Will Ming

Chapter 347 Ashina Goes to Hu's Territory

Chapter 340 Ashina Goes to the Territory of the Hu ([-])

It has to be said that Arahant is an experienced herdsman.Before the sun rose the next day, a strong wind swept in from the southeast against the grassland.Originally Arahant was cunning and didn't tell those Han people about the strong wind he expected. He wanted to take advantage of the strong wind tomorrow and escape with his tribe, but who would have thought that this huge Han cavalry team would not be able to get away the next day? Just didn't hit the road.

Arahant's tent had been reinforced, so even though the wind was strong outside, the tent was still strong and would never fly into the sky.It seems that the strong wind coming down from the wrath of the Changshengtian that Arahant was looking forward to did not startle those hateful Han people, because those Han people were drinking strong wine in the tent, eating finger meat, talking and laughing, It looks very comfortable.

Arahant always believes that people should be in awe.

All grassland people are in awe of Changshengtian, which represents the strongest power and is the ruler of all things.But he didn't see awe on the faces of those Han people, they didn't even respect and fear Changshengtian, they really were devils.

Without awe, it means that they can do anything.

Without awe, it means that they have not restrained their souls.

So Arahant felt afraid, because he found through his own observations, especially the young man in the black robe, he must be a ruthless guy.Although he seemed to be smiling very warmly and looked gentle and beautiful, he was sure that this guy would not be merciful when killing people.Then Arahant saw the two beautiful girls standing behind him.

Both women had something tied behind their backs, and Arahant didn't know what it was.

But as a qualified hunter, his instinct told himself that those two things must be used for killing, because he smelled a bloody smell.

"Distinguished guests, what are you going to do in the Turkic royal court?"

He asked with uneasiness.

Luo Shixin glanced at him, smiled and said, "Go to collect debts."

"Debt collection?"

Arahant asked in surprise: "Sibi Khan owns the entire grassland, how could he be in debt? What do you owe?"

"Human life."

Luo Shixin picked up the meat with a dagger and stuffed it into his mouth. He seemed very unaccustomed to eating without chopsticks.He chewed the mutton that still had a fishy smell, and told Arahant with a very serious emphasis: "Sibi Khan owed me a hundred thousand lives, and I came to collect the debt, and I won't go back if I miss one. Now it’s about [-], plus your tribe is exactly [-].”


Arahant explained in horror: "We believe in the most holy white swan, not the wolf god of the Turkic people. We are completely different from the Turkic people. You cannot kill us. If you want to deal with the Turkic people, I am willing to lead the way for you." .”

"What is he bluffing about?"

Pei Xingyan curled his lips and said, "Are you still playing tricks? Just chop it up and forget it."

It's a pity that Pei Xingyan can't speak the barbarian language of the grassland, so Arahant didn't know what he was talking about, but he could understand the expression on Pei Xingyan's face.

"I know that in the due west about 10 miles from here, there is a large tribe with a population of 10. It is the Turkic Teqin Ashina's pasture. It is the most fertile pasture. I can take you there. As long as you get there, it's enough for you to kill [-] people."

"You are a demon."

Li Xian looked at Arahant, slowly shook his head and said, "How could you betray your compatriots so easily?"

Arahant was startled, and then explained: "The Turks are not our compatriots."

Li Xian walked over and patted Arahant's shoulder with a smile and said, "It's not mine either, so we should be friends. Since we are friends, why didn't you tell us that there will be strong winds today? I heard from your tribe that last night You knew it was going to be windy today. Old Arahant, you're dishonest."

His face gradually became a little cold, and he said word by word: "I hope you can become more honest from now on, you are not the only one who can look at the moon. You should be lucky, I have slaughtered three tribes, the reason why I chose you to lead the way because your tribe is too small, and taking hundreds of people away is not a very troublesome thing. But you should also understand that killing hundreds of people is not a troublesome thing."


Arahant opened his mouth, then lowered his head and said sincerely, "I remember."



It is less than three hundred miles due west of Arahant's tribe, and it is Ashina's territory.As Sibi Khan's seemingly most trusting younger brother, Ashina's grassland is big enough and fat enough.Thousands of miles belong to him, here, he is the absolute monarch.

The population of Ashina Quhu's tribe is indeed more than 3000, but this time when he went south, Ashina Quhu took away most of the Turkic wolf cavalry, and now there are less than [-] troops left in this tribe.

But even so, a large tribe with at least [-] herdsmen and [-] wolf riders was not something that Li Xian and Luo Shixin's [-] allied forces could swallow in one go.The Turkic people are brave and brave. Among the [-] herdsmen, apart from the old, young, women and children, there are at least [-] strong men. These herdsmen are real warriors when they jump on horseback. underestimate.

If you want to attack such a powerful tribe, you have to be careful.

Arahant led Li Xian's team to [-] miles away from Ashina Quhu's territory, and he didn't dare to go any further. The absolute power of the Turkic people on the grassland these years made all the tribes afraid of it.Turkic wolf cavalry is so powerful that no tribe can compete with it.

Li Xian ordered the team to stop for a while to rest. The Yanyun Village Jingqi under Li Xian's command had already changed into black armor. If they were paired with a red cloak, they would look almost like wolf cavalry from a distance.And Luo Shixin's team was originally dressed as a wolf rider, and they were already prepared for such things as confusion.

"Will it be too much noise to hit Ashina to go to the swan?"

Sitting on the grass, Luo Shixin frowned and said: "Once it gets involved, it will be difficult to get out if we can't make a quick decision. And it will expose our whereabouts. Now that we are on the territory of the Turks, we must be careful in everything. Our goal is the Turkic royal court, and although Ashina's Quhu territory is a big fish in comparison, it is still a bit lighter in comparison."

Li Xian nodded, thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense."

"Go in, don't seek total victory, kill Ashina Quhu's territory one by one, kill as many people as you can, kill as many people as you can, set as much fire as you can, and grab as many horses as you can."

Pei Xingyan said solemnly: "During the Han Dynasty, Huo Qubing entered the grassland and did this behind the Huns."

Pei Renji said: "I think it is feasible. Our original purpose was to lure out the wolf riders left behind in the Turkic royal court. When we captured several tribes along the way, we intentionally left a lot of people alive, but the losses of those tribes may not be the Turkic people." I don't care. If Ashina goes to Hu's territory, it will be different. We only need to kill the Turkic people, and the Turkic people will be furious. At that time, the people of the Turkic royal court will definitely come out to search. As long as the royal court's troops come out, we will be fine. There is an opportunity."

Cheng Zhijie thought for a while and said: "It makes sense, Ashina went to serve as a Turkic special service, and his territory was harmed by us. This is a great shame for the Turkic people."

"What about Arahant and the others?"

Pei Xingyan asked.

"Let it go."

Li Xian waved his hands and said with a smile: "Arahan brought us here, he dare not show it around, Turkic people never show mercy to traitors."

"Pei Xingyan, Cheng Zhijie."

Li Xian ordered: "Both of you lead five hundred light cavalry to feign an attack, just lure out the Turkic wolf cavalry. Pei Renji and I led the rest of the troops to fight in."

He glanced at Luo Shixin and said, "You come to meet me."

Luo Shixin rolled his eyes at him and said, "You treat me as a Youzhou Jingjia who only watches others fight? Lu Shisan!"

Lu Shisan quickly responded.

Luo Shixin said: "You bring two thousand horses to meet them."

He turned his head to look at Li Xian and said, "You and I each lead our troops to fight in, let's see who gets through the fastest!"



The Turkic people would never have imagined that a Han cavalry would dare to go deep into the grassland for nearly a thousand miles.The vast grassland has always been a nightmare for the Central Plains army. It is too vast and vast, and most of the troops who rushed in rashly were swallowed up by the grassland ruthlessly.

Therefore, when the herdsmen came back from driving their cattle and sheep before dark, they did not find the Han Chinese cavalry lurking in the waist-high grass, and after dark, before they fell asleep, the nightmare came.

After the sky became dark, shouts of killing suddenly came from both sides of the tribe.The herdsmen and wolf riders who were enjoying their dinner got on their horses one after another and rushed to support where the sound of fighting came from.

At this time, Li Xian and Luo Shixin each brought three thousand elite cavalry, and at the same time charged in from the east side of Ashina to Hu's territory.The two cavalry marched side by side, as if two sharp knives had pierced the Turkic man's body fiercely.Luo Shixin wanted to show himself in front of Li Xian, so he naturally refused to lag behind.

When the Qing cavalry of the Han rushed into the camp in the dark, the herdsmen thought it was their own cavalry.

But when they were still surprised, two knives had already stabbed in fiercely.

It was the first time Li Xian took action after being injured. The cavalry who used him as an arrow tore open a hole in the Turkic camp like ripping off their clothes. This hole is getting bigger and bigger.

A team of hundreds of wolf riders turned back and killed them. Li Xian stabbed the leading samurai on the neck.

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