Will Ming

Chapter 359

Chapter 350 IX

In April of the 11th year of the Great Sui Dynasty, Daye Emperor Yang Guang was besieged in Yanmen by an army of 60 troops led by Turkic Shibi Khan himself.Then he made an impossible promise to the Sui army and Min Yong who were guarding the city, and encouraged the soldiers and Min Yong to stick to the city.

He decreed that when the Turks were repelled, all the soldiers who were still standing on the city wall would be named captains, and each would be rewarded with 20 taels of gold.

This is a complete lie, because even if Yang Guang wants to keep his promise, he does not have the ability to keep it. There are tens of thousands of soldiers guarding the city. If so many captains are really awarded, each person will be rewarded with 20 taels of gold. Then even if the Great Sui Dynasty was not destroyed by the Turks, it would become shaky because of this promise.Let alone the matter of gold, let's talk about the official position of the school lieutenant.He is a captain of the sixth rank, leading a regiment of three hundred soldiers.Three hundred for one person, three thousand for ten people, thirty thousand for one hundred people, so what about the tens of thousands of captains?

But because of such a ridiculous promise, the soldiers defending the city still insisted on fighting bloody battles on the city wall.

Later, because more and more Sui troops came to rescue Yanmen Pass, the total number of troops was almost equal to that of the Allied Forces on the Grasslands. Coupled with Princess Yicheng's urgent letter from the north, it was impossible to gain any more benefits. Shibi Khan ordered the army to retreat. It took several months, but the 60 allied forces failed to conquer Yanmen, nor could they set foot on the beautiful rivers and mountains of the Central Plains.

However, it cannot be said that Shibi Khan gained nothing.

He forced the various tribes to attack Yanmen in turn, but the troops of the Turkic royal court had no losses.With the help of this war, Shibi Khan successfully consumed the strength of other tribes in the grassland, especially the powerful tribes of the Xi people, the Khitan people and the Shiwei people, who suffered heavy casualties in this war.Because of this southward movement, the tribes were even more powerless to resist the rule of the Turks.

Another achievement of Shibi Khan is that he successfully killed Ashina Quhu and his less than [-] wolf riders.

Ashina Dujishi's son Ashina's association rate is too small, and the younger one can't inherit his Khan position at all.So Shibi Khan knew that he had to live for a few more years, at least until his son Ashina formed an association and was able to secure the Khan throne.Even if he can't wait for his son to be able to take charge on his own, he will live until he gets rid of all those who threaten his son's succession.

From the past few years, Turkic wizards will hold a huge ceremony every year.I begged Changshengtian to grant the great Shibi Khan a few more years of life, but Changshengtian probably happened to be sleeping late in the past few years and did not hear the begging of the wizards. Instead of getting healthy, Ashina Duojishi's body did not become healthy. A year is not as good as a year.

After reluctantly announcing the order to retreat, Ashina Duoji looked at himself in the mirror, as if he had aged 20 years suddenly, his hair was as white as snow, and his wrinkles were as ravines.

He personally led the troops to cut off the queen, which made the Ai Jins of other tribes breathe a sigh of relief.After the prairie people retreated, the leaders of all walks of life who rushed to Yanmen did not rush to chase and kill the enemy, but went to the city immediately to meet the emperor.Among them are Tang Gong Li Yuan, his son-in-law Yuwen Shiji, and Yang Guang's son.

Yang Guang, who survived the catastrophe, sighed endlessly and rewarded the officials, but he forgot the promise he made to the soldiers defending the city. He couldn't stay here for a minute. The decree was to return to the capital, but after thinking about it, the capital Chang'an was meaningless, and Luoyang, the eastern capital, was besieged by the traitor Li Mi, so the emperor changed his mind again and decreed to go to Jiangdu.



Just as the armies from all walks of life returned to the south, two teams were heading north.

One of them, Luo Yi, the general of Youzhou, personally led [-] tiger and heavy armored cavalry to chase and kill Shibi Khan. He fought five battles in a row and won all five battles. He killed more than [-] Turkic wolf cavalry and other tribal soldiers in one breath. After chasing five hundred miles into the grassland, he returned in triumph.The other branch is thousands of troops from Yanyun Village, led by Xiong Kuohai to protect Ashina Duoduo and Ousi Qingqing, the goal is the territory of the Khitan people.

At the same time, both Luo Yi and Li Yuan's memorials were delivered to Yang Guang.

The contents of the memorials of the two people are almost the same, and they both reveal a sense of shamelessness.

The content of Luo Yi's memorial is that the reason why he didn't rush to Yanmen to rescue him was because he planned to use the tactic called encircling Wei and saving Zhao in the art of war, and sent his son Luo Shixin to gather all the elite soldiers from Youzhou to enter the deep grassland. Sitting in Youzhou by himself to prevent the grassland people from going south from Youzhou, Luo Shixin fought all the way to the Turkic royal court, annihilating countless grassland tribes, killing hundreds of thousands of enemies, and even breaking through Ashina's Quhu camp, capturing his wife Yang Xiuzhen and Son Ashinabutuo.

The content of Li Yuan's memorial is probably that his second son, Li Shimin, led three thousand cavalry into the grassland. He also destroyed countless tribes and killed tens of thousands of enemies. When he was in the territory, Li Shimin led Qingqi starry night to raid the Turkic royal court, killed tens of thousands of enemies, and then returned to the army victoriously. Killed all the wolf riders, but unfortunately failed to save Lu Shisan.However, Yang Xiuzhen and Ashinabutuo, who had been snatched back by the Turks, were taken back.

Yang Guang has already received the news that someone has indeed turned the grassland upside down.So even though he knew the reason why Luo Yi didn't come to rescue him, even though he knew that Li Yuan was lying to his second son who was not yet famous, he still showed the demeanor of a wise gentleman.

After reading these two memorials, Yang Guang made an order.

Jin Hu Benlang appointed Luo Yi as the chief manager of Youzhou, and then gave Luo Shixin the title of Marquis of the Township, and made him a fourth-rank general Wu Benlang.Li Yuan was promoted to be the general manager of Hexi Road, and Taiyuan stayed behind.Li Yuan's second son, Li Shimin, was granted the title of son of the county, and he was a general of the fourth rank Xiong Wulang.

It seems that everyone is happy.

However, after issuing these two decrees, he issued another two decrees.

Xue Shixiong, the general of Zuowei, was appointed to stay in Zhuojun, and he was the prime minister of the military and horse affairs of the Hebei counties.As a result, Luo Yi was firmly stuck.Speaking of it, he, the chief executive of Youzhou, has a false reputation, because Yang Guang gave Xue Shixiong the right to mobilize soldiers and horses from the counties in Hebei.

Then he issued an order to Li Yuan, because the counties in Hexi had just been hit by war, so the people in Hexi should be exempted from taxes for one year.It is precisely because of this that in order not to increase the burden on the people, the number of soldiers and horses under Li Yuan's command should not exceed [-].

On the way to the south, Yang Guang issued these four orders.

After ordering Pei Ju to draw up the decree, Yang Guang looked very happy, very happy, and the emperor sitting on the luxurious imperial chariot was so happy that he couldn't help laughing.Empress Xiao hadn't seen the emperor happy like this for a long time, so she couldn't help asking why he was so happy.Yang Guang was as proud as a child who took advantage, and said proudly: "Luo Yi wants to be the chief executive, and Li Yuan wants to give his son fame, and I will give them both, but... I think I don't understand how dirty they are. Thoughts? I let them suffer, and I have to kowtow to thank you!"

Because of his happiness, his appetite also improved.It was rare for Empress Xiao to see that Her Majesty wanted to eat, so she quickly ordered people to prepare meals.Just when Yang Guang took a sip of the wine, before the chopsticks were stretched out to pick up the food, an eunuch hurried in, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, it's not good."

After hearing what the eunuch reported, Yang Guang suddenly lost his appetite.He threw the chopsticks on the table and said angrily: "Could it be that you don't even want your home because of a wolf cub?"

The emperor went south and decreed to strangle Ashina Quhu's son Ashinabutuo to death.But Yang Xiuzhen was granted the title of princess, with five hundred households in Shiyi.

Yang Xiuzhen hanged herself on the way to the south.



After Li Yuan returned to Taiyuan, he hosted a banquet to celebrate that his second son Li Shimin was appreciated by His Majesty, and he was directly named the county son, and he was also named a fourth-rank Xiongwulang general.This is a unique thing after the founding of the Sui Dynasty. No one has ever been able to receive such a heavy reward at Li Shimin's age, including Yu Wenshu's three sons.

So Li Yuan was very happy, and he didn't seem to care about the emperor's other will at all.

At the banquet, Li Yuan stood up and toasted: "Our Li family has two big happy events today, so we must celebrate them. First, it is His Majesty's kindness. He thought of the sufferings of the people in the Hexi counties and the chaos for a year. Taxes, this is a great thing that benefits millions of people, and it is worth drinking a big cup!"

He drank the wine in the glass, and the maid filled the glass for him.Li Yuan said with a smile: "The second happy event is that Shimin was granted the title of magistrate because of his military achievements, and His Majesty made an exception and directly promoted him to be a general from the fourth rank. ! Shimin, you did a good job!"

Li Shimin got up quickly, his face turned red and said: "My child has such a small contribution, all thanks to my father's teaching and my brother's help!"

Li Yuan waved his hand and said, "You lived alone in the old mansion in Longxi since you were young, and I neglected to teach you. You have to work hard to have this ability. As for your elder brother Jiancheng, he knows your ability and allows you to lead the army out of the fortress. That's it." , Jianjian did a good job. I am very happy that you brothers know each other and trust each other.”

Li Shimin said solemnly: "Although the child has not been with the father these years, the father has sent someone to assess the child every year. The progress of the child is inseparable from the supervision of the father. The eldest brother is kind and tolerant, allowing the child to mess around. The child is inexplicably grateful."

Li Jiancheng stood up and said a few polite words, smiling all over his face.He assisted Li Yuan in doing things a few years ago, and he has already experienced it.Speak decently, steadily and generously.Compared with Li Shimin, he seems a lot more mature and prudent.

It's just that after hearing the reward given by the emperor to the second son Li Shimin, three of them frowned slightly at the same time, and took a sip from their wine glasses almost at the same time, to cover up their slight gaffe.Then, as if sensing something, the three looked up at each other's face at the same time.From each other's eyes, they both saw the other's worry.

Of these three people, one is Chen Yinshou

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