Will Ming

Chapter 354 Khan is very angry

Chapter 350 Four Khan Is Very Angry

Hundreds of thousands of Turkic people migrated eastward along the Xilamulun River, and all the tribes they encountered were destroyed. Baili captured three tribal camps, captured hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep, and tens of thousands of horses. The wolf riders who served as the vanguard had gotten used to their new identities, and they had also gained a lot of benefits in the war.

Li Xian was fair and just, and all the cattle, sheep, horses, and slaves he got were distributed to the Turks. In just half a month, the attitude of his new followers towards him changed from fear to respect.

By the time the tribe reached the people, the number of tribes migrating eastward led by Li Xian had increased from nearly 10 at the beginning to more than 14. The sheep and horses are endless, and the speed of travel does not exceed fifty miles a day.However, Li Xian was not in a hurry. The grassland coalition forces had not yet returned, and the small and medium-sized tribes that were far away from the Turkic territory did not have many troops to defend. The people who lived on the north bank of the Xilamulun River had received the news early on, and it was even more important. Withdrew two hundred miles to the north in one breath.

People are not afraid of Li Xian's less than [-] light cavalry, they are afraid of the Turkic people.When confronting the Turks, even if they win, they are afraid of retaliation in the future.

People shrink back, Li Xian is naturally very happy.

He didn't really plan to fight people to the death, and the human tribe was quite powerful on the grassland.Although most of the tribal warriors went south, the strength of their remaining troops should not be underestimated.When Li Xian told everyone about his thoughts, he didn't actually say what he was really thinking about.

If it is said that the idea of ​​driving Turkic soldiers to attack other tribes on the grassland is already extremely crazy.Then, if Li Xian's truest thoughts were expressed, even Luo Shixin, who was as bold as Luo Shixin, would be shocked to drop his jaw.

Compared with this idea, what drove the Turks to seize a piece of grassland is nothing to mention.

Because it was too unbelievable, Li Xian only told Ye Huaixiu this idea.Because in his opinion, maybe only after Ye Huaishu listened to his own thoughts, he would not feel that he was crazy.But in fact, when Ye Huaixiu heard him say such shocking words, his first reaction was to ask Li Xian: "Are you crazy?"

"I know you are smarter than many people, than most people, so I saw that she would not be happy a long time ago, even though she lives in seclusion in the giant wilderness, she seems carefree, but she is really unhappy I ignored how much the environment affects a person. She has lived on the grassland since she was a child, and she can't be calm in another place. She also looked for me before you led the army. She didn't want you to kill on the grassland. .”


Ye Huaixiu paused and said, "Will she be even more unhappy if you arrange it this way?"

Li Xian looked at Ye Huaixiu and smiled, "Actually, I want to know if she is willing or not, it's very simple."

He turned his eyes to the front, looked at the endless grassland and said: "I have already sent someone back to pick her up. If she is not willing, agrees, or likes it, she will naturally not come."

"You can't control her life!"

When it came to his younger sister Ashina Duoduo, Ye Huaishu couldn't maintain her usual calm.

"She wants to live a quiet and steady life. If you take her back to the grassland, she will face endless troubles again. This is not what she wants."

"Whether it is what she wants, you and I actually don't know. I just give her one more choice, so that she can live the life she wants. I will not force her to do anything, never."

"Where is your goal?"

Ye Huaixiu asked.

"Khitan people."

Li Xian replied seriously.

Ye Huaixiu was startled, his expression changed involuntarily.

Li Xian smiled, looked into Ye Huaixiu's eyes and said, "I'll help you smash someone's wishful thinking."

"That's Qingqing's home!"

Ye Huaixiu said worriedly: "Have you ever thought about Qingqing's feelings? The person she likes took troops to attack her hometown, and became enemies with her father and mother. Do you think Qingqing is such an innocent girl? Can you bear it?"

"She will."

Li Xian slowly put away his smile, looked at the flowing clouds in the sky and said word by word: "I promised her to restore Qingniu Lake to its previous calm, but to achieve this goal, the original must be destroyed first. Things. In fact, what I want to do is really despicable, but there is no doubt that it is not necessarily a bad thing for the grassland, and it will not be a bad thing for the Central Plains."


Ye Huaixiu suddenly understood: "Are you planning to take Qingqing back to the grassland?"

Li Xian nodded and said solemnly, "It's always easier for two people."



How big and what is the Khitan.

"What are the Turks planning to do?"

The burly Mo Hui paced back and forth on the grass, his brows were tightly locked, and the anger and worry in his eyes seemed so deep.Not far from him, his wife Chen Wanrong also frowned, and there was also a deep worry that couldn't be resolved on her delicate and beautiful face.

A little farther away, Dalang Changhong sat on a rock sharpening his scimitar.He didn't speak all the time, the sound of sharpening the knife made people's teeth ache.After Mohui roared angrily, he fell silent. Chen Wanrong looked at him, and Dalang Changhong looked at the knife in his hand.

"Our tribe cannot stand war."

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Wanrong, who couldn't help herself, said softly to her husband.

"I know!"

Mo Hui sighed and said, "After two years of fighting with Xi people, almost all the elite warriors in our tribe were killed. Now our tribe can't even gather [-] cavalry. It won't be long before our He Da He Department will be exterminated.!"

"But the Turkic people obviously intend to exterminate my family this time. If it's just a deterrent like before, why bring a hundred thousand herdsmen with them? They also bring countless cattle, sheep and livestock? This is not a simple attack , They have taken a fancy to our pasture and come to settle down!"

"I think you should send someone to talk to the Turkic people to find out which tribe they belong to. Ashina Quhu promised us a year ago, and he promised that there will be no more wars in our He Da He tribe. on the head."

"Ashina going to the swan?"

Mo Hui said angrily: "That old fox, when did he ever have a good heart?"

Thinking of the incident between his wife and Ashina Quhu, Mo Hui felt even more blocked.

"It's a big deal to die together! Even if the Turkic people really dare to come, I will not give up the pasture!"


Chen Wanrong tentatively asked: "You go to discuss it with Ai Jin from other tribes? The Turkic people are menacing, and they will understand the reason why their lips are dead and their teeth are cold."

"Where do I go to talk to them?"

Mohui said angrily: "Did you forget that, except for our He Dahe tribe who did not participate in the Southern Expedition because of the heavy losses in the war, the other seven tribes have already gone south to the Central Plains?"

"How could I forget such an important thing?"

Chen Wanrong said seriously: "It is precisely because almost [-]% of the warriors of the Khitan tribe have gone to the south that you have the opportunity to persuade those who stayed behind. If the Turks really attack, with the strength of any of our eight Khitan tribes alone , no one can prevent the fate of being destroyed. Now it is not only our He Dahe family that is threatened, but the entire Khitan tribe!"

"Why didn't I think of that?"

Mo Hui's eyes lit up and said, "I'm going now!"

At this time, suddenly a Khitan warrior rushed over and bowed to Mohui and said, "Ai Jin, the Turkic people have sent an envoy to see you."

Mohui and Chen Wanrong were stunned at the same time when they heard this sentence, their expressions changed involuntarily.Hearing this sentence, the sound of sharpening the knife stopped abruptly, and Dalang Changhong slowly raised his head, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.



The Turkic envoy who came to the Khitan Hedahe tribe was a real Turkic. This is not a nonsense. You must know that the Turkic people who are migrating eastward today, their Khan is a real Han.And he is a cold and tough Han, and he is also a fair and just Han.

It has been almost two months since Li Xian led them to migrate eastward.From Ashina to Hu's territory to the Khitan people's grassland, it spans thousands of miles. It has to be said that this is a very spectacular action. With 10,000+ people and millions of cattle, sheep and horses, the scale is staggering.There has not been such a large-scale migration on the grassland for many years. Each tribe has its own good grassland, and migration means launching a war.

Representing the migrating Turkic tribes came a 50-year-old Turkic man named E Lifa. He was once an official under Ashina Quhu, but this person had no ambitions before, let alone Ashina Quhu , even Botieta's status is more than one level higher than him.

But today his status is very distinguished, because he is the representative of the Turkic people.

Mohui and Chen Wanrong personally led the tribal elders to welcome them out. Before the war, they did not dare to show any disrespect to the Turkic people.They didn't know that this migrated Turkic tribe could actually be regarded as a traitor to the Turkic people. Even if they knew, they didn't dare to be too strong.Turkic traitors are not traitors of the entire grassland. The Turkic royal family has the right to punish traitors, but other tribes cannot, because this is the dignity of the Turkic people.

Two hundred majestic wolf riders stopped outside He Dahe's camp. The wolf riders in black armor and red cloaks separated to the two sides, holding representative envoys.

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