Will Ming

Chapter 357 Unchangeable

(Thanks for the self-deprecating smile, no need to cure a cold, samshao's monthly pass, thanks to the surname Li Anzhi, Zhang Mingqi 521, for those who don't worry about it.)

Chapter 350 Seven Can't Be Changed

Alang Changhong could clearly feel that the strength in his body was disappearing rapidly. After only speaking a few words, he felt that his limbs had lost strength, and gradually became tactile. He could not even feel Seeing that he was holding Li Xian's black knife in his hand, this feeling made him terrified to the extreme.He never thought that one day he would be poisoned while holding the knife, and he never thought that one day he could clearly hold the knife in his hand but could not feel the existence of the knife at all.

He subconsciously clenched his fingers again, but he still didn't feel anything.

Calculating the time, Li Xian smiled and looked at Dalang Changhong and said, "If there is no accident, you have lost consciousness now. Although you can see that you have a knife in your hand, you can't feel it. Knife, right? Also, now that you look at me, do you have three me in your eyes?"

Dalang Changhong shook his head, forced a smile and said: "Although I can't feel the existence of the knife, the knife is in my hand. Besides, I don't think there are three of you, you are too overestimating your poison gone."

"Dugu Ruizhi is a liar!"

Li Xian said angrily: "I just said, he has never tried poison himself, how could he know that he will be dazzled after being poisoned? I'm so sorry, I won't speak big next time."

"Give me the antidote, and I will spare you."

Answer Lang Changhong said with a breath.

"Is it nonsense?"

Li Xian looked at Lang Changhong and asked seriously: "I'll give you the antidote, and you promise not to kill me. Don't you think this sentence is extremely nonsense? Is there anything more nonsense than yours this year?" ?”

"I am Qingqing's father!"

Answer Lang Changhong raised his jaw and said.

"That's why I want to kill you."

Li Xian sat down three meters away from Dalang Changhong, smiled and said: "You are not Qingqing's father at all. The reason why I said those words to you is to disturb your mind. I asked those words, but I just I want you to think wildly in your mind, so that you will relax your vigilance when you catch me with a black knife later, because you think I have been fooled. So you are a little proud, and people tend to become more slack when they are proud."

"The conjectures I told you are all nonsense, none of them are true. But you thought I was seriously guessing, so you followed my words and agreed, making me think that you are Qingqing's father. In fact, I I just want you to think that I think you are Qingqing's father."

After saying this sentence, Li Xian shook his tongue, smiled and said, "It's a fucking tongue-twister, but I think you must understand what I mean."

Li Xian saw that Dalang Changhong's complexion became more and more ugly, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will try to speak as soon as possible, and try to make you understand before you die."

"You can say that I am shameless, or that I am cunning. I don't think these two words are derogatory, and I don't think there is anything wrong with being shameless. As long as you can win, no matter how shameless the method is, it is also a beautiful method."

Li Xian coughed and said apologetically, "The above few words are all nonsense, because I want your poison to develop more completely. Of course, you don't dare to move, because the more you move, the faster the poison will develop. .Isn’t it very sad? You can only wait to die, anyway, I think this is a very sad thing.”

"You are not Qingqing's father, you are not even anything."

Li Xian smiled, and even said with some pride: "From the very beginning, you walked into a clumsy little trick I arranged, but you thought it was me who was deceived."

Li Xian lifted the ancient sword and walked slowly to Dalang Changhong.

He said word by word: "I want to kill you, but the reason is extremely simple. Even if you didn't kill me by Qingniu Lake, even if you gave me Meteorite, even if you helped me before, so what? I Now it's Ye Huaixiu's man, just relying on this reason, is it enough?"

Dalang Changhong's eyes froze suddenly, and he slashed at Li Xian's throat.

With a bang, Dalang Changhong was kicked out by Li Xian.His slender figure was kicked like a shrimp and flew out of the tent. Because he was poisoned, his movements were more than ten times slower than before.This poison is Zhu Yanhong, which Dugu Ruizhi has carefully developed for a long time. It can paralyze people's nerves in an instant and make people's movements slow. Time to talk a lot.

Li Xian walked out of the tent slowly, and stopped not far from Dalang Changhong.

He looked at Dalang Changhong with pitiful eyes and said: "Actually, I sent people to He Dahe Department. Threats to the club are only secondary. The purpose of being in the front is just to attract you. Speaking of it, it is for Ye Huaishu , it seems that I should duel with you upright and fair, so that I can be considered a man, right? I know you think so, but why should I duel with you fairly?"

Li Xian smiled happily, really happy.

"When you used Ye Huaishu, did you ever think about fairness?"

Li Xian squatted down beside him, put away his smile and said solemnly: "However, I don't intend to cut off your limbs or goug out your eyes. It would be a bit petty to do that, although I'm not a gentleman."

He stood up, and the ancient sword stabbed down.



Jia'er returned to the tent with an ugly face, then sat down beside Ye Huaishu and said two words: "Dead."

Ye Huaixiu hummed, but his expression didn't change at all.

"Actually, I guessed what he was going to do when he ordered the army to march towards the Khitan tribe. In fact, I was a little afraid that this day would come. But I know that a man like Li Xian will sooner or later do what he thinks. what you have to do."

Jiaer nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I always thought that he would die in your hands, Miss. That man should be cut to pieces!"

She said with some regret: "I didn't dare to say these words when I was on the grassland. If it wasn't for the sudden incident today, I still wouldn't dare to say it. Wang Changhong may be a little different to Miss. But I Just follow Miss, I am a bystander, so what I see may be different from what you see, since a long time ago, I have regarded Wang Changhong as an enemy."

Ye Huaixiu smiled sadly and said, "I understand, I know you hate Wang Changhong."

"Actually, he died without any regrets."

Ye Huaishu stood up and walked to the door, and said with some emotion: "At least, Wen Jie died before him. If it wasn't because of Chen Wanrong, I'm afraid he would have entered Chang'an by himself and entered the palace to seek Wen Jie's revenge. Yes. Back then, the two senior brothers guarded the Nanchen Palace, and the senior brother himself died of poison, but the revenge should be remembered on Wen Jie. It’s just that he chose the latter between revenge and protecting that woman.”

She turned to look at Qingyuan and Huangluan and said: "Speaking of which, he is your uncle. He is also surnamed Wang, but he comes from the Wang family in Jiangnan."

Qing Yuan and Huang Luan glanced at each other, then shook their heads at the same time, Qing Yuan sighed and said: "These things seem to be far away from us. But if what you said is true, then should we both Hate the general?"

Ye Huaixiu was slightly stunned and did not speak.

In this world, how can love and hate be so simple?

Ye Huaixiu walked slowly to the door, then turned around and said to Jia Er: "We should go back."

Jia Er nodded and followed Ye Huaixiu out of the tent. As she walked, she couldn't help asking: "Miss, are you sad?"


Ye Huaixiu murmured and repeated, carefully tasted the feeling in his heart and shook his head: "Maybe it's not sadness, but an indescribable feeling, as if...lost something."

Then she took a deep breath, smiled and said, "But I definitely didn't get much."

Hearing her words, Jiaer also became happy: "I know why the general knew why Wang Changhong would come and didn't set up an ambush, but faced him alone. No matter what method the general uses to kill Wang Changhong , He did it all by himself. If the general thinks, with the current strength of the general, he only needs to mobilize five hundred cavalry, even if Wang Changhong is a master of swordsmanship, can he still escape?"

Ye Huaixiu hummed and said, "Fortunately..."

"Fortunately what?"

Jiaer asked.

Ye Huaixiu said in his heart, fortunately that idiot was not injured.



Maybe what Ye Huaixiu said is right, Dalang Changhong's saber technique might really be better than Wen Jie's.But one thing is certain, in terms of careful thinking, decisive actions, and ruthless strikes, Dalang Changhong and Wen Jie are by no means on the same level.Therefore, even if Dalang Changhong really seeks revenge on Wen Jie, there is no doubt that he will die.

Answer Lang Changhong's conceit, which is the root of his failure.

The life on the prairie made his self-esteem expand infinitely, and the master was lonely, and if he was lonely for a long time, he would become stupid.

Li Xian was very proud when facing Dalang Changhong, but after the real sword pierced Dalang Changhong's throat, he didn't feel a little proud in his heart.There was no relief, much less joy.He was as calm as if he didn't kill a master, but a sheep.

He waved his hand, and several soldiers ran over immediately.Their faces are a little ugly, because they have neglected their duties.No one noticed that there was an extra person in the general's tent.Li Xian deliberately kept them away from the big tent tonight, and they didn't even hear the crisp sound of Juque sword cutting Dalang Changhong straight knife.

Similarly, Cheng Zhijie, Luo Shixin and others did not know that Li Xian had just experienced a terrible

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