Will Ming

Chapter 351 Lu 3

Chapter 350 Lu Thirteen

Luo Shixin forcibly drained the Turkic leaf guard Ash that time and broke it at the waist, let go of his hands, and the drained body of Ash that time fell limply from the horse's back.With a plop, Ye Hu, who was highly respected in the Turkic tribe, died so easily and so simply.Luo Shixin let out a long laugh, took off the horse from the victory hook, and rushed to the front again.Three thousand Youzhou Jingqi used him as the spearhead and rampaged in the Turkic camp.

Botieta greeted the tribal herdsmen loudly, and Ashina's wolf riders who went to Hubu sent out to search for the Sui team. Who knew that the enemy would run thousands of miles day and night, and suddenly came back.He rode back and forth in the camp, and many panicked herdsmen gathered behind him when they heard his cry. In about half an hour, Botieta actually organized a team of more than 2000 people.

It's just that this team was gathered too hastily, and most of the herdsmen didn't have horses or weapons.They just heard Botheta's cry in panic, like a drowning man seeing a floating log, like a lost ship seeing a lighthouse in the dark, and their gathering together was just a subconscious Behavior.

While Botieta greeted the staff, he kept thinking of Da Ketun's words for no reason.

A fool will not stumble over the same stone twice.

He smiled wryly, and in his heart he felt a little respect for the general who commanded the Sui cavalry.He never thought that the Sui people would one day defeat the Turkic wolf cavalry with their cavalry on the grassland.He never thought that the Turkic camp would not be trampled by the Qingqi of the Sui people.

After running thousands of miles for two days and nights, after slaughtering a tribe just now, they immediately came back without rest.The Sui general who led the army was undoubtedly a person who really knew how to fight, and he endowed this cavalry with strong combat effectiveness.

While thinking, Botieta ordered people to follow behind him to break out of the camp.

He never thought of taking people to fight the Sui cavalry, and it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Sui under the circumstances.He just wanted to save more herdsmen from Ashina to Hubu. After two blows, if he didn’t rescue some more people, then on the grassland where the weak and the strong preyed on the strong, Ashina’s going to Hubu would no longer have any worries. Head-to-head capital.He is Ashina Quhu's confidant, and he knows what Ashina Quhu has always wanted to do.

Now Ashina went to fight in the south, but Ke Dun was robbed by the Sui people again.

Botieta knew he had to do something to keep the tribe.

But he also knew that after the two blows by the Sui people, Teqin Ashina Quhu might no longer be qualified to compete for the Khan's seat.

Just as he was leading people to break out of the camp, suddenly a group of Sui people with only a hundred riders came over from the slanting stab.The leader was a general in iron armor, carrying a pair of unusual weapons in his hands.Seeing that the weapons on that man's body were covered with blood, Botheita suddenly felt an uncontrollable fear.

"Ha ha!"

Pei Xingyan led more than a hundred cavalry from the side and stopped Botieta's team. He immediately became happy when he saw such a large Turkic team.The rise of the already killed, he actually didn't care about the huge gap in strength between the two sides.There were only less than a hundred people behind him, but there were two thousand Turkic people he stopped at this time.

"Sui people!"

Botieta shouted: "Get out of the way, don't bully people too much!"

"Too deceiving?"

Pei Xingyan laughed loudly and said, "I will bully you wolf cubs to death!"

Botieta's complexion changed, and he drew out his scimitar and said loudly: "Arrogant Sui, you will pay for your arrogance, do you really think that you can stop us with just a few people around you? Get out of the way quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Who wants you to be polite, just come here!"

Pei Xingyan urged the horse to charge forward: "I'm enough to kill you thousands of remnants!"

Botieta is not good at fighting with others. Although he also knows some martial arts and has practiced archery, all these years he has been doing civilian work, and he has long been unaccustomed to fighting on the battlefield. The bloody Han general killed him, and he was really nervous as hell.

"Stop him! Stop him!"

While pulling his horse back, he shouted for his own soldiers to block Pei Xingyan.

More than a dozen wolves rode forward to protect Botie Tower behind them, and Pei Xingyan's horse also arrived.A wolf knight soldier slashed at Pei Xingyan's shoulder with a knife. Pei Xingyan hit the scimitar with a hammer. With a whoosh, the scimitar flew out and landed more than ten meters away. Cracked, the whole arm seemed to be broken, and I couldn't even lift a little strength.

Pei Xingyan knocked the scimitar flying with a hammer with his left hand, and smashed the wolf knight soldier's head with a hammer with his right hand.With a bang, the Turkic man's head exploded like a smashed watermelon.With just one blow, there was nothing on the soldier's neck, and the entire skull was smashed to pieces.

Huge pressure hit the top of the head in an instant, and the two eyeballs of the Turkic soldier burst out with a puff, and the skull was directly shattered, and the brains were splashed everywhere.

With one hammer, Pei Xingyan killed the few Turkic people standing in front of him in an instant.Botieta turned around and ran away in fright, and the Turkic people who had been killed by the Han cavalry rushed away.


Pei Xingyan cursed, caught up with Bo Tieta from behind and smashed him on the back with a hammer.The momentum was heavy, and Botieta was smashed and flew forward from the horse's back. His back was almost pierced, and his vertebrae were all shattered in an instant.He was smashed and landed in front of his horse, while the horse was still galloping forward, a front hoof was stepping on the back of Botieta's head, the skull was crushed with a bang, and the horse was tripped , fell down with a bang.

"How unpleasant!"

Pei Xingyan muttered angrily.



Ashina was blindfolded and was organizing wolf riders to break out of the encirclement. He asked his own soldiers to gallop back and forth in the camp holding his own banner, and at the same time let people blow their horns to gather people and horses to this side.It's just that his team of [-] people was suddenly attacked in their sleep, and most of them were beheaded by Han cavalry before they had time to mount their horses.What's more, the first thing those damn Han people did after they rushed into the camp was to collapse the stables, and the war horses ridden by Turkic wolves ran away after being frightened.

So after more than half an hour, although Ashina blindfolded gathered three thousand wolf riders, including his tribe and the tribe that Ashina drained at that time, most of them did not wear leather armor, and some of them Not even a machete in his hand.Of the three thousand wolves riding, less than half of them had no horses riding!

Is a wolf rider without a horse still called a wolf rider?

He shouted angrily, trying to restore order to his soldiers.At this moment, several wolf knight soldiers ran over in a panic and threw themselves at his feet.

"Ye Hu... Master Li Gan was killed that time!"


Ashina's eyes widened immediately after being blindfolded. He knew what Ashina had done that time.The Turkic people are martial arts, and Ashina Liqian is known for his bravery in the army.Even Shibi Khan once praised him, saying that Ash's draining was his own Fan Kuai.Ashina was blindfolded and didn't know who Fan Kuai was, so he made a special effort to find out.

However, Fan Kuai of Shibi Khan was killed so easily.

"Kill me out!"

Ashina blindfolded and knew that he couldn't wait any longer, the situation was so unfavorable, if he waited a little longer for the Han cavalry to encircle him, it would be too late for him to leave.Ash was already dead that time, and he didn't want to die here.As Ye Hu of the Turkic tribe, he has an absolutely respected status, and he doesn't need to accompany Ashina to ruin his glory and wealth.

"Kill it out!"

He rushed out first, and more than 3000 wolf riders followed closely behind him. Because there were not enough horses, some people rode two horses on one horse.

The fire in the camp burned more and more vigorously, and the grassland in the distance outside the camp became darker and darker.Blindfolded, Ashina knew that as long as he rushed out of the fire, the Han cavalry who were not familiar with the terrain would never dare to chase him rashly in the dark.

Because the fire in the camp was too big, almost nothing could be seen behind the fire.

Ashina was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he rushed out of the fire with his eyes blindfolded, but after his eyes adapted to the darkness, he immediately opened his mouth in horror.

In the darkness behind the firelight, thousands of Han Chinese cavalry were waiting there.


A rain of arrows poured down, and Ashina wailed unwillingly, blindfolded, hit at least seven or eight arrows on his body, and was shot directly from the horse's back to the ground.And the wolf riders behind couldn't see what was behind the fire at all, rushed out one after another and were shot to death one after another.The fallen horses in front blocked the cavalry behind, and countless wolf cavalry fell down in an instant.

Li Xian looked at the scene in front of him coldly, but his heart was full of pleasure.



Lu Shisan drove [-] Youzhou Qingqi continuously for a night and a day, and finally left the Turkic territory in the evening of the second day.He knew that not far ahead was a grassland tribe camp that had been slaughtered before, and there was no one blocking the way back, so he was relieved.

Ordering the soldiers to dismount and rest, Lu Shisan asked someone to prepare dinner. He planned to camp here and continue on his way tomorrow morning.The soldiers were exhausted from the continuous fighting and marching.

Lu Shisan asked someone to bring some food and water to Ashina's wife and son, and he lay down on the grass.As soon as his back touched the grass, he couldn't help moaning comfortably.These few days are indeed too tired, and the muscles and bones of the whole body are almost falling apart.Lie down and have a good sleep, at this time, in his opinion, it is actually the most comfortable thing in the world.

Before long, he fell asleep.


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