Will Ming

Chapter 361

Chapter 360 I Can Only Say Obedience

Li Xian stood up, walked slowly to Mohui not far away, looked him in the eyes, he didn't speak, just quietly waiting for Mohui's answer.Although Mohui is also a person who has experienced many battles, he still can't resist the pressure in Li Xian's sight.This kind of eyes is not something that ordinary people can express deliberately. Although he is not very old, the kind of experience and domineering in his eyes can also inadvertently make people feel intimidated.

When Mo Hui saw this look, his first reaction was how many people did this young man kill?

He subconsciously took another step back, and then touched his waist unnaturally.But after groping a few times, he suddenly remembered that he didn't bring a machete at all to show his sincerity.At the moment of reacting, Mo Hui felt his face was slightly hot, because he suddenly thought that Dalang Changhong, whose martial arts were many times better than his own, died in the hands of this young man last night, and he was in a Tens of thousands of wolves were hit, so what if they brought a knife?

"We haven't met."

Li Xian smiled and said: "But you will never forget that your daughter Qingqing went to the Central Plains with a Han man. I am that Han man, and I am back."

"You took Qingqing away, and then came back to threaten Qingqing's father?"

Mo Hui asked in fluent Chinese.

At this moment, he briefly forgot that he was Ai Jin from He Da He Department, but remembered his other identity, Ou Siqingqing's father.

"If it wasn't for Qingqing, your tribe would have been razed to the ground."

Li Xian smiled and said, "You should know that I'm not threatening you. I've never thought it interesting to threaten people. Only the weak will say silly things like wait and see after being bullied. Strong enough, why wait and see what to say? So, I hope to get your answer before my patience is exhausted, and the promise I made to you by Er Li before still counts. If you surrender, half of the pastures of Khitan Babu It's yours, I want the other half."

"I need to discuss with the elders of the tribe."

Mo Hui thought for a while and replied.

"You let me down"

Li Xian sighed, then turned around and ordered: "Blow the horn, let Kechaqin and Tilige attack. If the two of them don't eat up the thousands of Khitan cavalry ahead in half an hour, tell them not to come see me again." .”


His personal soldiers responded, then turned and walked towards the orderly standing at the highest point.

"Khan ordered, blow the horn to attack!"

The soldier yelled loudly.

"do not want!"

Mo Hui rushed forward a few steps to try to stop the soldier, but stopped when he saw Li Xian's playful eyes: "If you do this, you will suffer losses! Although my soldiers are not as many as yours, , but they are brave enough, if you want to kill them, at least you have to pay the same price!"

"So what?"

Li Xian smiled and said gently, "The ones who died were Turks and Khitans, but I am a Han."


Morhui opened his mouth, and then he heard the sound of a horn.

"I surrender!"

When he saw that the wolf riders in front had started to press forward, he yelled hoarsely and then knelt down on one knee: "Khitan He Da He Department, willing to obey the order of Heidao Khan!"

Li Xian sighed with some disappointment: "Why do people always know they are afraid when the knife rests on their necks? You may not know, I never like to take back the orders I gave. As a leader, if you say something There are so many unbelievers, how can you command the soldiers to fight? The soldiers will think that what I say is a joke, and they will never carry out my orders seriously. I am very happy that you surrender, but your surrender is a little slower. It's overwhelming, I believe you are very clear about this."

He turned his head and walked towards the reclining chair, and then ordered in a calm tone: "Take this man down. Then tell Kechaqin and Tilige, don't rush into the camp after killing all the Khitan cavalry, He Dahe Department Ai Jin has already agreed to be a vassal."

"You can't do this! I have promised to belong to you."

Mo Hui cried out almost pleadingly.

"I welcome you very much."

Li Xian smiled, lay down on the recliner again, closed his eyes, and looked peaceful.

It's just that in his heart, he himself thought helplessly that his mood was still a little messed up because of what happened to Lang Changhong, and that's why he had such a strong killing intent. However, he would not regret the order he gave.He has never regretted anything he has done, and the word regret will never appear in his dictionary.There was the sound of horns in the distance, the sound of horseshoes stamping on the ground, and then the sound of fighting.



Tilige and Kechaqin didn't expect the thousands of Khitan warriors to be so tenacious. The battle lasted for more than an hour before it ended. After losing nearly a thousand wolf cavalry, they defeated the Khitan cavalry. The army besieged thousands of cavalry, which was not a happy victory for the Turks.But it's no wonder that more than half of the thousands of cavalry from the Khitan He Da He Department survived the nearly two-year war with Xi Ren, and it can be said that they are all the best of the best.

During the two years of war, the Khitan He Dahe tribe suffered a baptism of war. Although a large number of knights were lost, all the soldiers who survived the experience were elite.

Originally, the Mohui wanted to make a comeback with these thousands of cavalry, taking advantage of the opportunity when the Xiren tribe's brigade went south to fight, and took back the grassland that was taken by Xiren in one fell swoop.However, he did not expect that the disaster would come so suddenly, and because of his own hesitation, thousands of elites were killed like this.

Ye Huaixiu walked to Li Xian's side and sat down on the grass.

"If you do this, will Qingqing blame you when she arrives?"

"It's weird."

Li Xian's face was still calm, thinking of the girl with natural white when he first met on the snow mountain, he smiled knowingly, he turned his head to look at Ye Huaixiu and said: "You should know that even if Mohui immediately agrees to surrender, I still have to give up. Kill those Khitan cavalry."

"I know."

Ye Huaishu nodded and said: "But I'm worried, Qingqing can't figure it out, even if she figured it out, those people who died are all her tribe's folks."

"She'll understand."

Li Xian looked at the beautiful cotton-like clouds in the blue sky and said: "Those cavalrymen are elite, but they will give up their hearts on fighting against the horses. I am going to let Qingqing come back to be the leader of the entire Khitan tribe. How could it be possible to leave so many to obey others' orders?" Even if Mohui is her father, I will not allow it. Whether she is willing or not, the Khitan tribe is hers, which has been destined since the day she followed me."

"She must have soldiers who are loyal to herself, and people who are loyal to herself. I will not kill her father, and I may not even kill Chen Wanrong, but I cannot allow the grassland people to question my order, or even hesitate. I said One is one, even if it is clearly two, they can’t say that it is two. If you want to gain a foothold on the grassland, the Turkic way is the most correct. The benevolence, righteousness and morality of the Han people in the Central Plains will not work here. Before going back to the Central Plains, I must do one thing...to make those grassland people tremble when they recall my name, unable to resist."

He smiled and said, "Prairie people are invincible, so let them surrender."

Although Ye Huaixiu knew what Li Xian's plan was, he was still shocked when he heard Li Xian's words.She knew that, behind Li Xian's indifferent words, she didn't know how many killings there would be, and she didn't know how many feet high the waves of blood would be, and how many lives could be engulfed.



As Li Xian said, one of the reasons he ordered to kill those Khitan cavalry was to give Ou Siqingqing.Some people might say that leaving the thousands of troops from He Dahe's department to Qingqing, they will be her personal soldiers in the future, and they will be very easy to use.But Li Xian didn't think so. He would rather let Ou Siqingqing return with zero power in his hands than let her control an unstable power.

Another point is that Li Xian told all the Khitan people, including Mohui, by killing them.Once their orders are issued, they will not change. They have only two choices, either submit immediately or resist immediately.Of course, the price of resistance is being killed.

After those thousands of cavalry were massacred, Morocco deeply realized this.

"Do you think it's unacceptable that I sent someone to ask you to surrender, but after you decided to surrender, I ordered the slaughter of your soldiers?"

Li Xian looked at Mo Hui and a group of elders from the He Da He Department who were kneeling below.

Mo Hui raised his head and looked at Li Xian. There was not much hatred in his eyes, but he didn't look angry, and he looked a little numb.He opened his mouth, but his mind was in chaos and he didn't know what to say.His thoughts were very confused. For a while, he thought that the tribe had suffered heavy losses because of his hesitation, and for a while, he thought of the inseparable relationship between the high-ranking man in front of him and his daughter.

"I'll tell you."

Sitting on the seat on the high platform, Li Xian bent down to look at Mohui and said, "I told you that I would give you half of the pastures of the entire Khitan tribe, and I would give it to you. I told you that you have no time to hesitate, so you just give it to me." No. Got it?"

"My tribe has no more soldiers."

Mohui smiled wryly and said, "Khan, do you think my tribe still has value?"

Li Xian stretched out a finger and shook it, "It's not your tribe."

Mohui was startled, then slowly lowered his head and said, "Yes, it's your tribe, the great Heidao Khan."

"It is my tribe, there is no doubt about it."

Li Xianwei

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