Will Ming

Chapter 360 Surrender or Resistance?

(Thanks to yuanjie9, sznr, Luo Chenhe for their rewards, thank you! By the way)

Chapter 360 Surrender or Resistance?

Looking at the past, the green grassland looks extraordinarily beautiful, and the endless green makes people feel refreshed.It's just that three miles to the west of Khitan He Da He Bu's camp, the neat twenty square formations made the grassland a bit more chilling.Black armor and red cloak, this is the iconic attire of the Turkic wolf riders. It seems that these two ten-thousand-man teams are no different from ordinary wolf riders, but if you look closely, you will find that what they are wearing is not a symbol of nobility. Pedigree Turkic wolf flag.

It is not difficult to make the prairie people change the object of allegiance, but it is extremely difficult to make them change their beliefs.The flags that the two ten thousand teams were flying were not the wolf-headed banners, but Li Xian knew that it would be impossible for them not to believe in the wolf god.Therefore, their flag still retains the wolf pattern, just to distinguish it from other Turkic teams. The ferocious wolf head on the original wolf flag was changed to a flying wolf with wings.

On top of the flying wolf, there is also a very representative black knife.

This is the new banner named by Li Xian as the Turkic of the Flying Wolf tribe, and he is honored as the Heidao Khan by the tribe.

Facing the [-]-man squadron of the Flying Wolf Army, there were thousands of cavalry from the Khitan He Dahe Division. No matter in terms of equipment or morale, they could not compare with the murderous Flying Wolf cavalry on the opposite side.

Mo Hui stopped in front of the Khitan cavalry with an extremely ugly face, and he looked at the neat formation of troops opposite him, and his heart was turbulent and it was difficult to calm down.Before he sent Mo Sida to negotiate with the Turkic people, but the Turkic people simply ignored him.When Mosta returned to the Khitan camp, he didn't bring any good news, but he found out the cause of Dalang Changhong's death.

"How could he be so impulsive?"

Mo Hui muttered angrily, then looked back at the direction of the tribe.Her wife Chen Wanrong fainted the moment she saw Dalang Changhong's body, which made Mohui feel a strange emotion in her heart.Answer Lang Changhong is his most effective stopper. When he wandered to the Khitan tribe, he was kindly invited by him to stay.After so many years, Dalang Changhong has done many things for the Morocco Association and made a lot of contributions.But even so, Chen Wanrong's reaction seemed a little too unusual.

You must know that Chen Wanrong is not a little woman who will be scared and panic when she sees blood or small animals.She has been fighting with Mohui all these years, and she has seen too many dead people, and even the two palms of the people who have killed with her own hands cannot be counted.How could a woman who had adapted to the battlefield and was used to watching life and death faint from fright by a cold, bluish corpse?

Ke Mohui is not in the mood and has no time to think about it carefully at this time, and he doesn't even have time to think about whether his wife has woken up.What he needs to face now is not an ordinary war, but a matter of the life and death of the tribe.

Mo Sida was also surprised and angry. He said that Lang Changhong was going to spy on the Turkic army, so how dare he recklessly assassinate the Turkic army's commander?Although Mosta did not find out who the Turkic general who came to lead the army this time was, he knew that with the character of the Turkic people, they would never give up revenge easily for such provocative behavior. People originally planned to exterminate the Khitan clan.

This is equivalent to Dalang Changhong giving the Turks an excuse to send troops immediately.

"Dalang Changhong has always been steady, I don't think he would do such impulsive things?"

After thinking for a long time, Mo Sida still didn't believe that Dalang Changhong would take the initiative to assassinate the Turkic coach: "Could it be that he was discovered when he sneaked into the Turkic camp, and then he was besieged and killed by the Turkic people, and the Turkic people used this method to kill him?" An excuse to attack us?"


Mohui said angrily, "Didn't you see Dalang Changhong's body? He only had one fatal wound!"

He recalled the wound on Lang Changhong's neck, and a kind of fear began to spread in his heart: "Lang Changhong is the number one warrior of our He Da He Department, and can even be said to be the number one warrior of our Khitan Eight Department, but he was Someone pierced the throat, there are no other wounds on the body, Mosta, can't you guess what this means?"


Mosta sighed and said, "The general who led the Turkic wolf cavalry this time is a true warrior."

"Soldiers are elite, generals are brave..."

Mohui sighed: "This time, maybe we are so big and our tribe is really going to suffer a disaster."

"I'll go again!"

Mosta gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, I want to see the Turkic Marshal. As long as I can prevent the war from befalling our tribe, even if I prostrate at his feet, I have no complaints."


Mo Hui waved his hands and said in a desolate tone: "I am the leader of the tribe, this time, I will go by myself!"



Contrary to Mohui's expectations, he brought only one servant to the Turkic army and did not encounter any difficulties. When he expressed that he wanted to see the leading marshal, Ye Hu, a [-]-strong team named Kechaqin, told him , this time the one who led the tribe was not some marshal, but the great Heidao Khan.

Because Mohui came in person, Kechaqin didn't hide anything anymore.

Black Knife Khan?

Mo Hui had never heard of this name, so his first reaction was that there was a rebellion in the Turkic court, which was a tribe that rebelled against the royal court.No longer obeying the orders of Sibi Khan, that is to say, this is a rebel army.But when Mohui realized this, instead of relaxing, he became even more worried.The Turkic Royal Court will also speak some truths, so as not to do too much.But a rebel army can't figure it out according to common sense. In order to snatch a piece of fertile pasture, slaughtering a tribe seems nothing to the rebel army.

"The great Black Sword Khan is merciful. Although your tribal warriors sneaked into the Khan's tent, the Khan knows that it is not necessarily from your order, and, with the khan's martial arts, kill an assassin It's as easy as pulling a weed. But the Khan is angry because you have not come to explain. You think you can forgive your crime by sending a small Khan?"

Ke Chaqin curled his lips and said: "I can tell you the truth, the Khan's order is that if you have not come to plead guilty by the time the sun rises to the highest point, then I will lead your tribe with the invincible wolf cavaliers." Razed to the ground."

Mo Hui felt relieved when he heard this sentence, knowing that the matter had not reached the point of no return.

He hurriedly said humbly and sincerely: "Ye Hu, I'm here to apologize, please help me say a few good words in front of Heidao Khan, my tribe and I will be grateful for your kindness."

"Good words?"

Ke Chaqin sneered and said, "I'll leave it to you to say good things. What I have to do now is just wait for the sun to rise to the highest point. I like wars, because every war will bring us countless cattle and sheep. There are slaves. We have wiped out a dozen tribes all the way east, and I like to speak with a machete."

"Ye Hu..."

Mo Hui asked: "Then please take me to see Khan."

"Go yourself, have you seen the tallest banner, the black knife Khan is there, I wish you to impress the Khan before the sun rises to the highest point, because my machete can't wait to kill .I wish you luck, Ajin, though I don't like you, nor your tribe."

Ke Chaqin smiled coldly, then turned and left.

Mohui looked at the largest flag flying on the high slope, and took a deep breath. Instead of riding a horse, he walked over with his entourage on foot.While walking, Mohui prayed in his heart, hoping to resolve the tribal crisis.He doesn't ride a horse, not because he is not in a hurry, but because he knows that he has to be humble enough, because at this time, he is a weak person.

On the grassland, the weak are not qualified to gallop on horses with their heads held high.



In front of the big flag on the high slope was a reclining chair, and on the left side of the reclining chair was the big black umbrella that had been repaired. I have to say that Ye Huaixiu's ability is really admirable.The black umbrella blocks the sunlight, and under the shadow of the black umbrella, you will not feel the glare of the sun, so the person lying comfortably on the recliner seems to have fallen asleep, and the sleep is very sweet.

On the left and right of him stood a young girl with a graceful figure and a beautiful face.One was carrying a large iron gun, and the other was holding a long and narrow wooden box in his arms.

Sleeping on the recliner was a handsome young man who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

On the grass on his right side, there is a black knife without a sheath.

When he saw the black knife, Mo Hui didn't know why his heart skipped a beat.He seemed to feel that the cold aura on the black knife was very familiar, but he had obviously never seen it before.He walked slowly to the reclining chair not far away, then put his right hand on his heart and knelt down on one knee, and said in a sincere tone: "The Khitan people will meet you, see Khan!"

The handsome young man ignored him, but turned his head slightly with his eyes closed and asked the girl beside him, "Why, hasn't the sun risen to the highest point yet?"

The girl nodded and said, "So this person is still alive."


Mo Hui's heart suddenly exploded like a river and sea, he stood up abruptly and took a few steps back, looked at the handsome young man in disbelief, then raised his head to look at the flying flag.As if feeling his panic and uneasiness, the boy slowly sat up on the recliner, yawned and then slowly opened his eyes to look at Mohui.

"Are you a Han? How can a Han become a khan on the grassland?"

Mo Hui's face became even uglier, and he almost subconsciously asked

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