Will Ming

Chapter 337

(Thank you for the rewards and monthly tickets from Da Hulu, thank you Huang Jiwei, Nitianfeng, Yuyu Chunxue, Cao Cao is healthier, Du Mijin, Jiang Zheyu, rock--hm, One Night One Dream, Breaking Dawn, thank you for voting for the general Ming monthly pass.)

330 Chapter [-] Killed

At this time, Wen Jie, who was nailed to the deck by a big iron gun, had already turned into a corpse, and it was still a corpse that was too desolate to bear the sight of.His right arm and left leg were smashed off by Xiong Kuohai with the handle of the Mo knife, and the flesh and bones were broken into a mess.This cut is not as neat as a knife cut with a sword. This kind of cut cannot be described in words because it is too bloody.

His left arm was broken abruptly by Pei Xingyan, and he didn't know how many pieces of joints and bones were broken.That left arm looked like a twist, and the blood was twisted out like a bed sheet.

As for his right leg, it looked better, but it was pierced with a bloody hole by the big iron gun.

Li Xian used himself as a bait, and forcibly received Wen Jie's sword.

Then Pei Xing was like a cheetah, and Xiong Kuohai pounced on him like a tiger. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wen Jie was almost smashed into a puddle of violent blows. Even if Li Xian didn't stab him with the sword in the heart, Wen Jie would have It is also certain to die.Two arms and one leg of his limbs were turned into ashes, even if he could endure such severe pain, he would bleed to death.Li Xian stabbed this sword because he had to.

Tiefutu, Xueqi, and more than 100 blood feuds were pressing on his heart, so he must stab Wen Jie's heart, must, must, must!

Li Xian tore off his shirt, took out the wound medicine from the deerskin pouch and handed it to Xiong Kuohai, signaling to bandage Pei Xingyan first, but Pei Xingyan came over and took the medicine and poured it on Li Xian's shoulder, then tore off a piece of clothes and gave it to Li Xian Leisurely bandage up.Then Xiong Kuohai applied medicine to him again, and after the bandage was finished, the three of them sat on the ground and gasped for breath, only at this time did they feel the deep fatigue that seemed to be exhausted.

The three sat on the deck, looking at Wen Jie's body.

Looking at it, Li Xian suddenly laughed, and then Pei Xingyan and Xiong Kuohai also laughed, and the three of them laughed louder and louder, and finally they couldn't help but lie on the deck.

"Just kill him like that?"

At this time, Xiong Kuohai felt a little unbelievable: "The last time I fought by the Yishui River, I knew that this person was definitely not formidable, but today I actually killed him, haha... why do I always feel that I shouldn't fight?" So easy."

Pei Xingyan lay on the deck and rolled his eyes at him and said, "You don't think it's easy just because you didn't die?"

Li Xian laughed so hard that he gasped for a while before saying, "The process looks easy, but he has been preparing for several years to kill him. In fact, he just didn't think of one thing, so he revealed it at the last moment." loophole, and we only need him a small loophole is enough."

He struggled to sit up, looked at Wen Jie's disfigured face trampled by Pei Xingyan, and said in a low voice, "He thought I was afraid of death, that I would definitely run away, hide, and give in. So he was defeated. When he was defeated, I finally discovered one thing, it turned out that...he was more afraid of death than me, although he looked so powerful and messed up on the surface, but in fact he was so cowardly and timid in his heart. "

"Thinking about it now, he loves cleanliness, quietness, and always looks extraordinary, but because he is an eunuch, he has low self-esteem, and the more inferior he is, the more he wants to cover it up. That's why he The performance is strong, the performance is domineering, and the performance is graceful enough."

"But his heart is not firm."

Li Xian took a long breath of relief and smiled, "Everyone is afraid of death. There is absolutely no one in this world who takes death seriously. There will be fear more or less. It’s just that some people have strong perseverance and forcibly suppress their fear. And some people usually seem to be not afraid of death, but in fact, a drop of blood may scare them.”

"I never deny that I am a person who is afraid of death, so I can't die."

When Pei Xingyan heard Li Xian's words, he pondered for a long time and said with a smile: "The general is right, who in this world can really face death without a trace of fear?"

Li Xian smiled, pointed at Wen Jie and said, "If he hears us talking about whether he is afraid of death, he will be so angry that his beard will stick out."

Xiong Kuohai smiled, and said seriously: "He is an eunuch, how can he have a beard?"

Pei Xingyan also sat up, panting heavily and sighing: "Before today, I really never imagined that the most powerful person in the world would be an eunuch."

He suddenly thought of something, looked at Li Xian and asked, "General, Wen Jie said before he died that he would trade a secret for his life, but the general didn't even give him a chance to speak. Does the general know what he wants to say?" What kind of secret is it?"

Li Xian smiled and shook his head: "Where is there any secret? It's just nonsense before he died."

After saying this, Li Xian sighed in his heart, and said Wen Jie, Wen Jie, you are indeed a remarkable person, you thought you could use this secret to blackmail me, but didn't you think that it wouldn't take long? I'm afraid this secret is no longer a secret.I also remembered the sentence I said in Wen Jie's ear before, I don't belong to this world at all, although I said it to a dying person, but the kind of feeling that I have been depressed for more than ten years will be released soon. The smoothness of coming out still made him feel relaxed.

He smiled in his heart, and thought with some pride, Wen Jie, you should be satisfied, because you knew a real secret before you died, a secret that only I know.

My thoughts went back to that snowy day, and to the baby lying in the swaddle.

Li Xian smiled meaningfully.



A dozen sailor soldiers who had retreated far away came over and helped Li Xian and the three of them up in a hurry. One of the soldiers pointed to the two women who were still running with their horses on the north bank of the Yellow River and asked: "General, What about those people?"

Li Xian waved his hand and said, "Turn around and go back to the ferry, if they want to follow, then just run back."

Looking at the two graceful figures on the river bank, Li Xian sighed and said, "The two of them are just a pair of poor people. Wen Jie has adopted them for so many years, but they don't even know their own origins."

Hearing this sentence, Pei Xingyan was surprised and asked: "The general knows?"

Li Xian nodded: "I want to kill Wen Jie. It has been ten years since I fled from Jiangnan to Zhuo County, Hebei. I have planned to kill Wen Jie. It has been five years since I returned from Saibei. And I plan to kill Wen Jie. I have been preparing for another year. The Flying Tiger Secret Agent has been investigating since its establishment, and until today, I know many secrets in Wenjie that others do not know."

"For example, I said before that the wounds on Wen Jie's back were not deliberately luring the enemy as he said, but because he was slashed from behind when he fled in embarrassment. I'm not a god who can pinch and count, although some are It can be speculated, but in fact, it is because when Wen Jie was hunted down by the master surnamed Wang in the Nanchen Palace, someone happened to hide in a big tree to avoid the search of the Sui army, so he could see it clearly."

"And this person is now in our Yanyun Village."


Xiong Kuohai also became curious: "Could it be Xu Zhizang?"

Li Xian smiled and said, "He is the only one in our village who was from Nan Chen back then. Who else could he be? Fate in this world is so ingenious. Wen Jie thought that the truth that was covered up tightly was actually from the very beginning. In the end, it was not covered up. At that time, Mr. Xu was appointed as a regular servant of Sanqi by Chen Shubao, the emperor of Nanchen. , happened to see that scene."

"Later, Mr. Xu was captured by the Sui army and sent to a prisoner camp to suffer a lot. At that time, Yang Su heard that Mr. Xu was a famous doctor in the world, so he recommended him to Yang Guang. He appointed Mr. Xu as the regular attendant of Sanqi, the head of the imperial physician. However, Mr. Xu was surprised to find that the person who was hunted down in Nanchen Palace that day turned out to be an eunuch beside the emperor, and he was also the emperor's most trusted eunuch... ..."

Li Xian smiled and said: "Mr. Xu is a caring person. He was worried that if the things he knew were leaked out, Wen Jie would definitely not let him go. So he ran away and lived in seclusion in the barren mountains. ten years."

Li Xian sat down on the chair, took a breath and said: "A year ago, the secret agent investigated the truth based on the truth told by Mr. Xu. At that time, I actually knew the two women beside Wen Jie. of origin.

Speaking of this, Li Xian sighed slightly: "Wen Jie is dead, and I don't know what path they will choose to continue on."

The big ship turned around and went down the river.

The sails stretched for tens of miles, but no one was in the mood to see the wonderful scenery on both sides of the strait.

Li Xian's wound medicine was very effective. Although the sword pierced through the front and back, it didn't hurt the muscles and bones. This kind of red wound is actually not terrible.He is also a person with great perseverance, so there is no pain on his face.In fact, although he was hunted down since he was a child, he was rarely injured. The knife that Xu Shiji stabbed him a while ago was considered a relatively serious injury.

And Wen Jie's sword is the biggest injury Li Xian has suffered in more than ten years.

When they returned to the Yellow River Ferry in the north of Lu County, the big boat going down the river had already left Qingyuan, Huangluan and others on the north bank far behind.And when Li Xian got off the boat and changed his clothes, Qing Yuan and Huang Luan were facing a big trouble.



Chen Su from the south bank fled with a team of less than 2000 people, half of whom were imperial guards and half government soldiers.The officers and soldiers on the north bank who saw this scene gradually became confused.Qingyuan and Huangluan led their troops upstream to chase the big boat.

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