Will Ming

Chapter 365 Li Mi Returns to Wagang

(Thanks to Fahao Xingkong for the reward, please.)

Chapter 360 Li Mi Returns to Wagang

It has to be said that even after the big defeat, Li Mi still maintained a very good demeanor.Shan Xiongxin personally led [-] elite cavalry to greet him, which really made Li Mi feel a little grateful.When he visited Wagang Village, he did leave some retreats, but he never thought that Zhai Rang could really say that he was sincere to him.Wagangzhai is still fighting fiercely with Zhang Xutuo, Zhai Rang can divide his troops to rescue him, even a hard-hearted person has to be moved.

After taking a comfortable bath and changing into dry clothes, Li Mi regained his suave appearance. It was already November and the weather was cold. He wore a crescent white Confucian shirt with a The mink velvet cloak, riding on a snow-white steed looks really chic.

He and Shan Xiongxin rode side by side, asking about the current situation of Wagang Village while walking.

"We fought fiercely with that elder thief for several months. Although we couldn't defeat him, we finally didn't miss the important matter of Migong, and we never let him go past Dongjun."

"Ashamed to say."

Li Mi shook his head slowly and sighed: "20 troops besieged Luoyang, the eastern capital, and ended up in such a situation. People's hearts are not in harmony, and it is difficult to achieve a major event. This time, the defeat is because the 20 people can't work together. The army took advantage of the loopholes and defeated them one by one. Today's defeat made me understand one thing. With huge profits, people can indeed attract people to vote, but without the love between brothers, they cannot win after all. In the world, like Brother Zhai and Shan Er There are very few people who value righteousness like brother."

Shan Xiongxin smiled and said: "Although Mi Gong failed to win this time, he has already raised my prestige in the Green Forest Road. Since the sixth year of Daye, all rebels from all walks of life have risen together. Who can be as magnificent as Mi Gong? Besieging the emperor Du, this is something that no one with great courage can do. This time, the failure is due to those mercenary villains, but the merit is due to Mi Gong. Although this time he failed to destroy the East Capital of the dog emperor, but let the dog emperor Know that the heroes of our green forest roads cannot be underestimated."

He said with emotion: "What's more, Mi Gong's small defeat this time is of great benefit to my Wagang Village."


Li Mi was puzzled and said, "How did Second Brother Shan say that?"

Shan Xiongxin smiled and said: "If there is no such thing, how can I, Wagang, invite Mi Gong?"

Li Mi was stunned, and then burst out laughing: "Second Brother Shan values ​​so much, how dare I not work for Wagang Village? Second Brother Shan, rest assured, this time I will return to Wagang and never leave again. Second brother Shan shared weal and woe. There is also brother Maogong who has never met, Wang Bodang, Cheng Zhijie, Xie Yingdeng, all of them are first-class heroes in the world."


Shan Xiongxin sighed and said, "Mr. Mi doesn't know something..."

He told about Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie's rebellion from Wagang Village, and Li Mi turned pale with anger: "Who in this world doesn't know that the most loyal and righteous people in the Green Forest Road are Big Brother Zhai and Second Brother Shan, so Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie How can you be so cold! In order to save him, Big Brother Zhai sent all the soldiers and horses of Wagang Village to the east in a fit of anger, what kind of loyalty is this, how could he do such a thing that is sorry for the brotherhood?"

"Know the face, but not the heart!"

Shan Xiongxin cursed bitterly: "That day when I broke through the siege alone in a bloody battle, Cheng Zhijie was captured by the troops of Yanyun Village. After returning to Wagang Village, I asked my elder brother to lead the soldiers to rescue him many times, but I didn't expect it. When Big Brother Zhai and I led the troops to attack Dongping County again, Cheng Zhijie actually surrendered. It would be annoyed to talk about it, so let’s not mention it.”

"If you don't mention it, don't mention it!"

Li Mi said: "Going to the black sheep is a good thing for our Wagang Village. Now there are good brothers who like each other in the village, and they are more comfortable and happy!"

"Mr. Mi is right!"

Shan Xiongxin praised: "It's still Duke Mi who is open-minded and benevolent."

"What's the situation in Wagang Village now?"

Li Mi changed the topic and asked.

Just as Shan Xiongxin was about to speak, he suddenly heard someone yelling in front of him, "Report urgently! Report urgently!"



A soldier who came from Wagangzhai to report the news said out of breath: "Second Master! I have come to look for you day and night under the order of the general of the Great Master. Please lead the army back quickly. The old thief Zhang Xutuo is in a hurry to attack. We When we arrived, Old Bandit Zhang's troops had already attacked the outer stronghold, and were driven back by Wang Dangjia's army, but Qi County's soldiers and horses are attacking vigorously, and our troops are insufficient..."

"you shut up!"

Shan Xiongxin looked at Li Mi's face, and then angrily reprimanded the soldier who sent the letter: "How dare you talk such nonsense to disturb the morale of the army! Tell me! Are you a spy sent by the old thief Zhang Xutuo! When I led the army to leave the village How dare you make up such a lie to deceive me!"

"The villain did come here on the orders of the master!"

"Come on!"

Shan Xiongxin said angrily: "Take this villain with ulterior motives to the side of the road and chop him up!"


A few of his personal soldiers got off their horses and were about to arrest someone, Li Mi hurriedly urged them to come forward and said, "Second brother Shan, keep someone under his sword!"

He glanced at the soldier who delivered the letter and said, "Second brother Shan, calm down."

Then he urged his horse to Shan Xiongxin's side and lowered his voice: "Second brother Shan, why should you hide it from me? I will stay in Wagangzhai for a long time in the future, and I am determined to share weal and woe with Brother Zhai and Second Brother Shan. Since there is trouble in the village Second Brother Shan should have told me the truth. When I first came back to Wagang, I was about to do something for the village. I said just now that only when brothers work together can great things be achieved. Why is Second Brother Shan so foreign? waiting for me?"


Shan Xiongxin blushed and said in a low voice: "Forgive me, Mi Gong, I'm just afraid that this person will disturb the morale of the army. Besides... When I left Wagang Village, I did win several battles in succession."

"Second brother Shan, divide your troops to rescue me. Zhang Xutuo is so old and cunning, how can you not seize this opportunity? After Second Brother Shan left, there were indeed a few small defeats in the stockade, and the soldiers galloped hundreds of miles to report the news He is also a loyal and brave person, Second Brother Shan still spares his life."

"Okay then, just follow Mi Gong!"

He turned his head to look at the soldier who reported the letter and said: "For the sake of Mi Gong's pleading for you, I will spare you this time. Remember, don't talk nonsense next time!"

"Thank you Second Master, thank you Mi Gong!"

The soldier bowed his head in thanks, and looked at Li Mi with deep gratitude in his eyes.Li Mi's trick of buying people's hearts is beautiful, but Shan Xiongxin didn't think of this meaning at all.Li Mi beckoned to call the soldier to him, then lowered his voice and asked, "Tell me the truth, how is the battle going?"

The soldier thanked Li Mi for interceding for him, and quickly explained the situation in Wagang Village during the past few days.When he learned that Zhai Rang had led his army back to the stockade and was forced by Zhang Xutuo not to go out of the city to fight, Shan Xiongxin's face suddenly became extremely ugly, but Li Mi still looked calm.After hearing the soldier general's detailed explanation, he nodded and said: "Go down and rest first, and I will discuss with the second leader about the strategy to defeat the enemy."

"Mr. Mi... It seems that we have to hurry up."

Shan Xiongxin said in a low voice.

Li Mi pondered for a while and waved his hands: "Wagangzhai is strong, and Zhang Xutuo's troops are not enough to attack from all sides, so you don't have to be too impatient, Shan Erge, and Zhang Xutuo's Qi County soldiers and horses have been out for several months. It’s bound to fail, if he wants to win, it’s nothing more than luring our Wagang Village soldiers and horses out of the city for a decisive battle, in my opinion, it’s better like this..."

He whispered his plan in Shan Xiongxin's ear, and Shan Xiongxin's eyes lit up immediately.

"Secret Duke's trick!"

Li Mi smiled and said: "Since Second Brother Shan thinks this plan is feasible, I will rush back to Wagang Village to meet Brother Zhai first, but Second Brother Shan does not need to rush back to the village. signal, and act according to our agreement!"

"Just listen to Mi Gong!"

Shan Xiongxin clasped his fists and said.



Zhang Xutuo sent Geng San to lead 2000 troops to attack the Nanzhai Gate of Wagang Village, but because of the lack of siege equipment, although the offensive was fierce, it did not pose a serious threat to Wagang Village.Although dozens of ladders were built overnight, they failed to attack the city wall. Seeing that they lost two or three hundred county soldiers and had no record, Geng San retreated with his troops.

After Geng San came down, Zhang Yuan went up with his troops to continue the attack.

Although the progress of the offensive is not very big, the continuous offensives of the soldiers of Qi County have caused headaches for the defenders of Wagang Village. The sugar-like attack made them very irritable, the troops could not withdraw, the soldiers became more and more tired, not many enemies were killed, and a lot of feather arrows were wasted.

He was just fighting, but Wang Bodang discovered something, he immediately became excited, and ordered his deputy village master to command the defense of the city, he turned around and went down the city wall to meet Zhai Rang, who was in the hall of Juyi Pacing back and forth is also very annoying.Seeing Uncle Wang coming, he immediately went up to meet him and asked, "Has Zhang Xutuo retreated?"


Wang Bodang answered two words out of breath.

"Then why don't you stand guard on the city wall!"

Zhai Rang said with some displeasure.

Wang Bodang pulled Zhai Rang's sleeve and said, "Brother, follow me to the city wall to have a look, I have something to tell you."

Zhai Rang was dragged by him, and when he asked him what happened, Wang Bodang didn't say anything, but said that he would understand when he got to the city wall. Zhai Rang had no choice but to follow him up the city wall.Wang Bodang pointed to the troops of Qi County who were attacking the city outside, and said in a slightly excited tone: "Look, brother, the soldiers and horses of Qi County are probably bored! But I don't know if they are really tired, or they are just suspicious."

Zhai Rang followed Wang Bodang's instructions and looked over, and he saw the Qi County soldiers and horses in the rear team sitting lazily on the ground, three groups of five

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