Will Ming

Chapter 364 Do You Have the Courage to Chase?

Chapter 360 Do You Have the Courage to Chase?

Early the next morning, Mo Hui left He Da He's camp with dozens of soldiers, and he didn't say a word to Chen Wanrong all night, which filled Chen Wanrong with fear.Humiliated by Li Xian last night, when Mohui left in the morning, she suddenly understood one thing, a terrible thing.

Answer Lang Changhong is dead, if... If Mohui doesn't want her anymore, will she really become like a stray bitch, without a master to rely on?Once this kind of thought popped up, it spread irresistibly, and she felt that her body and heart became as cold as falling into an ice cave.She jumped up from the bed and rushed out of the big tent, but she didn't see the back of Mohui leaving.

She felt that she had lost too much, and if she didn't catch something, she would be alone.

In an instant, the fear that she felt when she escaped from Jiangnan more than 20 years ago surged out in a panic. It seemed that the burning Nanchen Palace and the Sui soldiers wielding horizontal knives appeared before her eyes.

"You are Qingqing's mother."

She was in a trance and restless, but in a panic, she remembered the words Mohui said before leaving last night, which made her eyes light up, as if she saw a life-saving straw.


She couldn't help shouting in a low voice in surprise: "I am Qingqing's mother, Ai Jin will not want me."

Chen Wanrong felt that all her strength had been drained, she leaned weakly against the door of the big tent and watched the direction where her husband was leaving.For some reason, she suddenly wanted to cook a meal for Mo Hui herself.

Mo Hui left the camp with dozens of guards, but he did not bring Mosta, although this is the person he trusts most now, and it is precisely because of this that he keeps Mosta in the tribe.There can no longer be any disturbances in the tribe, and the He Da He tribe is facing the biggest crisis in history.So he had to deal with it carefully. If he was lucky, maybe He Da He Bu could rise from the ruins and become the overlord who ruled the entire Khitan tribe.If you are unlucky, it may not be long before the tribe will be wiped out by the anger of other Khitan tribes.

He was going to Qingniu Lake, last night he had sent his own soldiers to contact the remaining leaders of other Khitan tribes and agreed to meet at Qingniu Lake.He didn't know if the news that the Turkic people had breached his own tribe had spread, and now he could only hope for the promise of Heidao Khan.

Li Xian told him that on the day of the attack on He Da He's tribe, all the grassland herdsmen within a radius of fifty miles had been slaughtered, so there was no need to worry about the news leaking out, but how could Mohui not be worried?The grassland is too big to block any news.Uneasy, this is all Mohui's mood at this time.

He rushed all the way to Qingniu Lake, and Mohui lived in the two-story wooden building he built for his daughter Ou Siqing by the lake.

Next, all he had to do was wait, waiting for the leaders of other tribes to arrive, or no one would arrive at all.



By the time Mohui left the tribal camp, the weather on the grassland had turned cold. In November, the grasslands of the Shiwei people in the deepest part of the grassland had already started to snow. The grassland has also become full of chills because of the arrival of the cold.

At the same time, the war outside Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Great Sui Dynasty, has come to an end.

At the beginning, Pu Shangong Li Mi, who led 20 green forest troops, fought smoothly and defeated the imperial reinforcements from several counties one after another.The troops of Wagangzhai in Dongjun also blocked his most tabooed opponent, the army of Zhang Xutuo, who was guarding Zhang Xutuo in Qijun, so that he could concentrate on attacking the Eastern Capital of the Sui Dynasty, but the city wall of Luoyang, the Eastern Capital, was indeed too strong and tall. Somehow, he personally commanded the army to besiege for several months, but still failed to break through the mighty city.

Therefore, Li Mi, who always seemed to be handsome, also became restless. He kept urging the village masters under him to step up the attack on the city, but after the fierce attack in the past few months, every green forest force suffered heavy losses.After the excitement and pride of besieging the Eastern Capital of the Great Sui Dynasty gradually cooled down, the green forest heroes who led the army began to feel distressed by the large number of downsizing in the team.They were all bewitched by Li Mi to find a bright future, and each of them got Li Mi's promise.

In today's army, there are many generals, generals, general managers, and even Li Mi has sealed several counties.But when there are fewer and fewer people under his command, these generals and chief executives have to become stingy.He also became more and more humble and courteous, and politely gave way to others when it was his turn to attack.

The defenders in the eastern capital of the Sui Dynasty persisted until October, and winter was about to begin, but they felt that spring had come, and even the cold weather became lovely.

For no other reason, the people who went north to Yanmen Pass to rescue them returned one after another, especially those powerful and well-equipped government soldiers who had rushed back without stopping, and then under the command of the generals of the guards, they attacked the green forest people outside the Eastern Capital. The attack was launched.The exhausted Green Forest Rebel Army couldn't hold back the ferocious offensive of the government soldiers, and those leaders who came with the purpose of proclaiming their titles as marquises and worshiping generals led their troops to retreat one after another after seeing no hope of their own prosperity.

In just half a month, Li Mi's men had been reduced by half.

After that, bad news came one after another.

Hebei Dou Jiande, who was going to lead an army to support him, was entangled by the Sui Zuoyuwei General Xue Shixiong who led the army south, and was unable to get away.The naval army led by General Lai Huer of the Great Sui Navy is less than two days away from Dongdu. If the navy arrives, the green forest heroes north of the Yellow River will undoubtedly be blocked from returning.

Therefore, more rebels escaped.

Li Mi had no choice but to order the army to withdraw.Qu Tutong, who stayed behind in the Eastern Capital, took the opportunity to lead his troops out, chasing and killing the rebels frantically for a while, killing more than [-] enemies, and countless escapees.Li Mi broke out of the siege with only a few hundred dead soldiers, so he had no choice but to go to the Wagang Village in Dongjun County.

Fortunately, after receiving the news, Zhai Rang envoy Shan Xiongxin led a [-]-step cavalry to pick up Li Mi, and rushed back to Wagangzhai overnight.It's just that, after the separation of Wagangzhai's men and horses, their strength became weaker. Zhang Xutuo, the general guard of Qi County, seized the opportunity and led his army to attack. .

Zhang Xutuo learned that the emperor was out of trouble, and thousands of cavalry led by Qin Qiong rushed back day and night. Coupled with the successive victories, he saw the hope of destroying Wagangzhai, so he decided not to return to Qi County for the time being. After Qin Qiong came back, he joined forces to attack, trying to wipe out Wagangzhai.

In less than half a year, the Sui Dynasty was full of turmoil.

Li Mi's 20 menacing rebel army disintegrated in an instant after the officers and soldiers came back one after another in October, and all walks of life in the imperial court frantically chased and killed the rebels from the green forest. The team was almost wiped out, and tens of 10 people died in this early winter season, and the remains of dead bodies can be seen everywhere.

This winter, many, many people are destined to die.



Five miles away from Wagangzhai is the camp of Qijun soldiers. They have fought with the troops of Wagangzhai for several months. It's not very big, but after being away from home for a few months, the soldiers are all thinking of returning, and the sentiment of war weariness has begun to spread in the barracks.

It's not that Zhang Xutuo didn't know that his team's morale was unstable. He decided to stay and wipe out Wagangzhai before withdrawing his troops. In fact, it was a last resort.Qu Tongtu, who stayed behind in Dongdu, kept sending people to urge him to go to Dongdu for rescue, but the people in Qi County were stuck in Wagang Village and couldn't escape.When he attacked, the people in Wagang Village retreated unstoppably. He wanted to take a detour to the Eastern Capital, but the people in Wagang Village bit him from behind.

When the siege of the Eastern Capital was lifted, Qu Tongtu became even more resentful towards Zhang Xutuo who had not come for so long.He sent someone to tell Zhang Xutuo that he could return to the army only after he wiped out the Wagang village.Otherwise, he will write a memorial and submit it to His Majesty the Emperor in Jiangdu, to rule out the disadvantage of the soldiers in Qi County and the county, and to shirk the crime of not moving forward.

This forced Zhang Xutuo to fight Wagangzhai to the death. If he retreated, not only would he himself be punished, but he would also implicate many Qijun children.He didn't want his subordinates who were loyal to Sui to be charged with treason, otherwise the dead soldiers wouldn't even get a pension!

Therefore, he would rather let the soldiers finish the battle, even if the losses were greater, but the soldiers could return home with glory.

Without Luo Shixin and Qin Qiong, his two right-hand assistants, Zhang Xutuo, who was over fifty, really felt powerless.Although he had won consecutive battles during these days, he was unable to turn his advantages into victories. He had no generals under his command. The soldiers at Wagangzhai withdrew.

So he especially hoped that Qin Qiong would come back sooner, so that the pressure on his shoulders could be relieved.

Fortunately, Zhai Rang was so confused that he even sent troops to meet Li Mi who was defeated and fled during the battle between the two armies. There were [-] elite soldiers in Wagang Village, and even less Shan Xiongxin, a fierce general who could go back and forth among the ten thousand armies. With Zhang Xutuo's leading ability, how could he not seize this golden opportunity?It's just that after the offensive for several days in a row, the Wagangzhai soldiers who retreated to the camp knew the truth that the city was broken and died, so they defended the city very fiercely. Obviously, the soldiers of Qijun had already attacked the city wall several times, but they were led by Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng. The people and horses forced them down abruptly.

It was late at night, but Zhang Xutuo's big tent was still brightly lit.

Standing in front of the sand table with a few generals, he was still thinking hard about how to defeat the enemy.

"There is no shortage of food in Wagang Village!"

General Geng San frowned and said: "But we are short of food, so we can only seek a quick solution. It won't take long, and our food and grass will be exhausted in ten days."

General Zhang Yuan nodded and said: "But the people in Wagang Village can't hold on,

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