Will Ming

Chapter 353

(Ask for a monthly ticket, I will soon be squeezed out on the monthly ticket list.)

Chapter 350 Three is in a hurry in the north

The grassland was disturbed by the Sui cavalry, and the news that one tribe after another had been slaughtered spread to the Allied Forces of the Southern Expedition one after another. Such news was like a dull thunder, which shocked the soldiers from the grassland.In just one month, it is said that no less than [-] tribes, large and small, have been slaughtered on the grassland.There is even news that even the tribe of the Turkic Teqin Ashina Quhu was killed by the Sui cavalry.

At the beginning, Shibi Khan also ordered the killing of many soldiers who spread "rumors", but as people from the grasslands continued to report to the army, the fear and anxiety brought about by such rumors Ashina Duoji I can't hold it anymore.

The letter sent by his wife took more than [-] days, and six horses ran to death to send the most authentic news to the army.This shocked Shibi Khan. Although he had already thought that the Sui people might actually send a team into the grassland, he didn't expect that team to bring such a big disaster to the grassland.

Dozens of tribes were massacred. If the tribal leaders knew this news, the hundreds of thousands of coalition troops would immediately lose their morale and everyone wanted to return.

Looking at the courier in front of him who was so limp on the ground that he couldn't stand up, Ashina Tuoji frowned and asked, "Is Ashina's grassland where he went to Hu was really burned?"

The messenger said out of breath: "Back to the Khan, it is absolutely true that the Sui cavalry attacked the Teqin's tribe for the first time and robbed Ke Dun and Ashinabutuo. Then the Sui cavalry did not return to the Great Sui , but all the way to the north, it took more than ten days to conquer three tribes one after another. Da Ketun accepted Ashina's request to go to the Hubu Ejinbotie Tower, and sent Yehu Ashina to drain the land at that time. Blindfolded and Ye Hu Ashina led a team of [-] people to pursue the Sui cavalry."

The messenger took a breath and continued: "But on the night when the two Ye Hus and the wolf riders arrived at Ashina's camp at Hubu, the Sui cavalry marched a thousand miles for two days and one night and came back from the north. Breaking into the camp and defeating the two Ye Hu's teams, Ashina Liqian and Ashina died blindfolded..."


Ashina stood up abruptly, his eyes widened instantly.

"All dead?"

"All... died in battle."

"Who is the leading Sui general, do you know?"

Ashina Duoji asked sharply.

"do not know"

The messenger was taken aback, and said tremblingly: "The Sui people wore the armor of wolf riders, and they didn't show banners. They came and went like the wind. But...according to the escaped herdsmen, the general of the Sui people seems to be surnamed Li."

"Surnamed Li?"

Ashina Jishi frowned and thought about it, but he didn't think of a general surnamed Li in the Sui Dynasty who had such courage.He knew that the one with the more distinguished surname Li in the Sui Dynasty was Tang Guogong Li Yuan, the ambassador of Hexi Xuanfu who was based in Taiyuan.But Li Yuan is now in the camp of the Sui people outside, and that person is too timid to do such a bold thing.

The messenger said: "When I arrived, the team of the Sui people took nearly [-] prisoners of war from Asina to Hubu, and headed east along the Xilamulun River. Fight Xi Ren."

"I see."

Ashina Jishi waved his hand to signal the messenger to go down, and then ordered: "Please Ashina come to my tent to discuss matters."

Not long after, Ashina Quhu hurried over.He already knew what happened on the grassland, someone from the tribe had escaped and met him secretly.Knowing that his tribe no longer exists, Ashina Quhu almost vomits blood.He didn't fall asleep last night, he thought about it for a long time, and knew that this matter must not be let Ashina Tujishi know.If Khan knew about it, I'm afraid he would attack him immediately.

He planned to wait until dawn to attack Yanmen Pass, then suddenly lead his troops to retreat, and then rush back to the grassland without stopping, kill all those damned Sui people, and take back his tribe.Only in this way can he survive.If Shibi Khan knew the news of his clan being exterminated, it would be too late for him to leave.

Before the sun rose in the morning, he assembled his team and prepared to take the opportunity to escape, but just as he put on his armor, the people sent by Ashina Dujishi arrived.Ashina had no choice but to follow the man to Ashina's big tent.

"Dear Khan, are you looking for me?"

Ashina said respectfully.

Ashina Duji looked at him, then sighed and said, "Kedun sent someone to send an urgent report. The messenger ran away and killed six horses, and arrived here early this morning..."

Hearing this sentence, Ashina Quhu's heart tightened violently.He took a step back subconsciously, and put his hand on the scimitar by his waist unnaturally.



Ashina Duojishi narrowed his eyes slightly watching Ashina's movement of going away.But he didn't get angry, but sighed and said: "Damn Tiele people, taking advantage of the opportunity when I led the army to the south, gathered an army of [-] to attack the royal court. Ke Dun sent someone to send urgent news, If we don't return to the army, Wang Ting is afraid of losing."


Ashina Quhu immediately relaxed after hearing these words.

Not about my tribe!

Ashina Quhu felt that his back was drenched with sweat, he pretended to be surprised, and quietly put down the hand holding the scimitar.

"The Tiele people are courting death!"

Ashina Quhu said angrily: "I led the army to the Northern Expedition last year, and I just taught them a lesson. I didn't expect them to forget the pain so soon!"

"I called you here to discuss with you."

Ashina Tuoji sighed and said: "This time we are going south in a big way, and there are not many people in the family. If we can't stop the Tiele people's offensive, our dominance on the grassland will be threatened. But……"

He looked at Ashina and said, "But if we withdraw our troops hastily, if the Sui people cover up the attack from behind, I'm afraid the loss will be huge. We have besieged Yanmen for so long and still haven't conquered it. Now Yanmen is coming one after another The Sui army already exceeds 40, and if we continue to fight, we won’t get much benefit. It’s already cold, and if we don’t withdraw our troops, the cattle and sheep brought in by winter will starve to death.”

"What a headache!"

Ashina sighed in embarrassment.

"I am willing to obey Khan's assignment!"

Ashina said sincerely and humbly, "Khan, please give me two more days, and I will conquer Yanmen and capture Yang Guang alive."

"No no no!"

Ashina Duo Jishi waved his hand and said: "You are wrong, my dear brother. It is time for this war to end. The Sui army is getting more and more, and our people are getting fewer and fewer as we fight. The advantage is no longer in our hands. .I just want to safely withdraw to the grassland and minimize the loss."

He looked at Ashina Quhu and said sincerely: "This southern expedition was my wrong decision. Not only did I fail to capture the thousands of miles of beautiful mountains and rivers in the Central Plains, but I lost tens of thousands of horses. All tribes have losses. This is my decision. I know that although the Ai Jins of those tribes have not shown anything, they have already developed dissatisfaction with me in their hearts."

"My clever brother, I am already old. But my son Ashina's association rate is still young, and he has no way to inherit the Khan throne. Among my younger brothers, your talent is undoubtedly the most outstanding. Even Ashina River is not as good as you, am I right, Erivo?"

Another younger brother of Ashina Doji, Ashina Elif, quickly said: "Khan's eyes can see through people's souls, and I am really not as good as him."

"We Turks are the overlords of the grasslands, and we will never allow anyone to challenge the authority. Since the Tiele people came to die by themselves this time, let's kill them all. I am going to let you inherit the Khan throne, Ashina go to the swan , I plan to let you and Erivo lead the troops back to the grassland first, and kill those Tiele people who don’t know the heights of the heavens and the earth. I will personally lead the army to retreat slowly, so as to ensure the least loss in the withdrawal.”

"This is the best way. If you lead the army to defeat the Tiele people, then you will be loved by the herdsmen, and it will also help you inherit the throne of Khan in the future."

Ashina asked seriously, "You won't let me down?"

Ashina Quhu was so happy that he was about to jump up, he wouldn't believe Ashina Dujishi's nonsense, what made him inherit the Khan position, let these lies go to hell.Ashina was so happy that he could return to the grassland in a legitimate way!As long as you pass the Great Wall, what if you have Erivo with you?

"Dear Khan!"

Ashina went to Gu Zhicheng and said: "I am willing to obey your orders."



Ashina Quhu and Ashina Elifo were ordered to take [-] wolf riders and rush back to the royal court first.Ashina returned to his big tent excitedly, and ordered the army to move out immediately.He had already negotiated with Ashina Erivo, he walked in the front as the vanguard, and Ashina Erivo led [-] wolves to ride behind.

He thought proudly, that idiot Erivo actually agreed to be the vanguard, and as long as he passed the Great Wall, he would gallop his horse, and Erivo would follow behind to eat dirt!

He didn't dare to delay, and immediately led the army to set off after bringing all the food and grass.During these days, Shibi Khan has been forcing his men to attack the city, and his team has suffered heavy losses. There are still many wounded soldiers among the [-] wolf riders, and less than half of them are really capable of fighting.But as long as he can return to the grassland, Ashina knows that he can definitely make a comeback.

It's just that it took more than a day to get the food and grass, which made Ashina very angry.It wasn't until it was dark the next day that his men and horses received the food and grass, and they were also deducted.

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