Will Ming

Chapter 346 Kindness, I'm Lost

Chapter 340

At the Yellow River Ferry in Luxian County, Jibei County, follow the official road to the north, travel 660 miles, turn east, and after another [-] miles, there is an unnamed hill.Originally, there was a small village with dozens of families on the south side of the mountain. It was ransacked by rebels in the ninth year of Daye, and the village was burned. The villagers were either killed or became thieves.

Behind the dilapidated village, there is a small road up the mountain. I don't know how long no one has walked it. The small road is almost swallowed by wild grass growing on both sides.It was midsummer, and from time to time, snakes came out of the grass and crossed the path, and quickly disappeared into the grass on the other side.

There is no human habitation, so this place looks very deserted and lonely.

When the sun rose to the highest point, suddenly a group of horses galloped along the path towards the short mountain.The sound of horseshoes trampling the ground shattered the tranquility here, and the snakes, rats and sparrows hiding in the grass scattered in shock.More than a hundred steeds carried the rather sturdy knights directly through the small village, and arrived at the foot of the mountain in a short time.

The leading knight is a middle-aged man who looks a little majestic, wearing a brocade suit, with a bamboo hat on his head to block the vicious sun.When he looked up at the mountain, he revealed a pair of radiant eyes.He is not a strong figure, he looks a little bloated.

Or he didn't have to travel around in the past few years, and he himself felt that he had gained a lot of weight.

Patting the horse's neck, the man smiled and said: "I'm a bit more careful, I found such a remote and deserted place to hide, and a man of seven feet is afraid of being like this, and it would be a bit embarrassing to say it. "

A big man in gray clothes behind him took off the water bag on his waist and handed it over, smiled and said: "I really don't know what he is worried about, why is he afraid of the man in Yanyun Village as if he is afraid of evil spirits. Brother, leave him alone." He refused to serve in the army, and insisted on choosing such a place to hide. Life in the mountains is rough and miserable, but he can bear it."

"Ha ha!"

The big man in brocade clothes said with a smile: "Many years ago, before I raised an army, he opened up wasteland to grow vegetables in his backyard. He seldom interacted with others and had a withdrawn personality. Living alone in this barren mountain, it was not in harmony with his temperament." It matches. Fu Bao, take a few people up the mountain to inform him first, lest we go up the mountain so abruptly and he will think it is someone who is chasing him."

The strong man who handed the water bag responded, and took a few knights to head up the hillside first.

The big man in brocade clothes sat on his horse and looked around, casually looked around and said with a smile: "This place can be called a beautiful place. It would be a pleasure to live in seclusion here if the world is in peace. It's a pity that the world is in chaos and devastated, even if you want to live in seclusion. Are you able to live in seclusion? Since I'm here, he should obediently go back with me to discuss important matters."

When he said this, there was a faint confidence in his tone.

"General, I think he's just a coward who's scared out of his wits. Why do you have to travel so far to find him? It's a hot day... What a fucking pain."

The middle-aged man beside him wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said a little depressed.

"Cao Dan, I will go up the mountain to meet Hei Kai in a while, so don't talk nonsense!"

The big man in brocade clothes turned his head and said.

The man named Cao Dan smiled and said: "I'm just complaining. I'll just treat myself as a dumb person when I go up the mountain. After driving for so long, my throat is full of smoke. I just feel that Some are not worth it..."

Seeing the displeasure on the man's face, Cao Dan quickly waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

Everyone waited here for a while, and the big man in brocade clothes said a little impatiently: "Yin Qiu! You lead the way in front of the people, let's go up the mountain. It's drying out here, let's go."

Yin Qiu took the order and took the lead with a dozen people to march up the mountain, and only walked a few tens of meters. A few people walked down the mountain, and the one who walked in the front was Liu Heita, who had defected from Yanyunzhai.He strode down and shouted as he walked, "Brother Jiande, why are you here!"

The man in brocade was Dou Jiande, a tycoon of the green forest on the north side of the Yellow River. Seeing Liu Heitai walking down the mountain quickly, he laughed loudly, jumped off his horse and said loudly: "You live in this mountain, what are you afraid of outside? I don’t even know. Now that I’m down and out, I’m here to vote for you!”

Liu Heitai's expression changed suddenly when he heard these words, and he asked eagerly, "What happened?"

Dou Jiande grabbed Liu Heita's hand and said, "I came here specifically to ask you to come down the mountain to help me, how about it?"

Liu Heita frowned and asked, "You should tell me first, what happened?"

In the 11th year of Daye, Li Mi led an army to besiege Luoyang, the eastern capital, and invited Gao Shida, the leader of Gaojibo, to send troops together. Dou Jiande strongly opposed it, but Gao Shida happily led an army of [-] to go.Traveling to Qinghe County, he was defeated by Yang Yichen, the envoy of the six counties of the Sui Dynasty who planned to go north to rescue him. Gao Shida was defeated, captured and killed in Qinghe, and the fifty thousand troops were wiped out.Yang Yichen took advantage of the situation and led his army to attack Gaojibo. Hearing that Gao Shida was dead, the rebels were all defeated. Dou Jiande led only a hundred people to escape from the encirclement.

Gao Shida was defeated by Yang Yichen, and Dou Jiande fled. This happened a year earlier than in history, and the reason has also changed.

History has quietly changed.



The night on the prairie is almost as thick as ink that cannot be melted. Looking around in the dark, the deep Fangfo is trapped in the deepest part of the sea, which makes people feel powerless.From time to time, the howling of wild wolves came from a distance, shrill and frightening.In such a grassland night, it is very easy to lose your way.

Many black shadows in the grass quickly sneaked towards the place where the lights were shining in front of them. They bowed their bodies and wrapped the horizontal knives in their hands with Gebu, so that they were afraid that the bright horizontal knives would reflect the faint light of the moon.In the grass, they walked through, like hungry wolves staring at their prey one by one.

The place where the lights are flickering is a small tribe with a size of only three to four hundred people. They moved here to avoid the war disasters of the Xi people and the Khitan people.Because the scale of the tribe is too small, it is impossible to draw men to participate in the Southern Expedition Army led by Turkic Shibi Khan.In fact, Arahant, the 400-year-old leader of the tribe, knew the order of Sibi Khan, but he also knew that his tribe was too small to withstand the war.

Arahant stood in front of his tent with a bag of spirits in his hand, looking at the sky.

"It's time!"

He turned back and said, "See that white circle that is still glowing around the moon?"

A strong young man of eighteen or nineteen years old walked up to him, looked up at the moon, smiled and said, "Of course I saw it, I said old Arahant, you don't want to say that you saw gods dancing on the moon again." ?”

His tone didn't seem to have much respect for the leader, but in fact, this old man has absolute authority in the tribe, but the tribe is too small, so small that everyone is very familiar with each other.So when talking to the leader, the young man named Sugai seemed very casual.


Arahant said angrily, "When did I ever say that I saw fairies dancing on the moon!"

"You say that every time you drink too much!"

Quickly argued.

Arahant blushed, and smiled embarrassingly: "Let's not talk about this, have you seen the circle of light? Gap, that means tomorrow's wind won't last. You go tell the big guys to take care of the flock."

He said with some concern: "The more the weather is like this, the more wolves on the grassland will become crazy."

Sugai replied with a smile, "Understood, wise old Arahant."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked away, smiling as he walked, "Old Arahant, have you finished your wine? If you have finished, I will send you some after I notify everyone. "

He walked a few steps, but did not hear the old Arahant answer him.

Sugai looked back, where was the shadow of the old herdsman under the torch?



Sugai's first reaction was that the wolves were coming, and he immediately drew out the scimitar from his waist.Then he took off the torch from the tent beside him, and walked forward cautiously while calling the old Arahant's name.He had heard countless times from the elders in the clan that wild wolves would attack people from behind.When you find something patting your shoulder, don't turn your head, because as long as you turn your head, your neck will be bitten off by wild wolves.

This kind of story should have been heard since childhood, so I will keep it in my heart.

Holding a scimitar in his hand, he moved forward step by step.It was a lie to say that he was not afraid, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.But when he thought that the old Arahant might be eaten by wild wolves, his anger overcame his fear.

Suddenly, he saw the grass in front of him shake.

"Damn wolf!"

Sugai cursed, brandished his machete and slashed wildly in the grass a few times.Their small tribe believed in the most holy white swan, so they didn't have much respect for the wolf that the Turks worshiped as gods.

Just as he was slashing wildly, suddenly a black figure jumped out from the side of his body and hit Sugai on the nose with a punch. Immediately, Sugai felt a buzzing in his head and lost his mind for a short time. consciousness.

When Su Gai woke up, the light from the torch, which was not too bright, made his eyes sting a little.He struggled to stand up, but found that his arms and legs were bound, and he couldn't stand up at all.He turned over vigorously, and finally saw clearly that it was still outside the old Arahant's tent.The old Arahant was also tightly bound, lying not far from him.

He squirmed and struggled to sit up, so

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