Will Ming

Chapter 355 A Man Scarier Than Wen Jie

Chapter 350 Five Scarier Man Than Wen Jie

E Lifa looked at the stunned Mohui and smiled and said: "I heard that you are the most intelligent and wise Ai Jin among the eight Khitan tribes. Although what I said just now was not direct enough, I think you have understood me. means. Oh no, it means Khan.”

Seeing that Mohui didn't answer himself, E Lifa continued: "This time the Khan ordered the army to come from the distant royal court to help you. Wise Ai Jin, don't you want to vent your anger? Last year, half of He Da He’s grassland was robbed by Xi people, how long will it take you to recover from such a huge loss? If you don’t help, if you don’t plunder, you will be annexed by other tribes sooner or later.”

E Lifa said: "You are hesitant because of your kindness, but have you ever thought about it, if I didn't come to your camp first, but went to the camp of any other tribe in the Khitan Eight Tribes to make this suggestion, then Do you think they will be merciful to you?"

After saying this, E Lifa didn't say anything more.He picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the spicy wine, and then cut off the golden and crispy mutton with a dagger and put it in his mouth.He didn't seem to be in a hurry to get Mo Hui's answer, and kept nodding while eating, as if affirming the taste of the food.

"Dear Messenger, we need to discuss it."

Mo Hui hesitated and said.

E Lifa said with a smile: "If you, as Ai Jin, need other people's ideas to influence your own decisions, I can only say that I am really disappointed. However, I have no objection to your doing so. By the way, since what has been said If you understand it directly, then I will tell you Khan's order directly."

He swallowed the mutton in his mouth, took a sip of wine and said slowly: "Khan's will is that if you accept the proposal, Aijin, then you can own half of the pastures of the entire Khitan tribe. It is at least ten times the size of your current territory. Khan knows that there are not many troops in your tribe now, so the attack will naturally be the main force of the invincible wolf cavalry. Cooperate, after all, Wang Ting's army is not very familiar with this grassland."

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, Aijin. There is actually no difference between capturing the Seven Clans of Khitan and the Eight Clans of Khitan. Of course, if I want, I can contact other Khitan tribes at any time. It is a very simple matter for your tribe to attack, I think you should be very clear."

"I'm not sure of your sincerity."

Mohui sighed and said, "Dear Holy Messenger, your proposal just now is really surprising."

"go with!"

E Li smiled and said, "I'll give you a day to discuss it. If I don't get your answer before sunrise tomorrow, then I'll have to bring tens of thousands of wolves to find the answer by myself."

He stood up, smiled at Mohui and said his farewell. Before leaving, his gaze involuntarily stayed on Chen Wanrong's face for a while. Chen Wanrong smiled shyly and then bowed slightly. In his teens, he can still use very unusual means when expressing the charm of women.Her smile is very tasteful, and her blush is just right.And it was very secretive, when she laughed, her back happened to be facing Mohui.

Mohui didn't see it, but Dalang Changhong did.

So he subconsciously clenched the handle of the knife, and this action also did not escape Chen Wanrong's eyes.She frowned slightly, and looked at Dalang Changhong with some dissatisfaction.Answer Lang Changhong slowly let go of the hand on the handle of the knife, gave Chen Wanrong a cold look, then turned and walked out of the big tent.

Mohui and others sent E Li out of the camp. Under the escort of two hundred well-dressed wolf riders, E Lifa left with pride, without even turning his head.



"Isn't this matter...too absurd?"

Mo Sida, the elder of the He Da He Department, looked at Mo Hui and said seriously: "Turkic people are wolves, wolves who eat people and don't spit out their bones. I always feel a little uneasy when dealing with wolves. If they really have the strength If we win this battle, there is no need to come to us to join forces. In any case, we cannot deny that our He Da He Department is the weakest among the Khitan Eight Departments. Why did the Turks come to us? That E Lifa is completely You can find other tribes."

"I don't think so either."

Morocco said with some concern: "What I'm worried about is that if we agree to the proposal of the Turks, if they don't abide by the agreement and withdraw midway, we will really face the danger of being exterminated. The other seven ministries combined We can't bear the anger."

"But if you don't agree, our He Da He Department will now face the danger of being exterminated."

Chen Wanrong looked at Mohui and said solemnly: "Last year in the war with Xi people, other tribes did not help us, they were watching with cold eyes, and even hoped that we would be exterminated and they would get a share of it. That was against Xi people , Now we are facing the Turkic people! Ai Jin, do you think that when our tribe fights against the Turkic invasion alone, those shameless guys will lend a helping hand?"

"What do you mean?"

Mo Hui looked at Lang Changhong and asked.

Answer Lang Changhong pondered for a while and said: "Kedun is right, Ai Jin, if we don't agree to the Turkic people, E Lifa will immediately lead the army to attack. With the current strength of our tribe, I am afraid that we will not be able to persist for three days." Of course, if we agree to the Turkic proposal, we may also face danger, but that will be a matter of later, and if we reject the Turkic people, disaster is at hand.”

Mo Sida sighed for a long time and said: "How do the Han people say it? The leak in the house happens to meet..."

Chen Wanrong said: "The house leak happens to rain all night."

"That's it."

Mosta sighed: "We have just experienced the war, and there is no way to meet the next war. No matter whether we agree to the proposal of the Turkic people or not, our department and department will face danger."

"no doubt!"

Chen Wanrong said: "If you don't agree with the Turkic people, you will be in danger. And... I would rather unite with the Turkic people than cooperate with those shameless people from other tribes! Those people from other tribes have no faith at all, they They are all the ugliest pigs. The Turks are different, they will not easily lose their trust, because they are the rulers, and what they care about is the dignity of the rulers. As long as they obey the Turks, they will not kill them all."

Mo Sida said: "Kedun's words are reasonable. I thought about it carefully, and it is true. What is before us is a dead end, and there is no perfect solution. Relatively speaking, agreeing to the proposal of the Turkic people seems like Better."

"Ejin, we only have one day."

Chen Wanrong reminded.

Mohui frowned and said, "But didn't you say before that you want me to join forces with the other seven tribes to resist the Turkic invasion?"

"Because I didn't know the Turkic people would raise this matter before."

Chen Wanrong said seriously: "You are the wolf king on the grassland, but the other tribes are all cunning and shameless foxes. You joined forces with them to resist the Turkic people. Do you think those shameless foxes will rush up and bite the enemy?"



Li Xian looked at the respectful E Li in front of him, smiled and asked, "How is it? How did Mohui answer you?"

E Lifa went through what happened, and then asked humbly: "Great Khan, do you think it's okay for me to do this?"

"very good!"

Li Xian smiled gently and said: "I am very satisfied with your performance today, and I will ask someone to write you down in the credit book. Reward you with the records on the Internet. I remember that you already have fifty slaves under your name, one hundred cattle and one thousand sheep?"


E Lifa quickly bowed and said, "Great Khan, your memory is unparalleled."


Li Xian waved his hands and smiled: "Tell Tilige and Kechaqin to prepare their [-]-strong team. If there is no good news when the sun rises tomorrow, Tielig He and Kechaqin will take the wolf cavalry to let those Khitan people know what massacre is."

"Khan's majesty, no one can resist!"

E Lifa gave a heartfelt compliment, then bowed and exited the big tent.

After Er Lifa left, Ye Huaishu walked out from the big tent, walked behind Li Xian and hugged his waist from behind, put his face on Li Xian's back and said softly: "I really didn't expect that , You actually planned it like this. If Mohui agrees to your proposal, it can be regarded as a gift from you to Qingqing's father."

Li Xian shook his head and said, "It's a gift for Qingqing, not for her father."

Ye Huaixiu was slightly taken aback, and then understood: "If you do this, Qingqing will be sad."

"She should learn to be strong, not to mention that her parents don't seem to care much about her. Maybe her father cares about her. As for Chen Wanrong...she doesn't deserve Qingqing as a daughter. She didn't stop Qingqing from leaving with me, you Do you think she is really nice to Qingqing?"

Li Xian turned around and smiled and said: "There is something you don't know. Last year, I received three letters from Chen Wanrong. She asked me to help her restore the country for Qingqing's sake. I thought she She was a poor woman who was obsessed with revenge, and I didn't know until I saw those three letters that she was just a madman."

"Where does she want to restore the country? She just longs for power."

Ye Huaixiu smiled, it didn't seem strange.

"She's really crazy, and I knew a long time ago what she wanted."

Li Xian smiled and said

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