Will Ming

Chapter 356 Do You Know The Reason?

Chapter 350 Do You Know The Reason?

After dinner, Li Xian did not read a book for a while as usual, or go to chat with Cheng Zhijie and the others. Instead, he took a shower, changed into a suit of clothes, and then lay down on the boat to rest early. It is difficult to fall asleep, but Li Xian has learned what is the most thorough rest after years of fleeing.

He actually fell asleep, and slept soundly.

An hour and a half later, as if woken up by an alarm clock, he opened his eyes, stretched himself and sat up.After getting up, he asked someone to bring in some food and a jug of wine.It's just that he ate very little and only drank a glass of wine.After sitting quietly by the table for half an hour, he did a hundred push-ups on the floor of the big tent and punched a set.Feeling that the meridian has been stretched, he took off his black knife and put it on the table within reach. Then he sat down, opened a book and read it quietly.

Five minutes later, when the curtain of the large tent moved, a black shadow quickly flashed in.The man carried a straight knife behind his back, not the machete he had been using all these years.This man was slender and muscular, and his well-fitting black clothes made him look very tall and straight.I don't know if it's because of self-confidence that he didn't cover his face.He looked at the young man who was quietly sitting in a chair reading a book, and the strange look in his eyes flashed away.

He walked slowly to a wooden stool and sat down, took off the straight knife behind his back and put it on his knee.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

The man looked at Li Xian and said seriously.

"But I thought, it must be you."

Li Xian put down the scroll in his hand and looked at the man with a smile.

"Mohui is a cautious person. Although Elifa claims that it is the will of the Turkic Khan, Mohui will definitely doubt whether there are any lies in it. Therefore, before making a final decision, he must find out whether the Turkic people are How did you plan it. You are the only one who has the ability to sneak into my camp in the whole Khitan He Dahe tribe, so I am not at all surprised by your arrival."

"You know I will come, but how can you be sure that I will definitely enter your account?"

Answer Lang Changhong asked.

Li Xian smiled, pointed to a tiny crack on the big tent and said: "If you see that the person in the big tent is me, you will naturally come in."

Dalang Changhong nodded and said: "So you are ready... I have arrived a long time ago, when you woke up, I watched you eat, drink half a glass of wine, and then do some weird things I know what you are doing, you want to make your blood flow unimpeded, so that there will be no stagnation when you shoot. It can be said that I haven’t seen you for a few years, and you have made great progress.”

"is it?"

Li Xian said with an annoyed expression: "So, I got up a little late."

Answer Lang Changhong looked at Li Xian and asked: "I don't know why you think you can stop me by yourself, you have already guessed that I will come, why don't you set up an ambush outside, but plan to face me yourself? Are you confident, or arrogant?"

Before Li Xian could answer, he suddenly changed his tone and asked, "Is Qingqing okay?"

Li Xian nodded and said, "Very good, very good. I'm very happy that you can still think of your daughter."

Hearing this sentence, Dalang Changhong's face changed suddenly, and an uncontrollable murderous intent appeared in his eyes, but soon, he suppressed his emotions.He laughed at himself, and after being silent for a while, he couldn't help asking curiously: "How do you know that Qingqing is my daughter?"

Li Xian curled his lips, and said with some disdain: "I also know that she was not born by Chen Wanrong."

Answer Lang Changhong's hands trembled undetectably, then looked at Li Xian and asked seriously: "Give me the answer, I won't kill you tonight."

Li Xian smiled lightly and said, "I'm giving you the answer not because I'm afraid of you, but because I want to tell you that nothing in this world can be hidden from others. Qingqing has the blood of grassland people, and her appearance It can be proved. However, there is one thing you may not know. If the husband is from the grasslands and the wife is Han, there is still a difference between the child born to the wife and the child born to the grassland and the husband is Han. And I also know , you must have used coercive means to take possession of Mohui's wife. The reason is very simple, because Mohui slept with Chen Wanrong."

This was a bit of a mouthful, but Li Xian knew that Lang Changhong understood.

"What's the difference?"

Answer Lang Changhong asked in a cold voice holding back his anger.

"You answer first, is Qingqing the daughter of the wife you met before?"


Answer Lang Changhong answered very simply.

Li Xian laughed happily, and then said in a very angry tone: "Actually, I just guessed. As for whether it is really different, I am not a researcher, how would I know? What I said just now It's just me making nonsense, just to make you curious, and then admit it with my own mouth."

"What's the use of you asking me to admit this?"

Dalang Changhong frowned, once again overflowing with killing intent.

"Of course it works."

Li Xian said gently: "In this way, I won't feel guilty about killing Chen Wanrong."

"Are you forcing me to kill you?"

Answer Lang Changhong said in a colder tone.

Li Xian's face is still calm, his tone is still gentle, and his smile is still very kind: "If you try to kill me first, then I will feel less guilty when I kill you, and it will be easier to explain to Qingqing in the future."



"You think you can kill me?"

Lang Changhong looked at Li Xian disdainfully and asked.

Li Xian did not answer Lang Changhong's words, but looked at Lang Changhong with great interest and asked, "Do you think you dare to kill me?"

He looked at Lang Changhong, thought for a while and said very seriously and shamelessly: "If you look at it according to the habits of people in the Central Plains, you are Qingqing's father and I am Qingqing's husband. The question is, she must be my woman. So, isn't the relationship between the two of us very delicate?"


Answer Lang Changhong said angrily: "You want to use such an excuse to threaten me, don't you think you are too naive and ridiculous? If I want to kill you, do I still need to care about what Qingqing thinks? After I kill you, I will naturally come back Find a reliable man for her."


Li Xian sighed and said: "It seems that everyone in the world says that the father-in-law and uncle are the most respectful couple in the world, which is obviously wrong. Or is it that my luck is worse than others?"

"You are already very lucky, because I didn't kill you by the Qingniu Lake back then."

"Need I say thank you?"

Li Xian asked with a smile.

Answer Lang Changhong ignored Li Xian's joking words, but said in a serious tone: "Retreat immediately and leave the Khitan's pasture. I will not kill you. You have no other choice. If you don't agree, I promise you will die." It's very happy and simple. And, I'm sure, your guards will never find out that you're dead after killing."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Li Xian said angrily: "Can't I shout? This is not a barren mountain, I am not a big girl with yellow flowers, and you are not a gangster, so there is no way that there will be someone who yells and no one cares." Such a scene. Even if I can't beat you, wouldn't I call for help?"

"I really don't know what Qingqing likes about you."

Answer Lang Changhong looked at Li Xian and said, "I can't find anyone in this world who is more shameless than you."

"What's your reasoning!"

Li Xian said angrily: "In your opinion, if you want to kill me, I will stretch my neck for you to cut, and then I will ask you if you are satisfied with the posture of stretching your neck, so I will not be shameless." ? If you want to kill me, I’m not allowed to shout, run away, or resist, so you’re not shameless?”

Answer Lang Changhong was stunned, thought for a while and nodded, "What you said makes sense."

Li Xian hummed and said: "Yes, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it."

"Are you going to retreat or not?"

"No retreat."

Li Xian's straightforward answer this time surprised Lang Changhong again.

"You are not afraid of death?"

Li Xian immediately shook his head and said, "I'm afraid of death, of course I'm afraid of death. I haven't had ten or eight babies with Qingqing yet, so I must be afraid. Oh..."

Li Xian pretended to be enlightened and said: "Ye Huaixiu already has my child, and my child should be called Qingqing, so... what should Ye Huaixiu call you? This is really a headache. Thing, I remember that she called you big brother before, so didn't you take advantage of it and get promoted a generation?"

"court death!"

Dalang Changhong stood up abruptly and took a step forward.




Ye Huaixiu said very seriously not long ago, don't give Da Lang Changhong a chance to strike, she told Li Xian very firmly that Da Lang Changhong is more terrifying than Wen Jie.Ye Huaixiu had fought Wen Jie before, so she knew how terrifying Wen Jie's knife was.But she knew Lang Changhong better, so Li Xian was sure that Lang Changhong was indeed stronger than Wen Jie. Although he had never fought against Lang Changhong in a real sense, he believed in Ye Huaishu.

Ye Huaixiu said, don't let Dalang Changhong use the knife.

It stands to reason that Li Xian should remember this sentence, and then try his best to prevent Dalang Changhong from making a knife.But the fact is that Dalang Changhong made a knife, and Li Xian didn't stop him at all.

Dalang Changhong took a step forward after the saber was drawn, and instead of staring at Li Xian, he stared at Li Xian in front of him.

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