Will Ming

Chapter 344

Chapter 340 Four


Qing Yuan looked at Li Xian and called out, she and Huang Luan had gotten used to this address these days.From the captain to the general, the psychological changes during this period may or may not have changed at all, maybe only the two of them know, but the two of them have experienced too many things, so naturally they will not easily say what they think .

Li Xian leaned on the big black horse and seemed a little bored, when Qing Yuan told him to turn around and ask what was the matter.Ever since he took a shortcut and entered Yanshan, it was impossible for Li Xian to rely on the carriage. Fortunately, the secret agents sent earlier had found a way, otherwise the cavalry would have to take a detour through the mountain pass.

"what's up?"

Li Xian asked.

After several years, Li Xian will inevitably feel a little emotional when he returns to the grassland again.After walking for two days, the team turned out of the mountain. At this time, the terrain has become much flatter, and they will leave the mountain after walking for a long time.

"Why are we walking so slowly?"

Qing Yuan thought for a while, and asked very seriously.This question has been in her heart for a long time, and she couldn't help it until today on the grassland.Hearing her question, Huang Luan also came over and waited for Li Xian's answer with one ear turned.

Looking at Qing Yuan's serious expression, Li Xian couldn't help laughing.

"Looking at you like this, it seems that you have been curious for more than a day or two? Then why did you ask me soon after leaving Yanshan? Don't you feel uncomfortable after holding it in for so long?"

"I'm just a follower..."

Qingyuan murmured.

Li Xian frowned slightly and said, "Wen Jie's nonsense habit? Naturally tell you what should be told, and you are not allowed to ask what you should not know?"

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan nodded slowly, still a little uncomfortable with Li Xian talking nonsense.

Li Xian hummed, looked at the two of them and said very seriously: "You don't have to abide by such bad rules in the future. If you are curious, just ask me directly. Why do you have to feel so uncomfortable in your heart? You asked, I I will tell you of course. If I can't tell you... I will pretend that you didn't ask."

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan were startled, their faces became a little embarrassed.

Li Xian laughed and said: "Actually, the reason is very simple. The reason why I walk slowly is because I have injuries on my body... Naturally, I want to kill people when I enter the grassland. It is not too easy to kill people because of the injuries on my body. Since thousands of roads Come here, if I can't kill it quickly, wouldn't I regret it?"

Although the tone is light, the murderous look is awe-inspiring.

Both Qing Yuan and Huang Luan felt a slight shock in their hearts, and they both heard a strong smell of blood from Li Xian's indifferent words.They couldn't imagine how angry and violent this seemingly gentle and calm boy was hiding under his expression.Every time the grassland goes south, which one is not a bloody storm?Since Li Xian led an army thousands of miles away, he would definitely not go back easily.The sins committed by the prairie people themselves will eventually have to be repaid.

After saying this, Li Xian fell silent. Although his expression didn't seem to change, both Qing Yuan and Huang Luan could feel that the murderous aura was being quietly released when they were about to leave Yanshan Mountain.

The team walked for another hour, and the vanguard Pei Xingyan had already left the mountain with five hundred elite cavalry.Not long after the scouts reported the news, Li Xian nodded, and then urged the troops to speed up.When we got to the place where we came out of the mountain, there were hundreds of black-clothed men standing there on horseback waiting for them, all of whom were the five secret agents of the Flying Tigers sent by Li Xian to scout the way.In the middle of those big men surrounded by a person, smilingly waiting for Li Xian's arrival.

Looking at that face that has harmed the country and the people, who else could it be except Ye Huaishu.

"A few days later than expected."

Ye Huaixiu hurried forward and walked side by side with Li Xian, she looked back at Huang Luan with an iron gun on her back and Qing Yuan with a broken iron umbrella on her back, and said with a smile: "It turns out that there is a beauty by my side, no wonder."

Li Xian smiled and said, "It smells sour."

Ye Huaixiu smiled softly, raised his hand to straighten his hair that was blown by the mountain wind, and said: "Fifty miles ahead, there is a tribe of Xiren. I let the secret agent sneak over to see it. The scale of the tribe is not small. It is estimated that there are about 5000 people, of which no more than 800 warriors can fight."

Li Xian stretched his waist comfortably, and then said three words in a very calm tone.




The war between the Suotouxi people and the Khitan people lasted for a year and a half, and finally the Xi people had some advantages.The eight tribes of the Khitan were not united, and the He Dahe tribe, which was attacked by Xiren, was isolated and helpless. It was not easy to survive this war. Later, the instigator of the war, Ashina, went to Hu because of the order of Shibi Khan , came here to mediate in person, and the war between the two sides finally came to an end, but in this battle, both Xiren and Khitan He Dahe tribe suffered a lot of losses, and Ashina's plan to go to Hu was considered successful.

This tribe moved back after the war, and all the warriors in the tribe went to Yanmen Pass with the great Egyptian Elifer.It is said that the emperor of the Central Plains has been trapped, and he will be captured alive in a short time.When the news was sent back to the tribe, there was a burst of jubilation immediately.

The prairie people went south to hunt grass valleys every year, but they were just doing small things, and they didn't dare to be too ostentatious. After all, there was a fierce tiger in Youzhou, and no one dared to provoke it easily.

But this time was different. The Turkic Great Khan personally led his army southward, not only invaded the territory of the Sui Dynasty in one fell swoop, but also trapped the emperor of the Central Plains in an isolated city.This is a shame that the Great Sui Dynasty has never experienced until now. In other words, it is also a rare time for grassland people to feel proud since the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty.

At dusk, the men from the tribe who went out to herd the sheep gradually returned, and the large flocks of sheep returned to their pens in an orderly manner. The grassland men who returned from herding the sheep laughed loudly and made an appointment to set off together tomorrow morning.The woman had prepared supper and was waiting for her husband to return, and the children were dancing around the father.

The wife welcomes her husband back home like a returning warrior. Hot tea soup and delicious finger meat are already prepared in the tent.

On a high slope, an old herdsman stared at the southern sky in a daze.I don't know whether I am worried about the son of the expedition, or waiting for the return of my flock.

A prairie woman called him softly, asking the old herdsman to go back for dinner.

The old man smiled and stood up, murmuring that he didn't know where Ai Jin was now, and whether he would bring back groups of slaves and untold wealth when he came back.He smiled and said to his daughter-in-law that he also traveled south in those days and saw the prosperity and beauty of the Central Plains.To the south of the Great Wall, there are endless crops, a city that is so prosperous that it makes people dizzy, countless treasures, and mountains of grain.

The grassland woman said with a smile that her husband would definitely return with glory.

The old man smiled, but there was some concern between his brows.

The empire called Great Sui, although I heard that there were rebellions everywhere in the past few years, but this old man who had experienced the Southern Expedition knew that it was a fierce tiger.If one is not careful, the tiger hunter will be swallowed by the tiger.When he was still young, he used to follow the Turkic Khan on an expedition with an army of 40, but he was killed by the two thousand elite cavalry of the Sui Dynasty and lost the courage to continue going south, and withdrew back in disgrace.

At this moment, the grassland girl was startled for a moment, then raised her finger to the south and asked, "What is that?"

The old herdsman looked back following the woman's pointing, and saw a khaki-like wave rushing towards him.He has never seen the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, or the sea, so he doesn't know how spectacular the waves will be.But he knew that it was definitely not a wave, but the dust and smoke kicked up by the cavalry.

"Enemy attack!"

The old herdsman yelled frantically, and then ran from the high slope to the tribe with all his strength.While running, he shouted hoarsely.

"Enemy attack!"

It was only he who staggered and ran into the tribe, and a black wall appeared on the high slope where he sat quietly and looked south.

Those are neat black armored knights, and there are countless fiery red battle flags.

Li Xian likes red because he thinks it is a kind of passionate and unyielding will.That is a will like fire, that is, a will that can burn heaven and earth.



Before the Xi Ren warriors who stayed behind could get on their horses, the black armored cavalry from the Central Plains had poured into the tribe like a tide.The leader is a thunder god-like warrior with double hammers, and no one can resist a round in front of his horse.The pair of golden copper hammers smashed the heads of grassland people one after another with the sound of wind and thunder.

A Xiren warrior rushed up wielding a scimitar, but only when he lifted his knife, Pei Xingyan's copper hammer had already slammed into his chest, with a bang, the huge force directly knocked the Xiren warrior off the horse's back. It flew out.Before landing, this Xiren was already dead.The copper hammer directly smashed his heart into a big hole, and almost all the ribs on half of his body were broken, and the broken bones pierced his internal organs, and he was out of breath before he landed.

Pei Xingyan took the lead in rushing into this Xiren tribe, and smashed a warrior's head with a hammer. Amid bright red blood and white brains splashing, he smashed half of a woman's shoulder that ran over and collapsed.

Four or five cavalrymen from Yanyun Village threw out their flying hooks to catch a tent, urged their horses to run to one side, and with a bang, the tent was pulled to one side. There were elderly women and children hugging each other in the tent, and then Following the order of a team of Yanyunzhai cavalry, more than a dozen feathered arrows shot at them, and four or five people in the tent were shot to death.


Pei Xingyan yelled.

Soldiers started setting fires everywhere.

A group of women pulled their children, not forgetting to catch up with the sheep and run wildly to one side.They ran and looked back in horror. In their panic and fearful sight, more than a hundred black armored cavalry came from behind like a gale, and they used sharp horizontal knives to kill those men behind their backs.

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