Will Ming

Chapter 362 Is One Enough?

Chapter 360 Is One Enough?

In fact, there is no need for Li Xian to be too direct, Mo Hui also knows what he means.After seeing Li Xian's ruthless methods, how could he not guess what this young man who looks gentle but is actually as vicious as a snake and as fierce as a tiger is thinking?Li Xian just told him, you go to contact people from other tribes to resist me. After hearing this, Mohui seemed to see a blood curtain covering Changshengtian.

Back in his big tent, Mohui sat on the felt blanket without saying a word.

His wife, Chen Wanrong, had already woken up. When she learned that Li Xian was the one who brought a large group of people to the Khitan grassland, she was also extremely shocked.She knew that Li Xian had established an entire county in the Central Plains, and he was already a veritable green forest magnate, so she wrote three letters to Li Xian without telling Mohui, hoping to get a response from Li Xian in the Central Plains, but unfortunately , She didn't wait for Li Xian's reply.

If she knew the fate of those three letters, she might be so angry that she would curse Li Xian to die.For those three letters, Li Xian forced Wang Qinian to wipe his ass.Wang Qinian asked Li Xian why he had to use these papers to wipe his butt. Li Xian told him that this was a handwritten letter written by a beautiful woman, and it was just right for wiping your butt.Wang Qinian understood, he guessed in his heart that this beauty must not be available to the general, and then he felt resentful, and wiped his ass with the letter written by her.It's just... Wang Qinian couldn't understand why he had to let me wipe it?

Sitting next to Mohui, she still had an ugly expression on her face.The death of Dalang Changhong gave her a huge blow. Although she didn't show much enthusiasm for Dalang Changhong in the past, she was used to the existence of Dalang Changhong and the man who had been by her side for 20 years. Unyielding guardianship.After Dalang Changhong died, she suddenly realized that Dalang Changhong was so important in her heart.

It's just that she awakened a little later, and the person who loves her has already stepped on the road of reincarnation first.

When she looked at the corpse, she remembered that when she was a little girl living a carefree life in the Nanchen Palace, he always followed behind her with a knife in his hand, never saying a word, When she asked a question, he would answer it in a very boring and serious manner.He is not humorous, and he does not know how to please women, but he has never left. Chen Wanrong only wants to understand one thing now. It turns out that when she was still in the Nanchen Palace, she had been having fun all day long. Get used to his presence.

In Nanchen, she was used to stepping on his shoulders to catch the paper kites hanging on the rockery. Although with his skill, she could pick them off for her with a light jump, she preferred to step on his solid body to go by herself. Catch, he always stands firm.She was used to sitting in his arms and riding a horse. Although she had been able to gallop alone a long time ago, she felt so warm and secure in his arms.

Nan Chen Guo was broken, and she fled all the way to Saibei.During the days without him by her side, she lived in misery, pitifulness and anxiety all day long.Later, when she went to the grassland, she was forced to stay by Mohui. Although she was unwilling to refuse the appointment, she naively thought that Mohui might replace him as her patron saint in the future.

She tried very hard to treat Mohui as him, but unfortunately, what Mohui wanted was for her to adapt to the grassland life, not to change herself to adapt to her.

Later, he pursued all the way and found her alone with a knife.

That night, Mo Hui was drunk, she and him indulged heartily on the grassland, and their two fiery bodies were entangled together for a long, long time.Later, she had a daughter, but this daughter had the characteristics of a prairie person, so she didn't like this daughter, very much.She even had the idea of ​​drowning the child when Ou Siqingqing was still in her infancy, because it wasn't his blood that flowed in the child's body.

Later, he became the number one warrior of the Khitan tribe, and he didn't know how many women fell in love with him, and he didn't know how many women poured out their love to him on a moonlit night, but he still stubbornly and coldly rejected those women.She knew that he had only met two women in his life, one was himself and the other was Mohui's wife.When he learned that she was married, he crazily raped Mohui's wife because he hated him, and then he created the illusion that Mohui's wife fell off a horse and died, hiding it from everyone, but not from her.

She knew that he had never touched Ye Huaixiu because he felt guilty towards Ye Huaixiu.

So she is very proud and proud, and she is always confident when facing Ye Huaishu.

But all of this has become the past, a memory.

When she woke up, she knew who the murderer was.But... the first thing she thought of was not revenge, but that young man named Li Xian, why did he suddenly have such a powerful strength, did he have a chance to seize this strength?

Bo Liang is like this, and he doesn't know if Dalang Changhong will sigh a long time under the Nine Springs.

She looked at Mohui, looked at her husband's frowning, thought about the boy's order, and then remembered that her daughter would become the leader of the entire Khitan tribe. When that day came, she felt that her daughter's things would be natural. It's your own thing.The entire Khitan tribe, numbering 10, has become her strength!

She then thought that since Li Xian was going to make Ou Siqingqing the lord of Khitan, then Li Xian would not stay on the grassland for long, so why was she worried?The daughter will not ignore the mother's words, and the daughter has no right not to listen, isn't it?She asked in her heart, and then she gave herself an affirmative answer, that's it, that's it.



"If you plan to do that, Ai Jin, you should do it as soon as possible..."

Mosta looked at Mohui's uncertain face, hesitated for a while, and persuaded: "It won't be long before the news of our tribe's warriors being slaughtered by Heidao Khan will spread, and then those hateful guys will It's hard to be fooled again. Ai Jin, if you don't want to go, I can contact those people on behalf of our He Da He Department... That Black Khan Khan's methods are too ruthless, if we don't follow suit, just I'm afraid that they will really be exterminated."

Mo Hui knew that what Mo Sida said was not alarmist. Li Xian led 10,000+ tribes here for the first time, and it was time for him to show his prestige. He would never be lenient.During the daytime, the thousands of cavalry from He Da He's Department is a proof. Li Xian still ordered the massacre of the cavalry even though they had surrendered.

"That's not what I'm worried about right now."

Mohui sighed and said: "Although the Black Sword Khan is aggressive, he only has tens of thousands of wolf riders, but he intends to conquer the entire Khitan tribe. If the war drags on for a long time, when the Southern Expedition Army returns, he will Seeing that we can't win and take the tribe away, what about us?"

He worried: "How big and what tribe are we, will become the enemy of all Khitan people!"

"Look forward and backward!"

Chen Wanrong sneered and said: "Now that you have surrendered to Heidao Khan, is there any other way for our He Da He Department to go? Instead of having time to worry about the future, you might as well think more about the present If it weren't for your hesitation, Dalang Changhong would not have died, and neither would the thousands of tribal warriors. At this moment, don't you understand?"

"To shut up!"

Mo Hui suddenly turned his head and scolded.

For the first time in so many years, he glared at Chen Wanrong.

Chen Wanrong was taken aback by his appearance, subconsciously shrunk back and looked back, but she didn't see Dalang Changhong standing behind her, and it dawned on her that he would not appear by her side any time in the future .It's just that this feeling of sadness was quickly suppressed by her, she straightened her chest, looked straight into Mohui's eyes and asked without flinching: "Am I not right? Ai Jin, it is because of your hesitation, The tribe will face disaster. If you had been more decisive at the beginning, would there have been such a huge loss?"

She sneered and said: "Everyone in the tribe is waiting for your decision, whether it is to surrender or fight, they will obey your orders. Even if you choose to die rather than submit, tens of thousands of herdsmen from the Heda He tribe will follow you to die! You are still hesitating until now, do you wait for the Black Knife Khan to order the beheading of thousands of people tomorrow morning before you pretend to cry, and then pretend to be embarrassed to contact other tribes?"


Mohui slapped Chen Wanrong hard on the mouth, forcefully.This blow was extremely abrupt and fierce.Chen Wanrong's body fell to one side after being beaten, bright red blood immediately overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and a red handprint was clearly visible on her fair face.

Chen Wanrong sat up straight slowly, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth but showed no fear.She smiled, and then said in the most contemptuous tone: "Ai Jin, do you only use force against your own wife?"

She got up slowly, and said as she walked out: "If you use the courage of beating your wife to fight Heidao Khan, then your wife will die with you."

Mohui was shocked, and looked at Chen Wanrong's back with apology.



Chen Wanrong walked into the tent that had been vacant at the club, which belonged to Ou Siqingqing.Although the daughter has been away for several years, the tent has not been removed.The tent is still kept clean, and there are many brand new daily necessities.The most rare thing is that there is a big bronze mirror in this tent, and beside the bronze mirror are placed a lot of rouge and gouache bought from merchants in the Central Plains, as well as various beautiful jewelry.

Chen Wanrong sat down in front of the bronze mirror and looked at herself in the mirror.

She raised her hand and gently stroked the burning cheeks, and when her fingers touched the already swollen face, the pain intensified a bit, and there was still a trace of unwiped blood on the corner of her mouth, which made her feel sick. Her face looks deformed, but she still looks beautiful.

She let down her hair, then picked up a comb and combed the black hair carefully.She combed her hair like a Central Plains woman, and then inserted a golden hairpin on her head.Cover red, swollen handprints with rouge, then wipe away

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