Will Ming

Chapter 338

(Looking up to the sky and roaring, a new volume has started, give me motivation...please!)

Chapter 330 Eight Most Suffering

The carriage is Wen Jie's carriage, but Wen Jie has already reported to Fengdu City, walked Huangquan Road, crossed Naihe Bridge, and drank Mengpo soup.This carriage is big and spacious enough, so there are many books, seasonal fruits, and wine in it.At this time, it was not Wen Jie who was reading quietly in this carriage, but Li Xian.In the carriage at this time, there were two young girls sitting quietly opposite Li Xian.

From the things in the carriage, it can be seen that Wen Jie is a person who knows how to enjoy, and perhaps his biggest regret is that he cannot enjoy beauties.

Although there are always two beauties by his side, only Wen Jie knows that many times, he has been tempted to kill those two girls.He didn't know whether his decision back then was right or wrong, and whether the two girls he had raised would one day become beautiful snakes that bit back.

That person surnamed Wang in Nanchen cut Wen Jie thirteen times back then, Wen Jie has always shown no concern about this matter, he seems to have forgotten it, and rarely mentions it to others.But 16 years ago, when he heard that the man's son had practiced double swords and was looking for enemies everywhere, Wen Jie told Yang Guang about it, and Yang Guang, who was the general manager of Yangzhou at that time, issued a military order to let Wen Jie took two thousand soldiers to Jiangling to investigate a case of treason by an old minister in the south.

The main culprit in this case was naturally the pair of swordsmen, and the extermination of the family became a matter of course.

For some unknown reason, Wen Jie left behind only two baby girls who were still in their infancy.

Perhaps, it was an eunuch who had no children and was touched by these two baby girls.Perhaps, it was because he wanted to keep these two babies and torture them every day.Perhaps, he himself did not know why he made this decision.Of these two baby girls, one was born to the wife of the swordsmen, and the other was born to a concubine, which happened to be born on the same day.When Wen Jie led his troops to destroy the whole family of Wang's family, it happened to be the full moon day of the two baby girls.

There are not many people who know about this matter, but no one will mention it.

The emperor also knew, but he didn't say anything.

At that time, Yang Guang was not an emperor, nor a prince, but a king of Jin who forbeared in Yangzhou, a second son of the emperor who seemed unlikely to succeed the emperor.But Yang Jian trusted Yang Guang very much. In the first year of Kaihuang, Yang Guang was granted the title of King of Jin.In the eighth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Yang Guang was the general manager of the march, and commanded an army of 51 troops to destroy Nanchen.

During those few years in Yangzhou, Yang Guang confuses Emperor Gaozu with a humble, honest, and simple image.He is careful in doing things, and will never let the slightest handle fall into the hands of others.He married a woman from the Xiao family in the south of the Yangtze River, and had fun with the literati in the south of the Yangtze River.He wears old clothes and has only one dish for each meal. He has written several times to request that his salary be reduced to reward meritorious soldiers.

It was at this time when he was forbearing to buy people's hearts, Yang Guangneng sent two thousand soldiers to help him almost kill the two swordsmen in order to make Wen Jie feel at ease, and he also took a great risk.In fact, after Prince Yang Yong's cronies got the news, they still tried to let Emperor Gaozu know, but the emperor didn't anger Yang Guang because of this incident.

At that time, Yang Guang was almost perfect in the heart of the great ancestor Yang Jian.

It can be seen from this that Yang Guang's favor and trust in Wen Jie.

After Yang Guang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he disregarded the objections of his courtiers, took Wen Jie as the captain, and established Longtingwei, which was in charge of apprehending serious criminals such as treason and rebellion. His power had already made the courtiers deeply disturbed.At the beginning, I didn't know how many people made up the criminal charges, but Yang Guang still trusted him.After a few years, the courtiers got used to the existence of a different kind in this forbidden palace.

Someone once said that the two people Yang Guang trusted the most were Wen Jie of the inner court and Yu Wenshu of the outer court.

And those two baby girls from the royal family grew up beside Wen Jie. In the past 16 years, Wen Jie has always been annoyed why he left such two troubles in the first place, but every time he wanted to get rid of these two girls, he was touched again. Because of the softness in the most secret place in his heart, he sometimes treats these two girls extremely harshly, and sometimes treats them as his own. These two girls gradually grow up in such an environment.

Sixteen years later, they did not see Wen Jie's death, and they did not know whether it was luck or misfortune.

The two of them sat in front of Li Xian without a single tear in their eyes.

"Where is the body?"

Huang Luan asked in a flat tone, and there was not much hatred in the eyes looking at Li Xian.The same is true for Qing Yuan, who actually accepted Wen Jie's death in an extremely flat manner.

"There are no bodies."

Li Xian slowly lifted his gaze from the scroll, looked at the two of them and said calmly, "I had someone chop up the corpse and throw it into the Yellow River to feed the fish, so there is no corpse."

He lowered his eyes and continued to look at the scroll in his hand: "If there is nothing wrong, you two can get out of the car. You can go, I will not stop you. If you want to stay, find a chance to kill me to avenge Wen Jie , I will definitely not give you a chance, although I don't like killing women at all."

"We're not going."

Qingyuan said flatly: "Nor revenge."

Huang Luan said: "For us, what is hatred?"

Li Xian raised his head abruptly, as if he had guessed something from Huang Luan's words.



Wen Jie once said that if he really died at the hands of Li Xian, Qing Yuan and Huang Luan were not allowed to take revenge, they just had to look at him, the saddest and ridiculous thing in the world that Li Xian would do sooner or later .Of course, being sad and ridiculous is from the perspective of Wen Jie. As for whether this incident will happen, whether it is sad and ridiculous, it may not be a big deal to Li Xian.The reason is simple, Li Xian is an outsider.

For the entire era, Li Xian is an outsider.

And it may not be too much for this outsider to do anything in order to survive.As for words such as sad and ridiculous, in Li Xian's view, it boils down to nonsense.

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan got out of the carriage without saying a word.

Qing Yuan politely asked the coachman to leave, and then held the whip herself.Huang Luan sat down next to Qing Yuan, looking ahead calmly.

A day ago, the two of them were like this, following Wen Yu to the north among five thousand soldiers.A day later, the two of them were still the same, and followed Li Xian northward among the five thousand fine riders.The carriage is still the carriage, the two of them are still the two of them, different things, the people in the carriage.

In the carriage, Li Xian slowly put down the scroll, closed his eyes and meditated.

He was thinking about one thing and wanted to know if Qing Yuan and Huang Luan knew about it.Wen Jie was the enemy of the two of them, but Li Xian didn't say it, because in his view, after killing Wen Jie just now, telling the two of them that Wen Jie was actually their enemy was a ridiculous thing in itself. Whoever it is, I'm afraid they won't believe it.Whoever it was, I'm afraid Li Xian would feel that Li Xian was a despicable and shameless person.Li Xian does not resist the words mean and shameless, but he is more afraid of trouble.

But the two of them didn't show any anger or hatred. Even when Li Xian deliberately said that there was no corpse, the two of them just changed their faces.

Li Xian naturally wondered if the two of them knew something long ago.

While the carriage was moving, Li Xian lifted the curtain and said, "I'm going to the border. This journey is very dangerous. If you have no place to stay, you can go to Juyeze. I will write a letter and you can settle down in the lake." .”

Qing Yuan looked at Huang Luan, the two showed a hint of helplessness and sadness at this moment.

"The iron gun is not broken, and I will find someone to repair the black umbrella. If you two want to keep it as a souvenir, you can take it back to Juyeze."

The two shook their heads at the same time, but neither of them spoke.

Finally, Li Xian couldn't bear it anymore and asked directly: "Do you two know something?"

With this question, the expressions of the two girls became stiff at the same time, and then turned into sadness.

Qing Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Li Xian and said seriously: "A eunuch in the palace has adopted two baby girls and has been raising them, sometimes caring and sometimes harsh, is this a strange thing? Even if any People don't think it's weird, and these two baby girls will feel weird when they grow up."

Huang Luan said: "It is precisely because they find it strange that they especially want to know their own background. An eunuch who entered the palace since childhood, naturally cannot be their father. And to find out their identities, it is actually not a simple matter. A very difficult thing."

Li Xian sighed and said, "But you two didn't want to do anything."

Huang Luan looked up at Li Xian and said seriously: "Maybe he thought about killing us, but he didn't after all. We also thought about killing him, but we couldn't make up our minds either."

Li Xian was silent, not knowing what to say.



"Why did you choose to stay?"

Li Xian asked seriously.

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan looked at each other, and Qing Yuan said honestly: "Wen Jie said, if he dies in your hands, we are not allowed to avenge him, just look at you, he said that sooner or later you He will die at the hands of his relatives, or he will kill his relatives. He said that this is the saddest and most ridiculous thing in the world. He said that even if he died, he would look at you in the underworld with a smile, watching this joke. "

Huang Luan said seriously: "So the two of us want to stay and see what's going to happen."

Li Xian glanced at the two of them annoyedly and said, "Don't you think it's a very immoral thing for you to say it so bluntly? Can I think that even if you two don't do anything, just stay Come down and look at me to avenge Wen Jie?"


Qingyuan slowly relaxes

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