Will Ming

Chapter 341 Checking Carefully

Chapter 340 Check carefully

Li Jiancheng returned to his room, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. The room was lit with sandalwood, which has the effect of helping sleep. It seems that he closed his eyes and lay on his back on the seat as if he fell asleep in the lingering aroma .Just looking carefully, you can clearly see that his brows are slightly raised, showing the entanglement in his heart.

There were several knocks on the door, and Li Jiancheng slowly opened his eyes and said, "Come in."

With a gloomy face, Li Yuanji opened the door and walked in. Angrily, he sat down opposite Li Jiancheng, without speaking, just looking at Li Jiancheng without blinking his eyes.

"Yuanji, what are you doing?"

Li Jiancheng smiled and asked gently.

"Big brother!"

Li Yuanji stood up abruptly, and said excitedly: "You actually reprimanded me because of that outsider today, don't tell me that he is also our brother. In my heart, only you and my second brother Xuanba are my elder brothers." He would never want me to call him. If it wasn't for him, how could my mother not get better after so many years? Let me tell you, since the Taoist priest of Longhushan said that he was a broom star, he should have been drowned in the first place , no matter how bad it is, I have to send it out."

"shut up!"

Li Jiancheng's face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Li Yuanji and said word by word: "I will pretend that I have never heard of these words. If I hear you mention it again in the future, I will definitely tell my father that you are beautiful!"

"Brother, why are you still talking to him?"

Li Jiancheng frowned slightly and said, "Yuanji, why are you so ignorant? Shimin lived alone in the old house in Longxi for 15 years, and was sent back when he was only one year old. How pitiful is he? Besides, why did you send Shimin this time?" Take it back, it's not like you don't know, mother's body..."

He sighed and said, "If you don't want to make your mother sad, then don't do anything out of the ordinary."

Li Yuanji was stunned, and said awkwardly: "I just can't understand him, why should he take over the small courtyard I like when he comes? Why should I become the fourth child when he comes?"

"to beat"

Li Jiancheng said: "After all, he is your second brother."

"Second brother?"

Li Yuanji sat on the chair angrily and said: "Sincerely send an iron tire bow to disgust me, I get angry when I look at it. He also said that it took three and a half years to find the formed Polygonum multiflorum, and why did he search for famous doctors for it?" The second brother asked for a prescription, why did he make the chain armor for you since he was six years old, he was clearly trying to buy people's hearts. You don't know, big brother, almost every servant of him rewarded money, holding a pile of broken pieces Walking around the yard with silver coins, rewarding one if you meet one, it's so vulgar!"

"It's just that you have prejudices. I think Shimin is good. He grew up alone, but he is knowledgeable, humble and polite, with the demeanor of our Li family."

"Yuanji, don't say I didn't warn you. Father is not in the house, and mother is happy to see Shimin is back. If you make mother unhappy at this time, I will not forgive you!"


Li Yuanji said angrily, "I'm just complaining."

"Anyway, I just don't think he should be allowed back. Mother's illness..."


Li Jiancheng frowned and said, "Do you really think that Shimin's mother's illness is because of Shimin? Where is there any Daoist in Longhushan, and where is there any fate? That's just what my father wanted to say to Shimin. This kind of nonsense Why do you really believe it? Since you were young, have you ever seen monks and priests come to our house? I am much older than you, and in my memory, only when we were still living in Daxing City, came to our house 17 years ago An old nun..."

He glanced at Yuan Ji and said, "Remember, Shimin has no faults, no crimes and no innocence. These years, he has really suffered for him."

"Why is that? Why was he sent back to his hometown in Longxi?"

"Don't ask."

Li Jiancheng sighed and said, "Sooner or later you will know, maybe...it won't be long."



Li Shimin returned to his room with a anxious expression on his face.He quickly walked through the door and immediately went to the desk, he was relieved when he looked down and saw the ball of paper was still in the corner.He bent down to pick up the ball of paper, and slowly unfolded it.

If you can't bear it, you will mess up the big one

There are seven characters on the paper, and the ink has dried.

He smiled, and then murmured: "You must not be so lax in the future. Now it is better to be alone in the old house. It is hard to come back to this house. No matter what you say, you can't stand still because of these small things. Heel. Now that you are back, you have to quickly integrate into this family. The momentary honor and disgrace are nothing, can the bitterness of 15 years in the old mansion in Longxi be in vain?"

He unfolded the rice paper, then took out the fire folder from his arms and lit it.

Seeing the paper turn into ashes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After stretching my body, I still couldn't bear the fatigue of traveling for more than [-] days.Now that he entered the Li family's mansion, paid homage to his mother and elder brother, it was time for him to get a good night's sleep.He walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, thinking about it carefully to make sure that he hadn't said anything inappropriate, or done anything that was a bit ostentatious, he smiled slightly, then slowly took off his clothes and lay down on the bed.

He was obviously exhausted, but when he wanted to sleep, he couldn't fall asleep.

Li Shimin knew that he couldn't fall asleep because he was too excited.Lying on the bed, he smiled and murmured: "Li Shimin, you are still too superficial. It's too embarrassing to even affect your mood because of this little thing and make it difficult to sleep."

Closing his eyes, he forced himself to calm down from the excitement of returning home.It's just that the more I think about it, the more I can't fall asleep.Simply, he got up and sat up and leaned against the bed, recalling the first real meeting with his mother, Dou Shi, in his life.Thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel a sore nose.Although his heart had already hardened after being alone in the old house for more than ten years, he had to be moved by Dou's family affection that was so strong that it couldn't be melted away.

I also thought of the hard work I had done year after year in the old house, day after day, not for the purpose of gaining a foothold when I came back today.So his heart gradually cooled down again, and the sadness disappeared.

After sitting for a while, sleepiness finally came up.He wanted to pull the thin quilt beside him, but suddenly found that there seemed to be something wriggling in the thin quilt.

Li Shimin frowned slightly, and violently lifted the quilt away.

What a colorful snake!

Seeing this snake as thick as an arm, Li Shimin immediately changed his face in shock and jumped off the bed. Subconsciously, he reached out and took off the sword hanging by the window, and the sword came out of its sheath with a swipe.He raised his hand and was about to slash it with his sword.But at the moment when the Qingfeng sword had already fallen, he stopped his arm abruptly.

Looking at the snake entangled on the bed, Li Shimin's face gradually returned to calm.

My mother said that this room was cleaned only yesterday, and the bedding was replaced with new ones. This bed was specially made by craftsmen according to the style of the bed he slept in in his hometown before he came back.Therefore, this snake did not appear by accident, but someone deliberately threw it on the bed.Moreover, although the snake was a bit bigger and looked rather ferocious, Li Shimin could conclude that the snake was not poisonous.

All of a sudden, Li Shimin understood what was going on.

He slowly inserted the long sword back into the scabbard and hung it back on the bed, glanced at the snake, and suddenly smiled.

The next second, his right hand stretched out like lightning, pinching the big snake seven inches with incomparable precision, he lifted the snake up and looked at it before his eyes, and then slowly brought the snake head close to his left arm.



"Ah! Come on!"

An exclamation came from the second son Li Shimin's room, and the two servants guarding the door were the cronies Li Shimin brought over from his old house in Longxi.Hearing the call, their faces changed drastically, and they immediately opened the door and rushed in.

It happened that Mrs. Dou came down to see Li Xian with the help of her maid, and heard that exclamation as soon as she entered the campus.This shout startled Dou Shi, but she quickly realized that she pointed to Li Shimin's room and said, "Quick, help me in and see what happened to Shimin."

The servant girl helped Dou Shi hurried into the door, only took a look, the two servant girls uttered an exclamation at the same time, and then retreated back involuntarily, the two of them covered their mouths and shouted, subconsciously forgetting their duties .When Dou saw the scene in the room, she also exclaimed, her body shook, no one supported her, and she fell backwards.

On the floor of the room, Li Shimin was rolling.

A big snake as thick as an arm wrapped around his body, and the man and the snake rolled together on the ground.While pinching the snake's head vigorously, Li Shimin shouted for help.After entering the door, the two trusted followers were surprised for a moment, then ran over and tore the snake off Li Shimin's body.The two threw the snake into the yard outside the door, rushed out and beat it up. After a while, the snake turned into a puddle of meat!

"Mom, what's wrong with you, mother!"

The pale-faced second son Li Shimin rushed over to support Dou Shi, and stretched out his hand to pinch Dou Shi. Among those who pinched Dou Shi, Dou Shi faintly woke up. The two maids knew that they had made a big mistake, and they knelt aside and dared not speak. , his face was frightened and pale.I don't know whether I was frightened by the snake or by Dou's fall.

"Ma'am... the servant didn't do it on purpose."

"Go to the doctor first, now is not the time to make excuses."

Li Shimin looked at the maid and said, with an unquestionable majesty in his tone.

The maid was taken aback by Li Shimin's tone, but she came to her senses and quickly got up and ran to find the doctor. Not long after, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji ran into Li Shimin's yard with a lot of people.


Li Jiancheng's face was extremely anxious

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