Will Ming

Chapter 350 Ashina Goes to Hu's Territory

(Thank you Luo Chenhe for the reward, please!)

Chapter 350 Ashina Goes to Hu's Territory ([-])

A is the time when he looked at the three young and beautiful female slaves lying on the felt blanket in front of him, shaking the spirits in the silver wine glass, his eyes were blurred.These three female slaves were personally brought by Botieta after dinner. It is said that they are all the daughters of the nobles of the Tiele tribe. They were snatched back by Ashina Quhu when he expanded his territory to the north last year. The three of them came to serve on purpose tonight. Noble Ye Hu, these three female slaves are not only young and beautiful, but also have pure blood of Tie Le aristocrats.

He stood up unsteadily, went to one of the female slaves and squatted down, hooked the chin of the female slave with his fingers and asked, "What's your name?"

"Honorable Ye Hu, I have forgotten my name."

The beautiful female slave looked up at Ah Shi and smiled charmingly: "I'm just your slave."

"Ha ha!"

Ah Shi laughed triumphantly that time, he stood up and stretched out his left foot and said, "My leather boots are stained with dust."

The beautiful female slave immediately prostrated herself at his feet, sticking out her pink tongue and licking Ah Shi's drained leather boots bit by bit. Her plump and round buttocks were raised high, and this posture made her waist more visible. The limbs are extraordinarily slender.Ah Shi watched the female slave seriously licking her boots with a smile on that time, and he slowly poured the wine in the silver cup on her back.Feeling the temperature of the wine, the female slave groaned in ecstasy.

Ah Shi couldn't bear that draining anymore, he picked up the female slave, the female slave's beautiful face, lewd eyes, and the bit of dust on her cheeks made him feel full of temptation.

With a chirping sound, Ah Shi drained and tore off the slave girl's clothes, then grabbed a plump and soft peak on her chest and rubbed it frantically.The female slave cried out in pain from his rubbing, but she knew that her status might not be as good as a sheep in front of this noble Ye Hu, so she tried her best to make her screams more pleasant.

This kind of cry undoubtedly stimulated Ah Shi's drained beastliness, and he violently pushed the female slave to the ground.Then he took off his clothes, turned the female slave over and lay on the ground like a dog. He tore off her skirt, hugged her buttocks and pushed in from behind. There was no gentle foreplay. This rough way made the slave girl feel a tearing pain.But even so, as a slave, she can only bear it and dare not show the slightest performance.

Ah Shi hit the female slave's snow-white buttocks crazily, and the popping sound was very clear in the big tent.

The other two female slaves looked at each other, then slowly took off their clothes, and walked naked not far from Ah Shi's drained place, and the two began to jump up and move. The dance of man's most primal desires.

They are all trained and know how to tease men.

Seeing that graceful and lewd dancing posture, Ah Shi became even crazier that time.

At the same time, in Ashina's blinded tent, almost the same scene was happening.

Standing on the grass, Botieta sighed as he watched the flickering lights in the tent drained by Ah Shi.He thought of Ke Dun, who had been captured by the Sui people for 20 days, and Ashinabutuo, and his heart was filled with anxiety and uneasiness.However, almost all the warriors that Ashina could mobilize from the Gohu tribe were sent out to search for the Sui cavalry. Without the help of the royal court, he knew that he would never be able to get Ke Dun and Teqin's son back.

All he can do now is try his best to satisfy the two Ye Hus sent by the royal court.

If the two of them were happy, maybe they would lead troops northward to pursue the Sui cavalry early tomorrow morning.

Botieta recalled what he had said before leaving the royal court, and couldn't help letting out a long sigh.

A fool will not stumble over the same stone twice.

If the tribes can unite, then the Turks will be invincible.

Botieta sighed, thinking that if Secret Service found out that the territory had been breached and Ketun had been robbed, he might be furious.

He looked at Ah Shi's drained tent again, and he could still hear the cry coming from the tent.He said in his heart, hoping to satisfy the two Ye Hus.I hope that tomorrow will be sunny and sunny, and that the wolf cavalry will go north to kill the Sui people early tomorrow morning.

He turned and walked to his tent.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something strange.

There was a muffled sound of thunder coming close to the ground. For Botieta, this sound was very familiar. It was the sound of war horses trampling on the ground, and it was the sound of a large group of cavalry attacking!



When Ah Shi hurriedly put on his clothes and rushed out that time, many places in the camp were already on fire, and many tents were set on fire. As the flames flickered, he saw people wearing clothes in the distance. The cavalry in black armor charged back and forth, while the wolf cavalry who had not had time to mount their horses were chopped down one by one.

His first reaction was that Ashina went to Hubu to rebel.

Because he saw that the murderer was the Turkic wolf rider, and the one who was killed was the wolf rider he brought.

The same black armor, the same red cape.

When he saw Botieta running over in panic and panic, he kicked him to the ground angrily: "Botieta! Do you want to rebel!"

"Ye Hu!"

Botieta got up and knelt on the ground tremblingly and said, "It's the Sui people! The Sui people are here again!"


Ashina also rushed out blindfolded, glared at Botieta and shouted: "Didn't you say that the cavalry of the Sui people attacked a tribe thousands of miles away? Come back here!"

"It's from Sui!"

Ah Shi stared wide-eyed at the fighting scene in the distance and said in a trembling voice, "Our people don't know how to use lances!"

Yes, that is a long lance like a forest.

Yes, there was endless killing intent on that lance.

Three days ago, Li Xian and Luo Shixin's nine thousand cavalry slaughtered a grassland tribe thousands of miles away.But it took them two days and two nights to march thousands of miles in a hurry, and returned to Ashina Quhu's territory thirty miles away before dark.After a short rest for a few hours, Li Xian and Luo Shixin led the murderous cavalry into the camp they had just ravaged once 20 days ago.

Botieta found sadly that even if he is not a fool, he will trip over the same stone twice.

The same late night, the same enemy, also came like ghosts, those Sui cavalrymen suddenly came out of the ground like demons, harvesting one life after another with the long spears in their hands.There were shrill shouts everywhere, and Turkic people running for their lives everywhere.

"Come on!"

Ah Shi yelled like crazy that time: "Lead my horse! Everyone, don't panic, follow me and kill!"

The beautiful female slave who was tortured by him just now hugged each other and shivered in the tent. They hadn't put on their clothes yet, and the three female slaves who hugged each other were like three little white sheep huddled together to keep warm.Ah Shi rushed into the big tent that time, and shouted with red eyes: "Put on the armor for me!"

The three female slaves crawled over in a panic and hurriedly put on the armor for him.

Ah Shi kicked away the female slave who was licking his leather boots that time, grabbed the scimitar on the table and rushed out again.The personal soldiers had brought his horses over, and his 1000-man team had been raided in his sleep, and now less than [-] people had gathered hastily.

"Ashina blindfolded!"

Ah Shi shouted that time: "Go and gather the troops, I will block those Sui people!"

"You have to be careful!"

Ashina shouted blindfolded.

"The offspring of the wolf, fear nothing!"

Ah Shi let out a roar that time, and then led the wolf cavalry with less than 1000 people towards the place where the flames were most dazzling.



Luo Shixin led [-] cavalrymen from east to west to kill a pair of Ashina Quhu's camp. Until this time, those wolf cavalry and others who were in a state of distress had not found their leather armor and weapons.Luo Shixin laughed at the Turkic people who were frightened and ran around, pointed forward with a long spear and shouted: "Youzhou Erlang! Do you dare to kill me again!"




Three thousand fine riders let out a deafening cry.

"Tiger Ben!"

Luo Shixin shouted loudly and urged his horse to rush forward.

"Youzhou Tiger Ben!"

The Youzhou Jingqi yelled in unison, and then lowered the horses in their hands. The steel forest-like spears pointed at the Turkic camp again, and then the cavalry began to speed up, and followed behind Luo Shixin. Qianjingqi rushed into the Turkic crowd again with a monstrous murderous aura like a whole.

Luo Shixin picked up the wolf knight soldiers in front of him and flew away. In the next second, Changlong found the throat of a Turkic man like a poisonous dragon.The three-foot long lance easily slit the Turkic man's throat. Before the man fell to the ground, Luo Shixin's long lance had already pierced the third man's body.He violently lifted the long lance, the extremely elastic lance was bent and then straightened suddenly, and the corpse hanging on the lance was immediately ejected and fell to the ground far away.

While Luo Shixin was killing happily, he suddenly saw a group of wolf riders rushing towards him in the distance.The leader was a rather tough-looking wolf cavalry general. Looking at the exquisite iron armor on his body, one could tell that this person must have a high status.Luo Shixin yelled that it was a good time, and then pointed the long spear at the wolf cavalry team.


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