Will Ming

Chapter 345 The Royal Court

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Chapter 340 Five Royal Court

In theory, it is not an easy task for five thousand fine riders to flatten a grassland tribe of the same size.The grassland people are brave, children can ride horses at the age of five, and women can bend bows and shoot arrows. They seem to be born knights. As long as they have horses, almost all of them are warriors.

However, Jingqi from Yanyunzhai did not encounter any strong resistance when he leveled the tribe. Everyone in the tribe was imagining that the brave Xiren warrior would show off his power in the picturesque mountains and rivers of the Central Plains, and they were looking forward to the return of the men. Time to bring back a large number of slaves and countless food treasures.Who would have thought that the emperor of the Central Plains people was trapped in Yanmen Pass, and the army of the Central Plains people did not go to rescue the emperor, but rushed into the grassland instead?

In recent years, except for the team of Yanshan horse thief Liu Jizhen who entered the grasslands to plunder from time to time, no regular army of the Sui Dynasty from the Central Plains had ever jumped the Great Wall.

The prairie people have forgotten the pain of being invaded, and only remember the pleasure of being invaded.

An unsuspecting tribe, although it has a population of 5000, and although there are nearly [-] Xiren warriors who are good at fighting, it is still difficult to escape the fate of destruction.

When making a choice between killing or not killing, Li Xian will never hesitate.

His three-word order before the attack already represented everything. This was a war, and it was not an extremely difficult decision to return to the Central Plains for the five thousand elite riders in Yanyun Village.It is true that Ashina Tuoji gathered 60 troops to go south, but the tribal warriors who stayed behind on the grassland were still a huge force.If one is not careful, the five thousand elite riders in Yanyun Village will be stuck in a quagmire and unable to extricate themselves.Killing all the prairie people encountered along the way is a necessary means of self-protection.If the whereabouts of the team were controlled by those big tribes on the grassland, then none of the 5000 people would be able to return to the south of the Great Wall alive.


When Li Xian uttered these four words, there was no hypocritical entanglement, only a touch of carefreeness.

All the grassland people who resisted were beheaded, and about 2000 people surrendered.The leading old herdsman came out and expressed his willingness to become a slave in exchange for his life.This is also a helpless choice, because the status of a slave of the prairie people may not be as good as that of a cow.

This is the practice of war among grassland tribes, and the losing party will all become slaves of the victor.Usually in this case, the winning side will start to cheer.

But Li Xian didn't cheer, because he didn't intend to accept the surrender.He didn't have the ability to take two thousand slaves on the road, and the light cavalry could roll across the grassland like the wind, but if he brought captives, it was like binding heavy sandbags to the limbs of the cavalry's horse.As long as he is a qualified commander, he will not make such a hypocritical decision.

Ye Huaixiu looked at Li Xian who was frowning slightly, and asked softly: "Are you hesitating to kill or not? I have lived on the grassland for several years, so I have to remind you that these grasslands that look like sheep now If people don't kill them, tomorrow they will attract a large group of wolves."

Li Xian shook his head slowly, and explained very seriously: "I'm not thinking about whether to kill or not, but I'm thinking about how to kill is easier and faster? I can't let my people kill too much. , because we still have to hurry. Of course...From a moral point of view, we can't let the prisoners die too painfully."

Ye Huaixiu was slightly stunned, then sighed.

"Sometimes your heart is as soft as a piece of tofu, and sometimes it's like a hard stone."

Li Xian smiled, thinking that a passage seemed appropriate at this time, so he cleared his throat and said to Ye Huaixiu in a recitative tone.

"Treat comrades as hot as summer. Treat enemies as cold as winter."

"What is a comrade?"

Ye Huaixiu asked puzzledly.

Li Xian let out a hiccup, and then explained very seriously and patiently: "There are two kinds of feelings in this world that are often cast aside by the worldly eyes, but there is no doubt that these two kinds of feelings really exist. Count up to a few thousand Years have already existed, and it will not disappear even after thousands of years, one of them is called comrades, um...the other is called lily..."



For Li Xian's wicked joke, Ye Huaishu naturally didn't bother to pay attention to it after he understood it.

She was riding on the red-brown horse and looked at the separated captives in the distance. A group of about 500 people was led by the elite riders of Yanyun Village to the four directions of east, west, north and south.The distance between each team was more than three miles. On the vast grassland, those captives could see the backs of their companions when they looked back, but could not see their faces clearly. They were ordered to sit on the ground, and then the massacre began.

When the shrill shouts sounded from a distance, Li Xian turned the big black horse and walked aside.After choosing a clean grassland, Li Xian jumped down, then lay on his back on the grassland and looked at the blue sky.

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan had already adapted to their new roles, so they stood at a distance of five or six meters from Li Xian, one on the left and one on the right.The iron spear was still in good condition, but the big black umbrella on Qingyuan's back was broken.Li Xian turned his head to look at the broken black umbrella in a daze, suddenly smiled, and called Qing Yuan to him.

He casually tossed the ancient sword Juque wrapped in felt to her, and then said softly: "There is really no beauty in carrying a broken iron umbrella. It doesn't match your figure very well. You should carry this."

Qing Yuan caught the Juque Sword subconsciously, and asked incredulously, "Shall I hold it?"

Li Xian smiled and said: "The umbrella is already broken, if you don't want to, just stay and think about it. This sword is too heavy, I'm lazy, and I always feel like I'm holding a sword and a knife, It's going to look silly."

Qing Yuan stared blankly at the Juque Sword in her hand, then shook her head after a while and said: "It's better for you to take charge of it yourself, this is the world's best magic weapon, it may be sharper and stronger than your black knife .”

Li Xian smiled and said, "Hold it for now, this is a priceless ancient sword. But in my hand, I'm always thinking about when to melt it and change it into a knife."

Qing Yuan wanted to refuse again, but Ye Huaixiu went to Li Xian and sat down next to her and said softly to her: "The general told you to hold it, so you can hold it. He just wanted to tell you one thing."

Ye Huaixiu said seriously: "When you can't let go, even if you two don't have swords, iron guns, or big black umbrellas, you still can't let go. When you let go, even if it's all on you, let it go."

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan were stunned for a moment when they heard these words, and then fell into deep thought.

"I just said, sometimes you are as soft-hearted as a piece of tofu."

Ye Huaixiu looked at Li Xian and smiled.

Li Xian lay on the grass again, did not answer Ye Huaixiu's words, but looked at the sky and asked: "Prairie people believe in Changshengtian, now I lie on the grass and look at the sky, is the sky also looking at me? Will he be angry if he kills his people under his watchful eyes?"

Ye Huaixiu thought for a while and said, "Heaven can't be angry, it doesn't have the seven emotions and six desires."

Li Xian smiled and asked seriously: "You mean, no matter how many prairie people I kill, I won't be punished by God?"

Ye Huaishu said: "The sky of the grassland and the sky of the Central Plains are a complete piece without any cracks, so the sky is the same. Since they are the same, then the grassland people will not be punished by God for killing people in the Central Plains. Why do you kill people in the grassland? To be condemned by God?"

Li Xian hummed and said: "I feel much more comfortable when you say that, after all... this is the first time I ordered the killing of so many prisoners. I am not as hard-hearted as you think, nor as hard-hearted as you think. Cruel and merciless."

Ye Huaixiu asked with a smile, "Do you feel guilty?"

Li Xian curled his lips and said, "I'm ashamed, am I afraid of being struck by lightning? But looking at the cloudless and clear sky, it seems that Changshengtian doesn't mind."

Ye Huaixiu was stunned, then smiled and said, "Then what are you worried about?"

Hearing this fart, Li Xian turned his head to look at Ye Huaixiu and said seriously: "You've learned badly..."



More than [-] people were slaughtered. Most of the Jingqi in Yanyunzhai came from the army of the Sui Dynasty. They didn't have any resistance to killing grassland barbarians, and they didn't feel that slaughtering a tribe was an unreasonable thing. On the contrary, they killed these Foreign enemies are far more satisfying than civil war, and Li Xian's next order is even more satisfying.

Have a meal!

This clan is not small, with thousands of horses and tens of thousands of sheep, the horses must be taken away, the more the better.As for sheep, they must be eaten, as much as they can eat.

It is definitely a pleasure to drink and eat after killing an enemy.

It's just that when the smell of roasted lamb was lingering for several miles around, the scouts suddenly flew over.


The scout jumped off the horse, clasped his fists and said, "General, there is a group of cavalry coming from the southeast. There are thousands of cavalry. They have black armor and red capes. It looks like they are Turkic wolf cavalry. They are coming this way." .”

Li Xian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Why did the Turkic wolf rider suddenly appear on Xi Ren's pasture?The Turkic Royal Court is not less than a thousand miles away from this place. The appearance of such a large-scale Turkic wolf cavalry is not to take the opportunity to annex Xiren's territory?

"How far is it from here?"

"Less than twenty miles."


Li Xian waved his hand and ordered: "Pei Xingyan, you take a thousand cavalry in front. Cheng Zhijie, you take a thousand cavalry for the left wing, Pei Renji, you take a thousand cavalry for the rear!"

The generals took orders, and it didn't take long for five thousand elite riders to mount their horses.

Not long after, a cloud of yellow dust and smoke swept in from the southeast, and the sound of rumbling war horses trampling on the ground was like muffled thunder.Soon, a black and red wave surged over.The team was coming very fast, and scouts had already spotted it before.

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