Will Ming

Chapter 340 Disagreement

(Thank you for worrying and not being happy, laughing at yourself, fyy78's reward, please!)

Chapter 340 Disagreement

"You are the fourth brother?"

Li Shimin didn't seem to be angry because of Li Yuanji's very impolite words. He still had a gentle and happy expression on his face. He quickly jumped off his horse, walked up to Li Yuanji and said, "We met once five years ago. It seems that the fourth brother doesn't remember."

He gestured on his chest and said, "But it's no wonder, you were only so tall at that time."

"That time when my father took us to hunt, you couldn't even draw your bow."

Li Yuanji took a step back, frowned and said: "Fourth brother? I am the third son of the Li family. This is well known, and I don't know anything about what you said. Who in the Li family is not You know, I was able to draw a bow and shoot a rabbit in the eye when I was seven years old? Is it my second brother who you said couldn’t draw a bow?"

"Second brother?"

Li Shimin's expression was a little sad, but he quickly recovered his smile and said: "The third brother Xuanba you are talking about? Xuanba has been weak since he was a child. When I was in my hometown in Longxi County, I specially found some prescriptions. It should be good for Xuanba. The disease is of some use."

"Which one wants you to be kind!"

Li Yuanji snorted and said, "If my lord mother hadn't forced me to come, I wouldn't have waited in the sun for half a day. The Li family is up and down, men, women, old and young in Taiyuan City, who doesn't know the Li family There are only three sons? My father led the troops to Yanmen Pass to rescue him. The eldest brother has to take care of the big and small affairs in the city, but I know that he obviously doesn’t want to see you. As for the second brother Xuanba...he wants to come, but it’s a pity Can't get on a horse."

He glanced at Li Shimin and said: "Second brother's illness is not too much trouble for you to worry about. My father and mother have invited many famous doctors to come. His health is much better than before. As for the folk remedies you mentioned, I think It’s just some weed in the wilderness, poisonous or not, who knows?”

"Also, our Li family is very particular about etiquette. When you first come here, don't make any jokes when you enter the mansion. Let the servants meet and say that the people from the hometown have no rules at all. What's the matter?" If you understand, wouldn't you lose face to the Li family? No matter what happens, you have to learn a little bit."

He turned around, waved his hand and said, "Go, since you're here too, I can return to my mother."

Speaking of this, Li Yuanji suddenly turned around and said: "I want to tell you something, my lord mother is not in good health these days, so don't talk nonsense, if you annoy her lord, you will be welcome when my father comes back! In addition, my mother is not in good health, and she will not be happy to see you, so you might as well stop saluting."

The meaning of these words is very clear, that is, no matter how much I taunt you, you should not even think about going to your mother to sue, even if you do, my mother will not go to you.You are just a person who has been abandoned by your family for more than ten years. Bringing you back is sympathy for you. You must not have any unreasonable thoughts.

In Li Yuanji's view, this cheap second brother is no different from his concubine brothers and sisters.There is no need to have any respect at all, because those children born out of concubines are not much different from children born under concubines.

He glanced at Li Shimin contemptuously, then turned and got into the carriage.

Liu Hongji looked angry, but he couldn't say anything.

Li Shimin stood there in embarrassment, with a frozen smile on his face.

Liu Hongji walked up to him, wanting to say something to comfort him, but in the end he just let out a long sigh: "Second Young Master, let's go, Madam is still waiting for you."

Li Shimin smiled and said, "Okay."

While talking, suddenly several war horses in front rushed over quickly.The leader got off his horse not far from the city gate, walked over quickly, and said apologetically, "I'll come right away after I've dealt with the matter at hand. Riding a horse in the city has already violated the rules set by my father. Fortunately, It didn’t hurt the common people, but it’s just that it’s too late, second brother, big brother is late, so don’t be angry.”

Li Shimin looked up, and saw a slender young man in brocade clothes, with a loyal face and a kind smile, striding towards him.Liu Hongji was overjoyed, and said hastily, "The eldest son has come to pick you up in person!"



Li Jiancheng walked up to Li Shimin quickly, looked at him carefully, and then said with a friendly smile: "The last time we met, the second brother was not yet childish, but now he is a handsome and burly man! Seeing your travels and dust, you must be on the road. Are you in a hurry too?"

He took Li Shimin's hand and walked back: "Don't say it's you, I am also in a hurry. However, the trivial matters in the government office are too troublesome. I have been busy since the early morning, and I finally figured it out. So I came to pick you up right away, but it was still too late. Let's go back to the mansion, Mother is probably waiting impatiently!"

"Big brother..."

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and then broke free from Li Jiancheng's hand. He took a step back, straightened his clothes, and saluted solemnly: "Little brother Shimin, I have met my brother!"

Li Jiancheng laughed and said, "My own brother, where did you get so many rules?"

He took a step forward and took Li Shimin's hand and said kindly: "Although you have been guarding your hometown alone since you were young, it is rare for us brothers to meet each other, but you must know that we are all brothers, and the same blood flows in our bodies." So you must not feel that you are different, father and mother are actually the same to you, you are not with your father and mother so you don't know, mother will miss you every day, and she will cry when she thinks of you. "

He said as he walked, "I think you also know why your father sent you back to your hometown in Longxi. The Taoist priest in Longhushan said that your fate is too hard, and if you are raised, you will be against your mother. He advised your father to send you back to your hometown in Longxi. You are sent to someone else’s house, and you don’t want your son. But the mother disagrees no matter what, she would rather keep you at the risk of herself. The father has no choice but to send you back to live in his hometown, but you also know that since you have Since then, my mother has been in poor health..."

Li Shimin's expression was startled, and he opened his mouth, but it was just a wry smile after all.

Seeing his expression like this, Li Jiancheng quickly smiled and said, "Look at me, what are you doing with these things? Go for a walk, my father went to Yanmen Pass, and I'm afraid he won't be able to make it back in a short time. The person sent back by Hongji brother yesterday said You can arrive in Taiyuan today, my mother didn't sleep well last night, so she got up early this morning and waited."

Li Shimin's heart twitched, but his face gradually returned to calm.

"Then let's go quickly, don't make your mother wait too impatiently."

He got on his horse, but sighed in his heart, big brother, big brother, what you said is nothing more than making excuses for father and mother.Saying that my mother and I are incompatible with each other, and saying that my mother has been sick for many years because she left me behind, don’t you want me to feel grateful and feel guilty?After all, are you afraid that I will fight for something?

Li Jiancheng was smiling all the time, with a peaceful expression on his face.

He talked to Li Shimin while walking, and kept asking how Li Shimin was doing in his hometown.Li Shimin also answered with a smile, politely.

Li Yuanji in the carriage lowered the curtain of the window abruptly, and said with a cold snort, "What kind of brother are you acting like again, you are the most hypocritical and kindhearted person in the whole world!"

After returning to Li's house, Li Shimin went directly to see Li Yuan's wife, Dou Shi, without taking a bath and changing clothes.Dou didn't fall asleep last night, she got up before the sun rose and sat and waited in the living room. The servants tried to persuade her for a long time, but she still couldn't eat breakfast. From time to time, she would order the old housekeeper to go out and have a look. I don't feel well, but I don't want to go back to my room and lie down for a while.

After Li Shimin entered the door, the old housekeeper ran back quickly to report. Dou's body trembled with excitement and wanted to stand up, but her legs were limp and without any strength, and she couldn't stand up after trying several times.She had just ordered the servant girl to help her out when she saw a young man covered in dust running in quickly.

After the young man entered the door, he looked at Dou carefully, his expression obviously stunned.

"Mother! The child is back!"

Li Shimin fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed three times vigorously.


Dou struggled to stand up, but fell down on the chair again, and tears welled up in an instant.

Li Shimin knelt and moved forward, holding Dou's knees and crying loudly.

Dou stretched out her hand tremblingly, and then tightly hugged Li Shimin's head in her arms.



Back in the room that was specially cleaned up, Li Shimin took a hot bath comfortably and changed into dry clothes.He refused the servant girl to take a bath for him, and refused the servant to change his clothes. He soaked in the barrel for half an hour before getting up, and felt that his fatigue had gone a lot.After getting dressed, he walked around the room slowly, looking at the layout of the room.

After looking over carefully, Li Shimin's heart suddenly tightened!

The layout of this room is actually exactly the same as my room in the old house in Didao City, Longxi County!Whether it is the bed, desk, bookshelf, calligraphy and painting, or even the brocade quilt on the bed, they are all the same as those in the old house's own room.Seeing that the room was arranged like this, Li Xian's mood suddenly became strange.He really didn't expect that his mother really cared so much about him.

He sat down at the desk, lost in thought.

Recalling Li Yuanji's appearance and what he said when he first entered the city gate, Li Shimin frowned slightly, and his face immediately became gloomy.Thinking of elder brother Li Jiancheng's seemingly gentle and friendly smile, and thinking of the strong family affection in his words, his complexion became even uglier, cloudy and uncertain.

He sat in front of the desk, took out a brush from the pen container, poured water to dissolve the ink in the inkstone, and picked up the brush to write a line on the rice paper.After finishing writing, he looked at the line of words and pondered, and didn't know

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