Will Ming

Chapter 363 You Are Qingqing's Mother

(Thanks to Shenlan, Hualuo recalls each other, for the rewards of Liu Dashen, Yushi Zhongcheng, and Gray Crow, thank you for the monthly pass of qq5628. Friends who are members can check if the monthly pass voted for last month has been restored. If If you have a monthly pass, I hope you can vote for Jiangming, thank you.)

Chapter 360 Three You Are Qingqing's Mother

Chen Wanrong is a woman who seems to have a dual temperament. She is as charming as water and as fierce as fire. She carefully dressed herself in Ou Siqingqing's tent. She was born in the Nanchen Palace. She is naturally far better than ordinary women in dressing up .She even cleverly concealed the redness and swelling on the right cheek, if you don't look carefully, you can't see anything at all.

She admired her body in the bronze mirror, not only admiring, but even she herself was a little fascinated by this almost perfect body.She took off her clothes, and gently slid her fingers over her body, starting from the neck, slid across the proudly standing chest, and lingered on the two still bright red buds, when she let out a moan of ecstasy Afterwards, she knew her body had responded, but it wasn't enough.

What she was going to meet was Li Xian, who now had the status of Heidao Khan, so she felt that she should put her body in a state of excitement.She knows how to please a man and what kind of body a man likes. She needs to warm up her body so that she can fascinate that little man.

So her fingers slowly slid down, and finally stopped at the slightly wet cave entrance, and found the familiar spot that was already a little raised. She closed her eyes, thinking back to Dalang Changhong on the grassland, by the Qingniu Lake, on the mountainside The passion under Qingsong, as the slender white fingers continued to tease, her body trembled slightly, but she forcibly held back the desire to shout out, forcing her fingers to leave the bulge that could bring her happiness .

She needs her body to be in a state of excitement. When the pleasure is on the verge of breaking out, she clenched her teeth and stopped, putting herself in a state of extreme desire, not up or down.

Somewhere the water has turned into a stream, and she knows that this state is the most perfect.

Then she put on that water-green long skirt meticulously and even cautiously. She forgot how long she hadn’t put on a Central Plains woman’s long skirt, so her movements were a bit jerky when she put it on, and because the skirt was a little tight when she walked, So she can't stride as much as she used to.

The waist is slender. You must know that this dress was tailor-made for Ou Siqingqing, but Ou Siqingqing didn't have time to take it away. Ou Siqingqing's figure is very good, and the long skirt just fits the girl's waist. But Chen Wanrong still fits well in this long dress. From this, we can see how enviable her figure is.

She took lotus steps, nodded slightly, her face flushed, and she wanted to refuse to welcome.

This kind of appearance, even the monk who practiced painstakingly, would be shocked when he saw it.Even the most incompetent man wants to show off his glory when he sees her silky eyes, and even Dalang Changhong, who has tasted her body countless times, will be obsessed at this moment if he is resurrected.

When she saw the uncontrollable fiery desire in the eyes of the Turkic wolf riders who blocked her, she knew she had succeeded.No man can resist the charm of this body at this moment, absolutely not.Chen Wanrong has this self-confidence. She used her elegance to fascinate the entire He Dahe tribe, the entire Khitan tribe, and even Ashina Quhu. Couldn't she be fascinated by the young man she thought was still a little bit young? ?

What I have to admit is that Chen Wanrong is prettier than Ou Siqingqing.

It has to be admitted that Chen Wanrong is more feminine than Ou Siqingqing.

Hearing the whistles and suppressed screams of those wolf riders, Chen Wanrong felt her body tremble slightly. The pleasure that she had controlled before was struck again by the eyes of many men who made no secret of their possessive desire. Now, she felt that she couldn't help it anymore, and there was a trace of slippery between her legs.

She couldn't wait, so when she walked into Li Xian's big tent, she seemed a little hurried.

She came out more quickly, went in, flew out, and landed with a bang.

Chen Wanrong carefully dressed to hide the palm print on her right cheek, but at this moment, she couldn't hide the palm print on her left cheek, nor could she hide the burning pain on her face and the almost violent shame in her heart.She never thought that she would be rejected by a man in such a rough and simple way.

Maybe it was shame, maybe it was anger, she forced herself to sit up from the ground, and then looked at Li Xian with calm eyes as much as possible.

Just when she was thinking about what to say, she heard the boy who was already aloof despite being young asked in a very tender and compassionate tone: "One, is it enough?"

Then, the curtain of the big tent was gently opened, and Chen Wanrong saw Ye Huaixiu in a white dress come out gracefully.In an instant, Chen Wanrong's eyes were wide open, and the anger and embarrassment that had been suppressed by all means burst out of her eyes like a vast ocean.

"Because of Qingqing, I can't kill her. It's just that I've wronged you... If I can't kill her, then I have to slap her for you. If one slap is not enough for you, then I can give you a few more slaps."

Li Xian looked at his palm, smiled and said gently: "I suddenly realized that hitting a woman who deserves to be hit is such a wonderful feeling. It's so wonderful that people don't want to stop."

Ye Huaixiu didn't speak, nor did he express anything.

Li Xian looked back at her and said, "I can hit her, but you can't."


Ye Huaixiu asked.

Li Xian replied seriously: "It's not good for two women to fight, and they will always look out of style. I don't want to see the magnificent Master Ye and this woman wrestle together like a shrew, rolling around on the grass The way you go, don’t you think it’s very ugly?”

Ye Huaixiu was slightly taken aback, thought for a while and nodded, "It's really ugly... But you are a man, if you hit her, wouldn't you be afraid of losing your demeanor?"

Li Xian asked with a smile: "Then what do you think, after I hit her, did I lose my grace, or did I have a special grace?"

Ye Huaixiu was speechless, but he didn't feel that it was a shameful thing for Li Xian to hit a woman, nor did he feel that this slap in the face took away his demeanor.



Li Xian waved his hand and said, "Since you don't intend to hit her, then I won't either."

Chen Wanrong stood up and patted the dust and broken leaves on the water-green dress. She tried her best to control her emotions, but she still couldn't suppress it.

"Ye Huaixiu, you've won this time."

She looked at Ye Huaishu with resentment, and then said in a very vicious tone: "I never imagined that you would not get Wang Changhong, and you would actually be attracted to such a young and tasteless little man. I don't know what you used You have mesmerized him with such a charming method, but I know you are very mean."

"Wang Changhong is dead, so he will always be mine alone."

Perhaps it was because this kind of humiliation was unbearable, or perhaps it was the appearance of Ye Huaixiu that made Chen Wanrong feel that she had been ridiculed and insulted, and she really looked like a shrew now.


Ye Huaixiu said lightly.

"Congratulations, you only felt that Wang Changhong was your only one after Wang Changhong died."

Chen Wanrong was taken aback by Ye Huaixiu's words, but soon she said with a sneer: "When you said this, you felt very sour, after all, he died without touching you, don't you feel disappointed? "

"Actually, there is no direct hatred between you and me."

Ye Huaishu shook his head slowly and said: "Although I want to kill you, you also want to kill me. But thinking about it carefully, it seems that the so-called hatred between us is too hasty. I have never really hurt you. You, you have never really hurt me, but why, we always want to be with each other forever?"


Chen Wanrong repeated these three words in a murmur.

"You can't figure out why?"

Ye Huaixiu sighed slightly: "Then what else should I tell you?"

She turned around and walked into the big tent.

Chen Wanrong didn't expect Ye Huaixiu to be so indifferent, and her vicious words in her panic didn't seem to hurt Ye Huaixiu at all, which made her feel a sense of failure in a trance, which was very bad.At this time, even she herself felt that it was pointless to curse, attack, viciously abuse, and the sadness hidden in the deepest part of her heart could not be suppressed.She fell limply to the ground, and suddenly burst into tears.

Li Xian looked at Chen Wanrong crying heartbreakingly, and suddenly felt a little bored.It's not that he doesn't have sympathy, it's just that he doesn't have enough sympathy to give it to everyone.No matter how desolately Chen Wanrong cried, it didn't arouse even the slightest sympathy in his heart.

He beckoned and called two soldiers over and said: "Send this woman back to the Mohui, and tell the Mohui his kindness by the way, I appreciate it."

After speaking, he also turned and walked back.

When he reached the door of the big tent, he paused again, then turned back and said to the two soldiers: "If she has no strength to walk, you can carry her. Do you still remember when you were young and played the game of marrying a bride? The two of you Hold hands with each other and let her sit on your arms."

He gestured a few times to demonstrate how to lift the bride, and then said with a smile: "She will definitely like it very much."

Hearing these words, Chen Wanrong stood up abruptly, wiped the snot and tears from her face, turned around and walked outside the camp.Seeing her scratching her makeup while wiping her snot and tears, Li Xian shivered with disgust.

"It's ugly...so fucking ugly..."

He muttered to himself, then turned and entered the big tent.



Chen Wanrong didn't know how she walked back to the tribal camp, nor did she know how she walked back to the tribal camp.

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