Will Ming

Chapter 352 A Crazy Idea

Chapter 350 Two Crazy Thoughts

Ashina Quhu's wife looked at Li Shimin calmly and calmly, and there seemed to be no fear or anxiety on her face.If it is said that when Ashina Quhu's territory was first breached, she still had uncontrollable panic. She was terrified of the uncertainty of her own fate and the uncertainty of her son's fate, then after these 20 days, she has Calm was restored.This woman who had seen too much joys and sorrows and ups and downs on the grassland had given up struggling and resisting, so she was not shocked at all after seeing Li Shimin slaughter all the people in Youzhou.

She looked at Li Shimin without even a trace of worry or fear.Because she clearly wanted to understand one thing, she and her son Ashinabutuo are now a bargaining chip, a bargaining chip used to blackmail her husband Ashina to go, so before arriving at Yanmen Pass, no matter whether she There is no danger in anyone's hands.

"Are you angry?"

Li Shimin looked at her and asked.

Yang Xiuzhen, who had almost forgotten her Han Chinese name, shook her head slowly. She looked at Li Shimin's handsome face and said in a flat tone: "If you have any important questions to ask me, please hurry up. My husband and I The child has been running around with the general you killed for 20 days, we are tired and need to rest. If you just ask me if I am angry, afraid, worried or afraid, then I am sorry, I am going to bed now."

Li Shimin was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect this woman to calmly accept the fact that hundreds of people were massacred in front of her.

"Go to sleep."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "If you are really Ashina Quhu's wife, and that boy is really Ashina Quhu's son, then I don't have any problems."

"Thank you."

Yang Xiuzhen didn't look at Li Shimin any more, and turned to her son.

Ashinabutuo was guarded by two Taiyuan cavalrymen, his eyes could not hide his panic.

"Don't be afraid."

Yang Xiuzhen smiled at Ashinabutuo and said, "They are going to take mother and you to meet your father. Don't worry, they won't hurt you."

"Are they Han Chinese?"

Ashinabuto asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes, they are Han Chinese."

"The people who were killed before were also Han Chinese."

Ashinabutuo was a little puzzled: "Obviously they are all Han Chinese, why do they want to kill each other?"

Yang Xiuzhen was slightly stunned by her son's question, she thought for a long time but couldn't think of the most suitable words and reasons.Looking at her son's panicked and curious eyes, she felt that she should not deceive him.

"There are also many kinds of Han people."

Yang Xiuzhen finally found a good reason: "For example, on our grassland, there are Xi people, Khitan people, Shiwei people, and our Turkic people. The previous General Lu and the current General Li came from different tribes, so they There is no friendship between them."

"I understand."

Ashinabutuo said childishly and earnestly: "They regarded my mother and me as prey. In order to compete for the prey, one wolf killed the other wolf."

He looked into his mother's eyes and suddenly laughed: "Mother, I am very happy."


"Two enemies are vying for us. It seems that our situation has not changed, but at least we have eliminated one of the enemies, haven't we? We have lost so many people without wasting any effort. So I am very happy, Very happy. It would be great if another enemy appeared, then these Han people might die in front of us soon. My father once said that it is very pleasant to watch the enemies fall in front of me one by one thing."

Yang Xiuzhen was stunned, and panicked for no reason.



A large tribe of 10,000+ people, after being ravaged twice by Li Xian and Luo Shixin's men, can already be declared dead, because this is the grassland, and it is the most straightforward place in the world where the weak can eat the strong.Even if Ashina returns from the trip, because the tribal loss is too heavy, without strength, he will have no choice but to withdraw from the competition for the position of Khan.

What's more, it is still unknown whether Ashina Quhu can come back alive. Therefore, even if this tribe still has more than half of the population remaining, it is difficult to escape the end of being annexed by Shibi Khan.

The massacre started in the early morning, because the Turkic defeat was more thorough this time than the last time, so Li Xian and Luo Shixin did not lead their troops to retreat in a hurry.Until the sun rose, the Han cavalry were still galloping back and forth in the camp, cutting down the Turks who dared to appear in front of the horseshoes.

When Li Xian ordered the soldiers to assemble, the huge camp had been scorched black.

At least 3 people were killed in this raid, and nearly [-] tribal herdsmen knelt down on the grass, their heads bowed in fear.No one dared to look up at the bloody Han cavalry. The grassland people respected the strong, and the Han proved their strength with two killings.

Grassland people have a very strange character. Whether they are Xi people, Khitan people, or Turkic people who rule the grassland, they all have a common character, which can also be called habits.When their tribe was attacked and their knights were defeated, they would willingly admit their slave status.

When the war is over, if the prairie warriors are defeated and choose to surrender, if the victor orders the surrendered warriors to attack their own tribe, they will obey unconditionally.

And they will never be merciless when killing people, they will celebrate the victory with the victor.

This special habit is difficult for Han people to accept.

However, Li Xian knew that many years later, when faced with the invasion of foreigners, a large number of such people appeared among the Han people in the Central Plains. After they surrendered, they willingly helped the foreigners slaughter their compatriots, and they didn’t even feel any guilt in their conscience. .This kind of human nature, if you think about it carefully, will make people shudder.

The tens of thousands of Turkic people kneeling on the grass have resigned to their fate. They know that starting today, they will no longer belong to Ashina Quhubu, but have new owners.

"How to do?"

Luo Shixin asked Li Xian with some headaches: "There are too many, and it will be very troublesome to kill. How about we stop here and take tens of thousands of prisoners back to the Central Plains? If we go back, there are so many prisoners here, Ashina Tuoji Will there be some fear in the world?"

"You are easy to please."

Li Xian said with a smile.


He pointed to the captive who was kneeling on the ground as far as he could see and said with a smile: "There are at least ten thousand regular wolf riders among them, and there are at least ten thousand herdsmen who can mount their horses and fight. At least 4 people can be selected from them.”

"What do you mean?"

"Such a powerful force, it would be too wasteful not to use it."

Li Xian smiled and said, "According to the practice on the grassland, they are all our slaves now, and they will do whatever you ask them to do."

"Although that is the case, it is absolutely impossible if you let them attack the Turkic royal court."

"What else are you going to do in the royal court?"

Li Xiandao: "With our strength, facing a large tribe with a population of one million is tantamount to courting death. Even if Ashina Duoji took away most of the wolf riders, there are still at least [-] horsemen in the royal court." The above-mentioned regular cavalry. I am not interested in taking people and horses to commit suicide collectively, don't you think about it in a different direction?"

"Another direction?"

Luo Shixin asked in confusion, "Which direction?"

Li Xian pointed to the east: "Over there, along the Xilamulun River to the east, do you know where it is?"

"what is the place?"

"There is a tribe that believes in swans. If we bring nearly [-] Turkic tribes to migrate eastward and let them, wolves and white swans compete for territory, wouldn't it be a very pleasant thing?"



It has to be said that Li Xian's idea is crazy to the extreme. With a cavalry team of about 8000 people, nearly [-] Turkic people are being escorted to migrate eastward.But the most speechless thing is that the most indispensable cavalry on the grassland today are lunatics, and there are very few normal people.

That's why Li Xian got Luo Shixin's support before he uttered this crazy idea.This confident black-faced general never felt that anything was absolutely impossible, not to mention commanding tens of thousands of Turks to attack Xi Ren's pasture, thinking about it, it was much easier than commanding tens of thousands of Turks to attack the Turkic royal court.

The second one who agrees is Pei Xingyan, this guy's mind is simpler and more direct now.Li Xian thinks that what can be done can be successful, then he will never think that it cannot be successful.

Cheng Zhijie, who is more mature, is not familiar with the temperament of grassland people, so he gave up the discussion.

The most stable one was Pei Renji. He was firmly opposed to it, but he had to lose in the show of hands vote. He was the only one who disagreed and could not influence the decision.Even if Li Xian suggested a boring show of hands, as a general, Pei Renji could only accept it if he ordered it forcefully.

"Pick out all the Turkic people who can mount a horse and fight. I will personally lead a thousand fine cavalry to command. Cheng Zhijie and Pei Xingyan will follow me. Pei Renji, after you bring other troops and Shixin, you will detain other Turkic people. There are these old and weak The women and children were here, and the Turkic men in front did not dare to rebel easily."

Li Xian thought for a while and added: "Let those wolf riders from the royal court fight in the front, and let Ashina Quhu's troops be in the back to supervise the battle team. Although they are all Turks, they don't trust each other!"

After the discussion, Li Xian walked towards those Turkic people

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