Will Ming

Chapter 343 Three Shovels Going North

(Thank you Gu Yuzhen Xiaoman for the monthly pass, and thank you for your support)

Chapter 340 Three Swords Heading North

"Ha ha"

Li Shimin looked at the man who looked like a scholar and said with a smile: "You are not ashamed of your words. You are far away in the sky... you are close in front of you... Tell me, how can you be considered a predestined person?"

Suddenly his eyes turned cold and he asked: "Is it fate to meet you? Then I ordered someone to cut off your head with a knife. Does it count as fate?"

The scholar's expression changed, he took a step back and saluted, "May I ask the general's name?"

Li Shimin sneered and said, "A charlatan who swindles food, drink, and a few coins, dares to ask my name?"

The scholar said solemnly: "Caomin is not a sorcerer who cheats food, drink, and money. He just wants to serve the country and has no way to serve the country. That's why he made some mysteries. Originally, he just wanted to attract the general's attention. I came here all the way from Dongdu. , I was alone in order to go to Yanmen Pass to rescue him. Now I am meeting the general, and I don’t know how to talk to him, so I came up with this method, the general is no wonder.”

Li Shimin didn't bother to expose this unsophisticated lie, so he smiled and said, "Speaking like this is more honest. I don't like people beating around the bush."

Li Shimin can naturally see that this person is dressed like this. If he really walked all the way here from Luoyang, the eastern capital, he doesn't know how many rescue teams will meet along the way, and he doesn't know that this person is already pretending to be a ghost. How many times, I don't know how many times a predestined person said this, let alone how many times I was driven away.Judging from his rather downcast appearance, one can more or less guess the general idea.Thinking about it, this person stopped the team going north and was ridiculed and ridiculed along the way.But this person is also persistent, and he didn't even change his method.

He said that he was waiting to see him, and he dressed up like this just to strike up a conversation. Even a liar would not believe him. Li Shimin is like a human being, so he can tell it at a glance.

"What's your name, do you really come from Luoyang, the eastern capital?"

Liu Hongji was also a little curious by this person, he glanced at the scholar and asked.

"I want to know, who is the general?"

When he asked this sentence, Liu Hongji was slightly angry, thinking that this person was so rude, but Li Shimin thought in his heart that this person was so arrogant, no wonder he didn't join a team all the way from Jiangdu to here.At first Li Shimin thought that this person was just a liar, but after hearing him ask his name twice in a row, he realized that this scholar was actually arrogant.Presumably, he must have asked many people, and none of the team leaders he met was valued by him and he felt that he could rely on him, so he kept going north alone.

Maybe this person really has some skills and really wants to take refuge in a wise master?

Just as Liu Hongji was about to reprimand that person, Li Shimin waved his hands and said, "I'm from Taiyuan."

The man was startled, and asked solemnly: "But the son of Duke Tang?"

Liu Hongji said: "This is Li Shimin, the second son of Duke Tang's mansion."

Hearing the words "Second Young Master", the scholar obviously hesitated.After hesitating for a moment, he smiled wryly, but didn't rush to answer.Li Shimin was also angry when he saw him like this, and said that this person was extremely disappointed when he heard that he was not the son of the prince, which obviously didn't suit him.He wanted to get angry at first, but he thought again, maybe this person is really capable, and he didn't want to miss his own future by relying on someone else.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin put away his smile, took a step back and cupped his fists and said: "I am leading the army for the first time, and I am short of manpower. My elder brother is in Taiyuan. If you want to see him, you can see him when you return to Taiyuan. My father is at Yanmenguan In addition, if you go with the army, you will naturally be able to see it."

The scholar thought about it for a while, and thought to himself.

After ten years of wandering and wandering, he did not seek fame after all. Since this man is Tang Gong's second son, following him for the time being does not mean that he has humiliated himself.

Thinking of this, the man clasped his fists and saluted, "Li Jing, a grassroots man, I have met the second son."

"Li Jing?"

Liu Hongji was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Are you Li Jing who lived in seclusion in Yuyang?"

A few hundred meters away from where they spoke, on a large tree with luxuriant branches.Covered by thick branches and leaves, a beautiful woman in red sat on a branch and looked at Li Jing from a distance.Seeing Li Jing leaving with the two men in armor, she smiled wryly.He raised his neck and took a big sip of wine, his mouth full of bitterness.

Looking at Li Jing's back with drunken eyes, the woman slowly shook her head and murmured: "I wish you a good future...a very, very big future."

From Dongdu to Hexi, thousands of miles away, she accompanied her all the way.Watching him stop one after another, seeing him disappointed again and again, she felt that she could feel his depression and unwillingness.His ambition is higher than the sky, and he seems indifferent, but she knows that he has always hoped to show his ambition.

No one else might forgive him for the incident on Yanshan Mountain.

But she forgave him because he was Li Jing.




Luo Yi looked at a letter in his hand and suddenly smiled, thinking to himself that you are such a cautious person, how could you act impulsively?How can you do such things that seem to have no benefits?From his point of view, the person who wrote him a letter is a person who will never do anything without benefit, and Luo Yi not only does not feel ashamed of this, but appreciates it.Speaking of which, that guy's performance in the past few years has exceeded his expectations, but on second thought, it seems that no matter how great his achievements may be, he may just make a wedding dress for others.

When seeing the end of the letter, Luo Yi's smiling expression gradually solidified.

Wen Jie is dead.

The simple four words made Luo Yi's brows gradually wrinkle.


This was Luo Yi's first reaction after seeing these four words, and he couldn't help cursing in a low voice.Sha Wenjie, this is undoubtedly provoking the bottom line of His Majesty the Emperor!Is the emperor really confused?Really don't know that his world is already in chaos?I really don't know that many counties and counties have fallen into the hands of rebels?But he can pretend not to know these things, and still live in the peaceful world fabricated by those slanderous ministers.

But Wen Jie is dead, the emperor will never pretend not to know again!

It is true that the emperor ignores political affairs, and it is true that the emperor is confused now, but when Wen Jie died, the emperor must be furious!

Luo Yi thought annoyedly, Li Xian, Li Xian, do you really think that the time has come for the emperor to bully him casually?As long as he is still the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, as long as he is still alive, there will be people who serve him in this world.The emperor gave an order, if you lead the army to conquer, your Dongping County will be flattened in an instant!Looking at Yanmen Pass, there are already hundreds of thousands of reinforcements coming from all over the world. From this, it can be seen that His Majesty the Emperor is still the most powerful person in the world today.

Anyone who dares to tease his bottom line is courting death.

Li Xian, Li Xian, not only did you tease me, but you even led your troops away from Dongping County. Could it be that you have made some achievements in the past few years, so you are confused?

It was just annoyance, Luo Yi quickly controlled his emotions.

Forget it, you have been going smoothly in the past few years, so there should be some setbacks.If you are really allowed to develop, it will not be a good thing for me in the future.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "Come here, go and invite the major general, I have something urgent to tell him."

The servant responded and hurriedly went to invite Luo Shixin.Not long after, Luo Shixin quickly walked into Luo Yi's study and asked, "Father, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Luo Yi smiled and said, "A few days ago, didn't you always want to go to Yanmen Pass?"

Luo Shixin was startled, and said joyfully, "Father agrees to my going?"

Luo Yi shook his head with a smile and said, "I said before, you must never go to Yanmen Pass, but if you want to kill a few prairie barbarians, I have a good place to go."


Luo Shixin's eyes suddenly lit up.

Luo Yi smiled and pointed his finger to the direction outside the Great Wall: "Ashina Duoji came out in full force, and only the elderly, women and children were left on the grassland. Go, I will give you five thousand light cavalry, and turn the grassland upside down." Ashina Duoji's lair is on fire, and he still thinks about the beautiful rivers and mountains in the Central Plains?"

Luo Yi smiled and said: "To save the emperor, there is no need to go to Yanmen Pass. Kill him on the grassland for a while, and I guarantee that the emperor will not forget our Luo family's contribution. No doubt, it is more credit than going to Yanmen pass to rescue him. "

at the same time.

In that small town, Li Jing said with a smile: "Second Young Master, save me, make meritorious service, kill the enemy, why do you have to go to Yanmen Pass?"

He pointed his hand to the north, as if standing on the top of a mountain pointing to the country: "All the tribes in the grassland are going south with all their strength, whether it is the Turkic people, the Khitan, or the Xi people, even the Shiwei people in the deepest part of the grassland. Once they heard that their own backyard was on fire, no one was in the mood to rob other people's things."

Li Shimin's eyes lit up when he heard these words, he stood up and laughed, "What a plan!"



The carriage swayed, and Li Xian seemed to be in no hurry.He reads and writes in the carriage every day, and rarely gets out of the carriage except for the convenience of eating.Qing Yuan and Huang Luan drove the carriage to this day and finally guessed how many minutes they have entered the border of Zhuo County, and it is only a day's journey away from Youzhou. The Great Wall is the home of those prairie barbarians.

The Turkic Shibi Khan Ashina Duoji brought more than [-] coalition forces of various tribes on the grassland to the south, burning, killing and looting along the way. scorched earth.Wherever the grassland coalition forces passed, it was like locusts crossing the border, leaving almost no grass.

Li Xian didn't plan to go to Yanmen Pass, and he didn't plan to go from the beginning.

Since the Turkic people can go south to spoil the Han people in the Central Plains, why can't Li Xian go north

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