "Having said so much, you are just looking for an excuse to increase your courage. Don't you think this clumsy lie can fool everyone?"

He said pityingly: "It turns out that Wen Yidao is just a poor fellow, a coward... Why are those thirteen knives behind his back? In my opinion, the reason you said is worse than a puddle of rotten shit. The reason why the knife The injuries are all on your back, so you are naturally not as calm and confident as you said yourself, the real reason is...you have been running away, desperately trying to run away, Wen Yidao, is my guess correct?"

When Wen Jie heard this sentence, his face suddenly became paler.



The other nine grain transport ships that accompanied Wen Jie's big ship had already reached the other side of the river.By the time Qing Yuan and Huang Luan, who had crossed the river, found out that something was wrong, it was already too late. At this time, there were three thousand soldiers on the north bank of the Yellow River, two thousand soldiers on the south bank of the Yellow River, and only Wen Jie himself was the boat in the middle.

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan wanted to get on the boat again to help Wen Jie, but how could the boatmen on the big boat give them a chance?The boat swayed, and it was difficult to get up to the sky.What's more, the big boat that Wen Jie was on no longer crossed, but turned its sails, and went upstream against the water of the Yellow River. Twenty Huanglong fast boats sealed the river, how could they catch up?

Qingyuan and Huangluan brought their men and horses and ran along the river on the north bank.The 2000 people left in Nan'an remained where they were. Wen Jie, who had been promoted, gritted his teeth and ordered Chen Su to turn around and leave. Li Xian didn't intend to use iron cavalry to destroy the thousands of people under Wen Jie's command. So Chen Su fled with two thousand soldiers. He didn't know that somewhere in the Sui Dynasty, there would be another grass bandit occupying the mountain as king.

Li Xian didn't plan to use iron cavalry because his cavalry was still very useful.

Before he came, he said, kill one person first, and then kill many, many people.

Yanyun Iron Cavalry is going to kill many, many people.

The big boat went up against the current, with eight wheels on both sides, even against the current, it could run faster than Qing Yuan and Huang Luan.

Wen Jie held the ancient sword Juque, his eyes couldn't hide his panic.

This was the first time in so many years that he was really flustered.Li Xian's unreasonable guess was like a needle in his heart, and he couldn't pull it out.This reminded him of the young man who was fleeing on the roof of the Nanchen Palace when the Sui Dynasty attacked and destroyed Nanchen more than 20 years ago. The body of the sword man.He had no choice but to escape, desperately fleeing, and was stabbed again and again, and the blood stained the roof of the house red.

He ran very fast at first, but later the more he bled, the slower he ran. Just when he was almost desperate, he found that the man with the double swords had also slowed down, and, And that person was coughing up blood!

Finally, the man staggered and fell off the ridge of the roof and fell to the ground. After spitting out a mouthful of dark blood, he sighed a pity.He planned to die for the king, so he swallowed a poison, but he didn't expect that he could not deceive the generals of the Sui Dynasty when he escaped in a dragon robe, but instead attracted a master of swordsman.He regretted that Da Chen was eventually wiped out of the country.He regretted that he could not kill the young swordsman before the poison was released.

He died of poisoning, but not because of the poison on the Wenjie knife.

When Wen Jie slid down from the roof, the man was already dead.Before passing out of a coma, Wen Jie cut a knife near the man's heart, and then passed out from exhaustion.

Since then, Wen Jie has often mentioned that he had a humiliation.

That time, I was ashamed to feed poison on the knife, he beheaded me thirteen times, but I only beheaded him once... I told too many lies for too long, even the liar was deceived.For so many years, he was not the only one who was deceived?Among them, of course, was His Majesty the Emperor who personally handed over the Juque Ancient Sword to him.

It's just that after so many years, the lie will eventually be seen through one day.



"Can you and I talk calmly?"

Wen Jie raised his head, looked at Li Xian and said.

Li Xian shook his head, and said seriously: "The right time, the right place, and the right people and I have taken it all together, and you are also in a mess right now, why should I have a peaceful talk with you?"

Wen Jie's eyes turned cold, and he rushed up angrily and roared: "Do you think I'm begging you?"

He pointed the ancient sword giant tower towards the sky: "Even if you have the upper hand, so what? I'll kill all of them!"

After finishing speaking, he slammed his feet a little, and rushed over like a cannonball, with a sword flowing, unstoppable.

Pei Xingyan stood in front of Li Xian with a broken black umbrella, Xiong Kuohai used the handle of the Mo Dao as a short stick, and smashed it horizontally at Wen Jie's chest, but Li Xian made an astonishing move.

He first kicked Pei Xingyan away, then quickly dodged to one side, took advantage of the opportunity to smash Xiong Kuohai's iron rod against Wen Jie, and then stepped back fiercely.The ancient sword in Wen Jie's hand changed twice, and he had to stop because of Li Xian's unreasonable strikes. When he found out that Li Xian was looking for his own death, he immediately became hesitant. With my understanding, it is absolutely impossible for this person to do such an idiotic thing.

Unless he wants to die, but Li Xian

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