Will Ming

Chapter 366 Deadly Battle

ps: There are still 140 days left in the decisive battle in August. Now the average is [-]. As long as it reaches [-], the average is only less than [-]. Zhibai sincerely asks everyone, August, fire at me!

Chapter 360 Six Deadly Battle ([-])

Zhai Rang took Li Mi's hand and couldn't hide his excitement, but Li Mi said seriously: "Brother Zhai, is there any change in the officers and soldiers outside the village? Before I entered the village, I carefully looked at the movements of the officers and soldiers. It seems that Zhang Xu Do you want to withdraw?"

When Zhai Rang saw that Li Mi was so devoted to Wagang Village when he first came, he was also quite moved. He took Li Mi's hand and walked to the city wall, and used the battlements to block the feather arrows flying outside and said: "Just now Bodang said From now on, it seems that Zhang Xutuo can't support it any longer. He has not enough food and grass in his army. It is his trick to lure the enemy."

"Even if it's a trick to lure the enemy, why are you afraid of him, brother?"

Li Mi looked at the battlefield outside and said: "Look, the morale of the officers and soldiers of Qi County is low, and the combat power of the soldiers is not half as good as when it was at its peak. Even if he uses tricks to lure the enemy, brother, don't need to be too careful. He has no food in the army. And I don't want to return without success, after all, the only way to go is to lure our Wagang village people out of the village to fight him decisively."

Li Mi smiled and said: "However, Zhang Xutuo overestimated himself too much. He has only about [-] soldiers, and the soldiers are exhausted. If he tempts us to go out, he can really win in one battle? It's just a dream, big brother. And if you think about it carefully, Zhang Xutuo is weaker than our Wagang Village, why is he so arrogant? It’s not because he had some false reputation before, he wants to eat our Wagang Village in one bite, then we will choke kill him!"

"What's the master plan?"

Zhai Rang asked quickly.

Li Mi smiled and said: "We just need to follow the plan. Didn't he want to lure us out? Then let's go out. Zhang Xutuo must be very happy. If he is proud, he will show his flaws. Brother only needs to send a good general to lure him. I have already arranged for Second Brother Shan to wait thirty miles away. He only needs to lead us to fight, and he will immediately lead the army to copy Zhang Xutuo's back route. The troops who leave the city only need to hold on for an hour, and when the time comes, we will attack from both sides , Zhang Xutuo will definitely lose!"


Zhai Rang was still a little hesitant, he looked at Li Mi and asked.

"It's feasible or not, it's all in the mind of the elder brother!"

Li Mi said firmly.

When Uncle Wang saw that Li Mi was a newcomer, but his thoughts coincided with his own, he also admired him in his heart. Everyone said that Pu Shangong Li Mi was the number one romantic figure in the world, and his reputation was indeed not in vain.He has just arrived, and he doesn't know much about the battle situation, but he can already see it so thoroughly, which is indeed beyond comparison for ordinary people.But how did Wang Bodang know that even though Li Mi has just arrived, he has already found out the current situation in Wagang Village with the soldier who delivered the letter, plus he wants to gain a foothold in Wagang Village, so he is naturally eager to make some contributions , so it took some time to think about this battle.

Moreover, Li Mi was well aware of Zhang Xutuo's temperament, which was more than strong but not agile. It was rare to meet an opponent in a head-on confrontation, but when it came to tactics, he was not very good at it.The more eager the officials and army of Qi County are to fight decisively, the bigger the problem is.Based on Li Mi's understanding of the officialdom of the Sui Dynasty, how could he not guess the reason why Zhang Xutuo refused to retreat?

So although Li Mi just arrived here, he didn't come up with random ideas.

If he were to fight Zhang Xutuo head-on, he would naturally not be so relaxed and confident. Now the morale of the officers and soldiers of Qi County is low, the troops are insufficient, and the food and grass are not enough. As fierce as a tiger, but it's nothing more than a broken tiger without claws and fangs.Zhang Xutuo was anxious, and Li Mi took advantage of his anxiety, besides, Li Mi had another plan in mind.

He insisted on fighting, if he wins this battle, he will lay a firm foothold in Wagang Village in one fell swoop, if he loses, he will just walk away.Anyway, it was Wagangzhai's men and horses who lost, not Li Mi's.He has never felt sorry for the 20 troops outside the eastern capital, who were wiped out in ashes, so how could he feel sorry for the 3 people in Wagang Village.Although the people in Wagang Village are the most elite he has ever seen in the Green Forest Road, but at this time, he has not really made up his mind to stay here.

He's just gambling, and he doesn't need to place the bet, so he's naturally not afraid of anything. Speaking of his ability to escape, he is also the first-class romantic in this world.

"I think it works!"

Wang Bodang thought for a while and said: "Mr. Mi's words are very reasonable. Now Zhang Xutuo's strength is all pretended by him, or he has to act it out. Brother Shan has come back again. Our He has more than twice as many troops, what are you afraid of him doing?"


Zhai Rang gritted his teeth and said, "Then fight and finish the battle!"




A scout rode a horse and quickly returned to the Qijun official army camp, found Zhang Xutuo at the gate of the camp and reported loudly: "General! There are more than [-] thieves in Wagang Village. They rushed out from the east and west gates and rushed to our university. Come from the two wings of the battalion! Look at the banner, Zhai Rang is among the bandits who came out from the west gate."

"Good come!"

Zhang Xutuo was shocked when he heard the news. He laughed loudly and said: "What he was waiting for was that he couldn't bear it. Since Zhai Rang dared to kill him, then don't go back. Pass on my general order, Geng Sanhe Zhang Yuan led his troops to resist the thieves from the east gate, I brought my own troops to kill Zhai Rang, and told the two of them, as long as we persist for an hour, I will kill Zhai Rang and join them!"


The scout responded, quickly got up and left to look for Geng San and Zhang Yuan.At this time, the two of them had also seen the men and horses killed in the Wagang stronghold, and they were planning to divide their troops to meet them, when the scouts sent by Zhang Xutuo arrived.The two of them did not dare to delay after receiving Zhang Xutuo's order, and immediately gathered all their troops to stop the Wagangzhai rebels who came out from the east gate.


Geng San San shouted: "Victory or defeat is only determined by today's battle. Do you want to go back to your hometown alive, or die here and bury your bones in the wilderness?!"

"want to go home!"

"want to go home!"

"want to go home!"

More than four thousand county soldiers shouted in unison.


Geng San shouted loudly: "The bandits have left the city. If we want to return home alive, there is only one way to go. First, level the Wagang village, and head back to Qi County with our heads held high on the corpse of the bandit!"


Zhang Yuan shouted violently, and took the lead to kill him.

At the same time, Zhang Xutuo had assembled all the remaining troops in the camp. His armor, which had been stained with the blood of an unknown number of people, reflected a strange color in the cold wind. He held an iron gun His hands couldn't help trembling slightly, unable to hide the excitement in his heart.In front of him, there are more than 6000 Qijun soldiers who have completed the formation, and they are iron-blooded men who have experienced countless battles with him. Looking at these iron-clad men under his command, Zhang Xutuo's expression is solemn and cold.

"I just ask one question!"

Zhang Xutuo shouted loudly: "Can you kill all those rebels, and then go back to the elders of Qi County with pride!"


Knowing that today is the time for the decisive battle, the children of Qi County also became excited.Having seen the hope of returning home, who wouldn't want to win a battle and go home to reunite with their families soon?But to reunite, they know that they must first defeat the enemy and kill them all, because the way home can only be passed by laying the dead bodies of the enemy.

"All alive!"

I don't know why, Zhang Xutuo said these three words before the battle today.Instead of the slogan of the Tai Sui official army attacking, forward!

"All alive."

The soldiers repeated it in a murmur, and then they unanimously let out an earth-shattering roar: "Go back to your hometown!"

"Qijun Erlang!"

Zhang Xutuo jumped on his horse, pointed his iron spear forward and shouted: "Mie Wagang, go home!"

The six thousand children of Qi County raised their jaws high and drew out the horizontal knives at their waists, their cold eyes full of murderous intent.Although they didn't have any deep hatred with the oncoming Wagangzhai rebels, they had to do their best to kill each other.Under the north wind in early winter, the strong red battle flag of Da Sui fluttered again.The Sui character on the big flag was incomplete, and the flag fluttered in the wind.The sun, which was slightly to the west, didn't know if he felt the breath of the war, and quietly hid behind the clouds, unwilling to watch.

Under the white clouds in the sky, there was a touch of residual red.




Zhang Xutuo lifted the oncoming Wagangzhai cavalry into the air with a single shot, swung the heavy iron spear, and slammed it on the shoulder of the next enemy, with a click, half of the Wagangzhai soldiers The shoulder was smashed and collapsed, the arm was broken backward, and there were many white bones mixed with the broken meat.

The Wagang village soldier fell off his horse with a howl, and the robe behind him had stepped on his corpse to make up for it.This is a brave warrior with a heavy sword.He jumped on his horse and slashed at the top of Zhang Xutuo's head.Zhang Xutuo didn't dare to be careless when he saw that this man had a strong figure.Raising the iron gun with both hands, he knocked upwards, and with a bang, Mo Dao and the iron gun collided fiercely.The soldier in Nawagangzhai was obviously a man of brute force, and Zhang Xutuo's jaw was aching from the shock of this knife.

It's just that although this person has great strength, his movements are clumsy and slow.

Zhang Xutuo saw the opportunity, pushed the iron gun upwards and swung the Mo Dao out, he urged the horse forward, taking the opportunity of passing by the soldier wielding the Mo Dao, the iron gun swept across and smashed hard on the ground. There was a crisp click on the soldier's neck, and the soldier's huge head tilted to the side, and his neck was directly broken by the shot.

The body with the drooping head fell to the ground with a plop, and Zhang Xutuo stabbed him in the back of the heart again, and then Zhang Xutuo struggled to lift the heavy corpse

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