Will Ming

Chapter 348 Ashina Goes to Hu's Territory

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Chapter 340 Ashina Goes to Hu's Territory ([-])

A centurion riding a Turkic wolf came on horseback and slashed at Li Xian's throat with a knife. Li Xian swung the knife upwards and knocked upwards. place to go.When the two horses crossed each other, Li Xian reached out and grabbed the centurion by his collar and lifted him up from the horse. At this time, two wolf riders came to kill him, one left and one right, and Li Xian casually The centurion clamped it under his arm, and chopped off the two Turkic wolf riders one by one.

Hundreds of hastily organized wolf riders formed an attack formation and charged straight at Li Xian's men.Li Xian turned the black knife over and removed an arm that was still holding the scimitar. Blood splashed, and the arm fell to the ground with a thud.The wolf knight soldier without an arm screamed and rushed past Li Xian.

The soldiers following Li Xian took advantage of the situation and wiped the wolf rider's neck with a knife. The horizontal knife was already sharp, but with the help of inertia, this knife directly cut off the man's head.It's just that the headless corpse still sat on the horse and rushed forward, with blood spurting out of its neck in puffs.Under the light of the torch, the blood mist flashed a strange color.

The blood-stimulated soldiers rushed forward like crazy. Amidst the neighing of war horses, the sparks from the collision of knives flashed from time to time.

Immediately afterwards, the wolf rider who killed Li Xian swept across with his sword, trying to cut off Li Xian's arm.Li Xian didn't dodge at all, the black knife drew a black light, and fought head-on with the wolf knight soldier, the two swords collided, and with a click, the wolf knight's scimitar was cut off neatly by Li Xian!

Ignoring this person, the enemy in front of Li Xian has been replaced by the next Turkic.In a cavalry confrontation, if you can't kill the enemy with a single blow, you must never go back and make up for it, because the cavalry of the two armies are facing each other at high speed, and no one has time to make a second blow to the same person. The enemy who rushed over quickly from behind was cut down with a single blow.Li Xian cut off the scimitar of the wolf rider, and swept across with the knife. The black knife easily cut open the leather armor on the chest of the wolf rider who had just rushed forward. A huge wound appeared on the Turkic man's chest immediately, more than a foot away The wound was long, and the flesh was opened to the sides, and blood gushed out like a waterfall.

Regardless of this person's life or death, Li Xian's knife has accurately found the throat of the Turkic man behind him.The Turkic man with chain armor around his neck never imagined that the black knife was so sharp.The chain armor iron ring around his neck was cut like tofu, and then the blade left a red line on his neck.After he rushed out two steps, the red line on his neck gradually enlarged, his head suddenly tilted back, and with a soft click, the head actually fell off.It's just that there is still a layer of flesh on the back of his neck, and his bloody head is hanging on his back. Before he can close his eyes in time, his eyes are unwilling to die.

A mace smashed at Li Xian, and Li Xian stuck his black knife on the mace and slashed down. The black knife rubbed against the mace, making a teeth-piercing sharp sound.Moments later, the black knife that fell along the mace cut off the palm of the Turkic man holding the mace tightly. Four fingers and half of the palm left his body, and the mace fell immediately.This Turkic man was slashed on the shoulder by Li Xian's personal soldiers who followed closely behind, and the second personal soldier slashed on his forehead in the next second, half of his shoulder was missing, and the scalp was cut off. It fell to the ground with a sound, and was quickly trampled into a puddle of meat by the horses on both sides.

Li Xian's black knife spattered a bloody light, and he killed hundreds of wolf riders in just three or four minutes.

After rushing out, Li Xian turned his horse to a stop, loosened his arms, and the centurion under his arm fell slowly, falling to the ground with a plop, throwing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

This unlucky centurion was actually strangled to death by Li Xian in his arms.

Li Xian stayed for a moment, then turned his gaze to the tallest felt tent again.That must be Ashina Quhu's big tent. Even if Ashina Quhu is not in the territory, his family must be there.The guy who stationed troops on the Xiren Grassland and tried to go south while the Sui Dynasty was conquering Goguryeo, must not have imagined that his territory was being slaughtered by the Han people to their heart's content.

At this time, the cavalry who had entered the territory rushed towards the special service tent, and the warriors guarding around the tent immediately formed a defensive line.

"Protect Ke Dun!"

Two or three hundred warriors bravely formed a human wall in front of the big tent. Although they were afraid and trembling, none of them retreated.

The Turkic people can rule the prairie, they are really brave!

Li Xian thought about it in his heart, and immediately lifted the reins of the big black horse.

The big black horse chirped twice, and its hind legs suddenly kicked on the ground with a huge force.Under the terrified sight of those Turkic people, Li Xian rode a big black horse and jumped over their heads.



With a sound of swiping, Li Xian cut off the curtain of the huge felt tent with a knife, and then rushed in with his horse. Immediately, a terrified woman screamed in the tent.At the same time, after a short swipe, someone split a hole on the other side of the felt tent, and then saw Luo Shixin, holding a blood-dripping lance, urging his horse to rush in.

The screaming woman was wearing gorgeous clothes with a silver crown on her head. She pulled a twelve or thirteen-year-old Turkic boy back in fear, but Luo Shixin blocked the retreat.

"Sui people?"

The woman held the child tightly in her arms, looked at Li Xian with a pale face and asked nervously and fearfully.

Hearing that her Chinese didn't have any foreign accent, Li Xian was also slightly surprised, but soon he realized that Ashina Quhu's wife was also a Han Chinese.It's just that I don't know if it was from the royal family of the Sui Dynasty, or if it wasn't, it was from a certain family in the Sui Dynasty.

There was a marriage between the Turks and the Sui Dynasty, and many Turkic royal nobles would marry a Han woman as their wife. In their view, this was a symbol of glory.

Li Xian looked at the woman, nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

The woman in gorgeous clothes hugged the boy and stepped back, her back resting on the table before stopping.Perhaps there is some support behind her, and she feels more at ease in her heart.The woman in Chinese clothes took a breath slowly, then raised her chin slightly and said to Li Xian, "I am Ashina Quhu's wife."

"Are you Chinese?"

Li Xian asked.

The woman nodded, then shook her head again: "I am now Ke Dun from the Turkic Ashina Gohu Department."

Luo Shixin said angrily: "Have you even forgotten your own ancestors? Then what use are you left for!"

Just as he was about to stab him to death with a spear, he suddenly heard a frenzied cry of killing from outside: "Save Ke Dun!"

"Save Ketun!"

"Kill those Sui people and rescue Ke Dun!"

The woman's face gradually calmed down, and she looked at Li Xian and said seriously: "I am a Sui person, and I have not forgotten my surname and ancestors. But the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty married me to Ashina Quhu, and I have already It's his wife, and this is our child, Ashnabuto, who is 12 years old. You are from my hometown, you are my relatives, I am very happy to see you, but you are killing me at this time people, so I ask you to go away!"

"Then do you know! Ashina went to Hu and brought people to slaughter your compatriots in your hometown! The emperor of the Sui Dynasty was also besieged by the Turks at Yanmen Pass!"

Luo Shixin asked angrily,

"I know!"

Ashina Quhu's wife said sadly: "But what can I do? I have been married to the grassland for 14 years."

"Sui man! Get out of my house!"

The Turkic boy Ashinabutuo suddenly screamed.

Luo Shixin turned the lance and hit the boy on the back of the head with the lance, the boy let out a muffled grunt and then passed out.

"No time to delay!"

He looked at Li Xian and said.

"Tie them all up and take them away!"

Li Xian pointed to Ashina Quhu's wife and ordered.



Ke Dun was captured by those damn Sui people, which made the entire Ashina's Quhu territory become manic.The Turkic, who was caught off guard, reacted and rushed towards the big tent like crazy. In their view, it was an unacceptable shame for Ke Dun to be captured.Ke Dun is a beautiful and gentle woman, she is as noble as the moon, and she is the goddess in the hearts of every Turkic in Ashina.

But those Sui people dared to take Ke Dun away!

The camp that had been killed and set ablaze was already chaotic enough, but when it was heard that Ke Dun had been captured, the chaos in the camp escalated to the point of an explosion.Some people wailed in despair, some knelt on the ground and begged Changshengtian to punish those Sui people, some grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the big tent frantically, some threw themselves on the ground and wept bitterly.The frightened sheep ran wildly in the camp, and countless war horses ran away in panic.

The Jingqi from Yanyunzhai and the Jingqi from Youzhou divided into two teams to kill the camp. The wolf rider who was lured out of the camp by Pei Xingyan and Cheng Zhijie came back to rescue in a panic, but was beaten by Pei Xingyan and Cheng Zhijie in the back hunt down.Killers are being killed everywhere, fires are being set everywhere, and the whole camp is chaotic like hell on earth.

Later, the Turkic wolf cavalry were almost killed by the Han cavalry while running back and forth, and the Han cavalry who came in from the east of the camp were killed from the west. The cavalry who received Li Xian's order did not stop there. After making a beautiful big arc, he entered the camp again.

With the sound of the horn, this time the cavalry divided into hundreds of people and marched side by side. They cleaned up the Turkic camp from west to east like rakes. The Turkic people who were completely killed and dispersed gave up resistance. screaming and running in embarrassment, but handed their backs to the enemy, how far can they run?

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