Will Ming

Chapter 358 Prepare to accept punishment.

Chapter 350 is ready to accept punishment.

What Ye Huaixiu said couldn't be changed, and he didn't know if it couldn't change the Juque ancient sword, or couldn't change the fact that Dalang Changhong was dead.There was not much sadness on her face, and she could even say a word with a pun to Li Xian, so it gave people the impression that Ye Huaishu was nothing different from usual.

But Li Xian knew that she was different today.

Killing Dalang Changhong is what Li Xian must do.Aside from the previous relationship between Dalang Changhong and Ye Huaixiu, and aside from Dalang Changhong's care for Ou Siqingqing these years, Li Xian had to kill Dalang Changhong just for one thing.It has nothing to do with women, it has something to do with his big plans in the future.It's about the Khitan tribe, it's about the Mohui, it's about Chen Wanrong, so Dalang Changhong must die.

The size of this layout is beyond imagination.

What's more, Dalang Changhong also had a past with Ye Huaishu.As a selfish man, Li Xian couldn't tolerate Dalang Changhong living.As for whether Ye Huaixiu would be sad or cry, Li Xian knew that he didn't need to comfort him.He killed Dalang Changhong, and then went back to comfort Ye Huaishu, which was a bit hypocritical anyway.

Li Xian knows that he is not a gentleman, and sometimes he is really hypocritical and selfish.But when it comes to his own woman, Li Xian will never tolerate anything.

How long it will take for Ye Huaixiu to recover, maybe she doesn't even know.She doesn't cry, make trouble, don't cry, don't shed tears, and doesn't even change her face, because she knows that crying, crying, and crying can't change anything.From the day she followed Li Xian, she actually knew that what happened today was bound to happen.Li Xian is a man who can't tolerate other men in her heart. When he erases another man in her heart, he will also try his best to erase that man in reality.

No matter in the world or in Ye Huaixiu's heart, Li Xian would not allow this man to exist.

Ye Huaixiu didn't vent because of her reason.

From the day she followed Li Xian, she has been afraid, afraid of this day coming, and she has been persuading herself to be ready for this day.But when that day really came, she still couldn't let go.Although after the long talk with Dalang Changhong on the grassland, Ye Huaishu suddenly realized that she was just a pawn used by Dalang Changhong, but after being used for so many years, how could she be calm?

Alang Changhong's body was carried away by E Lifa, and he left in such a hurry that when Ye Huaishu wanted to look back, the body had already disappeared from sight.

Li Xian didn't explain a word from the beginning to the end, because he and Ye Huaixiu are actually the same type of people.Calm and rational to the extreme, so calm and rational that it is almost monstrous.Perhaps many people will envy this kind of rationality, because rationality can make people feel neither sad nor happy.But only rational people know that their hearts may be more entangled and even panicked.

Ye Huaishu handed the ancient sword Juque to Qing Yuan, and then told Li Xian in a serious tone: "The Juque is one of the most perfect weapons in the world, and it cannot be made more perfect. If you melt it, it will become a If it looks like a knife, then it is nothing more than an ordinary product, the structure of the sword has changed, and it is absolutely impossible to think of it as sharp as before."

Li Xian actually knew this, and he didn't know what he meant by asking that sentence.

The two returned to the big tent one after the other, one sat on the bed and the other sat on the chair, speechless for a long time.

"Can I cry?"

After sitting for a long time, Ye Huaixiu looked at Li Xian and asked.


Li Xian smiled and said, "Even I feel like crying now, let alone you?"

Ye Huaishu walked to Li Xian's side, sat down on the ground, put his chin on Li Xian's knee, hugged Li Xian's leg with both hands, closed his eyes, and wept silently.

Li Xian stroked Ye Huaixiu's smooth long hair with his hand, without saying a word.

The two sat like this all night, her eyes were swollen, and his clothes were wet.

When the sun just rose the next day, Ye Huaixiu got up slowly, smiled apologetically at Li Xian and said, "You still have to go to war today, I'm too self-willed, you should have a good rest."

Li Xian looked into Ye Huaixiu's eyes, stretched out his hand to hold her chin and said seriously: "Don't let yourself be suppressed so hard, okay? You obviously want to cry, cry hoarsely, and obviously want to vent, why force yourself to endure it?" so hard? I waited for you all night, but you didn't do it, so I'm a little sad. Because if a woman wants to hide her feelings from her husband, then there are only two possibilities. The first is this woman's In my heart, the status of the husband is not very important. Second, his husband is incompetent and cannot bear the venting of his wife."

"Husband and wife?"

Ye Huaixiu looked into Li Xian's eyes and repeated, and then tears fell silently again.

"You are my first woman."

Li Xian said solemnly.

Ye Huaixiu was not talking, but suddenly bit Li Xian's arm, biting so hard and so hard.Li Xian frowned slightly, carefully feeling the pain from his arm.Because he knew that at this moment, the pain in his arm was the pain in Ye Huaisu's heart.When her lips and teeth left his arm, there was a circle of deep marks on his arm, with blood oozing faintly.

Ye Huaishu stroked the mark on Li Xian's arm without asking him if it hurt.

"I'm in pain."

she says.

Li Xian nodded, and then said to her seriously: "It can hurt for a few days, but absolutely not for a lifetime."

She bit him, but she said she was in pain.

He knew she was in pain because it really hurt in his arm.



Da Lang Changhong died, and Li Xian was bitten by Ye Huaixiu.But the sun still rises as usual, and the new day is not too late.Before the sun dispelled the morning fog, the horns in the camp blew, and then the wolf riders loyal to Li Xian began to gather.The [-]-man team of Tilige and Kechaqin had already eaten early, and after a short rest, they slowly drove out of the camp in a line.

In addition to the [-]-man team of Tilige and Kechaqin, there were also [-] Yanyunzhai Jingqi led by Cheng Zhijie who set off together.It's just that it's not him who walks in the front of the team, but E Lifa. Behind E Lifa, there is a carriage without a carriage, which carries a stiff and cold corpse.

Luo Shixin personally led three thousand Youzhou elite riders out of the camp, and circled to the other side of He Dahe's tribe.If the war started, his team would strike the Khitans with a fatal blow in the back.

All tribes of the grassland people have an irresistible fear of the Turkic people. During the years when the Turkic people ruled the grassland, they established an absolute hegemony with iron and blood killing. If someone shows disrespect to the Turkic people, then the Turkic people People will send wolf riders to tell disrespectful people with scimitars that there is only one end for disrespect.

There were two [-]-strong wolf cavalry, among which Kechaqin's men were re-integrated from the remnants of the two [-]-strong teams that Ashina drained and Ashina blindfolded.Tilige's wolf cavalry team is composed of people and horses selected from Ashina Quhu's tribe.

These two [-]-man teams are the teams with the greatest military exploits during the eastward advance. In one victory after another, these two [-]-man teams have received Li Xian's promise. They are no longer slaves, but have restored their noble status. Wolf riding identity.Nothing could be better for a slave than this.Because of the inherent habits of the grassland people, they were defeated, so they became slaves.As their master, Li Xian gave them the right to freedom again.

Perhaps in the eyes of Central Plains people, this is a ridiculous thing, because Central Plains Han people emphasize dignity.

It's just that sometimes dignity is expressed in a different way.

As the commander of this war, Cheng Zhijie didn't have any worries in his heart.

Because with the combat strength of [-] wolf cavalry, to deal with a Khitan He Da He Department that is riddled with holes is to hit an egg with a stone.Before E Lifa went to see the Mohui, the current situation of He Dahe Department had been carefully checked.

The army stopped three miles away from the Khitan Heda Hebu camp, and then E Lifa led two hundred wolves to escort the carriage and slowly drove towards the opposite army formation.The Khitan people had been watching the movements in Li Xian's camp. When the Turkic wolf riders gathered in the morning, the Khitan scouts hurried back.Coupled with the fact that Dalang Changhong didn't return all night, the Moroccan Club's heart was already full of anxiety.In fact, last night, the Mohui had already ordered all the cavalry to assemble. When the wolf cavalry of the [-]-man squad drove out of the camp, the Khitan troops were also ready for battle.

It's just that when Mohui saw E Lifa's gloomy face and Dalang Changhong's body on the carriage.There was a sudden shock in his heart, and there was a buzzing in his head, and he lost consciousness in an instant.And the moment Chen Wanrong saw Dalang Changhong's body with a bluish-cold complexion, she let out a scream and fell down softly.


E Lifa looked at Mohui, said only seven words, then turned and left.The two hundred wolf riders turned around and left, bringing out a puff of dust and smoke, and the debris hit Mohui's face, and he felt as if he had been slapped several times, the pain was almost unbearable.Those seven words lingered in his ears, draining all the strength from his whole body.

"Ready to be punished."

Seven words, like a thunderclap.

ps: There are only so many today, sorry.Today’s chapter at noon came out last night after staying up late until one o’clock. I got up at four o’clock in the morning and went to Beijing, and I didn’t come back until seven o’clock in the afternoon.In fact, I didn’t even want to post this chapter, maybe because I was a little tired, my mind was empty and there was nothing, and what I wrote was not what I wanted.In fact, I haven't been in a good state these days, probably because I have spent too much energy on other things,

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