Will Ming

Chapter 339 Three Young Masters Four Young Masters

Chapter 330 Nine Three Young Masters Four Young Masters

"I killed the entire Longting Guard."

Li Xian looked at Qing Yuan and Huang Luan and asked, "Don't you guys have any hatred for me?"

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan were sitting beside the carriage, one was driving the carriage, and the other was looking down at her hands.


After a while, Huang Luan said with some uncertainty: "But I didn't want to kill you. A year ago, when you hurt Wen Jie by the Yishui River, I thought about cutting your body to pieces. Duan... But now, I might hate you, but I don't have any killing intent in my heart."

Li Xian shook his head and said, "You are so uncertain, how can I keep you by my side?"

He smiled and said: "To be honest, if the two of you decide to enter Yanyun Village so easily, easily, or even hastily, I'm not at ease."


Qing Yuan raised her head and said seriously: "Let's go, sisters."

"where to?"

Li Xian asked.

He originally thought that they would sigh, such as where the sky and the earth are so big that there is no room for them, and then said sadly that since he didn't want to keep them, then they would not stay, at worst, he would find a secret place to live in seclusion for the rest of his life .Such lines are undoubtedly sensational and touching, but Li Xian knows that he will definitely follow their words and say that, since you want to hide from the world, it is also a good choice.Because these two women are uncertain factors, who knows if they will suddenly kill them when they are careless?

He didn't expect that Qingyuan said in a frank and natural tone: "You killed Wen Jie and Long Tingwei, but you don't trust the two of us. We can't go to the border with you. Then We have to go to Juyeze, do we have other places to go?"

Why isn't there a place where the sky and the earth are big?

Li Xian said annoyedly, "Don't tell me I'll be relieved if you go to Juyeze?"

Huang Luan said seriously: "You don't have to worry about us going, because we have nowhere to go."

At the beginning, Li Xian pretended to be magnanimous, saying that you can live in Juyeze.But he didn't expect that these two women would not even refuse. It stands to reason that even if they didn't hate him, they should have some conflicts after killing Wen Jie. But why did the two of them make such a decision so easily? Leave?It is true that Li Xian was worried that the two of them still had some hostility. Could it be that the two of them were not afraid of being killed by Li Xian after they entered Juyeze?

But in an instant, Li Xian understood.

It's not that the two of them are rash, but that they are calm.It's the calmness developed by following Wen Jie's side these years, because they know that as long as they don't move, Li Xian won't move either.And now in this world, there is indeed no place where the two of them can live.If he didn't enter Yanyun Village, he might end up in the ranks of a certain Green Forest Road rebel army. At that time, he might still be reduced to a doll.

Thinking of this, Li Xian smiled and said, "Then you guys will stay."

He thought that if in the future, he was accompanied by two beautiful and capable women, one carrying an iron gun, the other carrying... a broken iron umbrella, wouldn't it be a very cool thing?

"Drive well."

Li Xian waved his hand and said mercilessly.

Qingyuan and Huangluan smiled, but their expressions were still gloomy.



Both Qingyuan and Huangluan were a little surprised. The emperor was trapped in Yanmen Pass, and all the officials and soldiers from all over the world rushed to rescue him.The entire Dongping County is occupied by him, he wished that the world would be more chaotic after the emperor's death, why did he rush to Yanmen Pass?This is a very contradictory and tangled matter. The two of them discussed it in a low voice for a long time, but they couldn't find the answer from each other's thinking.

After only two days of walking, they realized that something was wrong.

Because this road is definitely not going to Yanmen Pass.

Even if the two of them have never been to Yanmen Pass, at least they can tell the direction.

Moreover, the team's marching speed was not fast. For a pure cavalry team, it only traveled seventy or eighty miles a day, which was somewhat unreasonable anyway.The two of them vaguely guessed that Li Xian must be waiting for something, but this feeling was like looking for a needle in a haystack, at a loss and without a clue.Both of them are smart women, knowing that if they want to survive in the future, they must choose a backer, and since they choose to stay in Yanyun Village, they have to figure out Li Xian's life as they used to figure out Wen Jie's thoughts thought.

However, after getting in touch with Li Xian for several days, apart from finding that getting along with this sunny man was a very pleasant and comfortable thing, they couldn't see his thoughts at all.If Wen Jie is gloomy like thick dark clouds in the sky, they can't see the real world behind the clouds no matter what.In their eyes, Li Xian is like a vast ocean, which looks splendid and beautiful, but they also cannot see what the world below the water surface looks like.

Li Xian was always smiling and would not talk to them with hostility or rejection.

Li Xian is always very gentle, and sometimes he will inadvertently say a few words that make people laugh.

Li Xian is always very polite, and never arrogant when talking to the two of them.

This gave them a seductive freshness, a feeling that was completely opposite to when they were with Wen Jie.Of course, after just a few days of getting along, they will not have any dependence on Li Xian, and it is even more impossible for them to be as determined as they were when they followed Wen Jie a year ago.But they were curious, curious about a young man like Li Xian, his past, his present, and even his future.

They guessed that the reason why Li Xian's team was moving slowly was what they were waiting for.But they never thought that what Li Xian was waiting for was just a piece of news.

It couldn't be better news for Yanyun Village.

In May of the 11th year of Daye, Luoyang, the eastern capital, was besieged by 20 rebels gathered by Li Mi.

Qu Tongtu, who stayed behind in the eastern capital, mobilized troops from various counties to break the siege, including soldiers from Zhang Xutuo, Qi County, who was thousands of miles away.Before that, Zhang Xutuo, the most elite of more than [-] troops in Qi County, had been sent to Qin Qiong to rush to Yanmen Pass day and night to rescue him.Originally, Zhang Xutuo wanted to take all the remaining infantry and set off later, but at this moment, Qu Tongtu's orders came one after another, and Dongdu was in danger.

Zhang Xutuo had no choice but to lead more than 1 soldiers from the remaining counties to march out. The target changed from Yanmenguan to Luoyang, the eastern capital. The soldiers from Qi County left their homes to prepare for their first expedition.

At this time, what Zhang Xutuo was most worried about was actually the safety of Qi County.

All the county soldiers are going on an expedition, who will guard Naqi County?

Their homeland will face countless dangers after they leave. Countless rebels who have been staring fiercely at the wealthy Qi County will swarm in. This rare peaceful place in the north of the Sui Dynasty will suffer a devastating blow.Not to mention others, Jibei County Zhishilang Wang Bo will be the first to bring his remnants of defeated generals into Qi County. On that day, it is unknown how many people will be displaced and how many people will throw their corpses into the wilderness.

This was the most painful thing for Zhang Xutuo. He was so painful that he couldn't fall asleep for several days.

Therefore, a crack appeared in his originally firm thinking, and this crack originated from a proposal of Li Xian.

Yanyunzhai has the ability to protect the two counties of Qi and Lu, and Yanyunzhai will never do anything cruel and inhumane to the people of Qilu and Qilu counties. The people of Dongping County are living a very good life now. This is a living example .However, this proposal caused Zhang Xutuo to struggle between loyalty and righteousness, and was in great pain.If he agrees to Li Xian and colludes with the rebels, he is disloyal.But he has no other way to keep Qi County, it is unrighteous to put his father and fellow villagers in dire straits.

It has to be said that Li Xian's request made by taking advantage of Yang Guang's trapped Yanmen Pass is a bit of a villain anyway, but it is good news for the people in Qilu and Shandong.

When Li Xian's team crossed the Yellow River and walked northward for the seventh day, a letter written by Zhang Xutuo was delivered to Li Xian by the flying tiger secret agent as quickly as possible.

After reading the letter, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Xian's mouth.

"When I led the expedition, Yanyunzhai was protecting the two counties of Qilu and Shandong. After I return, the soldiers and horses of Yanyunzhai must withdraw."

This is Zhang Xutuo's meaning, it seems that he still can't pass the test in his heart.

But in Li Xian's opinion, is there any better news than this?The wording in Zhang Xutuo's letter was still tough, but what concealed was a weak heart.A gap has been cracked in his once solid heart embankment, and Li Xian firmly believes that sooner or later, the flood will expand this gap infinitely, and eventually it will flow for thousands of miles.

In the middle of May of the 11th year of Daye, the [-] troops gathered in Sucheng, Dongping County, with Xu Shiji as the commander and Niu Jinda as the vanguard, marched to Licheng, Qi County.



Liu Hongji knew that Li Shimin was anxious to return home. This young man who had never felt the love of his parents since he was a child must longed to return to his parents.It's just that he really didn't expect Li Shimin to be so anxious.After leaving Didao City in Longxi County, each of the three hundred cavalry rode in pairs, and began to march with little rest.From the time they left Longxi County, the team was on their way almost all the time except for the three hours of sleep that they had to guarantee every day.

Liu Hongji felt a slight pain in his heart when he saw the tiredness on the handsome boy's face and the sweat on his forehead.

How much desire has this young man suppressed in the past ten years?

So he understood Li Shimin's impatience, but he had a faint thought in his heart, does this boy who has been abandoned for more than ten years really only have pure longing and longing for mother's love and father's love in his heart?Is there still some...hate?

& nb

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